Yukiko Miyake

Japanese politician
Died on Monday January 6th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Yukiko Miyake:

@yosiemon_817: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@LifewithKaizo33: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@KkassyKoji: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@karita83364818: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago


@juntachan: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@IxiWm: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@juntachan: RT @mukuyamarai: 支え合う社会へ! 【 元衆議院議員 三宅雪子オフィシャル WEBサイト 】 2018年10月17日 大田区役所にて、奈須りえさんと打合せ ⇒ @miyake_yukiko35 https… - 5 years ago

@juntachan: RT @mukuyamarai: 支え合う社会へ! 【元衆議院議員 三宅雪子オフィシャルWEB】 今日の取材 今日は横浜まで取材に行ってきました こちらから!バナーをポチっとよろしくね ♪ ⇒ - 5 years ago

@kawolucky: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@higemajao1: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@kotokoyan: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@kaisuiyoku_anik: RT @miyake_yukiko35: ブログ (お勧め本)政治ジャンル①国会議員の仕事―職業としての政治 (中公新書) 林 芳正,津村 啓介 - 5 years ago

@mogwai5969: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@ben1704r: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@miekos4553: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@kuro31581591: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@mukuyamarai: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@sanngatuusagino: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@Yasusabu: RT @ShingetsuNews: SNA learns with great sadness that former journalist and opposition politician Yukiko Miyake apparently committed suicid… - 5 years ago

@abcd10345786: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@mankaimekana: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@Ac067UbF2Rpn9v3: @yasuihoo 故三宅雪子氏~議員にならなければこんな最後はなかったのかな…。 - 5 years ago

@HANA82451798: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@satoru333777: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@6wPFCz49uYtCa3q: RT @honest_kuroki: @yukiko_e_sapo @miyake_yukiko35 - 5 years ago

@eisinsc27: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@unknownciviliz1: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@DUgmFlUcidZJm0B: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@MONMOCHAN1: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@E5tMqqVJfnti8Qz: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@god_bless_you_: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@XpiiIyv09RD52ne: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@3202ikf: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@bonaponta: 弁財天: ゴン記者会見に明確に反論できないw update9 弁財天: 【フーバー】三宅雪子元衆院議員の入水自殺したみたいな水死体が東京湾に浮かぶ、店じまいの解読w update25 - 5 years ago

@vanteya37: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Celtic_Minstrel: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Given the abuse she suffered online, some are victim-blaming and saying Miyake Yukiko should've quit Twitter. Snaps ba… - 5 years ago

@FinnBlondie: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1006) Former Representative Miyake Yukiko commits suicide in water in Tokyo. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@MM47821446: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1006) Former Representative Miyake Yukiko commits suicide in water in Tokyo. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 1006) Former Representative Miyake Yukiko commits suicide in water in Tokyo. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@oolt4: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@ootaku_watch: RT @bonaponta: 弁財天: 三宅雪子元衆院議員の入水自殺したみたいな水死体が東京湾に浮かぶ、店じまいか… update7 - 5 years ago

@potsu17: RT @mukuyamarai: 悲しい。ブログがもう閉鎖されています。せっかくの過去の活動記録が見れなくなっています。⇒ わずかでもこれを残しておいてよかったです⇒  それと、フ… - 5 years ago

@mushytpost: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@akir8yana1: RT @ShingetsuNews: Naoki Hyakuta, the vile Japanese fascist writer and former NHK governor appointed by Shinzo Abe, responds to news of Yuk… - 5 years ago

@GeneXDemon: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@GeneXDemon: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Given the abuse she suffered online, some are victim-blaming and saying Miyake Yukiko should've quit Twitter. Snaps ba… - 5 years ago

@ji_sumu: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@Raccoon_JS: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@momokuri3jiji: RT @juntachan: @yukiko_e_sapo @momokuri3jiji @miyake_yukiko35 ユキちゃん、突然のお別れ寂し過ぎます ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 5 years ago

@momokuri3jiji: RT @juntachan: @yukiko_e_sapo @momokuri3jiji @miyake_yukiko35 三宅雪子さんのツイキャスで、愛ちゃん❤って読んでいただいて 嬉しかったですし、政治に関する内容を勉強させていただきました。 優しいユキちゃんが、ネットリン… - 5 years ago

@juntachan: @yukiko_e_sapo @momokuri3jiji @miyake_yukiko35 ユキちゃん、突然のお別れ寂し過ぎます ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 5 years ago

@juntachan: @yukiko_e_sapo @momokuri3jiji @miyake_yukiko35 三宅雪子さんのツイキャスで、愛ちゃん❤って読んでいただいて 嬉しかったですし、政治に関する内容を勉強させていただきました。 優しいユキち… - 5 years ago

@Twatter_Wrym: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@je_ky3: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@kosakyun: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@_deigo_: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@TooVogue4U: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Thefaultin3rin: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@sadistangel: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@WyrmWithWhy: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Naramaruru: RT @UnseenJapanSite: More on Miyake Yukiko: The daughter of a diplomat, Miyake was born in 1965 in Washington D.C. She entered Fuji TV as… - 5 years ago

@ELSJAspYxB7HMle: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@kiiroski: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Given the abuse she suffered online, some are victim-blaming and saying Miyake Yukiko should've quit Twitter. Snaps ba… - 5 years ago

@kiiroski: RT @UnseenJapanSite: More on Miyake Yukiko: The daughter of a diplomat, Miyake was born in 1965 in Washington D.C. She entered Fuji TV as… - 5 years ago

@kiiroski: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@mad_moiiselle: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@mad_moiiselle: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Given the abuse she suffered online, some are victim-blaming and saying Miyake Yukiko should've quit Twitter. Snaps ba… - 5 years ago

@KaruxChan: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@UnseenJapanSite: Given the abuse she suffered online, some are victim-blaming and saying Miyake Yukiko should've quit Twitter. Snaps… - 5 years ago

@shihomiraso: 引用→警察の捜査では、自殺の可能性とありますが、自殺するような人が、その直前にユーチューブに「弁護士への大量懲戒請求事件」動画をアップロードするのでしょうか? - 5 years ago

@connectionjapao: - 5 years ago

@mpandainsilk: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Final: Many JP articles are reporting on Miyake Yukiko's alleged suicide as a "shock." Most (but not all) ppl exhibit… - 5 years ago

@sakanoball: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@nakamachirabu: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@shigechiko: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Dill46_48: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Dill46_48: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Final: Many JP articles are reporting on Miyake Yukiko's alleged suicide as a "shock." Most (but not all) ppl exhibit… - 5 years ago

@ninanotsosmall: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@RLEvans15: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Final: Many JP articles are reporting on Miyake Yukiko's alleged suicide as a "shock." Most (but not all) ppl exhibit… - 5 years ago

@wanderkaijyu: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Final: Many JP articles are reporting on Miyake Yukiko's alleged suicide as a "shock." Most (but not all) ppl exhibit… - 5 years ago

@wanderkaijyu: RT @UnseenJapanSite: More on Miyake Yukiko: The daughter of a diplomat, Miyake was born in 1965 in Washington D.C. She entered Fuji TV as… - 5 years ago

@wanderkaijyu: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@d34dnichiko: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Final: Many JP articles are reporting on Miyake Yukiko's alleged suicide as a "shock." Most (but not all) ppl exhibit… - 5 years ago

@stickinhand: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Final: Many JP articles are reporting on Miyake Yukiko's alleged suicide as a "shock." Most (but not all) ppl exhibit… - 5 years ago

@sarahsotapop: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@raimisace: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@UnseenJapanSite: Final: Many JP articles are reporting on Miyake Yukiko's alleged suicide as a "shock." Most (but not all) ppl exhib… - 5 years ago

@MoraEAO: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@UnseenJapanSite: More on Miyake Yukiko: The daughter of a diplomat, Miyake was born in 1965 in Washington D.C. She entered Fuji TV… - 5 years ago

@Drifflune: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@140cDeSolitude: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Gorillajab: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@SOimLikeWord: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@elleskudt: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@ochibisan02: RT @honest_kuroki: @yukiko_e_sapo @miyake_yukiko35 - 5 years ago

@b0livarcounty: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@akiratakeda2001: RT @myrrh_7: ⚠️三宅雪子は本当に自殺だったのか? 彼女は1週間前に「弁護士大量懲戒免職」の動画をアップ また横浜市カジノ誘致に反対 メルマガのテーマも上級国民には不都合な内容 - 5 years ago

@AthleteMindJP: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@UchihaDrewYT: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@_aUsername_: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Strayed_Raptor: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@ArcEntel: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Carlos_alfamin: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@broomsticknpen: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@1984hary: RT @luki_luki: @mukuyamarai @miyake_yukiko35 魚拓です。まだ全てのページが閲覧できます 衷心よりご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 - 5 years ago

@1984hary: RT @mukuyamarai: 悲しい。ブログがもう閉鎖されています。せっかくの過去の活動記録が見れなくなっています。⇒ わずかでもこれを残しておいてよかったです⇒  それと、フ… - 5 years ago

@shythebore: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@VespenJabs: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@thetwilightcase: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@myFavMug: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Zelda_Kasahara: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Lexuam_Zaled: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Sphealingit22: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@4ever_redXD: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@jaysca101: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Nigensei: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@eddinask: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Fruits_of_Lotus: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@riot_anthem: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@LeonidMIA: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

@Isralop: Former Japanese lawmaker Yukiko Miyake found dead in suspected suicide - 5 years ago

@kinggroub: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) “Let’s create a tolerant world for those people who can’t hang on.” One of the last tweets by politi… - 5 years ago

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