Young Jessie

American R&B singer (The Flairs
Died on Thursday April 30th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Young Jessie:

@yasyaism: @anoomic Yup, basically Jessi did everything, sacrifice everything for both their business. But, whatever Jessie di… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_goose: RT @Isjiane__: R.I.P to our friends who passed away at a young age we ain’t forget bout y’all ‼️ - 5 years ago

@TifeTheBawse: @MuniMescudi Nah I remember my horny young self watched cause I got to see Jessie from saved by the bell naked and… - 5 years ago

@274Gameboy: @JessiePinkStar It's more like the lewd face someone makes when they're getting pounded. And what are you talking a… - 5 years ago


@miguel_ah_: Cuando Jessie Reyez dijo 'I know nobody gets outta love alive. We either break up when we're young or we say goodby… - 5 years ago

@alyansuhaaaa: @amrshfqah stuck with u - jb & ariana lose you to love me - selena close - han love die young - eric nam i dont mis… - 5 years ago

@GautxoriakSoul: RT @KlaskSoul: Extra, extra, ume basati! Astelehenean ezin izan genuen @KlaskSoul-eko saio berririk emititu. Trukean, Young Jessieren ingu… - 5 years ago

@Iruneanola: RT @KlaskSoul: Extra, extra, ume basati! Astelehenean ezin izan genuen @KlaskSoul-eko saio berririk emititu. Trukean, Young Jessieren ingu… - 5 years ago

@igarkirobles: RT @KlaskSoul: Extra, extra, ume basati! Astelehenean ezin izan genuen @KlaskSoul-eko saio berririk emititu. Trukean, Young Jessieren ingu… - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: Your mother type posting message kids want stay young real name Emma Rovi Zuri Rovi Robbie Rovi Luke Rovi here moth… - 5 years ago

@seeisb77: RT @MickelDurousse1: @GaylaPawloski @seeisb77 @RepAdamSchiff Looks like young Jessie Smollet - 5 years ago

@MiriamHarte: @shaunoboyle @Jessie_Og @baraGodzilla Oh, wow. All I can say is that, if I'd had a Ms Monopoly when I was young, I'… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_Early: Promoted! I’m a full professor! Thank you to all the people who have helped lift me up! This was hard work and I di… - 5 years ago

@faiz_krystal: @amrshfqah Shawn mendes x camila = Senorita Ariana grande x JB = Stuck with u Ariana grande = 7 rings Cardi B = Pre… - 5 years ago

@jessie__52: RT @JetChipWasp: @quaranryder @antwanstaley He made $120m+ dollars, she won’t ever be as successful as he has been. He can hang out for a f… - 5 years ago

@SOS_1313: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@irratsaioa: RT @KlaskSoul: Extra, extra, ume basati! Astelehenean ezin izan genuen @KlaskSoul-eko saio berririk emititu. Trukean, Young Jessieren ingu… - 5 years ago

@MickelDurousse1: @GaylaPawloski @seeisb77 @RepAdamSchiff Looks like young Jessie Smollet - 5 years ago

@MarinaAndreazi: @hiro_mashima my triplet sister Jessie’s project on your work back in 2nd grade. Can u send her this young fan a 5t… - 5 years ago

@halabedi: RT @KlaskSoul: Extra, extra, ume basati! Astelehenean ezin izan genuen @KlaskSoul-eko saio berririk emititu. Trukean, Young Jessieren ingu… - 5 years ago

@KlaskSoul: Extra, extra, ume basati! Astelehenean ezin izan genuen @KlaskSoul-eko saio berririk emititu. Trukean, Young Jessi… - 5 years ago

@jessie_ricco: RT @phileagle_: The Service Industry: Teaching young adults that water and 8 hours of sleep are easily replaced with alcohol and the insta… - 5 years ago

@jessie_flow: RT @jameelajamil: How kids cope at all growing up with this bullsh*t baffles me. No wonder the teen cosmetic surgery, eating disorder, self… - 5 years ago

@mooncindylu: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@r_in_five_sicks: RT @NE_m13: はい いいですか? こういう時こんな人のために こう - 5 years ago

@jessie_detroit: RT @jon_snow_420: belle: my love has transformed you from a huge strong beast into a young prince! ONE YEAR LATER robespierre: citoyenne be… - 5 years ago

@NE_m13: はい いいですか? こういう時こんな人のために こう - 5 years ago

@EdnamRosemary: 8 May 2020: On the anniversary of VE-Day remembering with honour a young man in the family who never came home Bll… - 5 years ago

@Armorlord: @Silent0siris Use that character's personality & voice as the backbone of the NPC's until it develops into its own.… - 5 years ago

@MeAAP_FC: RT @lacountydcfs: #FosterCareMonth is another opportunity to challenge stereotypes about young people who experience foster care during the… - 5 years ago

@nidar_jessie: Inaabot ko ang pag asa ng bukas para sa mga Pilipino -Young Eman #AngHulingElBimboTheMusical - 5 years ago

@Amor4Dior: @aronjoder young and hungry, american dad, jessie, cleveland show, bobs burgers - 5 years ago

@jessie_november: RT @fullStackRyan: “Coding gives everyone really (not just young people) tools to express themselves in cool and creative ways… It’s as eas… - 5 years ago

@georgina09641: @carmel_prescott Love you Carmel ❤ funnily enough it felt like a Friday yesterday it was my daughter Jessie's 21st… - 5 years ago

@jessie_hellonxo: there is absolutely nothing worse than being a teenager and knowing you’re making people feel uncomfortable for lit… - 5 years ago

@ChinhDoan: GREAT NEWS: 2-year-old Jessie Young found safe after 26 hours. He wandered 2 miles off family property near Salina,… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_Kyei: RT @Isjiane__: R.I.P to our friends who passed away at a young age we ain’t forget bout y’all ‼️ - 5 years ago

@Troe7777: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@MrTMac211: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: Your mother in Jessie and Bunk’d her mother want kids stay young real name Emma Rovi Zuri Rovi Robbie Rovi Luke Rov… - 5 years ago

@jessie__52: RT @Isjiane__: R.I.P to our friends who passed away at a young age we ain’t forget bout y’all ‼️ - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @BangBangtan_Esp: INFO📍@BTS_twt Según varios reportes de K-Media, RM recientemente visitó algunas galerías para echar un vistazo a las… - 5 years ago

@AushadTiyon: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@TulsaTwinMommy: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@doveytaylor: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@keithmyers36ya1: @Jessie_Fairfax Hello young lady - 5 years ago

@azconasherry: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@_LilZeke: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@richiecastaldo: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@Freefree0Bobbie: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@AmericanHere: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@DAVIDVGOLIATH: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@JuanitaMcFadden: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@AnimalLoversUn1: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@1mom1sign: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@Mother_Warrior: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @choi_bts2: According to several K media, RM reportedly visited some galleries to take a look Korean modern artists' works as below rece… - 5 years ago

@ProjXFiler: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@curtismcauliff: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@sincereBS: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@bradnponca: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@JennyOkie: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@danbe34: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@EntropyJimJohn: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@TheGenAboveMe: RT @danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years old,… - 5 years ago

@danyell_lanier: 🚨Jesse Young is STILL MISSING 🚨 Please share so this sweet baby can be found safe and sound! Jessie is 2 years o… - 5 years ago

@jessie_pooh_: - even with the young man getting run down, you can still call the law on the law ppl smh - 5 years ago

@TittyBingo: Listening to the fantastic album "Hit, Git & Split" by Texas native Young Jessie. He passed last month. Here's a tr… - 5 years ago

@jessie_holleman: RT @diulusj: @RealAnxietyMan I was so young I don’t remember I exact thought, but I do remember that it was the same thought-over & over ag… - 5 years ago

@xxlouisTOP: @loujustholdonx don’t stop believing, i’ll stand by you, loser like me, born this way, marry you, billionaire, tele… - 5 years ago

@jessie_daniella: RT @shardsdestiny: If she doesn’t remember him then she’s too young! - 5 years ago

@GayKink101: Don't break the boy - 5 years ago

@lostinjapxn: RT @streamingthings: A Netflix anunciou o elenco de Sombra e Ossos, adaptação do livro de Leigh Bardugo: Jessie Mei Li, Ben Barnes, Amita S… - 5 years ago

@Johnny_Timewarp: R. I. P. Young Jessie (1936-2020), 1950’s R&B singer (“Mary Lou”) and briefly a member of The Coasters (sang on “Se… - 5 years ago

@jessie_daniella: RT @Ibantez: Getting married young is the move - 5 years ago

@serdiveal: If you're a young or old conservationist, that could do with some support, have a look at what Jessie has been up t… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @vantesfilmpy: [TRANS] 200506 Kim Shin Young mencionó a Taehyung en "Noon Song Hope" de MBC4U 🗣: Hola, soy Kim Shinyoung de Noon's Song… - 5 years ago

@LegendLegacies: @AvalanchActress —of them? Any questions that the young bomb crafter has, he’ll answer them eventually. For now, h… - 5 years ago

@chanpreetsingh: 2/2 Kristen Callihan's Managed, Samantha Young's On Dublin Street, Jessie Mihalik's Polaris Rising & Aurora Blazing… - 5 years ago

@Eltorocombo: @badrwh20 @mfaris_j @maram_malfoy @StfuShihab yeah and young jessie esenberg, fun as hell - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: Jessie and Bunk’d Your mother type message kids want stay young real real name Emma Rovi Zuri Rovi Robbie Rovi Luke… - 5 years ago

@bmarkowitz58: @thedavidcrosby do you remember the CSNY concert in 1974 at Cleveland Municipal Stadium? 80,000 strong. With The Ba… - 5 years ago

@jessie_501: RT @ChristianJhed: @akosiassi “Inspirational story That make you cry” Thankyou @MMKOfficial for spreading the story of my young sister, Tha… - 5 years ago

@GOLDLactation: Watch online with unlimited access until June 29! #GOLDLactation2020 online conference presentation "Identifying Mu… - 5 years ago

@jessie_julian: RT @Whereisblockaye: Me at my funeral making sure Young Thug is playing like I requested - 5 years ago

@HoelParis: Shout out to all the ppl who used to listen to Masterpiece by Jessie J when they were young and felt seen when list… - 5 years ago

@IProud_Indian47: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago


@ToFosterChange: RT @lacountydcfs: #FosterCareMonth is another opportunity to challenge stereotypes about young people who experience foster care during the… - 5 years ago

@PBSSoCal: RT @lacountydcfs: #FosterCareMonth is another opportunity to challenge stereotypes about young people who experience foster care during the… - 5 years ago

@lacountydcfs: #FosterCareMonth is another opportunity to challenge stereotypes about young people who experience foster care duri… - 5 years ago

@TittyBingo: Listening to the fantastic album "Hit, Git & Split" by Texas native Young Jessie. He passed last month. Here's a tr… - 5 years ago

@igot7_jessie: RT @ddalche: [eng] our cute and humble 달디 퉤디 DJ Youngjae 💚🌙 (ft. 영디 Young K and GWSN) @GOT7Official #got7 - 5 years ago

@ihappysoul1: @RahulKu91501661 @PujaE19 @ishehnaaz_gill @jassiegill @Nightma21084552 Please stop it guys don’t embarrass Shehnaaz… - 5 years ago

@jessie__52: RT @metro3times: IF YOUNG METRO DONT TRUST YOU IM GONE SHOOT YOU - 5 years ago

@1943_ron: RT @1943_ron: Hey everyone!!! Check out this great #CountrySinger and lovely young lady, Jessie Lynn!! @JessieLynnJL . Help her out and giv… - 5 years ago

@jessie_horan14: RT @Yoongi61_5: They compilation “Eight” with “Young Forever” and it was the most beautiful thing ever 🥺💜 #IUxSUGA #EightOutNow #EightWi… - 5 years ago

@Teri_Mauut_: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@PuniaSonam: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@jessie_ipom: Young Research Forum on Dental Research and Dental Treatments - 5 years ago

@loveyoushehnaaz: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@areyoumad2408: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@Aanchalsumbria: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@____Meraal____: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@sana_fan_muskan: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@khanSafina07: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@Prash20205148: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@ShairyPyarSana: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@HariomGaurGaur8: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@akhil15345508: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@Shivam0819: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@AhmadRaniyah: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@_its_Sharma_18_: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@Mehakde24231949: RT @__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity r discussin… - 5 years ago

@__A__P_: Hw strange & unexpected bt predicted situation, every where its Shehnaaz Shehnaaz!!. Every Nws portal to celebrity… - 5 years ago

@KielRichie: RT @ThatFuckingJedi: "Nobody gets outta love alive We either break up when we're young Or we say goodbye when we die For a moment at least… - 5 years ago

@garrettb0t: or any of the obvious cues that jessie was in a young adult dystopian novel with on-the-nose social commentary - 5 years ago

@ThatFuckingJedi: "Nobody gets outta love alive We either break up when we're young Or we say goodbye when we die For a moment at lea… - 5 years ago

@Cee_Jessie_: RT @DebKilroy: My heart aches 💔💔 RIP 💔💔 Young pregnant 18 year old Aboriginal woman has been found murdered in WA. When will this horrific… - 5 years ago

@Fords4Jesus: @EyesOnJesus247 Hello! I am a friend of Jessie's & I love listening to your shows! My husband and I & our 6 young c… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @BangBangtan_Esp: [IG] @BTS_twt Kim Shin Young, popular comediante, cantante y presentadora coreana, publicó un clip del Vlive de Tae y… - 5 years ago

@CheyennePickles: @jessiepaege I love you so much Jessie! You have inspired me to not be afraid to be myself ever since you had pink… - 5 years ago

@BigDeal76180020: Not Quite Narwhal: Sima, Jessie, Sima, Jessie: 9781481469098: : Books Amazon Sale >>> Sim… - 5 years ago

@AngelaGlass2020: On Cinco de Mayo, and grief for widows, orphans, and those who have died young, and more... @GreenDay for #Jessie… - 5 years ago


@MekoGlizzy: If she dont know Ms.Jessie-Pearl she to young for you b - 5 years ago


@Jessie_22019: RT @VBrasil_: [IG/ksy83s] A famosa comediante e cantora, Kim Shin Young, postou um trecho da Vlive do Taehyung e Jungkook no seu Instagram.… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_22019: RT @TaehyungBrasiI: #IG | Kim Shin Young, comediante e cantora coreana, postou um vídeo do Taehyung falando sobre sua música em seu Instagr… - 5 years ago

@krystalminji: @IamVendel source and they said cloud only talks normal and blant with tiff while frustrated with jessie my dude i… - 5 years ago

@TickleTortureMe: Kissing to be clever - 5 years ago

@igot7_jessie: RT @Viu_PH: Park Jin Young is like the first love that I never had. 😩 - 5 years ago

@jessie_woode: RT @MichelleObama: In the film BECOMING, you will get to know an extraordinary young woman, Shayla, and her family. Their love and sacrific… - 5 years ago

@RebeccaRideal: @briana_pegado @LeandadeLisle @WeeRedWriter @Young_E_H @ritadoesnttweet @k_a_farrell @davidson_robert @SchulerCJ… - 5 years ago

@Young_E_H: @briana_pegado @LeandadeLisle @WeeRedWriter @ritadoesnttweet @k_a_farrell @davidson_robert @SchulerCJ… - 5 years ago

@briana_pegado: @LeandadeLisle @WeeRedWriter @Young_E_H @ritadoesnttweet @k_a_farrell @davidson_robert @SchulerCJ @sunnysingh_n6… - 5 years ago

@veganpizzahead: @GavinNewsom please release Jessie Milo. I truly believe Jessie deserves to be released and should not die in priso… - 5 years ago

@hcpss_tres: Our lucky winners continue today! TY to our PTA for the gift card excitement each day! 🎁🎈💙… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_2397: RT @iamreid_B3: LMFAOOOOOO Tyra use to be so deadass with these segments and my young as use to eat that shit up 💀 - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @thetaeprint: [INFO] Kim Shin Young, famous South Korean comedian and singer posted a snippet of Taehyung from the Taehyung and Jungkook… - 5 years ago

@jessie_cawley: We’re hosting a Virtual Trad Recital to motivate & support young trad musicians in Cork. For more info email creati… - 5 years ago

@LeandadeLisle: @briana_pegado @WeeRedWriter @Young_E_H @ritadoesnttweet @k_a_farrell @davidson_robert @SchulerCJ @sunnysingh_n6… - 5 years ago

@Keepita_Gee: Young me went crazy when he started doing that chest shit 😂😂 I thought Jessie was so cute 😩😩 - 5 years ago

@GayKink101: Don't break the boy - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: This is your mother Jessie and Bunk’d her mother kids want stay young real name Emma Rovi Zuri Rovi Robbie Rovi Luk… - 5 years ago

@jessie_cofield: We are excited for the next group of young men to step up and fill the shoes of so many great players/young people… - 5 years ago

@GOLDLactation: Take a look! Here's our interview with #GOLDLactation2020 speaker Jessie Young, DC where you can learn more about h… - 5 years ago

@when_i_get_home: Never in her life did young Mia just scream “BACK THE FUCK UP!” Like that 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and why Jessie Williams stalkin her… - 5 years ago

@CeasarSeason: RT @DREAMCEASAR: Future Clashes; 🇺🇸 Future vs Young Thug 50 vs Jay Z BIG vs PAC Justin Timberlake vs Neyo Lauryn Hill vs Nina Simone Dru… - 5 years ago

@DREAMCEASAR: Future Clashes; 🇺🇸 Future vs Young Thug 50 vs Jay Z BIG vs PAC Justin Timberlake vs Neyo Lauryn Hill vs Nina Simo… - 5 years ago

@briana_pegado: @WeeRedWriter @Young_E_H @ritadoesnttweet @k_a_farrell @davidson_robert @SchulerCJ @sunnysingh_n6 @RebeccaRideal… - 5 years ago

@nvdpl_storylab: RT @nvdpl: Teens! NVDPL Librarian Jessie is here to share her thoughts on one of her favourite young adult books of the year. Take a look!… - 5 years ago

@nan_4u: Happiest Birthday to the Ever green.. ever young and ever beautiful Trish 😍❤️ @trishtrashers #HappyBirthdayTrisha 🎂… - 5 years ago

@thekingstheory: RT @PigsAndPlans: "You have to hustle hard if you want to do this, cause you have to invest in yourself." Jessie Reyez details the grind of… - 5 years ago

@CyberFanella: Trump - @DannyDeVito Boris - Christian Bale Bernie - young Jessie Eisenberg/ old Larry David Corbyn - Michael Can… - 5 years ago

@NorthVanRT: RT @nvdpl: Teens! NVDPL Librarian Jessie is here to share her thoughts on one of her favourite young adult books of the year. Take a look!… - 5 years ago

@nvdpl: Teens! NVDPL Librarian Jessie is here to share her thoughts on one of her favourite young adult books of the year.… - 5 years ago

@_jessie_xoxo123: RT @ErinKav21: If you didn’t drink out of these you’re too young for me. - 5 years ago

@mrnthemrs: •We got married young — Christian (20), Jessie (21) •We both graduated with an Associates in Fine Art. •Jessie got… - 5 years ago

@AussieLarry: RT @CycleDivision: Flashback to 2011 .... The @Cerowheels /Cycle Division sponsored team has been around a long time and helped many a youn… - 5 years ago

@VeloUK: RT @CycleDivision: Flashback to 2011 .... The @Cerowheels /Cycle Division sponsored team has been around a long time and helped many a youn… - 5 years ago

@CycleDivision: Flashback to 2011 .... The @Cerowheels /Cycle Division sponsored team has been around a long time and helped many a… - 5 years ago

@MarkTical9140: @JoeShmoistheman @wtfhapped @HotNewHipHop @Eminem @AllLoveHipHop He’s had features from Joyner, Anderson Paak, Youn… - 5 years ago

@kanejrights: i had a dream that kit young and jessie mei li went live and i am incredibly disappointed that it wasn’t real and still hasn’t happened - 5 years ago

@jessie_misty: Per quarter,the schools were made part of the recruiting for The Young NASA programs, CIA, And so on,some recruited… - 5 years ago

@Soulunlimited: SOUL UNLIMITED Radioshow 445: Von Rhythm'n'Blues über 60er Soul zu aktuellen Soul&Funk Grooves: Young Jessie & Boha… - 5 years ago

@MatsOlssonNY: Tack för att @jdmcphersonjr finns. Han är lysande och har enormt god smak, nämnde Young Jessie i en tweet och jag ä… - 5 years ago

@YAKABOMB: @Dave___Allen @4golfonline You know what bothers me Dave ? History is our best teacher, but many young people, with… - 5 years ago

@CKEditzXX: @JChipmunky I would argue Riku is more similar to Cloud than Roxas. Both were young with noble ambition, both were… - 5 years ago

@TheWalker17: Now that I think more, there is the Jessie White Tumblers, however, while it is a program that keeps young men out… - 5 years ago

@DonJorg82902225: @ZachandMattShow @SaraEnki Jessie Ventura,Andrew Yang GREEN PARTY The Green Party is in fifty States. The Dem Part… - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: Your mother type message kids want stay young real name Emma Rovi Zuri Rovi Robbie Rovi Luke Rovi mother want talki… - 5 years ago

@bourbonNoIce: RT @PigsAndPlans: "You have to hustle hard if you want to do this, cause you have to invest in yourself." Jessie Reyez details the grind of… - 5 years ago

@tay___young: I LOVE JESSIE REYEZ - 5 years ago

@shyboogs_: @Young_Jess1 Happy birthday Jessie💕💕 - 5 years ago

@stephnathalie7: RT @PigsAndPlans: "You have to hustle hard if you want to do this, cause you have to invest in yourself." Jessie Reyez details the grind of… - 5 years ago

@amaevana: RT @bwayswift: thinking about the possibility of s&b opening up with young mal and alina and then having a cOOL TRANSITION TO ARCHIE AND JE… - 5 years ago

@shadesoflondon0: RT @bwayswift: thinking about the possibility of s&b opening up with young mal and alina and then having a cOOL TRANSITION TO ARCHIE AND JE… - 5 years ago

@yensbrekker: RT @bwayswift: thinking about the possibility of s&b opening up with young mal and alina and then having a cOOL TRANSITION TO ARCHIE AND JE… - 5 years ago

@nikolailantsov_: RT @bwayswift: thinking about the possibility of s&b opening up with young mal and alina and then having a cOOL TRANSITION TO ARCHIE AND JE… - 5 years ago

@nikolaicortland: RT @bwayswift: thinking about the possibility of s&b opening up with young mal and alina and then having a cOOL TRANSITION TO ARCHIE AND JE… - 5 years ago

@vinnydanegro: Listening to Young Money Radio and nobody told Lil Wayne that him and Jessie Reyez was still on the phone while the… - 5 years ago

@bwayswift: thinking about the possibility of s&b opening up with young mal and alina and then having a cOOL TRANSITION TO ARCH… - 5 years ago

@RadioNightTrain: #NightTrainNowPlaying Young Jessie - Hit, Grit And Split 🔒📻 @SheffieldLive - 5 years ago

@Seanamonae: @Young_Jess1 Happy Birthday Jessie ❤️ - 5 years ago

@HisNameIsAdrian: RT @PigsAndPlans: "You have to hustle hard if you want to do this, cause you have to invest in yourself." Jessie Reyez details the grind of… - 5 years ago

@sagemodejuan: RT @PigsAndPlans: "You have to hustle hard if you want to do this, cause you have to invest in yourself." Jessie Reyez details the grind of… - 5 years ago

@PigsAndPlans: "You have to hustle hard if you want to do this, cause you have to invest in yourself." Jessie Reyez details the gr… - 5 years ago

@jessie_downer: RT @dripfluencer: me: I’m tire... An adult I didn’t ask: when I was your age I had 3 jobs, 7 kids, I never took a nap until I was 35, I s… - 5 years ago

@jessie_daniella: RT @MELANINBOI2: petition for people born between 1997-1999 to have their own category because we’re too young and hip for the millennials… - 5 years ago

@Staxman: @soultrackscom Heard on the radio that Young Jessie (“Hit Git & Split”) recently died, but I can’t find an online o… - 5 years ago

@KEXPNowPlaying: Young Jessie - Oochie Coochie - Hit, Git And Split - 5 years ago

@KEXPNowPlaying: Young Jessie - Well Baby - Hit, Git And Split - 5 years ago

@KEXPNowPlaying: Young Jessie - Lonesome Desert - Hit, Git, And Split - 5 years ago

@KEXPNowPlaying: Young Jessie - Pretty Soon - Shufflin' And Jivin' - 5 years ago

@KEXPNowPlaying: Young Jessie - Hot Dog - Shufflin' And Jivin' - 5 years ago

@mconleyx: @Young_Jess1 Happy birthday Jessie! 💛 - 5 years ago

@RWilson_11: Happy birthday my Jessie ❤️❤️❤️ @Young_Jess1 - 5 years ago

@Young_Jess1: RT @RWilson_11: It’s Jessie’s birthday ❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@_NKing: @cmillz1 Some arent new but... Saint JHN, Jessie Reyez, Snoh Aalegra, H.E.R, Summer Walker, Snow Tha Product, Young M.A., 6LACK, Boogie. - 5 years ago

@jeff42436661: @jessie_lovefit Good morning young lady. - 5 years ago

@xanwitdatlean_: @Young_Jess1 Happy birthday Jessie!❤️ - 5 years ago

@xkianaaa: @Young_Jess1 Happy birthday Jessie!🥳 - 5 years ago

@jessie__52: RT @Whereisblockaye: Me at my funeral making sure Young Thug is playing like I requested - 5 years ago

@Young_Jess1: RT @Jadxnce: Ok so my sister was born on May 3rd and I just want to say Happy birthday to my sis!!! Since day 1 she’s had my back and I’ve… - 5 years ago

@Jadxnce: Ok so my sister was born on May 3rd and I just want to say Happy birthday to my sis!!! Since day 1 she’s had my bac… - 5 years ago

@jessie_lopez9: RT @oxminaox: I feel like as a young parent everyone always feels the need to cross boundaries & parent your parenting. I promise boomer, I… - 5 years ago

@fm108_dot_ca: 10pm-RichAppel-#ThatThing 1am-GeoffDorsett-#KickUpThe80s 2am-AlCocchi-#SatNiteFever 5am-LarryKratka-… - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: ⁦@PeytonList⁩ Skai Jackson Karan Brar Cameron Boyce have mother kids want stay young real name Emma Rovi Zuri Rovi… - 5 years ago

@racka1ds: Leather jacket uncle Jessie Bad bitch she majestic -young thug - 5 years ago

@jessie__1995: RT @Whereisblockaye: Me at my funeral making sure Young Thug is playing like I requested - 5 years ago

@AtYourLiberty: Watching your page for a small bit now. With all you've overcome/all it took to find comfort IN YOU/PRECISELY WHO U… - 5 years ago

@Garyosullivan18: @alanhayden179 Im not a big fan of Gomez or chong tbh man rashford shits all over him and Bruno had taken Jessie's… - 5 years ago

@mythicalfighter: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@GautxoriakSoul: RT @AlexMagicpop: Fallece “Young” Jessie, cantante de R&B, rock and roll y jazz - 5 years ago

@young_fella19: RT @Alpharad: how could anyone pick Jessie, Tifa, or Aerith when Cloud Strife is right there - 5 years ago

@rashbrj: RT @JamieHeard1: @chartdata Xtina - Stripped Jessie Ware - Devotion Paolo Nutini - acoustic love Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway Will Young - E… - 5 years ago

@MythicalvlogsEb: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Fallece “Young” Jessie, cantante de R&B, rock and roll y jazz - 5 years ago

@africanthreat: @IblisTriggered @ElijaFabian4 @HipHopNumbers Upcoming project releases are somewhat irrelevant. What about existing… - 5 years ago

@__TrillSpill: @Pside_jessie Mane lol. Aint even good young Buick. - 5 years ago

@LinksDesk1: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@Cantherealrhet1: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@KUAAnowplaying: Now Playing Mary Lou,by Young Jessie 11:38am - 5 years ago

@beardandglasse1: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@JamieHeard1: @chartdata Xtina - Stripped Jessie Ware - Devotion Paolo Nutini - acoustic love Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway Will Young - Echoes - 5 years ago

@JanaWagoner: This young lady has worked so hard. I still have the 6-word memoir she did in my class as a ninth grader (See threa… - 5 years ago

@chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you… - 5 years ago

@_beauce: @Young_Jess1 Thank you Jessie, love you 🤍 - 5 years ago

@Mir_i_am_Ryan: Lovely memory having come across this receipt from An Garda Síochána in 2004 of monies found by my son when picking… - 5 years ago

@Thomas_ades: @KeithLoweAuthor @RMLLowe @JTasioulas @SynFutures @Madz_Grant @MattSingh_ @ClaraMLee @childs_jessie… - 5 years ago

@jessie_d900: RT @bhunstable: The data is clear. Reopen. Less severe than flu for kids/young adults, same for adults and worse for nursing homes. We know… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_22019: RT @agustsworld: a era young forever nos serviu tudo mas vocês ainda não estão prontos para essa conversa. - 5 years ago

@LinksDesk1: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@Cantherealrhet1: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@mythicalfighter: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@beardandglasse1: RT @chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you in a… - 5 years ago

@chefjess1234: @rhettmc the tone changed when Moose was bought in😁 Shepard is such a headstrong young man. And he takes after you… - 5 years ago

@VinylDigs: RIP Young Jessie 👑 - 5 years ago

@jst1k_jessie: Dc young fly a jackass son 😂😂 - 5 years ago

@UncIe_Jessie: RT @LegionHoops: Nick Young shares that he nearly got in a car accident today, and was about to go off on the other driver, until he realiz… - 5 years ago

@jessie_314: It was 2011 right before American Tragedy came out. I kept hearing Young and Undead on my dad’s Sirius radio/Octane… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_kelly29: RT @oliviaw101: if she don’t know what this is she’s too young for u bruh 😂😂😴 - 5 years ago

@hahn_jessie: RT @ginasue: For everyone to be safe, we must protect everyone. That's the story to fight this virus. You might not like it. For everyone… - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: Jessie and Bunk’d her mother kids want stay young real name Emma Rovi Zuri Rovi Robbie Rovi Luke Rovi your mother w… - 5 years ago

@sherrydevries: RT @In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Obediah Donnell "Obie" JESSIE (1936-2020), American R&B, rock and roll and jazz singer and songwriter. He recor… - 5 years ago

@bright_jessie: RT @oliviaw101: if she don’t know what this is she’s too young for u bruh 😂😂😴 - 5 years ago

@jessie_kreson: RT @oliviaw101: if she don’t know what this is she’s too young for u bruh 😂😂😴 - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @BestOfArmy2_twt: [ANIVERSARIO] 🎊 {#4YearsWithYoungForever} 🐋 Vamos a reproducir los MVs de este hermoso álbum. 💜😊 Fire: 🔗 - 5 years ago

@jonathantoubin: just got the news that personal hero YOUNG JESSIE just departed this rock at 83! i loved him so much that when i le… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Obediah Donnell "Obie" JESSIE (1936-2020), American R&B, rock and roll and jazz singer and songwriter. He… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_22019: RT @ParkJimin_MX: 🎥 ⊹ @BTS_twt ⁻ ᵀᴴᴿᴼᵂᴮᴬᶜᴷ ⁻ Hay un look icónico en este clip silencioso de Jimin, ¡porque hoy se celebra el 4to an… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_22019: RT @BTSNewsBrasil: 📍 Há 4 anos, HYYH: Young Forever foi lançado com a faixa-título FIRE. FIRE se tornou a primeira música do @BTS_twt a alc… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @BestOfArmy2_twt: [BAÚL DE LOS RECUERDOS] 🍃 📹 Video En el 2016 @BTS_twt ganó su primer Daesang con "HYYH: Young Forever", fue un mome… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @epiphany_yess: Hoy se cumple 4 años desde que lanzó el album HYYH: Young Forever !! Con este album los chicos ganaron su primer Daes… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @moon_mar12: Se cumplen 4 años del lanzamiento HYYH: Young Forever con su canción principal FIRE. ♡ Es un álbum que contiene hermosas… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @BTS_ThankyouOT7: Hace 4 años, HYYH: Young Forever fue lanzado con su canción principal FIRE. FIRE se convirtió en la primera canción d… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @kooks_eyes: ✨Ya 4 años de este maravilloso e impresionante álbum, gracias Young Forever por existir, nos enseñaste a sentirnos jóvenes… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @Niebla_xdxd: Recuerden que en el 2016 Bangtan ganó su primer Daesang (álbum del año) con "HYYH Young Forever" fue literalmente un momen… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @BB_Votaciones: [INFO📈] @BTS_twt Army, hoy se cumplen cuatro años desde el lanzamiento de 'HYYH: Young Forever', así que... ¿Por qué n… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @btsargento: Para celebrar los 4 años de este tremendo álbum, les traigo este recuerdo inolvidable de bts en wembley, la sorpresa del st… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @btsargento: Un día como hoy hace 4 años atrás se lanzaba el álbum "HYYH: Young Forever". Sin dudas este álbum tiene un GRAN significado… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @BB_Votaciones: INFO📈 Hoy hace 4 años era lanzado el álbum 'HYYH: Young Forever' y la canción principal FIRE. 'FIRE' se convirtió en l… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @BestOfArmy2_twt: [BAÚL DE LOS RECUERDOS] 🍃 {2 de mayo del 2016, KST} Se cumplen 4 años del lanzamiento del álbum "The Most Beautifu… - 5 years ago

@jessie_tossey: @pulte Myself tbh. I learned from a young age that you gotta be there for yourself 100% even if no one else is - 5 years ago

@gunpeiyokoifan: @qw_jessie They said no young woman likes a guy who's older for other than money. TIL gay man. - 5 years ago

@barbee_jessie: RT @ClydTheMoneyMan: young chop needa chill - 5 years ago

@JLAFORUMS: 1950's Music - R.I.P. Obie "Young" Jessie - 5 years ago

@jessie__1995: RT @DOPEITSDOM: To all my young homies out there KEEP WORKING HARD. Don’t be discouraged by the material items you can buy that in one week… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Anti-apartheid activist Denis Goldberg; cellist Martin Lovett; museum director Paul J. Smith;… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @Jimin_Paraguay: 🔙🔙 4 años atrás, HYYH: Young Forever fue lanzado con su track FIRE, que se convirtió en la primera canción de #BTS en… - 5 years ago

@TalibUzZaman: RT @CIPE_ACGC: “Corruption is a disease that is more lethal than #COVID19.” South Africa’s ANC Deputy Secretary Jessie Duarte’s called on y… - 5 years ago

@radio_playing: Now Playing... Brown Eyes by Young Jessie listen live at - 5 years ago

@ClaireLouise173: RT @NewfoundFriends: Ted sits very proudly with this young lady on the pontoon at Portishead Marina that he rescued from the chilly waters… - 5 years ago

@CarvellTim: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@Tizzk9: RT @NewfoundFriends: Ted sits very proudly with this young lady on the pontoon at Portishead Marina that he rescued from the chilly waters… - 5 years ago

@NewfoundFriends: Ted sits very proudly with this young lady on the pontoon at Portishead Marina that he rescued from the chilly wate… - 5 years ago

@WigglingGhoul: RT @davespazz: Last night's radio show featured a tribute to Young Jessie + more - 5 years ago

@jessie_misty: Y'all remember when this song was popular? Total BETA programming the song was called Friday, Well teenagers and y… - 5 years ago

@JMMESPatriots: #SeniorSpotlight 5th grader, Autumn Young “Science is my favorite subject. I want to be a vet tech when I grow up.… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_XL: @mrjamesob Take over university accommodation which is not going to be used next term and over summer. Only use you… - 5 years ago

@calcmonk: ろけんろー Young Jessie – Hit, Git And Split - 5 years ago

@CarvellTim: RT @theperlichpost: Sad that we've lost another R&B great Young Jessie – here are five of his classics you probably won't hear played on yo… - 5 years ago

@EHellhammer: @davespazz @WFMU Not cool world! Young Jessie was a genius. I rocked that Hit, Git and Split tape all the years in my tape deck. - 5 years ago

@davespazz: Last night's radio show featured a tribute to Young Jessie + more - 5 years ago

@okonomiyaki_yak: R.I.P. Young Jessie --- Big Chief (King Of Love) - 5 years ago

@VPrivo: RT @CIPE_ACGC: “Corruption is a disease that is more lethal than #COVID19.” South Africa’s ANC Deputy Secretary Jessie Duarte’s called on y… - 5 years ago

@JTrnvp: Tame Impala 070 Shake J Hus Benny Mac Miller DVSN The Weeknd Young Nudy Lil Uzi Don Toliver Alina Baraz Fiona Apple… - 5 years ago

@calcmonk: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@samblues0036: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@MatsOlssonNY: RT @jdmcphersonjr: Sad to hear that Young Jessie has passed. Lucky for us, he’s left behind stacks of fantastic R&B rockers. (Bonus: Micke… - 5 years ago

@HotGaySexParty: Off to the Sky - 5 years ago

@dan_roars: @levi_gay @antivistsdemand @JesseTSkinner @MeiMeiMemeMe @CarolynBMaloney @shannonrwatts @GovWhitmer Ahhh young Jess… - 5 years ago

@Rawr_Jessie_: RT @coolkidjacy: put a finger down if you have been on social media since you were 12 and instead of learning how to handle your emotions a… - 5 years ago

@jessie_misty: @Seeker229 For myself when I was young I was asked to join a traveling German balette team when a scouter saw me at… - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: Jessie and Bunk’d her mother kids want stay young real name Emma Rovi Zuri Rovi Robbie Rovi Luke Rovi her mother ta… - 5 years ago

@_jessie_xoxo123: RT @coolkidjacy: put a finger down if you have been on social media since you were 12 and instead of learning how to handle your emotions a… - 5 years ago

@madhat53: RT @jdmcphersonjr: Sad to hear that Young Jessie has passed. Lucky for us, he’s left behind stacks of fantastic R&B rockers. (Bonus: Micke… - 5 years ago

@untilgame: @Hawks101101 @HawkeyeReport @PatAngererUSA @JoeConklin20 Daisy Duke and a young uncle Jessie. I just aged myself. - 5 years ago

@radioronan: The Perlich Post: R.I.P. Obie "Young" Jessie, 1936-2020 - 5 years ago

@jessie__52: RT @XXL: Drake tracklist 🦉 Deep Pockets When to Say When Chicago Freestyle ft. Giveon Not You Too ft. Chris Brown Toosie Slide Desires ft.… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_Virdi: RT @HotFreestyle: Drake is dropping a new project at midnight with features from Chris Brown, Future, Young Thug, Playboi Carti and more! h… - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Young Jessie (December 28, 1936 – April 27, 2020) - 5 years ago

@deja_elaine_: roof x jessie reyez sunshine x young dolph memphis x AG club - 5 years ago

@Jessie_Rosaless: Young Dolph- Sunshine ☀️ - 5 years ago

@bsr_editor_HH: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@Jessie_Lover_: RT @ThalaWarrior07: Here i Enclosed young & aspiring actress ammu abirami 's Birthday wishes to Ajithkumar sir 💕♥️ #HBDDearestThalaAJITH… - 5 years ago

@WilliamFPeters2: RT @Samiknowsbest1: @Crashingmoonxo @BrendaBalazs @xtraferocity @VonnieCalland @american2084 @IBleedBlue2020 @TheElfCall @indictmentduck @C… - 5 years ago

@AceRecordsLtd: RT @theperlichpost: Sad that we've lost another R&B great Young Jessie – here are five of his classics you probably won't hear played on yo… - 5 years ago

@nola45love: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@OnBroadway161: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@Hopemadonna: Myth series is .99 per ebook. A Destiny of light, $2.99 Dive into Myth, a young girl uncovers family secrets. or s… - 5 years ago

@FranciskaB: RT @CIPE_ACGC: “Corruption is a disease that is more lethal than #COVID19.” South Africa’s ANC Deputy Secretary Jessie Duarte’s called on y… - 5 years ago

@ZANA_BITCHES: RT @BLACKPlNKARIS: @adrierose_ jessie j???? LMAO also ariana doesn’t screech. ariana clearly is fit for the role since she’s young and can… - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: Jessie and Bunk’d her mother want Michael Rovi family help up kids ⁦@PeytonList⁩ Skai Jackson Cameron Boyce Karan B… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_M7: RT @minsugacheonye: Cuando ARMY canto ‘Forever Young’ y los chicos se emocionaron LPM EN VERDAD QUE ES LA RELACIÓN Ídolo-Fans MÁS LINDA Q… - 5 years ago

@Rose52413: RT @Samiknowsbest1: @Crashingmoonxo @BrendaBalazs @xtraferocity @VonnieCalland @american2084 @IBleedBlue2020 @TheElfCall @indictmentduck @C… - 5 years ago

@theperlichpost: Sad that we've lost another R&B great Young Jessie – here are five of his classics you probably won't hear played o… - 5 years ago

@theperlichpost: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@Crashingmoonxo: RT @Samiknowsbest1: @Crashingmoonxo @BrendaBalazs @xtraferocity @VonnieCalland @american2084 @IBleedBlue2020 @TheElfCall @indictmentduck @C… - 5 years ago

@Samiknowsbest1: @Crashingmoonxo @BrendaBalazs @xtraferocity @VonnieCalland @american2084 @IBleedBlue2020 @TheElfCall… - 5 years ago

@jmiralimov: RT @CIPE_ACGC: “Corruption is a disease that is more lethal than #COVID19.” South Africa’s ANC Deputy Secretary Jessie Duarte’s called on y… - 5 years ago

@iKarlaitos: RT @AceRecordsLtd: RIP Young (Obediah) Jessie, full appreciation shortly... 😢 - 5 years ago

@angelmaeztucoso: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@angelmaeztucoso: RT @AceRecordsLtd: RIP Young (Obediah) Jessie, full appreciation shortly... 😢 - 5 years ago

@CIPE_ACGC: “Corruption is a disease that is more lethal than #COVID19.” South Africa’s ANC Deputy Secretary Jessie Duarte’s ca… - 5 years ago

@jessie_gps: RT @TheOTAPShow: I now understand why its so important for Young Metro to be able to trust you. - 5 years ago

@IanFJohnston: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@radio_playing: Now Playing... Hit Git & Split by Young Jessie listen live at - 5 years ago

@radio_playing: Now Playing... I Smell A Rat by Young Jessie listen live at - 5 years ago

@TheJessieDitto: Have a young Jessie who was like 17 at the time. - 5 years ago

@DSCDP: RT @DSCDPAdmin: American R&B singer (The Flairs, The Coasters), Young Jessie, dead at 83. 2 hits at - 5 years ago

@Akramlolo: RT @arquantam: @Marshall4ever_ @shadyfenty_ @Eminem Kendrick is "incredible" Cole is "incredible" Young MA is "incredible" Jessie Reyes… - 5 years ago

@DSCDPAdmin: American R&B singer (The Flairs, The Coasters), Young Jessie, dead at 83. 2 hits at - 5 years ago

@MonkeyPicks: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@theaudiochamber: RIP Young Jessie - 5 years ago

@_i0n: YOUNG JESSIE - I Smell A Rat - 5 years ago

@masamund78: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@LeeParsons3: RT @AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@AceRecordsLtd: Young Jessie Remembered - 5 years ago

@lx989: @pocholo_305 Music: Emily King Jaymes Young Thomston Oh Wonder Lianne la Havas Beres Hammond Chronixx Sugar M… - 5 years ago

@BigDabs4Christ: @AnUntimelyMan A young Jessie Ventura - 5 years ago

@BLACKPlNKARIS: @adrierose_ jessie j???? LMAO also ariana doesn’t screech. ariana clearly is fit for the role since she’s young and… - 5 years ago

@arquantam: @Marshall4ever_ @shadyfenty_ @Eminem Kendrick is "incredible" Cole is "incredible" Young MA is "incredible" Jes… - 5 years ago

@bigboybloater: RT @FeedbackRadioUK: THURSDAY and @bigboybloater will be on @FeedbackRadioUK today at 2pm playing you some great tunes from Rainbreakers, R… - 5 years ago

@FeedbackRadioUK: THURSDAY and @bigboybloater will be on @FeedbackRadioUK today at 2pm playing you some great tunes from Rainbreakers… - 5 years ago

@IanHunt24489543: @DevinVandriel Hi Devin. Generous offer. My submission.. Jessie has troubles enough in her young life before she l… - 5 years ago

@hackneywick: RT @TheWrongtom: We lost some strong hair in the last few days. RIP Jill Gascogne, Stezo, Irrfan Khan and Young Jessie! - 5 years ago

@country_machine: Jessie James Decker - Too Young to Know - 5 years ago

@FearlessHepcat: Just learned about the passing of Young Jessie, who I know from his brief stint with one of my favorite groups, The… - 5 years ago

@BereftOfTheDial: RT @TheWrongtom: We lost some strong hair in the last few days. RIP Jill Gascogne, Stezo, Irrfan Khan and Young Jessie! - 5 years ago

@TheWrongtom: We lost some strong hair in the last few days. RIP Jill Gascogne, Stezo, Irrfan Khan and Young Jessie! - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Young Jessie @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #YoungJessie add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago


@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Young Jessie - #YoungJessie #Young #Jessie #rip - 5 years ago

@Thankun75783123: Sure her acting was kinda weird but, come on she was young and that was a long time ago, plus don’t come at her if… - 5 years ago

@jessie_suee: RT @GaffneyAbbie: Maturity genuinely has nothing to do with how young or old you are - 5 years ago

@FangirlMc: @Cmitch89 I agree that is jessie mccarthy as turtle mask and he was in young justice as nightwing - 5 years ago

@bethielock: @koolwhp Beatles Stones Janis - Big Brother and the Holding Company Jessie Colin Young Neil Diamond - 5 years ago

@rockportmare8: RT @jdmcphersonjr: Sad to hear that Young Jessie has passed. Lucky for us, he’s left behind stacks of fantastic R&B rockers. (Bonus: Micke… - 5 years ago

@SHXDESXFRED: @viviolettt já dizia a rainha jessie reyez, nobody gets out of love alive/we either break up when we're young/or we say goodbye when we die - 5 years ago

@michael71535991: Your mother Jessie and Bunk’d her mother want my real kids stay young real name Emma Rovi Zuri Ross Robbie Ross Luk… - 5 years ago

@jdmcphersonjr: Sad to hear that Young Jessie has passed. Lucky for us, he’s left behind stacks of fantastic R&B rockers. (Bonus:… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_22019: RT @monamourjungooo: “A song that I worked on bout youth n young love n talks bout how while youth may end, love nvr really does” -Jungko… - 5 years ago

@jessie_d900: RT @SheenaParish: @reallygraceful #BillGates and #Epstein were setting up a charitable foundation to benefit Epstein for young underprivile… - 5 years ago

@Jessie_XL: @Christy_Char It doesn't sound bad, it's entirely understandable. There's a strong homophobic element behind the pr… - 5 years ago

@dannowicki: Young Jessie is probably best known for his original version of "Mary Lou," which became a hit for Ronnie Hawkins l… - 5 years ago

@dannowicki: R.I.P. Young Jessie, an early West Coast rocker who died Monday at age 83. He was great when I saw him at the 2010… - 5 years ago

@CCRC4KIDS: Join us for today’s Head Start at Home activity where Teacher Irene reads the story about Jake and Jessie’s visit t… - 5 years ago

@poppilulak: RT @KlaskSoul: Young Jessie hil da. 🌹 «Mary Lou», «Hit, Git and Split», «Brown Eyes», «You Were Meant For Me» edota «I'm Loving Man» moduko… - 5 years ago

@PrincessKMSC: RT @daniamluc: Jessie Reyez really said “nobody gets out of love alive, we either break up when we’re young or we say goodbye when we die”… - 5 years ago

@dardada: Young Jessie亡くなったのね。R.I.P. Hit, Git and Split - 5 years ago

@GautxoriakSoul: RT @KlaskSoul: Young Jessie hil da. 🌹 «Mary Lou», «Hit, Git and Split», «Brown Eyes», «You Were Meant For Me» edota «I'm Loving Man» moduko… - 5 years ago

@qw_jessie: @Brother_K_BSM It’s appalling how young the normalization of genital mutilation is instilled!! Probably picked up t… - 5 years ago

@huguesgros: RT @soul_bag_mag: [hommage] Young Jessie (1936-2020) 🖊️ @F_Adrian_Auteur 📷 X / Collection Gilles Pétard - 5 years ago

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