Yvette Lundy

French Resistance member and Legion of Honour recipient.
Died on Sunday November 10th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Yvette Lundy:

@JackyHuynh94: 'Great Lady' of French resistance who survived Nazi camps dies, aged 103 - 5 years ago

@davefile: RT @MarylkaMP: Yvette Lundy (April 2, 1916 – November 3, 2019) French Resistance member who survived Nazi camps dies at 103. - 5 years ago

@Madame_Crouton: RT @F_yeah_history: Yvette Lundy, French resistance heroine, dies aged 103 - 5 years ago

@Janecharlotte11: RT @F_yeah_history: Yvette Lundy, French resistance heroine, dies aged 103 - 5 years ago


@NatoliJean: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@CorinneFloresC1: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@AurelieCollard: RT @DoudouxThierry: Yvette Lundy s'est éteinte à Epernay. Modeste hommage à cette immense petite femme, resitante, déportée, et témoin infa… - 5 years ago

@ProsperBuild: RT @NTenzer: "Always ask: where are we going, with whom, what will we do? Everyone has a duty of responsibility, no matter how young." Yvet… - 5 years ago

@MarythalieReims: Selon une info de l'@UnionArdennais les filles d'Yvette Lundy invitées au conseil municipal d'#Epernay ont pu remet… - 5 years ago

@AssenatRaymond: RT @coherence_e: La résistante et ancienne déportée du camp de Ravensbrück Yvette Lundy est décédée ce dimanche 3 novembre à l'âge de 103 a… - 5 years ago

@kznseagull: French Resistance fighter Yvette Lundy dies aged 103 - 5 years ago

@GMitakides: Πέθανε σε ηλικία 103 ετών η «Μεγάλη Κυρία» της γαλλικής Αντίστασης - Ποια ήταν η Yvette Lundy - ΒΙΝΤΕΟ… - 5 years ago

@mickey94114: Yvette Lundy: French Resistance member who survived Nazi camps dies at 103 - BBC News - 5 years ago

@gdmag47: RT @LetiVenancio: Le maire d’Epernay Franck Leroy évoque Bernard Stasi et Yvette Lundy dans son discours d’introduction du conseil municipa… - 5 years ago

@betsynancy: RT @JewishJournal: Yvette Lundy, French Resistance Member Who Helped Jewish Families, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ChagneauE: RT @LetiVenancio: Le maire d’Epernay Franck Leroy évoque Bernard Stasi et Yvette Lundy dans son discours d’introduction du conseil municipa… - 5 years ago

@villeepernay: RT @LetiVenancio: Le maire d’Epernay Franck Leroy évoque Bernard Stasi et Yvette Lundy dans son discours d’introduction du conseil municipa… - 5 years ago

@hervechabaud: RT @LetiVenancio: Le maire d’Epernay Franck Leroy évoque Bernard Stasi et Yvette Lundy dans son discours d’introduction du conseil municipa… - 5 years ago

@lsabelDS51: RT @LetiVenancio: Le maire d’Epernay Franck Leroy évoque Bernard Stasi et Yvette Lundy dans son discours d’introduction du conseil municipa… - 5 years ago

@LetiVenancio: Le maire d’Epernay Franck Leroy évoque Bernard Stasi et Yvette Lundy dans son discours d’introduction du conseil mu… - 5 years ago

@GaiaGreenRiding: RT @France3CA: "Elle était rayonnante, elle avait de l’humour, elle était animée par cette gentillesse, par cette bienveillance qu’on renco… - 5 years ago

@joandtom111: RT @MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recently died at t… - 5 years ago

@BrazilNoticiasV: Yvette Lundy, integrante da resistência francesa ao nazismo, morre aos 103 anos - 5 years ago

@Chef127: RT @MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recently died at t… - 5 years ago

@CecileVast: RT @MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recently died at t… - 5 years ago

@belsenmemorial: RT @MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recently died at t… - 5 years ago

@dryocopus: RT @BBCNews: Yvette Lundy: French Resistance member who survived Nazi camps dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Jalalhaddad: @avlaremoz Yvette Lundy 10 gün önce öldü Yvette Lundy, figure de la Résistance, est morte - 5 years ago

@CarolineSalfati: RT @MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recently died at t… - 5 years ago

@NS42022: RT @EllaKelian: 📣📣Disparition d’Yvette Lundy Dans notre actualité confuse, tourmentée et intolérante, ses paroles de sagesse étaient un t… - 5 years ago

@ridiculouspaws: French Resistance fighter Yvette Lundy dies aged 103 - 5 years ago

@sadgeovana: RT @MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recently died at t… - 5 years ago

@sikecilmarmut: RT @DHWise007: Rest In Peace, Madam Hero. Yvette Lundy: French Resistance member who survived Nazi camps dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@LKochvar: RT @MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recently died at t… - 5 years ago

@StoriesSurvive: RT @MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recently died at t… - 5 years ago

@MJHnews: Yvette Lundy was a courageous French Resistance fighter who helped Jewish families survive during WWII. She recentl… - 5 years ago

@ByEichler: RT @TimLloydArts: The name Feres Trabilsie represents a golden age of hairdressing in Adelaide. We remembered him this week, along with Joh… - 5 years ago

@TimLloydArts: The name Feres Trabilsie represents a golden age of hairdressing in Adelaide. We remembered him this week, along wi… - 5 years ago

@SJHSMFL: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@EvaTomPouce: RT @EllaKelian: 📣📣Disparition d’Yvette Lundy Dans notre actualité confuse, tourmentée et intolérante, ses paroles de sagesse étaient un t… - 5 years ago

@mightysparty: RT @WNEMTV5news: During her time in the Resistance, Lundy provided fake papers to Jewish families and escaped prisoners of war. - 5 years ago

@WNEMTV5news: During her time in the Resistance, Lundy provided fake papers to Jewish families and escaped prisoners of war. - 5 years ago

@RodriguesJonat: Cérémonie en souvenir des soldats tombés pour la France ici et ailleurs, hier et aujourd'hui ! Souvenir et hommage… - 5 years ago

@BRUYATG: Yvette Lundy, figure de la Résistance française, est morte à l'âge de 103 ans - 5 years ago

@PhilVelissariou: RT @IndyWorld: 'Great Lady' of French resistance who survived Nazi camps dies, aged 103 - 5 years ago

@JanineCera: RT @WomenintheWorld: 'Always ask: where are we going; with whom; what will we do? Everyone has a duty of responsibility, no matter how youn… - 5 years ago

@RougeForum: Yvette Lundy, French resistance heroine, dies aged 103 Schoolteacher helped Jewish people hide and survived Nazi c… - 5 years ago

@luciorosenk: RT @afpfr: Résistante déportée dans le camp de concentration nazi de Ravensbrück, revenue de ce "trou d'enfer", Yvette Lundy, décédée diman… - 5 years ago

@IndyWorld: 'Great Lady' of French resistance who survived Nazi camps dies, aged 103 - 5 years ago

@ThPoirot: La voix de la Résistance et d'Yvette Lundy portée par nos élèves. Les VM remises aux hommes du CENTIAL-51e RI pour… - 5 years ago

@UMirouet: @villeepernay Engagement des collégiens pour porter la parole et célébrer la mémoire Yvette Lundy. Bel hommage pou… - 5 years ago

@M_Lagasse: Une pensée à tous ceux qui sont morts pour la France et pour que nous puissions vivre en paix. Une pensée toute par… - 5 years ago

@Limborock7777: RT @GaryRayBetz: And this heroic woman probably never thought she'd see the United States, a country that helped free France from Nazi tyra… - 5 years ago

@BrazilNoticiasV: Yvette Lundy, integrante da resistência francesa ao nazismo, morre aos 103 anos - 5 years ago

@Pamela79884341: RT @susanoha: Another teacher who did what was right - 5 years ago

@chickilopiccolo: RT @TheVengeant: Yvette Lundy, French resistance heroine, dies aged 103 #RestInPower ❤️ - 5 years ago

@ncw413: RT @TheVengeant: Yvette Lundy, French resistance heroine, dies aged 103 #RestInPower ❤️ - 5 years ago

@OhioBATs: RT @susanoha: Another teacher who did what was right - 5 years ago

@NShrubs: RT @susanoha: Another teacher who did what was right - 5 years ago

@spadiva: “The words of Yvette Lundy were a powerful call for citizen vigilance, so that the darkest hours of the 20th centur… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Yvette Lundy is no longer with us - #YvetteLundy #Yvette #Lundy #rip - 5 years ago

@jllt24: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@TonuvaCoaching: RT @ZenandParis: This week, Yvette Lundy, heroine of the french resistance passed away aged 103. This is the story of the Possum Network #F… - 5 years ago

@TravelDave2: RT @ZenandParis: This week, Yvette Lundy, heroine of the french resistance passed away aged 103. This is the story of the Possum Network #F… - 5 years ago

@Lorre: RT @ZenandParis: This week, Yvette Lundy, heroine of the french resistance passed away aged 103. This is the story of the Possum Network #F… - 5 years ago

@stylobic535: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@NancyEBailey1: RT @susanoha: Another teacher who did what was right - 5 years ago

@KoruDevelopment: RT @ZenandParis: This week, Yvette Lundy, heroine of the french resistance passed away aged 103. This is the story of the Possum Network #F… - 5 years ago

@PosChangeGuru: RT @ZenandParis: This week, Yvette Lundy, heroine of the french resistance passed away aged 103. This is the story of the Possum Network #F… - 5 years ago

@ZenandParis: This week, Yvette Lundy, heroine of the french resistance passed away aged 103. This is the story of the Possum Net… - 5 years ago

@susanoha: Another teacher who did what was right - 5 years ago

@M_Lagasse: RT @VincVerstraete: Commémoration « Nuit de Cristal » du 09 novembre 1938. Hommage à Yvette Lundy, grande résistante contre cette barbarie… - 5 years ago

@BrazilNoticiasV: Yvette Lundy, integrante da resistência francesa ao nazismo, morre aos 103 anos - 5 years ago

@Kif67: RT @rabbidelphineH: Je me souviens d'elle, de ses visites au collège d'Epernay qui nous laissaient sans voix, et du Concours National de la… - 5 years ago

@jm_carton: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@lenard78574248: RT @StephenUzzell2: Yvette Lundy, a French resistance schoolteacher who supplied fake papers to Jewish people, has died aged 103. Those she… - 5 years ago

@JoshuaAssaraf: RT @JewishJournal: Yvette Lundy, French Resistance Member Who Helped Jewish Families, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@angbonnn: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@Cmarlock1: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@cdric01268036: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

@Chani_Bayle: RT @fred_sallee: La résistante Yvette Lundy vient de s’éteindre à 103 ans. Institutrice, elle fut arrêtée le 19 juin 1944 par la Gestapo so… - 5 years ago

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