
Italian architect and designer.
Died on Friday November 18th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to it:

@_alphasix: RT @ceoYangHyunSuck: For now imma hide & drown in my temporarily safe BIGBANG happy bubble cos they're about to comeback. The other side of… - 8 years ago

@A_Dunkel: Upgraded my router today. ZOUNDS IT'S SO MUCH FASTER - 8 years ago

@IndieReinelle: RT @FlirtingIy: Neck kissing is like heaven, except it mainly makes you breathe really hard and want to commit a lot of sins right then. - 8 years ago

@jonbry97: @dreayaya_WGP wow. even when you look miserable you still manage to look hot. how do you do it? - 8 years ago


@_nataaaaa: RT @AydensMommy15: Fuck it I can't I ain't I won't change on him✊❤ - 8 years ago

@nahax4real: Obasanjo was right about corruption in National Assembly – Jibrin - 8 years ago

@carmencita576: RT @Squanch_Me: as far as im concerned this is the best day ever and it's only 2am: Fidel dead and I blocked @uptownreport #blessed - 8 years ago

@game_developers: - 8 years ago

@nicolaisdc: RT @3amfeels: i ruined myself for a lot of people who weren't even worth it. - 8 years ago

@MEMEESRT: RT @Steven_Hyden: Hey this is on tonight. It stars Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper, Ice Cube, and me. - 8 years ago

@BloodyRed32: RT @WeNeedTrump: While Cubans are celebrating Fidel Castro's death, @mitchellreports is crying about it. The establishment media is a joke. - 8 years ago

@davidisag2: @ParisJones30 not even kidding: I've had a professor site the same article that I did for a project, but it wasn't… - 8 years ago

@TweetQureet: RT @CloudTentacle: Top 20 Tips on Spreadsheet Forecasting at a Contact Center - Tentacle Telemarketing Software to Boo... | @scoopit https:… - 8 years ago

@giveawayskoot: Anyone else having trouble getting Twitch site to load or is it just me? #twitch - 8 years ago

@ShyAngelicBoy: @VindictiveEthan he giggled at this. "Americans are still strange to me. But i like it here." - 8 years ago

@beckyramirez01: the distance and the time between us it'll never change my mind - 8 years ago

@BurhanRejab: RT @TheWeirdWorld: Childhood is just the ‘free trial’ edition of life. When it ends, you have to pay for the full version or else you’ll lo… - 8 years ago

@Daisy_Duece: RT @TamaraJanelle: I will not be caught dead in nobody's Walmart, Target, or etc. on a Black Friday! Y'all can have it! I just want peace,… - 8 years ago

@ncubeobert4a: Take it easy on a weekend. Love your enemies like you love yourself. Happy Sabbath my family and friends. God bless you - 8 years ago

@hank_ryn03: RT @Dallin_dd: When it's the day after thanksgiving. 🎄🎁🌟 - 8 years ago

@seulgoom: RT @seonmah: @WORLDERPE and he always reply it with "gapapa ko" "iya gapapa" "gapapa" hhh- - 8 years ago

@hafjaiiiiiii: RT @lupinzSh: Event แจกฟรี 💛🍭 it's skin Power 10 Formula กติกาง๊ายง่าย ง่ายโพดง่ายโพ 😆 แค่ RT+FOLLOW 💘 ประกาศเดือนธันวาค่า ✨⛄️ - 8 years ago

@ainsley_nichols: RT @bellalecki: Whatcha' Say by Jason Derulo but every time it says "mmm whatcha say" it gets faster - 8 years ago

@SoaRDanielle: @MindOfZelus it's all good my manses it's only jokes. #NexaUp - 8 years ago

@zouyan2: Another hour! It's November 26, 2016 at 03:00PM#MRpoints #StayDC nice food,.......... - 8 years ago

@tyler_lambey: RT @WorIdStarComedy: When life is going great but u know it's not gonna last - 8 years ago

@itmanagement_de: ANGA-Verband wählt zwei neue Vorstände - 8 years ago

@Karenoweneve: What It Means If You Have These Small Dimples On Your Lower Back - 8 years ago

@ZzzBuff: I didn't get over, but I got used to it. - 8 years ago

@TheDinoPrincess: I was going to kill a cricket in my room but it only has one leg so I let it be :( - 8 years ago

@angieorque: RT @MAINEnatics_MK: Let's have a poll. We want to hear it from you guys! What combination do you want po? 😊 Katuwaan lang. 😍 @mainedcm 💕 #… - 8 years ago

@AnnR5l: RT @LMOfficialCL: @lauramarano Laura! We are TT in Argentina and Chile! This TT was make it by @L4UR4SP4NTIES ! - 8 years ago

@Amir2Real: @MarcusDMurphy A center never has and never will be responsible for assists. It's a good skill to have but it's never necessary. AD >>> - 8 years ago

@RichCanada: It happens every year. - 8 years ago

@lxndr_scll: RT @chooses: don't care if it's 1am, 2am 3am, or 4am. .If you call, I care about you... And I will answer. - 8 years ago

@nileshtrivedi: @saurabhchandra I see it as pointless. What prevents state elections from going out of sync with each other? - 8 years ago

@NelIllse: When it rains, look for rainbows.....when it's dark look for stars...... - 8 years ago

@xelimayx: @nlarizpe_ I know it's been a min 😂 - 8 years ago

@perfectdnce: @xtessafca @DoveCameron @YouTube it looks so good holyfuck - 8 years ago

@HeeLovesMee: RT @RashaneO_: It's ya boy GHerbo man and we Cap'n live from 79th&Essex all the way to Disney Channel, on4nem - 8 years ago

@Info24US: RT @TheTruth24US: Otto Weakens to Tropical Storm as It Moves Across Nicaragua #D25 - 8 years ago

@ravsirius: Presentación prototipo app #EmotionsVR el próximo 26 de noviembre | @scoopit - 8 years ago

@KNTPYON_81: RT @nogizaka46: 【ニュース更新】 2017年1月8日(日)、9日(月・祝) 乃木坂46がUNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN®でスペシャルライブの開催決定!スペシャルライブは必見です!! - 8 years ago

@sayuiera: i know i've said it a couple hundred times before but i'm sorry; im so fucking sorry for all the wrong i've done to any of y'all - 8 years ago

@Veronicalolli1: RT @AmorosoOF: 📢29 aprile 2017. Alessandra live @ Arena di Verona 📢 Per gli iscritti al Fanclub i biglietti sono già disponibili ➡ - 8 years ago

@ndectot: RT @DomusWeb: Designed by #Orizzontale is a wooden permanent installation that can be adapted to the needs of the local community - 8 years ago

@fatymatuzzahra: RT @simuIated: I think it's cute when someone texts you after hanging out just to say they had fun with you, idk little things like that ar… - 8 years ago

@johnjoechad: RT @_TurkeyNews: Tunisian president confirms presence of US drones on Libyan border - 8 years ago

@vnsiva: RT @pk__sa__n: Inequality is not based on caste and religion. It is between wealth of tax payers and wealth of non tax payers #demonetizati… - 8 years ago

@ErkekceRT: Kıbrıs direnişinin simge ismi Nihat İlhan hayatını kaybetti - 8 years ago

@BUABAE: RT @netizenbuzz: Leeteuk gives inspiring lecture on overcoming hardships with hope - 8 years ago

@NaxAlbo: I guess it was curiosity coupled with stress That called for the pills - 8 years ago

@Andaluciatv: AD Fiesta | Tostón popular en Alcaucín - 8 years ago


@JunLynna: RT @MrsDooB2uty: (It'd be better if Trouble Maker can make a comeback too.......) - 8 years ago

@peggyarnol: NFL scores and more, Week 15: What happened on Sunday #NFL... - 8 years ago

@RobinKLowe: RT @JoyAnnReid: Retweeting this again because of the point it makes about censorship of non-normalizing content and because it's just that… - 8 years ago

@HOTTIECL: Mercedes Bersikap Netral Terhadap Hamilton dan Rosberg - 8 years ago

@kenkenzobanks: RT @Fionasstalker: Question Time! Xmas Trees - Real or Fake? When's it OK to put them up? Best places to go in Fife? #OFTW @BBCRadioScot @k… - 8 years ago

@WestonDV: Presidential Campaign Inspires Darien Caricature Artist - 8 years ago

@thebroadsheets: RT @chasestrangio: We need 80,000 signatures in 2.5 weeks. Chelsea's life depends on it. She has done so much for us, do this for her https… - 8 years ago

@mvvlik: RT @cjbydesign: me when it's almost time to eat, but your grandma and aunts still cooking. - 8 years ago

@SimbaThePlug: RT @insaneanxiety: i like a fast reply, it makes me feel like you wanna talk to me - 8 years ago

@MartimSotto: @bazadaqui_23 @dunk_it_ ninguém nota diferença e eras o que querias dizer - 8 years ago

@odonoghuecolin: RT @softcoIin: bc it's thanksgiving n i'm feeing nice rt for 100+ free follows mbf me though 🌹 - 8 years ago

@bigjfromtexas: RT @yourmomshouse02: @claudianahieli it all started w joel fucking around, then I accidentally sent mine to a bunch of ppl so everybody hit - 8 years ago

@beccmartin_: Teaching 4 Chinese girls to sing Sospan Fach & have them sing it multiple times back to me has made my weeeeeeek😄👌🏼🌼 - 8 years ago

@ryanramirezzz: @autumnlawx3 pics or it didn't happen - 8 years ago

@Tfun5: RT @fadeyiolayinka: It's another #MusicPlusKaraoke tonight @ The Code Lounge, Abuja. Come over & fuse with @youngskales for an undiluted #K… - 8 years ago

@Clipsmoke: #thanksgiving #cookin belindadouris killin it - 8 years ago

@MoonlightFluff: Learn from the moon, even though it's alone, it is still shining bright. #BunnyBot - 8 years ago

@DREWMedina: RT @Bowen12: Remember those that truly make this day what it is, a day of gratefulness to those who've helped make us who we are. Happy Day… - 8 years ago

@TheOmkarSethi: RT @Salilacharya: #bigalert alll #SRK fans it aint a cameo soooo u can lap it up @iamsrk #DearZindagi and luv those shirts man - 8 years ago

@_AceTG: RT @BleacherReport: When you hear “it’s time to eat” 🦃 - 8 years ago

@imherpoet: RT @viewsfromjae: If I'm busy and I wanna see you, I'm pulling up and you can ride with me to handle what I gotta handle. It's ways around… - 8 years ago

@hugginglouisa: @helloitsbobs no it's barbara - 8 years ago

@Autry_Boy_5: It's all becoming clear - 8 years ago

@Panopticon6: Globalisation doesn't take people out of poverty. It's created mass destruction of Mexican & Indian farmers. Explotative work too #c4news - 8 years ago

@johannapedroza_: RT @UmanzorJenny: I'm thankful for everything that's happened to me because it was either a blessing or a lesson. - 8 years ago

@s4b2: Virgo is an obliging person as long as it is clear to them that you will not just take advantage of them - 8 years ago

@Beritadunia1412: Kemungkinan Ada Faktor Kesengajaan dalam Insiden Kebakaran di Israel - 8 years ago

@LoZahar: Jucá, o malandro agulha de Michel Temer - 8 years ago

@SaskNOW: 911 Text Service Introduced - 8 years ago

@Chiara_1D_LM: RT @LittleMix: #TBT to the #GetWeirdTour✨ relive the magic all over again with the full DVD on the deluxe #GloryDays album🎤 - 8 years ago

@lncRNA_papers: Silencing of the long non-coding RNA NEAT1 suppresses glioma stem-like properties through modulation of the…… - 8 years ago

@SportsHub0824: 【悲報】レアルのエース、ベイルが右足首手術で最低2か月の離脱へ・・クラシコも欠場 - 8 years ago

@KristenLauren3: You are stepping into an exciting new world, and it could feel... More for Pisces - 8 years ago

@SandyWa03253941: It's definitely them. No doubt. The eyes the ears the nose. Perfect match. No coincidence. The only question is if… - 8 years ago

@PulseGhana: Pulse Outfit Ideas: 8 celebrity inspired ways to wear your white dress - 8 years ago

@Agrant134: RT @MarcusLinville: It's just a regular Thursday to me with extra football on TV lol #HereWeGo #Steelers #HowsBusiness #JuiceIsLoose - 8 years ago

@racingauctions: WATCH: A Max-Martin masterclass - 8 years ago

@__nonthirsttrap: literally how it should be - 8 years ago

@cwelter2000: @sjblahblahblog is giving away a $250 Gift Card Giveaway don't miss the #giveaway! #JBBB - 8 years ago

@poutybbyfathead: RT @thai_brows: ytpipo wanna be oppressed sooooo bad y'all wanna benefit from systemic racism AND be a victim of it at the same time? nah - 8 years ago

@hayesgirlie: RT @HayesGrier: Happy thanksgiving guys. I'm so thankful for everything you guys have done for me. And it's only the beginning. Love u all. - 8 years ago

@fukdatbesh: RT @loitersquadvid: I'm crying. He threw that greens, beans, potatoes, tomatoes on this and it sounds fire 😭 - 8 years ago

@CIassicalMusic: French music publisher is sold off - 8 years ago

@RTn_caceres: #Cáceres El fiscal pide 10 años de cárcel para Samuel Eto'o - 8 years ago

@samiflannery: RT @HornyFacts: I'm the girlfriend that picks up on my boyfriend's slang and facial expressions and before you know it, I'm like a little h… - 8 years ago

@worldnews134: Highest basketball shot world record from top of dam - 8 years ago

@b_lud12: RT @thebxy: it took her 27 seconds to explain a concept most people can’t seem to grasp .. TWENTY-SEVEN SECONDS - 8 years ago

@sooperdankdlee: Today's a perfect time to reflect on what's actually important in life. Stay positive and blessed, just remember you've made it this far 😇 - 8 years ago

@lala251: RT @JustAjai: You just gotta pray about it. - 8 years ago

@chloecline12: RT @haleyrich107: @chloecline12 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE! So blessed to be so close with you after such a short time, love you to death my dear… - 8 years ago

@elium2: RT @LibyaLiberty: We've been saying for years that when it comes to terrorism, there's a glaring double standard. I hope you're starting to… - 8 years ago

@KyzaArts: RT @notIvy: hey you turkey lurkey slut 😳🦃 it's SPANKSGIVING 😜👅 so grab the thiccest turkey 🤔👀 and stuff it with your fat 😋🌽on the cob - 8 years ago

@SEDLYT: Your girl can walk in a room and it will take her a minute to spot that bitch that wants you. - 8 years ago

@ifhraim180: @saladinMY I just call it how I see it bro. But, you look more dignified 😉 @ckliio9 @karmenlunarxisc - 8 years ago

@DannyB_Official: @PaulHarrisonUTD @Jack_Trowsdale no it's Friday!! - 8 years ago

@lemonheadbiebs: RT @rauhl_biebs: "Don't you guys hate when your wifi in your escalade..." Justin, we don't have an escalade, let alone wifi in it. 😂 https:… - 8 years ago

@gfahnue: liputan6dotcom: Lorenzo Pamer Mainan Baru Seharga Rp 28 Miliar - 8 years ago

@AnisMuslim97: RT @BilaBenci: Semakin meningkat umur, semakin banyak hang hilang kawan. Sebab hang mula faham, it’s all about the quality, not quantity gu… - 8 years ago

@jakeholla: @leocookman lol it's an annual tradition with a ton of big character balloons and pop music artists and marching bands and Santa at the end - 8 years ago

@MarticeSmithArt: RT @scottbelsky: don't ever take an opportunity, however good it may be, that could compromise your creativity. creativity is as real as it - 8 years ago

@nurema24: RT @itsnicemoon: When you delete the unnecessary people from your life, good things will start happening for you and it won’t be a coincide… - 8 years ago

@lxurenxllxn: RT @Beno_ldn: If you "heard" something, I don't even wanna know because it probably came out of some little snake who doesn't like me 🐍 - 8 years ago

@adripena67: so sad it's our first holiday apart @dezzywezzy3 @xo_Tiffanyyyy 😭love ya'll!❤️ - 8 years ago

@Dermot_Walsh: RT @LFC: Steven Gerrard's top 1⃣0⃣ @premierleague goals? Some of the toughest decision-making imaginable! We've given it our best shot...… - 8 years ago

@NeelamG04002414: RT @warroomlive: We heard that politicians and political parties are tired of #PK. It's time you tried working with team @warroomlive - 8 years ago

@tanmanusmc: @KevinVananda yes we do need a little fun!! It was great for sure! - 8 years ago

@TonnyHranol: @forfucksakenaru it's fucking cold, even miu is being gay and slept all cuddled to me u v u - 8 years ago

@LebanonNews360: أردوغان: لا قيمة للتصويت الأوروبي بشأن محادثاتنا - 8 years ago

@JSJkrysx: In Toy Ads and on the Catwalk, Models With Down Syndrome - 8 years ago

@Charlotte__Chan: @Xyphorium Yeah, It would be hard to play in that case, Unless you use money to buy hourglasses to play missed chats - 8 years ago

@jnb583: It doesn't seem right if your best ideas are shot down today b... More for Pisces - 8 years ago

@wildfire1946: He would use it to make himself look good he hates Trump don't let him get his foot in the door - 8 years ago

@JaneNurhanna: 1st on call after one month of break n after dis it will be never ending 24hrs. Bertabah - 8 years ago

@ProfKumar: RT @CNBCTV18Live: Nirmalya Kumar,Former GEC Member,Tata Sons:Saw Many Meetings B/w Ratan Tata & Mistry,Assumed It Was To Keep Tata Informed… - 8 years ago

@SprUnld: ‘Ghost Roundabout’ Attracts Ridicule On Social Media - 8 years ago

@GlomezfromtheGO: RT @ajabaeja: FUCK IT THE FUCK UP CONNOR - 8 years ago

@artdesignshows: Art Collecting, Updated - Huffington Post - 8 years ago

@StarWarsnew: Peter Sumner, Australia's link to the original Star Wars, dies at 74 - The Sydney Morning Herald - 8 years ago

@news24srilanka: ඇවන්ගාඩ් නඩුව දින දෙකකින් කල් යයි - 8 years ago

@elevenfive82: Dr Pepper Snapple - Rationale Behind Bai Brands Deal Makes Sense - Seeking Alpha - 8 years ago

@MusicaHoyTop: #Album #TopMusicGermany #10: EMI Years: EMI Years Jason & The Scorchers | Format:… - 8 years ago

@JessiGr89: Waiting for tonight!!! Really excited about it!!!!! @justinbieber #justinbiebermadrid 😍😍😍😍😎 - 8 years ago

@IanmarkKimani: RT @briansimiyuj: I just love it #VivianCharmsChameleone @viviankenya - 8 years ago

@jamesgreid: In Toy Ads and on the Catwalk, Models With Down Syndrome - 8 years ago

@Splendidza: @TAKEALOT Hi, your TAKEALOT Order #8887244 is scheduled for delivery before 5:00 PM on Thu 24 Nov via mrD Courier so which is it? - 8 years ago

@Motorcyclefans: Motorcycle enthusiast? Listen up to stay safe - San Francisco Examiner - 8 years ago

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