Yūsuke Kinoshita

Japanese baseball player.
Died on Friday August 6th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Yūsuke Kinoshita:

@xouixxt: Propagande à la japonaise: "Une femme de 100 ans meurt du covid, la presse titre "Pourquoi une mort aussi soudaine?… - 4 years ago

@BaseballUnderr1: RT @NPB_Reddit: NPB announced that all players coaches and staff in all 6 games played on Aug 14 will be wearing a special ribbon to honor… - 4 years ago

@NPB_Reddit: NPB announced that all players coaches and staff in all 6 games played on Aug 14 will be wearing a special ribbon t… - 4 years ago

@smeddows59: RT @sen_ryuichi: A young Japanese professional baseball player in Japan, Yusuke Kinoshita 27 years old, passed away around a week after get… - 4 years ago


@bruce1274: RT @sen_ryuichi: A young Japanese professional baseball player in Japan, Yusuke Kinoshita 27 years old, passed away around a week after get… - 4 years ago

@Craaa11: Eriksen collapses on the football pitch. Chris Cairns in hospital clinging onto life. And now Yusuke Kinoshita, a 2… - 4 years ago

@ubukatayoshiko: 破とは破れのこと。 破が付いていると、思うようにことが進まない、足を引っ張られる、怪我するといった災厄が降りかかります。 2021年8月12日は戌の方位、西北西に破があり、九紫火星の方は気をつけてください。 暗剣殺は北東の二… - 4 years ago

@amalfull1000: Yusuke Kinoshita, 27, a Japanese professional baseball player, has died. Up until the va*cination, Kinoshita was in… - 4 years ago

@JosephEssertier: On 26 July, professional baseball player KINOSHITA Yūsuke became short of breath during practice, took a rest, and… - 4 years ago

@naootyann: RT @ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: RAPT theory NPB pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita died after the corona vaccination, and the media is trying to cover up this… - 4 years ago

@bananafishHKJ8: RT @JBWPodcast: JBW is up!! @ZSNeal54 of Seibu is the guest, @JballAllen & I talk about Samurai Japan sweeping to gold @ the Olympics, disc… - 4 years ago

@ZSNeal54: RT @JBWPodcast: JBW is up!! @ZSNeal54 of Seibu is the guest, @JballAllen & I talk about Samurai Japan sweeping to gold @ the Olympics, disc… - 4 years ago

@JBWPodcast: JBW is up!! @ZSNeal54 of Seibu is the guest, @JballAllen & I talk about Samurai Japan sweeping to gold @ the Olympi… - 4 years ago

@ChunichiEnglish: In memory of Yusuke Kinoshita, a pitcher for the Chunichi Dragons professional baseball team who passed away on Aug… - 4 years ago

@WrathBliss: RT @ScentedOlive: Japanese professional baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita collapsed 6 days after the 1st shot of covid vaccine. He just pass… - 4 years ago

@ubukatayoshiko: 破とは破れのこと。 破が付いていると、思うようにことが進まない、足を引っ張られる、怪我するといった災厄が降りかかります。 2021年8月9日は未の方位、南南西に破があり、八白土星の方は気をつけてください。 暗剣殺も南西の八白… - 4 years ago

@hanan_11721: RT @tsukiyominoasa: “I’m glad I was able2show it 2him." He reported the win. A few drops of rain began2fall at the stadium, as if he notic… - 4 years ago

@hanan_11721: RT @tsukiyominoasa: Yudai Ohno, after winning the 🥇, Looked up the sky, held the medal w/ his left hand, &raised up high to the sky to keep… - 4 years ago

@meryamelia: RT @tsukiyominoasa: Yudai Ohno, after winning the 🥇, Looked up the sky, held the medal w/ his left hand, &raised up high to the sky to keep… - 4 years ago

@emcc_0611e: Japanese professional baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita at Chunichi Dragons, fell and lost consciousness after Covid… - 4 years ago

@afatsal: Pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita (27) dari Chunichi pingsan selama latihan pada awal Juli, delapan hari setelah vaksinasi,… - 4 years ago

@ensankai: RT @Deanz3000: #Japanese baseball pitcher, Yusuke Kinoshita (27) in a critical condition following a vaccine injection. Experts are saying… - 4 years ago

@o2VseNrtPRwVAOF: RT @jazzjazzeijija1: 更なる不幸を起こさないためにも、原因究明して欲しいです。 #コロナワクチン #コロナワクチン接種 コロナワクチン接種後死亡の木下雄介投手・マスコミは死因も隠蔽か? - 4 years ago

@velvetangels17: RT @tsukiyominoasa: Yudai Ohno, after winning the 🥇, Looked up the sky, held the medal w/ his left hand, &raised up high to the sky to keep… - 4 years ago

@mikaelwin: RT @ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: RAPT theory NPB pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita died after the corona vaccination, and the media is trying to cover up this… - 4 years ago

@YuminTanaka: RT @tsukiyominoasa: “I’m glad I was able2show it 2him." He reported the win. A few drops of rain began2fall at the stadium, as if he notic… - 4 years ago

@YuminTanaka: RT @tsukiyominoasa: Yudai Ohno, after winning the 🥇, Looked up the sky, held the medal w/ his left hand, &raised up high to the sky to keep… - 4 years ago

@InsideSportJP: RT @JBWPodcast: JBW is up!! @ZSNeal54 of Seibu is the guest, @JballAllen & I talk about Samurai Japan sweeping to gold @ the Olympics, disc… - 4 years ago

@YuminTanaka: RT @JBWPodcast: So sad to hear about the passing of Chunichi pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita … at 27. May he rest in peace… - 4 years ago

@ChizukoVo: RT @tsukiyominoasa: Yudai Ohno, after winning the 🥇, Looked up the sky, held the medal w/ his left hand, &raised up high to the sky to keep… - 4 years ago

@AjGrcSeJeKjeprw: RT @ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: RAPT theory NPB pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita died after the corona vaccination, and the media is trying to cover up this… - 4 years ago

@ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: RAPT theory NPB pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita died after the corona vaccination, and the media is trying to cover up th… - 4 years ago

@ubukatayoshiko: 急死!木下雄介投手の性格・運気・運勢とは? - 4 years ago

@ReifuWorks: 急死!木下雄介投手の性格・運気・運勢とは? - 4 years ago

@nuts_bout_you: RT @tsukiyominoasa: “I’m glad I was able2show it 2him." He reported the win. A few drops of rain began2fall at the stadium, as if he notic… - 4 years ago

@nuts_bout_you: RT @tsukiyominoasa: Yudai Ohno, after winning the 🥇, Looked up the sky, held the medal w/ his left hand, &raised up high to the sky to keep… - 4 years ago

@tsukiyominoasa: “I’m glad I was able2show it 2him." He reported the win. A few drops of rain began2fall at the stadium, as if he n… - 4 years ago

@tsukiyominoasa: Yudai Ohno, after winning the 🥇, Looked up the sky, held the medal w/ his left hand, &raised up high to the sky to… - 4 years ago

@hadesu_san: RT @alexcobra11: Bellissimo gesto di Ohno Yudai che alza verso il cielo la medaglia d'oro per dedicarla a Kinoshita Yusuke lanciatore dei C… - 4 years ago

@alexcobra11: Bellissimo gesto di Ohno Yudai che alza verso il cielo la medaglia d'oro per dedicarla a Kinoshita Yusuke lanciator… - 4 years ago

@newsjp12: RT @orixosaka2016: 昨日流れた訃報 中日ドラゴンズの木下投手の逝去。 とても残念です。すごく良い投手だったのに😭 心よりご冥福をお祈り致します。 R.I.P Yusuke Kinoshita 😭 - 4 years ago

@K_Nagatoshi: 中日ドラゴンズの投手として活躍した、故・木下雄介様のご冥福を心よりお祈り申し上げの上、亡くなった真の原因が明らかになることを望みます。 - 4 years ago

@_15n1_0D18aa: @AMartinez_CD57 Ariel Pray for Kinoshita Yusuke. Play for Kinoshita Yusuke. Win for Kinoshita Yusuke. - 4 years ago

@_15n1_0D18aa: @Gerbs13 ・Pray for Kinoshita Yusuke. ・Play for Kinoshita Yusuke. ・Win for Kinoshita Yusuke. - 4 years ago

@orixosaka2016: 昨日流れた訃報 中日ドラゴンズの木下投手の逝去。 とても残念です。すごく良い投手だったのに😭 心よりご冥福をお祈り致します。 R.I.P Yusuke Kinoshita 😭 - 4 years ago

@JapaneseBaseba4: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@elmshokkaidou: RT @K_Nagatoshi_Sub: 中日ドラゴンズの投手として活躍した、故・木下雄介様のご冥福を心よりお祈り申し上げの上、亡くなった真の原因が明らかになることを望みます。 - 4 years ago

@lambliesdown1: RT @ScentedOlive: Japanese professional baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita collapsed 6 days after the 1st shot of covid vaccine. He just pass… - 4 years ago

@senohab: Le lanceur de baseball japonais Kinoshita Yusuke, 27 ans, est décédé le 3 Août des suites de sa vaccination. Il av… - 4 years ago

@bsbl89_cdbs: Forever Yusuke KINOSHITA. #Dragons #中日ドラゴンズ #木下雄介 - 4 years ago

@tsukiyominoasa: A tragedy reported in Japan. The Original title of the article before the change; Chunichi pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita… - 4 years ago

@BSgoats: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@nagakutusitano1: RT @K_Nagatoshi_Sub: 中日ドラゴンズの投手として活躍した、故・木下雄介様のご冥福を心よりお祈り申し上げの上、亡くなった真の原因が明らかになることを望みます。 - 4 years ago

@Ohshu_Monopro11: 中日の #木下雄介投手 の訃報を知ったとき、とても悲しかったです。 苦労人でこれから伸びる豪速球投手が独立L時代に結婚して、まだ幼いお子さんがいらっしゃって、遺族の方を思うと余計に悲しくなりました😭 とにかく心からご冥福をお祈り申… - 4 years ago

@knowledge_1th: Yusuke Kinoshita... I can’t believe it... I don't wanna belive it:( #木下雄介投手 #中日ドラゴンズ - 4 years ago

@lionelpiguet: RIP Yusuke Kinoshita 😢The 27 years old pitcher collapsed during training last month and died in hospital. All my co… - 4 years ago

@brandonsblog: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@amalfull1000: Yusuke Kinoshita, 27, a pitcher for the Chunichi Dragons, lost consciousness during practice in early July, 8days a… - 4 years ago

@beenthrifty: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@MaxxAndrew465: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@Kazuto_Yamazaki: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@nanjpost: 【緊急】中日ファン集合・・・・【木下雄介】 #中日 #ドラゴンズ #木下雄介 - 4 years ago

@bonaponta: 弁財天: 木下雄介投手が27才で死亡… update1 - 4 years ago

@shikokusue: RT @RyoNarumi1: Pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita of the Japanese professional baseball team "Chunichi Dragons" collapsed during practice a few days… - 4 years ago

@jazzjazzeijija1: 更なる不幸を起こさないためにも、原因究明して欲しいです。 #コロナワクチン #コロナワクチン接種 コロナワクチン接種後死亡の木下雄介投手・マスコミは死因も隠蔽か? - 4 years ago

@shikokusue: So sad to hear about the death of Yusuke Kinoshita! He was the pride of Seiko High School in Tokushima and a relief… - 4 years ago

@sheepshaolon: R.I.P. Yusuke Kinoshita #木下雄介 #中日ドラゴンズ - 4 years ago

@nanjpost: 【訃報】中日 木下雄介投手、急死 #木下雄介 #ドラゴンズ #ワクチン - 4 years ago

@jackdowling451: RT @JBWPodcast: So sad to hear about the passing of Chunichi pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita … at 27. May he rest in peace… - 4 years ago

@ScentedOlive: Japanese professional baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita collapsed 6 days after the 1st shot of covid vaccine. He jus… - 4 years ago

@kuwanokazuya: コロナワクチン接種は、どこまで本人の意志かもわかりません。 ただ副反応で死んだとしても「因果関係不明」として処理されるだけ。 無念ですが、命をもってワクチンの安全性の現実を伝えてくれました。 #コロナワクチン #ワクチン死亡者… - 4 years ago

@sen_ryuichi: A young Japanese professional baseball player in Japan, Yusuke Kinoshita 27 years old, passed away around a week af… - 4 years ago

@TqebXMxcgvBGsxW: 中日・木下雄介投手の死去と実体験から考えるワクチン接種後の運動リスク #中日ドラゴンズ #木下雄介選手 #ワクチン接種後の運動リスク - 4 years ago

@SambarYosuke: 清々しいくらいにカスで中身のないブログがやっぱり出てくるね コロナワクチンと関係があるから死因が明らかにされてないとかめちゃくちゃやなw - 4 years ago

@Sportsandcard: RT @npbcardguy: RIP Yusuke Kinoshita - 4 years ago

@riri_niti: 曖昧にしていたら 誤った解釈が広がりそう 早急に確認して、はっきりさせてほしい 怖くて摂取できないわ… 木下雄介投手、ご冥福をお祈りします #木下雄介投手 #モデルナ #因果関係 #因果関係不明 #意識不明… - 4 years ago

@makati2013: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@tom_mussa: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@npbcardguy: RIP Yusuke Kinoshita - 4 years ago

@WWERAWHBK: #中日ドラゴンズ 奥様にはお悔みの言葉もありません。 無念お察しします。 - 4 years ago

@bCUuaA1db9b5FcR: @DrHillairet Yusuke Kinoshita, 27, a pitcher for the ⚾️Chunichi baseball team, died after being rushed to the emerg… - 4 years ago

@mametadf: R.I.P. Yusuke Kinoshita 98 - 4 years ago

@JBWPodcast: So sad to hear about the passing of Chunichi pitcher Yusuke Kinoshita … at 27. May he rest in peace… - 4 years ago

@Silver_1234: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@puck_moving: RIP J.R. Richard and Yusuke Kinoshita - 4 years ago

@MM_Ange2004_21: R・I・P Yusuke Kinoshita. Your fans want you to enjoy baseball at the other World. - 4 years ago

@nihonich: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@K_Nagatoshi_Sub: 中日ドラゴンズの投手として活躍した、故・木下雄介様のご冥福を心よりお祈り申し上げの上、亡くなった真の原因が明らかになることを望みます。 - 4 years ago

@tsiwase13: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@BaseballUnderr1: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@jrc43z: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@yuudragons: RT @dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-seaso… - 4 years ago

@dragonsoulblog: Yusuke Kinoshita has passed away at 27 years old. The right handed pitcher suffered a shoulder dislocation in pre-s… - 4 years ago

@beralingual: Yusuke Kinoshita of the Chunichi Dragons has died. He was a very hard worker. I'm sad - 4 years ago

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