Yulia Nachalova

Russian singer
Died on Saturday March 16th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Yulia Nachalova:

@ArturTeryan: Յուլիա Նաչալովա / Yulia Nachalova - Nazan Im Yare - Yerevan-Moscow-Tranzit - 6 years ago

@NikitaSavoy: For @xtina Did anyone tell you about #julianachalova? Both of you are all over Russian news. She worshipped you~Ame… - 6 years ago

@KireeevArt: That hid the singer Yulia Nachalova from the closest - 6 years ago

@RuslandiaBCN: Rusia conmocionada por la muerte inesperada de la joven cantante Yulia Nachalova - 6 years ago


@sputnik_armenia: Проститься с популярной артисткой пришли многие звезды российской эстрады, а также сотни ее поклонников. - 6 years ago

@Orthodoxe: Yulia Nachalova enterré - RT en russe - 6 years ago

@RuslandiaBCN: Rusia conmocionada por la muerte inesperada de la joven cantante Yulia Nachalova - 6 years ago

@noticiasdelmun4: La hija de 12 años de la fallecida Yulia Nachalova vivirá con los padres de la cantante - 6 years ago

@noticiasdelmun4: Una amiga de Yulia Nachalova dijo que la cantante tenía cáncer. - 6 years ago

@unica_md: Yulia Nachalova avea o fetiță de 12 ani | - 6 years ago

@markinmonaco: The tragic death of Yulia Nachalova, a famous singer in the Russian Federation, from infection damage to her leg an… - 6 years ago

@RadioDEMOS: Hasta siempre YULIA NACHALOVA !! NASH OGONIOK en tu homenaje @NasheRadioArg - 6 years ago

@sp7040: Юлия Началова - Дюймовочка (Yulia Nachalova - Duymovochka) - 6 years ago

@sputnik_armenia: Пресс-секретарь скончавшейся артистки Юлии Началовой рассказала подробности последней беседы с певицей. - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: RT @121reggae: Yulia Nachalova, Singer, actress and television presenter, Dead at 38 - 6 years ago

@121reggae: Yulia Nachalova, Singer, actress and television presenter, Dead at 38 - 6 years ago

@otto_hops: Jesus Christus - 6 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Yulia Viktorovna NACHALOVA (1981-2019), Soviet and Russian singer, actress and television presenter. - 6 years ago

@noticiasdelmun4: Murió Yulia Nachalova, informaron los medios de comunicación –  - 6 years ago

@irinamow: RIP Yulia Nachalova( so young and talented. Such a loss for Russian pop music - 6 years ago

@alihanrin: Assistant Nachalova told about the singer’s death request She is connected with the apartm… - 6 years ago

@thememory_page: #Yulia Nachalova (January 31, 1981, Voronezh - March 16, 2019, Moscow) - Russian singer, actress and TV presenter. - 6 years ago

@Loudplace: Trending on Wikipedia. Yulia Nachalova - 6 years ago

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