Zoltán Kocsis

Hungarian pianist
Died on Sunday November 6th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Zoltán Kocsis:

@ClassiqueLive: #Beethoven : Sonate pour piano n°5:Finale - Zoltan Kocsis, piano .#classicalmusic - 8 years ago

@BasileCzarnecki: Nouveau favori : Bartók: The Piano Concertos de Zoltan Kocsis - 8 years ago

@pecsistop: "A kormánynak számot kell vetnie, hogy mit tehetünk Kocsis Zoltán örökségének ápolásáért" - 8 years ago

@JuanitoPianist: Escucha a Debussy. Reflets dans l'eau por Zoltán Kocsis en Napster: - 8 years ago


@miyazato1114: RT @sarasarasuzuki: バルトークピアノ協奏曲3番/コチシュ 1985年/ハンス・ドレヴァンツ指揮/N響 Zoltan Kocsis plays Bartok Piano Concerto no. 3 - live 1985 - 8 years ago

@rlzpcy: BBCR3MusicBot: Now Playing Claude Debussy, Zoltán Kocsis - Suite Bergamasque: Clair de lune #claudedebussy, #zoltá… - 8 years ago

@BBCR3MusicBot: Now Playing Claude Debussy, Zoltán Kocsis - Suite Bergamasque: Clair de lune #claudedebussy, #zoltánkocsis - 8 years ago

@kotobuki_ru_bot: いぃ具合なAdorian、ダけとろくおんが・・・。第5第6曲はダメ。タッチはさっきの子供が大吉 Listening to “6 Roumanian Folk Dances, Sz. 56: 1. Stick Dance” by Zoltán Kocsis - 8 years ago

@Okashaanees1: RT @kdastgirkhan: RIP Zoltán Kocsis Classical pianist, teacher - 8 years ago

@FixmeBot: "Zoltán Kocsis": 321 views per day, quality rating 24/100. - 8 years ago

@axis_LDN: RT @sarasarasuzuki: 今年のコチシュの誕生日コンサートで演奏されたもの。 Barnabas Kelemen & Zoltan Kocsis - Kreisler Praeludium and Allegro - liv... - 8 years ago

@nunaga: ゾルタン・コチシュ哀悼 Zoltán Kocsis Plays Rachmaninov - 8 years ago

@okumuraricanote: RT @sarasarasuzuki: 今年のコチシュの誕生日コンサートで演奏されたもの。 Barnabas Kelemen & Zoltan Kocsis - Kreisler Praeludium and Allegro - liv... - 8 years ago

@sarasarasuzuki: 今年のコチシュの誕生日コンサートで演奏されたもの。 Barnabas Kelemen & Zoltan Kocsis - Kreisler Praeludium and Allegro - liv... - 8 years ago

@ruizvivanco: RT @radioclasica: El director y pianista húngaro #ZoltánKocsis nos ha dejado a los 64 años..Una de esas noticias, que no nos gusta dar http… - 8 years ago

@AdamMAmos: Pianist And Conductor Zoltán Kocsis Dead At 64: He began… - 8 years ago

@aizawa_official: Mozart, Concierto para piano Nº 23, K488. Zoltán Kocsis, piano - 8 years ago

@aizawa_official: Zoltan Kocsis - Bartok Piano Concerto No. 2 - 1st Movement - 8 years ago

@ToniPascualacad: Zoltan Kocsis plays Bartok Piano Concerto no. 3 - live 1985 - 8 years ago

@ToniPascualacad: In memory of Zoltan Kocsis -- RIP - YouTube - 8 years ago

@ToniPascualacad: Zoltán Kocsis Plays Rachmaninov - 8 years ago

@ERga41: RT @sarasarasuzuki: バルトークピアノ協奏曲3番/コチシュ 1985年/ハンス・ドレヴァンツ指揮/N響 Zoltan Kocsis plays Bartok Piano Concerto no. 3 - live 1985 - 8 years ago

@ToniPascualacad: Zoltan Kocsis plays Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto no. 2 - live 1984 - 8 years ago

@ToniPascualacad: Zoltan Kocsis plays Mozart Piano Concerto no. 17, K. 453 - live 2016 - 8 years ago

@ToniPascualacad: Zoltan Kocsis plays Liszt Piano Concerto no. 1 - live 1992 - 8 years ago

@okumurarica: “There is no one in the whole world who knows as much about Bartók as [Zoltán Kocsis] did, and there...” - 8 years ago

@okumurarica: RT @sarasarasuzuki: オランダ公共放送のコチシュ追悼放送番組 - 8 years ago

@marxindo: RT @sarasarasuzuki: バルトークピアノ協奏曲3番/コチシュ 1985年/ハンス・ドレヴァンツ指揮/N響 Zoltan Kocsis plays Bartok Piano Concerto no. 3 - live 1985 - 8 years ago

@tallerdeloido: RT @RadNalCo: Desde @SenalClasica nos llega la historia sobre este virtuoso pianista. Conozca sobre él y no olvide compartirla: - 8 years ago

@axis_LDN: RT @ChanetJF: Si regretté Zoltán Kocsis, toujours fidèle à #Bartók. Souvenir de Sion le 13/08/2009 avec Barnabás Kelemen. Echo: - 8 years ago

@jsb_wtc510: RT @sarasarasuzuki: オランダ公共放送のコチシュ追悼放送番組 - 8 years ago

@lewisachenbach: RT @kennethwoods: Hungarian pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis dies at age 64 - 8 years ago

@zirigozacom: Fallece Zoltan Kocsis - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @wigmore_hall: Zoltán Kocsis, pianist and 'giant of music', dies aged 64 | Music | The Guardian RIP - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @GramophoneMag: Zoltán Kocsis sadly passed away yesterday in Budapest, the city of his birth, aged 64. - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @nprclassical: Sad to hear of the death of Hungarian pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis, ardent champion of his country's music. https:… - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @Thomas_ades: Zoltán Kocsis was unique, a gigantic talent. I've never met anyone who knows their stuff as well as he knew his. #Kocsis - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @francemusique: #Replay : concert hommage - Zoltan Kocsis joue Bartok avec l'Orchestre de Monte Carlo dirigé par Marek Janowski : https:… - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @mvoinchet: Hommage demain à Zoltan Kocsis @francemusique : le 7/9 @saskiadeville, En Pistes à 9.00, 16.00 @lodeonfrederic , 22.00 @Lion… - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @igorpianist: one of the first pieces I ever performed was Zoltan Kocsis's transcription of the Rachmaninoff's Vocalise.Never stopped lo… - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @francemusique: L'immense pianiste et chef d'orchestre hongrois Zoltan Kocsis s'est éteint dimanche à 64 ans. Hommage toute la journée s… - 8 years ago

@CoryAnnMary: RT @BBCRadio3: A great loss, Hungarian pianist & conductor Zoltán Kocsis has died aged 64. We'll be marking his passing with his wonderful… - 8 years ago

@jojokattie: In memory of Zoltan Kocsis -- RIP - 8 years ago

@Okashaanees2: RT @kdastgirkhan: RIP Zoltán Kocsis Classical pianist, teacher - 8 years ago

@guardianobits: Zoltán Kocsis obituary. Classical pianist who made a great contribution to the culture of his native Hungary. - 8 years ago

@getinthegame22: Pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis dies - 8 years ago

@lruo: Hungarian pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis dies at age 64 - 8 years ago

@lruo: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@lruo: Zoltán Kocsis, pianist and 'giant of music', dies aged 64 - 8 years ago

@lruo: Obituary - Zoltán Kocsis - Presto Classical : - 8 years ago

@LeonorZozaya: RT @wigmore_hall: Zoltán Kocsis, pianist and 'giant of music', dies aged 64 | Music | The Guardian RIP - 8 years ago

@chauduyphanvu: Zoltan Kocsis. Forever in my heart. Piercing readings of Chopin's waltze. - 8 years ago

@MARIASABOYA: Mozart, Concierto para piano Nº 23, K488. Zoltán Kocsis, piano - 8 years ago

@MartaBarkoczi: In Memoriam - Zoltan Kocsis plays Bartók: Allegro Barbaro 😰 - 8 years ago

@okumurarica_bot: RT @marxindo: Zoltan Kocsis plays Bach Art of Fugue, Contrapunctus 2 - video 1973 - 8 years ago

@CIassicalMusic: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@ChanetJF: Si regretté Zoltán Kocsis, toujours fidèle à #Bartók. Souvenir de Sion le 13/08/2009 avec Barnabás Kelemen. Echo:… - 8 years ago

@RuyFaco: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 8 years ago

@descostume: Zoltán Kocsis († 2016.XI.6) «Perpetuum Mobile (Objet Trouvé)» G. Kurtág - 8 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @Musager: Je réécoute quelques transcriptions de feu Zoltan Kocsis, l'un des meilleurs hérauts wagnériens - 8 years ago

@Manganpaper: RT @GdnClassical: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@Musager: Je réécoute quelques transcriptions de feu Zoltan Kocsis, l'un des meilleurs hérauts wagnériens - 8 years ago

@mixcom: Zoltan Kocsis, Pianist and Conductor, Dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@NoNameRetweeter: ameeldc : De muziekwereld verliest pianist, dirigent, muziekpedagoog Zoltán Kocsis - 8 years ago

@ameeldc: De muziekwereld verliest pianist, dirigent, muziekpedagoog Zoltán Kocsis - 8 years ago

@bouteldom: RT @francemusique: L'immense pianiste et chef d'orchestre hongrois Zoltan Kocsis s'est éteint dimanche à 64 ans. Hommage toute la journée s… - 8 years ago

@10041942: Bartok - Three Etudes op. 18 (Zoltan Kocsis) - 8 years ago

@ArielLanyi: Zoltán Kocsis (1952-2016) "A rare ear for the phrase as a whole" - 8 years ago

@saci566: RT @csola48: Kocsis Zoltán utolsó üzenetei: „A pofátlanság valóban kitapintható” - 8 years ago

@csola48: Kocsis Zoltán utolsó üzenetei: „A pofátlanság valóban kitapintható” - 8 years ago

@Moz_Darioritum: "Hommage à Zoltan Kocsis" - 8 years ago

@GuldenComm: RT @AmerikaiMagyar: Zoltan Kocsis, famed pianist, conductor and musical director of Hungarian Nat'l Philharmonic Orchestra, dies at 64: ht… - 8 years ago

@Hungareo: RT @radioclasica: El director y pianista húngaro #ZoltánKocsis nos ha dejado a los 64 años..Una de esas noticias, que no nos gusta dar http… - 8 years ago

@Christiaan_NB: Zoltán Kocsis died? Jeez. Missed it :( - 8 years ago

@Embalajedigital: Ha muerto Zoltán Kocsis - 8 years ago

@MiguelShostak: RT @GdnClassical: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@pablolrguez: RT @GdnClassical: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@wrong_note_: Zoltan Kocsis plays Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt - live 1977 - 8 years ago

@wrong_note_: Zoltan Kocsis plays Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto no. 2 - live 1984 - 8 years ago

@omykappa: Zoltan Kocsis, Pianist and Conductor, Dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@JonMorterMusic: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@axis_LDN: RT @GdnClassical: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@ella98_exxd: RT @nprclassical: Sad to hear of the death of Hungarian pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis, ardent champion of his country's music. https:… - 8 years ago

@HBagration: RT @nprclassical: Sad to hear of the death of Hungarian pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis, ardent champion of his country's music. https:… - 8 years ago

@voncarmelo: Zoltán Kocsis' Recital at La Roque d'Anthéron (Part 3/7; Bartók) - 8 years ago

@MaIsabelQ1: RT @SenalClasica: Adiós a Zoltán Kócsis. Léanos por en @RadNalCo: - 8 years ago

@furushchev: RT @guardianmusic: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@szinhazblog: Esterházy Péter és Kocsis Zoltán is Posztumusz Hazám-díjat kap - 8 years ago

@goldbergjsbach: RT @GdnClassical: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@boraybicer: Değerli piyanist Zoltán Kocsis ölmüş. Yorumlarını severek dinlerdim. Uzun süren bir hastalığa yenilmiş. Genç sayılırdı. Toprağı bol olsun. - 8 years ago

@OlgaSzymkiewicz: Mort du pianiste et chef d’orchestre Zoltan Kocsis - 8 years ago

@SullyGram: Obituary: "Zoltán Kocsis obituary" - 8 years ago

@OrchestraPlayer: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@SpacedadUNI: [TheGuardian] Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@W_I_int: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@soundslide: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@JonMorterMusic: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@MusicLoverWrld: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@sarasarasuzuki: Farewell to Zoltan Kocsis by Ivan Fischer - 8 years ago

@BjBjrge: RT @guardianworld: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@misformusicnews: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@tweetpoliticsEU: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@cgnetwork: Zoltán Kocsis obituary: Classical pianist, conductor, teacher, composer, record producer… - 8 years ago

@GangesNguyendon: RT @guardianworld: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@sarasarasuzuki: RT @GdnClassical: Zoltán Kocsis obituary - 8 years ago

@_JimAustin: I just glimpsed this in a newspaper over someone's shoulder. Zoltan Kocsis is dead, at just 64. He was the finest Bartok pianist I know. - 8 years ago

@Eselsdistel: Por cierto, otra necrológica musical del 2016 que se me había pasado: el gran maestro húngaro dl piano Zoltan Kocsis - 8 years ago

@sunilanandts: Zoltán Kocsis, pianist and 'giant of music', dies aged 64 - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Zoltan Kocsis, a pianist and conductor known for incandescent renditions of Bartok, died at 64. By @dslotnik - 8 years ago

@Hirekma: Esterházy Péter és Kocsis Zoltán Hazám-díjat kap - 8 years ago

@aubinjoska: Esterházy Péter és Kocsis Zoltán is Posztumusz Hazám-díjat kap - 8 years ago

@FXS_Finance_HU: Esterházy Péter és Kocsis Zoltán is Posztumusz Hazám-díjat kap - 8 years ago

@SabineMartiny: RT @igorpianist: one of the first pieces I ever performed was Zoltan Kocsis's transcription of the Rachmaninoff's Vocalise.Never stopped lo… - 8 years ago

@scottrlevine: Zoltan Kocsis, Pianist and Conductor, Dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@JLBOHL: RT @MusicOpera: C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris la mort du grand pianiste et chef d’orchestre hongrois Zoltan Kocsis - 8 years ago

@Artspromo: Pianist And Conductor Zoltán Kocsis Dead At 64 - 8 years ago

@yung_vilela: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@csola48: Kocsis Zoltán utolsó üzenetei: „A pofátlanság valóban kitapintható” - 8 years ago

@pamc_fr: RT @MusicOpera: C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris la mort du grand pianiste et chef d’orchestre hongrois Zoltan Kocsis - 8 years ago

@rlife: Zoltan Kocsis, Pianist and Conductor, Dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@jnflesch: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@GodivaLadi: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@tomleao: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@ohiomary: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@pianoaya: いま、あらためて。 #zoltán #kocsis - 8 years ago

@zirigozacom: Fallece Zoltan Kocsis - 8 years ago

@LolbertNatali: "randa kis àllam ,amiből visszataszító bűz árad" Az igen!..... - 8 years ago

@BaseSuppiyCo: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@monitorulcj: Zoltán Kocsis, regretat de clujeni. Uluitorul muzician a susţinut unul din ultimele sale concerte la Cluj - 8 years ago

@Wenda__Luphy: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@nycbarbeli: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@OthalieGraham: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@wordscout59: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@The_music_gala: RT @MusicOpera: Great Hungarian pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis passed away at 64 - 8 years ago

@gpminelli: RT @nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@AEArtLaw: nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@anchabb: @AliciaPaulet @Le_Figaro C'est vraiment difficile de respecter l'orthographe correcte des noms ? Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kocsis ... - 8 years ago

@MusicOpera: C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris la mort du grand pianiste et chef d’orchestre hongrois Zoltan Kocsis - 8 years ago

@MusicOpera: Great Hungarian pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis passed away at 64 - 8 years ago

@PaulCalahorra: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@nytimesarts: Zoltan Kocsis, pianist and conductor, dies at 64 - 8 years ago

@_shelives_: In ricordo di Zoltán Kocsis, pianista, direttore d'orchestra e compositore ungherese, tra i più importanti... - 8 years ago

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