Yvonne Suhor

American actress (The Young Riders).
Died on Saturday September 29th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Yvonne Suhor:

@Natillee1: RT @THRtv: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@Donna72310075: @gettv Don't know if you have heard but Yvonne Suhor who played Louise "Lou" McCloud on "The Young Riders" passed away on Sept 27th. - 6 years ago

@214stefi: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@KazumoeT: RT @mr_TyMiller: Very sad and shocked to hear that Yvonne Suhor has passed away. A very bright light and an incredibly talented and generou… - 6 years ago


@VRosa_Garcia: My first film acting teacher passed away from pancreatic cancer this past week. I honor her. She helped me so much.… - 6 years ago

@Pilarcita: RT @CrystalGettings: Wish I had hugged her more last time I saw her, missing my mentor. She rocked my world: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The… - 6 years ago

@TheYoungRiders: RT @CrystalGettings: Wish I had hugged her more last time I saw her, missing my mentor. She rocked my world: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The… - 6 years ago

@JohnjShacklefo2: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@LuisGuillermoMZ: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@CrystalGettings: Wish I had hugged her more last time I saw her, missing my mentor. She rocked my world: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'T… - 6 years ago

@MaryJanekeao: @THR Rest In Peace Yvonne Suhor. - 6 years ago

@startrekhere: New post (Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56) has been published on Star Trek -… - 6 years ago

@marcosarellano: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@stiel: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@2Honesty4ALL: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@KlausDi36391098: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@IndioArapajode: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@CruisingSaredon: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@LakeTerrie: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@LightfootInHwd: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on ‘The Young Riders,’ ‘Northern Exposure,’ Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@Highlighthwd: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on ‘The Young Riders,’ ‘Northern Exposure,’ Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@cinepre: 「栄光の714本/ベーブ・ルース物語」("Babe Ruth",1991年)、「デリンジャー」("Dillinger",1991年)などに出演した、女優のイヴォンヌ・スーホー(Yvonne Suhor)さんが亡くなった(56歳)。… - 6 years ago

@Cleopatra40: RT @LightfootInHwd: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on ‘The Young Riders,’ ‘Northern Exposure,’ Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@TashricPixi: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@DonnaThorson: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@MMar_P: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a la deliciosa Yvonne Suhor, Louise "Lou" McCloud en la serie JÓVENES JINETES. Hizo televisión, poca. Lo suyo fue… - 6 years ago

@nagapparraveen7: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@txerrac: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a la deliciosa Yvonne Suhor, Louise "Lou" McCloud en la serie JÓVENES JINETES. Hizo televisión, poca. Lo suyo fue… - 6 years ago

@THRtv: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@Obituary_Notice: Yvonne Suhor, Actress on 'The Young Riders,' Dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@tvfngirl: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@negation666: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@cre8tvdeb: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@frankp316: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@Dalek_fan: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a la deliciosa Yvonne Suhor, Louise "Lou" McCloud en la serie JÓVENES JINETES. Hizo televisión, poca. Lo suyo fue… - 6 years ago

@adams_mayfield: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@AnnGamb52700312: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@petardi86262320: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@faustianovich: Adiós a la deliciosa Yvonne Suhor, Louise "Lou" McCloud en la serie JÓVENES JINETES. Hizo televisión, poca. Lo suyo… - 6 years ago

@taknachance: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Yvonne Suhor, 56. She portrayed a girl posing as a man so she could take the reins of the Pony Express on ABC's 'The… - 6 years ago

@satrian: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@TheEvolution10: RT @THR: Yvonne Suhor, actress on 'The Young Riders,' dies at 56 - 6 years ago

@BigPete009: @TessFowler I loved this show. But I just read that Yvonne Suhor who played Lou passed away a few days ago. That is… - 6 years ago

@ActorBeccaMcCoy: So sad. She was one of my role models. Such a loss. - 6 years ago

@004nino: RIP 19 023) #American #actress #Yvonne #Suhor , #Founder #of #Art 's #Sake , #and #star of " #Young… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Actors Yvonne Suhor, Shi Shengije, Predrag Edjus; writer Tamaz Chiladze; singer Koos Alberts… - 6 years ago

@DragonPompier11: The Young Riders - She's In Love - 6 years ago

@DragonPompier11: It Must Have Been Love - The Young Riders - 6 years ago

@DragonPompier11: The Young Riders - Here We Are - 6 years ago

@DragonPompier11: @Angie_Harmon the misfortune of having lost him must NOT Smake us forget the happiness of having know him (sorry fo… - 6 years ago

@DragonPompier11: @Angie_Harmon YVONNE SUHOR will NEVER leave us. She lives in the depths of our HEARTS and ... to SEE her again, it… - 6 years ago

@methinks2much: #fuckcancer - 6 years ago

@kaydawnll: Going to class tonight is going to feel eerie. I only met her once and wish so bad to have been thought by her but… - 6 years ago

@JetRose1313: RT @mr_TyMiller: Very sad and shocked to hear that Yvonne Suhor has passed away. A very bright light and an incredibly talented and generou… - 6 years ago

@AThenaAgron: RIP, Yvonne Suhor. I really enjoyed her as Lou on #TheYoungRiders. And she was half of one of my very first ships,… - 6 years ago

@98MsCooperPower: RT @gavindunning: Sad to hear of the passing of Yvonne Suhor, who played Louise "Lou" McCloud in my all time favourite show, The Young Ride… - 6 years ago

@GraveLibrarian: @mr_TyMiller Very sorry to hear of Yvonne Suhor's passing, she is gone too soon. - 6 years ago

@realtordina: RT @ClassActOrlando: Our hearts are broken today at the loss of an amazing mentor and artistic sister, Yvonne Suhor, at Art's Sake Studio.… - 6 years ago

@kris_n_no: RT @mr_TyMiller: Very sad and shocked to hear that Yvonne Suhor has passed away. A very bright light and an incredibly talented and generou… - 6 years ago

@Wendymypooh: RT @mr_TyMiller: Very sad and shocked to hear that Yvonne Suhor has passed away. A very bright light and an incredibly talented and generou… - 6 years ago

@djellaba_: RT @Angel0315: #YvonneSuhor #LouMcCloud ❤❤ #TheYoungRiders #BehindTheScenes @prevailactive #Repost actor_william_sanderson • • • • •… - 6 years ago

@djellaba_: RT @starck_dominik: Sadly Yvonne Suhor has passed away. Way too young. The 1st time I saw her was on the Western show @TheYoungRiders w/ yo… - 6 years ago

@djellaba_: RT @BlueGrassGal92: R.I.P Yvonne Suhor!! Loved her as Lou McCloud on Young Riders 😢😢😢😢 - 6 years ago

@djellaba_: RT @gavindunning: Sad to hear of the passing of Yvonne Suhor, who played Louise "Lou" McCloud in my all time favourite show, The Young Ride… - 6 years ago

@djellaba_: RT @mr_TyMiller: Very sad and shocked to hear that Yvonne Suhor has passed away. A very bright light and an incredibly talented and generou… - 6 years ago

@arduina08: RT @gavindunning: Sad to hear of the passing of Yvonne Suhor, who played Louise "Lou" McCloud in my all time favourite show, The Young Ride… - 6 years ago

@LADeathTrip: Rest in peace, actress Yvonne Suhor, who has died from Pancreatic Cancer at 59. - 6 years ago

@James_A_Conrad: RT @starck_dominik: Sadly Yvonne Suhor has passed away. Way too young. The 1st time I saw her was on the Western show @TheYoungRiders w/ yo… - 6 years ago

@Pilarcita: RT @gavindunning: Sad to hear of the passing of Yvonne Suhor, who played Louise "Lou" McCloud in my all time favourite show, The Young Ride… - 6 years ago

@TheYoungRiders: RT @gavindunning: Sad to hear of the passing of Yvonne Suhor, who played Louise "Lou" McCloud in my all time favourite show, The Young Ride… - 6 years ago

@PaddySabatino: RT @HollyPayberg: Alright so I’ve just spent the better part of the last 24 hours reading every single post written about our much beloved… - 6 years ago

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