Zheng Xiaosong

Chinese politician and diplomat
Died on Monday October 22nd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Zheng Xiaosong:

@ducdemontebello: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@ezubao1208: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@TribunaMacau: O corpo de Zheng Xiaosong será cremado e as cinzas enterradas em Pequim, avançou ontem o Gabinete de Ligação do Gov… - 6 years ago

@EtienneMicallef: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago


@tomgrundy: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@hojemacau: Gabinete de Ligação defende honestidade de Zheng Xiaosong - 6 years ago

@zhongguowenhua1: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@hkdemonow: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@brunomigueln: Liaison Office praises late director’s honesty <p>The Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macau ye… - 6 years ago

@DrKynast: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@LingelWong: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@fengzhen1993: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@dwatchnews_asp: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@openomroep: China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official's death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man 'of i... - 6 years ago

@opennservice: China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official's death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man 'of i... - 6 years ago

@SEAsiaTraveler: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@Edourdoo: » China praises Macau official who fell to his death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man ‘of integrity’ | South China Mor… - 6 years ago

@O_Expediente: Zheng Xiaosong era “honesto e íntegro”, assegura Gabinete de Ligação - 6 years ago

@hkstream: #HKFP What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@marktutone: China praises Macau official who fell to his death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man ‘of integrity’ - Did the Communist… - 6 years ago

@opennViral: China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official's death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man 'of i... - 6 years ago

@svencjohn_steve: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@noozbot: RT @hkstream: #SCMP China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official’s death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man ‘of integrity’ - 6 years ago

@Buckhurst4: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@ivanzhai: China has praised Zheng Xiaosong, its top official in Macau who died in a fall last week, as a man “of integrity” i… - 6 years ago

@ViRiYaBOT: RT @SCMPNews: China has praised Zheng Xiaosong, its top official in Macau who died in a fall last week, as a man “of integrity” in a statem… - 6 years ago

@SCMPNews: China has praised Zheng Xiaosong, its top official in Macau who died in a fall last week, as a man “of integrity” i… - 6 years ago

@kitty201718: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@hongkonginforme: China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official’s death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man ‘of integrity’… - 6 years ago

@HongKong: [NEWS] China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official’s death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man ‘of integrity’ - 6 years ago

@hkstream: #SCMP China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official’s death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man ‘of integrity’ - 6 years ago

@ipraveenpathak: RT @bdnews24: China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official’s death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man ‘of integrity’ - 6 years ago

@bdnews24: China moves to squash rumours surrounding Macau official’s death, calling Zheng Xiaosong a man ‘of integrity’… - 6 years ago

@zhongguowenhua1: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@Bobo_py: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@odaiwai: "Astonishingly the Hong Kong’s government’s defence of its actions runs on the lines of comparing itself with the w… - 6 years ago

@mickietcwong: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@mwg191: RT @HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@hkstream: #HKFP What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@HongKongFP: What do we really know about the death of Zheng Xiaosong, China’s top man in Macau? - 6 years ago

@johnn_young: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@luizrmgarcia: RT @cetico_real: Prédio desabou. - 6 years ago

@Havasubum1My: RT @BBCWorld: Top Macau official Zheng Xiaosong dead after fall from building - 6 years ago

@gracagarcia: Zheng Xiaosong FOI SUICIDADO ou SUICIDOU-SE? Membro do Gabinete Central do Partido Comunista Chinês. Obituário zero Hora, pág 35. - 6 years ago

@LinSchwartz123: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@JKJOERG123: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@annannfj: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@JAIH1726: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@dasykscvhyum: RT @HayekF1: CCP Media: Top Macau official Zheng Xiaosong dead after fall from building. Guo Wengui 10/24/2018 Zheng was executed by CCP… - 6 years ago

@qwertyuiioasdg: RT @HayekF1: CCP Media: Top Macau official Zheng Xiaosong dead after fall from building. Guo Wengui 10/24/2018 Zheng was executed by CCP… - 6 years ago

@lianzhixiaomayi: RT @HayekF1: CCP Media: Top Macau official Zheng Xiaosong dead after fall from building. Guo Wengui 10/24/2018 Zheng was executed by CCP… - 6 years ago

@qujingren730: 中共澳门书记跳楼和高官自杀 - 6 years ago

@DlhtYoya: RT @HayekF1: CCP Media: Top Macau official Zheng Xiaosong dead after fall from building. Guo Wengui 10/24/2018 Zheng was executed by CCP… - 6 years ago

@petaluma: RT @TheSharpEdge1: Zheng Xiaosong, head of Chinese liaison office in Macau, fell to his death from his apartment Saturday. Chinese govt imp… - 6 years ago

@1feixue: RT @HayekF1: CCP Media: Top Macau official Zheng Xiaosong dead after fall from building. Guo Wengui 10/24/2018 Zheng was executed by CCP… - 6 years ago

@HayekF1: CCP Media: Top Macau official Zheng Xiaosong dead after fall from building. Guo Wengui 10/24/2018 Zheng was exec… - 6 years ago

@robert00582: Top Macau official Zheng Xiaosong dead after fall from building - 6 years ago

@ArvinZhougs: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@Qinbaba1: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@GaryC23619095: RT @InkstoneNews: Zheng Xiaosong, 59, “died on Saturday from a fall from his Macau residence,” Chinese authorities said - 6 years ago

@PanDengArt: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@lvye101: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@YA3W4DXnf2C92v4: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@eberbach100: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@win201777: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@BakFlio: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@2b00j2ZCpbMnD3y: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@zhangchong9: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

@digtal_1911: RT @guowenguitaiguo: 郭媒体10月22号新闻 澳门中联办主任郑晓松不是自杀,而是被杀 中英文版: MILES NEWS: 22/10/2018 ZHENG XIAOSONG, HE WAS MURDERED - 6 years ago

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