Zayar Thaw

Burmese politician and hip hop artist
Died on Monday July 25th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Zayar Thaw:

@dallo100: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@santleedag: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@yoma22009397: RT @Dog_Michael1: Picture of the day comes from Yangon ✊❤️ Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo… - 3 years ago

@horrifiedhattie: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago


@WorldActivists: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@Jeffarin22: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@HlaigGyi: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@HninYu08335023: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@callme_Eaint: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@ClareTPellerin: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@moemoe_lwin: RT @Dog_Michael1: Picture of the day comes from Yangon ✊❤️ Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo… - 3 years ago

@the_pastel_soul: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@neverleftbehin2: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@YourAnonRiots: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@TZ16825812: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@Kapuforu: RT @TheChindwin: A republished video in remembrance of the executed rapper turned politician - Phyo Zayar Thaw For those who ask more abou… - 3 years ago

@JeffO773: RT @TheChindwin: A republished video in remembrance of the executed rapper turned politician - Phyo Zayar Thaw For those who ask more abou… - 3 years ago

@YanLay70505537: RT @TheChindwin: A republished video in remembrance of the executed rapper turned politician - Phyo Zayar Thaw For those who ask more abou… - 3 years ago

@rk70534: RT @Dog_Michael1: Picture of the day comes from Yangon ✊❤️ Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo… - 3 years ago

@Manfred_Schmid_: RT @Dog_Michael1: Picture of the day comes from Yangon ✊❤️ Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo… - 3 years ago

@Dog_Michael1: Picture of the day comes from Yangon ✊❤️ Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, K… - 3 years ago

@NaingOo52737009: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@Dog_Michael1: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@Frankgibsonmad3: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@bruceogi1: RT @Daryl_Elliott: Myanmar military executed 4 democracy activists including Ko Jimmy of 1988 pro-democracy uprising & Phyo Zayar Thaw, for… - 3 years ago

@KhinLay64563514: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@than_laing: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@khinekhantawng: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@CrosThierry2: RT @TheChindwin: A republished video in remembrance of the executed rapper turned politician - Phyo Zayar Thaw For those who ask more abou… - 3 years ago

@uknowwhoami4: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@Miyet9: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@sailinginthesky: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@amilyarthur: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 31, 2022 Today's alliance strike committees protest and rememberance of Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw,… - 3 years ago

@WorldActivists: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 28, 2022 Flash mob protest by Yangon strikers come out with powerful words of long time 88 generation… - 3 years ago

@Andrea37632800: RT @RapAgainstJunta: Recently few days ago… our beloved brother Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw executed by military junta along side with Ko Jimmy and… - 3 years ago

@oliviasklenka: RT @IndexCensorship: Kyaw Min Yu & Phyo Zayar Thaw were prominent voices in the democracy movement in #Myanmar. On 25 July, state news in M… - 3 years ago

@damnzjm: RT @RapAgainstJunta: Recently few days ago… our beloved brother Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw executed by military junta along side with Ko Jimmy and… - 3 years ago

@damnzjm: RT @kyawhsanhlaing1: Junta run media reports this morning that they has conducted death-sentenced to 4 citizens including pro-democracy act… - 3 years ago

@damnzjm: RT @Beaking_News: Zayar Thaw’s mum tells ⁦⁦@bbcburmese⁩: “When Friday we met on Zoom, my son was healthy & smiling. He asked me to send hi… - 3 years ago

@damnzjm: RT @FrontierMM: Myanmar's first judicial executions in decades have stunned the nation, plunging it into a state of rage and mourning. Fron… - 3 years ago

@damnzjm: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@damnzjm: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@godblessHKplz: RT @cupofcolor_ngo: [Your Tears Matter] @KokdamonLam So painful for people from #Myanmar to hear the news of 4 democracy #activists got ex… - 3 years ago

@EiZarniHtun2: RT @kzym81: Quote “While you live in peace and safety in your normal everyday life, there is a country in a certain part of this world wher… - 3 years ago

@imNavinn: RT @dipakbhattarai: बर्मेली सैनिक सरकारले हिपहप गायक पूर्व सांसद Zayar Thaw सहित चार जनालाई फाँसी दिएको एक साता हुन लाग्यो। साढे दुई वर्ष अ… - 3 years ago

@luni_ba: RT @dipakbhattarai: बर्मेली सैनिक सरकारले हिपहप गायक पूर्व सांसद Zayar Thaw सहित चार जनालाई फाँसी दिएको एक साता हुन लाग्यो। साढे दुई वर्ष अ… - 3 years ago

@DailyRound: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 28, 2022 Flash mob protest by Yangon strikers come out with powerful words of long time 88 generation… - 3 years ago

@Sushant10Messi: RT @dipakbhattarai: बर्मेली सैनिक सरकारले हिपहप गायक पूर्व सांसद Zayar Thaw सहित चार जनालाई फाँसी दिएको एक साता हुन लाग्यो। साढे दुई वर्ष अ… - 3 years ago

@banna_kim: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 28, 2022 Flash mob protest by Yangon strikers come out with powerful words of long time 88 generation… - 3 years ago

@BlessRutaaga: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@GenStrikeCom: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 28, 2022 Flash mob protest by Yangon strikers come out with powerful words of long time 88 generation… - 3 years ago

@pradipd65173344: RT @dipakbhattarai: बर्मेली सैनिक सरकारले हिपहप गायक पूर्व सांसद Zayar Thaw सहित चार जनालाई फाँसी दिएको एक साता हुन लाग्यो। साढे दुई वर्ष अ… - 3 years ago

@ghimirejee: RT @dipakbhattarai: बर्मेली सैनिक सरकारले हिपहप गायक पूर्व सांसद Zayar Thaw सहित चार जनालाई फाँसी दिएको एक साता हुन लाग्यो। साढे दुई वर्ष अ… - 3 years ago

@DYNfD6QwZJsQZOw: RT @cupofcolor_ngo: [Your Tears Matter] @KokdamonLam So painful for people from #Myanmar to hear the news of 4 democracy #activists got ex… - 3 years ago

@Khine28973191: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@SarahLandFREE: RT @ApoUniverseMm: The military council that illegally seized power today sentenced four people, including Phyo Zayar Thaw and Ko Jimmy, to… - 3 years ago

@Tendo20426057: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@MpandeMrian: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@gminwam: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 28, 2022 Flash mob protest by Yangon strikers come out with powerful words of long time 88 generation… - 3 years ago

@zuemon_1005: RT @FrontierMM: Myanmar's first judicial executions in decades have stunned the nation, plunging it into a state of rage and mourning. Fron… - 3 years ago

@zuemon_1005: RT @TheChindwin: #Caught Red-Handed: Dozens are hired to protest and threaten the families of the executed Phyo Zayar Thaw, Ko Jimmy, as we… - 3 years ago

@YinMinKyi6: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 28, 2022 Flash mob protest by Yangon strikers come out with powerful words of long time 88 generation… - 3 years ago

@ForestG74079058: RT @akmoe2: The mother Aung Thura Zaw, who was murdered in prison (as death penalty execution) together Ko Jimmmy and Phyo Zayar Thaw by t… - 3 years ago

@khinpochein: The junta in Myanmar announced that it has carried the execution dead sentence of activist Jimmy and Phyo Zayar Tha… - 3 years ago

@Wings862239101: RT @minn_robert: Yangon, Burma July 28, 2022 Flash mob protest by Yangon strikers come out with powerful words of long time 88 generation… - 3 years ago

@GraceyKai: RT @FrontierMM: Myanmar's first judicial executions in decades have stunned the nation, plunging it into a state of rage and mourning. Fron… - 3 years ago

@bm_diop: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@perello_ramon: RT @josepalay: Un dels opositors penjat a la forca per la junta militar de Birmània és el cantant de rap Zayar Thaw - 3 years ago

@RWonderz: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@MTKhai3: RT @FrontierMM: Myanmar's first judicial executions in decades have stunned the nation, plunging it into a state of rage and mourning. Fron… - 3 years ago

@T3ut4t35: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@MTKhai3: RT @ANachemson: Phyo Zayar Thaw's wife said she is "proud" of her husband, who was reportedly executed by the military for organizing resis… - 3 years ago

@Stockholm999: RT @FrontierMM: Myanmar's first judicial executions in decades have stunned the nation, plunging it into a state of rage and mourning. Fron… - 3 years ago

@felixriker: RT @josepalay: Un dels opositors penjat a la forca per la junta militar de Birmània és el cantant de rap Zayar Thaw - 3 years ago

@NamulemaW: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@MutebiOceans: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Roppa77: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@Redcountessa: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@NamulemaW: RT @LawrenceKato2: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP… - 3 years ago

@14abrilgregorio: RT @josepalay: Un dels opositors penjat a la forca per la junta militar de Birmània és el cantant de rap Zayar Thaw - 3 years ago

@Lavenderchina: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@khermanshasha20: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Observatorium66: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@mkteiromarxista: RT @FrontierMM: Myanmar's first judicial executions in decades have stunned the nation, plunging it into a state of rage and mourning. Fron… - 3 years ago

@kusemrerwa: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Kush_Kahima: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@BobiWin50366099: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@PatrickOlupot5: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Ssema2013: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@JadaTifiny: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Nain9Khin: RT @TheChindwin: The junta regime’s propaganda MWD TV channel published the news about the executed Pyu Zayar Thaw for more than 17 minutes… - 3 years ago

@debhoef: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@nancy_ritah: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@sophoclesgilber: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@HenryMagezi1: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@AdsMontenegro: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@Mayengo20: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@PhaozFauzi: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@mahakayz: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@iluyimbazi: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Davinko3: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Jo06720375: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@lubega_nsamba: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Kaf_Dan: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@Anthonyigaga: RT @HEBobiwine: The murder of four pro-democracy activists by the military in Myanmar, (including Zayar Thaw, a hip-hop artist turned MP) i… - 3 years ago

@aeckevin: RT @ApoUniverseMm: The military council that illegally seized power today sentenced four people, including Phyo Zayar Thaw and Ko Jimmy, to… - 3 years ago

@Brightvcsgirl: In front of Myanmar Embassy in France, wreaths were laid for 4 pro-democracy activists, Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Tha… - 3 years ago

@dubioushandle: RT @PopulismUpdates: Zayar Thaw, a former hip hop artist and democracy activist elected to Myanmar's parliament in 2016 with Aung San Suu K… - 3 years ago

@COMRADEBLOOM: RT @zdaniel: I am outraged at the execution of democracy activist Zayar Thaw & others by the #Myanmar junta.Myanmar has gone back into the… - 3 years ago

@PoCho24287973: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@CMMARTA1: RT @josepalay: Un dels opositors penjat a la forca per la junta militar de Birmània és el cantant de rap Zayar Thaw - 3 years ago

@shishiqiushi: RT @PopulismUpdates: Zayar Thaw, a former hip hop artist and democracy activist elected to Myanmar's parliament in 2016 with Aung San Suu K… - 3 years ago

@NicDemocrat: RT @NicholsUprising: “The execution of revered pro-democracy leaders Ko Jimmy, Phyo Zayar Thaw, Hla Myo Aung, and Aung Thura Zaw following… - 3 years ago

@RodrigoArenasGa: RT @josepalay: Un dels opositors penjat a la forca per la junta militar de Birmània és el cantant de rap Zayar Thaw - 3 years ago

@annabrown_anna: RT @zdaniel: I am outraged at the execution of democracy activist Zayar Thaw & others by the #Myanmar junta.Myanmar has gone back into the… - 3 years ago

@andywartrol: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@organicradio: ミャンマーで軍政に処刑された Phyo Zeya Thaw氏はラッパーからNLDの政治家になったとのこと。⇒ 彼が所属していたHip HopユニットACIDかっこいい!! - 3 years ago

@Ms_Jemmi: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@jacobtv2bis: RT @AmbDMitchell: Ko Jimmy and Phyo Zayar Thaw worked tirelessly for justice, peace, and democracy in #Myanmar. For that, they were murdere… - 3 years ago

@soniacuadrat: RT @josepalay: Un dels opositors penjat a la forca per la junta militar de Birmània és el cantant de rap Zayar Thaw - 3 years ago

@Jpujolr62: RT @josepalay: Un dels opositors penjat a la forca per la junta militar de Birmània és el cantant de rap Zayar Thaw - 3 years ago

@pensar_ciudad: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@gld301218: RT @zdaniel: I am outraged at the execution of democracy activist Zayar Thaw & others by the #Myanmar junta.Myanmar has gone back into the… - 3 years ago

@phyusin_moeaung: RT @ApoUniverseMm: The military council that illegally seized power today sentenced four people, including Phyo Zayar Thaw and Ko Jimmy, to… - 3 years ago

@markrobinson_3: RT @zdaniel: I am outraged at the execution of democracy activist Zayar Thaw & others by the #Myanmar junta.Myanmar has gone back into the… - 3 years ago

@Vinminen: RT @PopulismUpdates: Zayar Thaw, a former hip hop artist and democracy activist elected to Myanmar's parliament in 2016 with Aung San Suu K… - 3 years ago

@MeMeThant2: RT @TTFR__Myanmar: The junta in Myanmar announced that it has carried the execution dead sentence of activist Jimmy and Phyo Zayar Thaw. Th… - 3 years ago

@KnoFearMLP: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@Bythecoast2: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@Concordski_Andy: RT @jeremycorbyn: The military junta have carried out extrajudicial executions in Myanmar, including Zayar Thaw, a young MP I met when he v… - 3 years ago

@DolorsNun: RT @josepalay: Un dels opositors penjat a la forca per la junta militar de Birmània és el cantant de rap Zayar Thaw - 3 years ago

@dearnybridger97: RT @ApoUniverseMm: The military council that illegally seized power today sentenced four people, including Phyo Zayar Thaw and Ko Jimmy, to… - 3 years ago

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