Zbigniew Brzeziński

Polish-American diplomat
Died on Saturday May 27th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Zbigniew Brzeziński:

@tragedyandhope: RT @FearDept: Afghanistan didn't have suicide bombers before Zbigniew Brzezinski turned it into a jihadist playground for us. #RIP https:/… - 8 years ago

@wavetossed: RT @petejohn10: Canada Radio Comes to Bury Zbigniew Brzezinski, Not Praise Him - 8 years ago

@LifeInOhio: RT @morningmika: Edward Luce, "Zbigniew Brzezinski and the untimely death of American statecraft" - 8 years ago

@CitizenBomber: Ariana Grande, Manchester, London, Zbigniew Brzezinski, toxic masculinity, the War on Terror and us « - 8 years ago


@chvoyage: RT @DjJEM: Über den gestorbenen Russland Hater & NATO Reich Strippenzieher Zbigniew Brzeziński 😎 #grüne #spd @phoen… - 8 years ago

@DjJEM: RT @DjJEM: Über den gestorbenen Russland Hater & NATO Reich Strippenzieher Zbigniew Brzeziński 😎 @teamkenfm @SWagen… - 8 years ago

@DjJEM: RT @DjJEM: Über den gestorbenen Russland Hater & NATO Reich Strippenzieher Zbigniew Brzeziński 😎 #grüne #spd @phoen… - 8 years ago

@DjJEM: RT @DjJEM: Über den gestorbenen Russland Hasser und NATO Reich Strippenzieher Zbigniew Brzeziński 😎 @bild @tagessch… - 8 years ago

@JackieMilesiF: @manfromatlan @iyad_elbaghdadi Let's nt forget what USA organized with Bin Laden in Afghanistan to oust the Soviets… - 8 years ago

@MediaREDEF: Zbigniew Brzezinski's Plan to Bomb Tehran (@EleanorClift - @thedailybeast) - 8 years ago

@elvistakesvegas: Canada Radio to Bury Zbigniew Brzezinski, Not Praise this is a history lesson; some I knew most I didn't, thank you - 8 years ago

@wilkowski_adam: Zbigniew Brzezinski and the untimely death of American statecraft - 8 years ago

@Cyril_Marsaud: #Brzezinski n'est plus. ✝️ Voici sur mon blog qq citations de son ouvrage le plus important : "LE GRAND ÉCHIQUIER"… - 8 years ago

@therussophile: Canada Radio Comes to Bury Zbigniew Brzezinski, Not Praise Him - John Helmer - - 8 years ago

@BluehandNews: RT: #Bluehand #BluehandFamily irannews2016: RT PoliticsRedef: Zbigniew Brzezinski's Plan to Bomb Tehran(EleanorClift - thedailybeast)https:… - 8 years ago

@irannews2016: RT @PoliticsRedef: Zbigniew Brzezinski's Plan to Bomb Tehran(@EleanorClift - @thedailybeast) - 8 years ago

@PoliticsRedef: Zbigniew Brzezinski's Plan to Bomb Tehran(@EleanorClift - @thedailybeast) - 8 years ago

@oliviaviriya: Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Architect of Al-Qaeda That Spawned ISIS, Is Dead - - 8 years ago

@lbc13aam: Zbigniew Brzezinski laugh tracks. - 8 years ago

@lbc13aam: Zbigniew Brzezinski - 8 years ago

@Atis70CL: zbigniew brzezinski - 8 years ago

@SBTS: Foreign policy realism and the legacy of Pres. Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski @albertmohler - 8 years ago

@nanotechexec: I CONCUR, glad I do not know where his grave is, would be tempted to piss on it! - 8 years ago

@DrSprat: RT @bougnoulosophe: [Zbigniew Brzezinski] - 8 years ago

@PinkFLloyd95: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@AsShalabi: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@kapilt41: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@Gercek_Hayat: Zbigniew Brzezinski’nin ardından… El Kaide'yi 'O' mu kurdu ? Yeni Sayımızda! - 8 years ago

@NJdoc: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@ThePropList: Canada Radio Comes to Bury Zbigniew Brzezinski, Not Praise Him - John Helmer - 8 years ago

@RussianInsight: Canada Radio Comes to Bury Zbigniew Brzezinski, Not Praise Him - John Helmer: - 8 years ago

@sldodd: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@_MeDicenAndres: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@MarcoNavarroLor: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@jimmypedya: "Canada Radio Comes to Bury Zbigniew Brzezinski, Not Praise Him" - 8 years ago

@CabreraMichele: Lexington: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances | The Economist - 8 years ago

@inertiacart: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@leopalacios10: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

@absolutewissen: Canada Radio Comes to Bury Zbigniew Brzezinski, Not Praise Him - 8 years ago

@iavs2012: RT @TheEconomist: Zbigniew Brzezinski feared Donald Trump would wreck valuable alliances - 8 years ago

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