Yuan Mu

Chinese politician
Died on Thursday December 20th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Yuan Mu:

@SavingMesAynak: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago

@wangshi77: RT @VoiceofVietnam: The 30th anniversary of the #Tiananmen crackdown? @rosetangy @aiww @Lily53082332 @Alston_Kwan @xiaoyan2k @jtcg1988 @wa… - 6 years ago

@PMoallemian: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago

@vivian_e: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago


@Brent_Huffman: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago

@doe534: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago

@newsgirl123456: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@MLCzone: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago

@Ewalds6: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago

@Helflower: RT @KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu, the Commu… - 6 years ago

@KenRoth: As the 30th anniversary approaches of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, China downplays the death of Yuan Mu - 6 years ago

@PloyyardFah: RT @chinaschengyu: 缘木求鱼 缘 yuán: here: to climb 木 mù: tree 求 qiú: to look for 鱼 yú: fish to climb a tree to look for fish a wrong and frui… - 6 years ago

@qiediguo: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 中共官员袁木于12月13日去世,终年90岁。1989年的天安门事件后,时任政府发言人的袁木表示“没有一个人“在广场上死亡,并称中国不怕外国报复。 时任美国驻华大使曾称他是总理李鹏对付学生的“打手“。历史学家章立凡在谈及袁木时说,当年的事件… - 6 years ago

@LaGranEpoca: Yuan Mu, el funcionario chino que dijo que no hubo muertos en Tiananmen, muere a los 90 años de edad - 6 years ago

@AllNewsAsia: In Asia Now: Yuan Mu, communist China’s ‘hatchet man’ who defended 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, dies at 91 - 6 years ago

@takeshi1a: RT @VoiceofVietnam: The 30th anniversary of the #Tiananmen crackdown? @rosetangy @aiww @Lily53082332 @Alston_Kwan @xiaoyan2k @jtcg1988 @wa… - 6 years ago

@MyLoudCloud: Yuan Mu, Chinese Official Who Claimed No Deaths at Tiananmen, Dead at 90 - 6 years ago

@IgnacioLoBello: Yuan Mu, el funcionario chino que dijo que no hubo muertos en Tiananmen, muere a los 90 años de edad… - 6 years ago

@ahe999: Yuan Mu, Chinese Official Who Claimed No Deaths at Tiananmen, Dead at 90 - 6 years ago

@passerpiccolo: Dear @nytimes please continue this trend by referring to US government spokespersons as “propaganda officials,” as… - 6 years ago

@marktutone: Yuan Mu, communist China's 'hatchet man' who defended 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, dies at 91 | Fox News - 6 years ago

@BreakingKenya: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@VegaDs27: "China Reveals Economic Plan in 2019: How It Could Impact the Yuan" by Renee Mu - 6 years ago

@chinaschengyu: RT @chinaschengyu: 缘木求鱼 缘 yuán: here: to climb 木 mù: tree 求 qiú: to look for 鱼 yú: fish to climb a tree to look for fish a wrong and frui… - 6 years ago

@Gander_News_f3: Yuan Mu, the face of China’s Tiananmen Square crackdown - 6 years ago

@RENJUNxKI: @YIREONxQU Dajia hao, zhe shi jian bang huang renjun shei feichang xihuan ri yuan gongmin he mu ming. // ga tau de… - 6 years ago

@JamesZh13969608: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 中共官员袁木于12月13日去世,终年90岁。1989年的天安门事件后,时任政府发言人的袁木表示“没有一个人“在广场上死亡,并称中国不怕外国报复。 时任美国驻华大使曾称他是总理李鹏对付学生的“打手“。历史学家章立凡在谈及袁木时说,当年的事件… - 6 years ago

@kisskhe2: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 中共官员袁木于12月13日去世,终年90岁。1989年的天安门事件后,时任政府发言人的袁木表示“没有一个人“在广场上死亡,并称中国不怕外国报复。 时任美国驻华大使曾称他是总理李鹏对付学生的“打手“。历史学家章立凡在谈及袁木时说,当年的事件… - 6 years ago

@Likedream511: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 中共官员袁木于12月13日去世,终年90岁。1989年的天安门事件后,时任政府发言人的袁木表示“没有一个人“在广场上死亡,并称中国不怕外国报复。 时任美国驻华大使曾称他是总理李鹏对付学生的“打手“。历史学家章立凡在谈及袁木时说,当年的事件… - 6 years ago

@patriotsnewscom: Yuan Mu, communist #China's 'hatchet man' who defended 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, dies at 91… - 6 years ago

@DinChao: 中共宣传官员袁木去世,曾为“六四”镇压辩护 - 6 years ago

@bdnews24: Yuan Mu, the face of China’s Tiananmen Square crackdown, dies at 90: Yuan Mu, a Communist Party propaganda official… - 6 years ago

@qiaodi: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 中共官员袁木于12月13日去世,终年90岁。1989年的天安门事件后,时任政府发言人的袁木表示“没有一个人“在广场上死亡,并称中国不怕外国报复。 时任美国驻华大使曾称他是总理李鹏对付学生的“打手“。历史学家章立凡在谈及袁木时说,当年的事件… - 6 years ago

@vacuusfinium: NYTimes: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@Weiborefugee: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 中共官员袁木于12月13日去世,终年90岁。1989年的天安门事件后,时任政府发言人的袁木表示“没有一个人“在广场上死亡,并称中国不怕外国报复。 时任美国驻华大使曾称他是总理李鹏对付学生的“打手“。历史学家章立凡在谈及袁木时说,当年的事件… - 6 years ago

@sbisagoodegg: RT @NYTObits: Yuan Mu's claim that “not one person" died in the military's 1989 crackdown on protesters in Tiananmen Square had "nailed him… - 6 years ago

@vshih2: On the day of Yuan Mu’s passing, we can revisit events in 1989 - 6 years ago

@trendingpress1: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - Yuan Mu, a Communist… - 6 years ago

@xiaoyan2k: RT @VoiceofVietnam: The 30th anniversary of the #Tiananmen crackdown? @rosetangy @aiww @Lily53082332 @Alston_Kwan @xiaoyan2k @jtcg1988 @wa… - 6 years ago

@VoiceofVietnam: The 30th anniversary of the #Tiananmen crackdown? @rosetangy @aiww @Lily53082332 @Alston_Kwan @xiaoyan2k @jtcg1988… - 6 years ago

@trendingpress1: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - Yuan Mu, a Communist… - 6 years ago

@NewYorkSEO123: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@li2nd: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@naxalite: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@WuWeiToday: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@rapida_usa: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@CindiGarrek29: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@MKhumanthem: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@CalcDay: * Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@HotChkNewsTweet: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 (NY Times) - 6 years ago

@Feedex_: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@CovensureLLC: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@Nutsandolts: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@crewislife: Via @nytimes: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@NewsMee: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@michaelluongo: he lived to quite a ripe age, because after all, only the good die young..... - 6 years ago

@SpacewomanR: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@PeterLandau: Yuan Mu (not pictured), Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown #obitpix #yuanmu #communist #china #propaganda… - 6 years ago

@notomarriage: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@dongle_smith: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@judge_by_brain: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@lianzhixiaomayi: RT @PM_Thornton: NYT Obit for Yuan Mu, Face of #China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Who Died last week at 90 - 6 years ago

@asia_pacific_CR: RT @PM_Thornton: NYT Obit for Yuan Mu, Face of #China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Who Died last week at 90 - 6 years ago

@PM_Thornton: NYT Obit for Yuan Mu, Face of #China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Who Died last week at 90 - 6 years ago

@go2nyc1: RT @NYTObits: Yuan Mu’s defense of his government’s handling of the Tiananmen crackdown is “a case study even to this day of how Chinese sp… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Yuan Mu’s defense of his government’s handling of the Tiananmen crackdown is “a case study even to this day of how… - 6 years ago

@MdiTafu: 美国法院判处平壤政府为已故大学生父母支付5亿美元 | TRT 中文 - 6 years ago

@JonKatz5: “Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90” Chinese gov. keeps his death quiet publicly, whil… - 6 years ago

@Yuan_Quller1: RT @Qulle_official: 【拡散希望】MV公開! 「One Way Dream (from avex 2nd Album)」 こちら▷1/16発売!2nd album「我夢者羅」 mu-mo▷ - 6 years ago

@Sadula11: RT @NYTObits: Yuan Mu's claim that “not one person" died in the military's 1989 crackdown on protesters in Tiananmen Square had "nailed him… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Yuan Mu's claim that “not one person" died in the military's 1989 crackdown on protesters in Tiananmen Square had "… - 6 years ago

@WilliamMedison: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@trtchinesecom: 美国法院判处平壤政府为已故大学生父母支付5亿美元 | TRT 中文 - 6 years ago

@zahra6hamda: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@WorldNews7777: Yuan Mu, Face of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@zhanglifan: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@zerostarter: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@joetrader6: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@j9jD3FNxaqPtyH4: RT @zhanglifan: 【章评袁木】Zhang Lifan, an independent historian in Beijing, said of Mr. Yuan that the events of June 1989 had “nailed him to th… - 6 years ago

@magcalas_yuan: @imkylepring phone, pag pc edanaka abe deng katnc mu :((( - 6 years ago

@yuan_0512: RT @stage_natalie: 舞台「FGO」LV決定、男女マスター両バージョンを全国の映画館で - 6 years ago

@liu_qingge: @peerlesscucumbr @liu_sumianhua @airplane2wrdSky @QingyuanYue @_Yue_QingYuan_ @Mu_QingFang He closed the door and w… - 6 years ago

@yuan_1222: RT @comic_natalie: 舞台ヒロアカ、キャスト一挙公開!デクは田村心、オールマイトに林剛史&岩永洋昭(コメントあり) #ヒロステ #田村心 #小林亮太 #竹内夢 #猪野広樹 #北村諒 #林剛史 #岩永洋昭 htt… - 6 years ago

@nino_yuan: RT @stage_natalie: 藤原丈一郎&大橋和也主演、ウォーリー木下演出「リューン」再演決定 - 6 years ago

@libres_yuan: Kamo pa ni jevah ron.? — waman mi nag MU 🙄 pero crush nako siya hahaha - 6 years ago

@nino_yuan: RT @stage_natalie: 三島由紀夫×小川絵梨子「熱帯樹」林遣都ら家族5人の表情収めたビジュアル公開 - 6 years ago

@Yuan_Quller1: RT @yakko928: 🥶🥶🥶 ▷ - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Yuan Mu - #YuanMu #Yuan #Mu #rip - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Yuan Mu - 6 years ago

@yuan_1121: RT @comic_natalie: 声優による声優ファンのための祭典「声優紅白歌合戦」開催!発起人は中田譲治(コメントあり) #中田譲治 #諏訪部順一 #植田佳奈 - 6 years ago

@fzj522000: 港媒评中共高官袁木的矛盾形象 - 6 years ago

@ekayecelmar: @yuanfranklin @vinzjolooo @yuanfranklin atik kaayo yuan no? di mn gne unta mu share ug wala ko naingnan ni yuan hahahahahaha - 6 years ago

@Yuan_kusaregami: RT @comic_natalie: 「ヒロアカ」第4期は来年10月から!デクとミリオが駆けるビジュアル公開 #heroaca_a #ヒロアカ - 6 years ago

@SKJChan_pub: RT @krislc: Yuan’s remarks were famously satirised by a 1991 film in which Stephen Chow said “Yuan Mu is very honest, Li Peng is our greate… - 6 years ago

@jake_little: Yuan said the average yield will be 300 kilograms per mu, meaning China can harvest an additional 30 billion kilogr… - 6 years ago

@Pti_94168: RT @voacantonese: 香港傳媒評袁木形象 台上台下兩面人 - 6 years ago

@voacantonese: 香港傳媒評袁木形象 台上台下兩面人 - 6 years ago

@voacantonese: 香港傳媒評袁木形象 台上台下兩面人 - 6 years ago

@guzenko_ala: Yuan Mu, Chinese government spokesman who said no one had been killed in Tiananmen Square, dies aged 90 - 6 years ago

@sinbad_W: Yuan Mu, a controversial former spokesperson of the Chinese State Council, died in Beijing last Thursday at 90 year… - 6 years ago

@Yua_Yuan_: RT @natalie_mu: そらる初のドラマタイアップ、本田翼×岡山天音主演のシェアハウスラブコメ(コメントあり) #ゆうたの - 6 years ago

@jpvialle: Yuan Mu, Chinese government’s Tiananmen spokesman, dies - 6 years ago

@EconomicChina: Yuan Longping’s aim is to have hybrid sea rice to 100 million mu of land in the next 8-10 years. He said in The Thi… - 6 years ago

@huayu17: 美国一男子吃牡蛎咬到珍珠价值为2千至4千美元 | TRT 中文 - 6 years ago

@ifuxue: RT @VOAChinese: 港媒评中共高官袁木的矛盾形象 - 6 years ago

@Chinese_Yuan: RT @CNOOC_Limited: #Micron was just downgraded @CIC_CapitalCorp - 6 years ago

@transopac: RT @ChuBailiang: Chinese media are being extraordinarily skittish about reporting the death of Yuan Mu, the spokesman for the government du… - 6 years ago

@matengfei007: RT @ChuBailiang: Chinese media are being extraordinarily skittish about reporting the death of Yuan Mu, the spokesman for the government du… - 6 years ago

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