Yoshito Sengoku

Japanese politician
Died on Tuesday October 16th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Yoshito Sengoku:

@kintamasako: RT @bongawanga1: 旧民主党の塵 鳩山 沖縄基地移転を空転させ混乱を引き起こし中韓に協力 菅直人 好奇心で原発事故拡大 メガソーラーで更なる被害を作る 売国由人 尖閣諸島問題、船衝突事故を中国に忖度した馬鹿 政治資金横領 仙谷の骸は蹴る - 6 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @themainichi: Yoshito Sengoku, ex-Cabinet member under DPJ administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Yoshito Sengoku (72) Japanese politician - 6 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @themainichi: Yoshito Sengoku, ex-Cabinet member under DPJ administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago


@bongawanga1: 旧民主党の塵 鳩山 沖縄基地移転を空転させ混乱を引き起こし中韓に協力 菅直人 好奇心で原発事故拡大 メガソーラーで更なる被害を作る 売国由人 尖閣諸島問題、船衝突事故を中国に忖度した馬鹿 政治資金横領 仙谷の骸は蹴る - 6 years ago

@mit_obe: Yoshito Sengoku dies at 72. Ex-chief cabinet secretary who presided over 2010 collision incident between Chinese fi… - 6 years ago

@themainichi: Yoshito Sengoku, ex-Cabinet member under DPJ administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@Yurikonagahama1: RT @ipcdigital: Ex-chefe do gabinete do governo do Japão, Yoshito Sengoku, morre aos 72 anos de câncer de pulmão - 6 years ago

@ipcdigital: Ex-chefe do gabinete do governo do Japão, Yoshito Sengoku, morre aos 72 anos de câncer de pulmão… - 6 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @japantimes: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@TokyoHappenings: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Yoshito Sengoku, japanischer Politiker, am 11.10.2018 im Alter von 72 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@Jp_Jp_Jp_Jp_Jp_: Japan Times Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72… - 6 years ago

@komomotower: RT @japantimes: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@Darkpbs77: RT @japantimes: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@GEN02914: RT @japantimes: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@Leys12345: japanese ex cabinet Sengoku just died today. he was one of betrayers to sell Japan to china. he covered up chinese… - 6 years ago

@Black_Knight_0: RT @japantimes: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@Auntie8chobori: RT @japantimes: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@japantimes: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@liquidskydesign: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@Obituary_Notice: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Yoshito Sengoku - #YoshitoSengoku #Yoshito #Sengoku #rip - 6 years ago

@jljzen: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 | The Japan Times - 6 years ago

@jt_sayuridaimon: Yoshito Sengoku, Cabinet member during Democratic Party of Japan administration, dies at 72 | The Japan Times - 6 years ago

@ipcdigital: Ex-chefe do gabinete do governo do Japão, Yoshito Sengoku, morre aos 72 anos de câncer de pulmão - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Yoshito Sengoku - 6 years ago

@destroyterroris: @BarackObama Deny a resignation opinion, Yoshito Sengoku, CS final stage from tomorrow. - 6 years ago

@kajuugumi69: 仙谷由人元官房長官の問題発言と落選と息子!中国と尖閣問題について! - 6 years ago

@whirrlpool: RT @CoreyJWallace: Sengoku Yoshito passes away aged 72. Sengoku was a central player in DPJ during its time in govt (including Chief Cabine… - 6 years ago

@FoxTwoThree: RT @bran7net: 仙谷由人元官房長官が肺ガンで死去 - 6 years ago

@rie_hata: RT @bran7net: 仙谷由人元官房長官が肺ガンで死去 - 6 years ago

@CoreyJWallace: Sengoku Yoshito passes away aged 72. Sengoku was a central player in DPJ during its time in govt (including Chief C… - 6 years ago

@ShingetsuNews: Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku has died of lung cancer at age 72. He was a key political figure dur… - 6 years ago

@bran7net: 仙谷由人元官房長官が肺ガンで死去 - 6 years ago

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