Yoshishige Yoshida

Japanese film director and screenwriter
Died on Friday December 9th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Yoshishige Yoshida:

@mikegouken: 9. 'Blood is Dry' by Yoshishige Yoshida <-- the late Kiju inspired this list so I need to get him in here. Seen onl… - 2 years ago

@AsnounJo: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@CineLangage: Entretien avec Kijū (Yoshishige) #Yoshida en 2003 pour Femmes en miroir - 2 years ago

@JuanFerrerVila: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago


@muyon0319: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@BarcelonaNoir: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@tottemofelice: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@pedrochamb: RT @pedrochamb: bom dia amigos! a quinta edição da RECORTES DE PELÍCULA já está no ar. o melhor conteúdo sobre cinema da última semana: a… - 2 years ago

@maestroagudo: Las 'Cumbres borrascosas' (1988), de Yoshishige Yoshida. Obra de culto en pleno ocaso. Estatismo, contemplación y o… - 2 years ago

@noranekohey: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@haraguchiiiii: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@Berfinn_ayhan: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@komiska: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@_Traviata: RT @AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@AlbertGalera: Mariko Okada in Woman of the Lake (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1966). - 2 years ago

@buzzbotomarin: RT @stewardtokyo: I am here on the filming location of Heroic Purgatory (1970) directed by the late Yoshishige “Kiju” Yoshida. ウルトラ・シリーズのロケ… - 2 years ago

@filmecos: RT @pedrochamb: bom dia amigos! a quinta edição da RECORTES DE PELÍCULA já está no ar. o melhor conteúdo sobre cinema da última semana: a… - 2 years ago

@lonelyboyjf: RT @pedrochamb: bom dia amigos! a quinta edição da RECORTES DE PELÍCULA já está no ar. o melhor conteúdo sobre cinema da última semana: a… - 2 years ago

@lucasanasci: RT @pedrochamb: bom dia amigos! a quinta edição da RECORTES DE PELÍCULA já está no ar. o melhor conteúdo sobre cinema da última semana: a… - 2 years ago

@pedrochamb: bom dia amigos! a quinta edição da RECORTES DE PELÍCULA já está no ar. o melhor conteúdo sobre cinema da última se… - 2 years ago

@idhebor: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@CinefiloRodrigo: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@_LOHI_: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@DOOR2023: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@deadspringsss: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@ctunaworks: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@maestroagudo: 'El inútil' (1960), d. Yoshishige Yoshida. 'Al final de la escapada' (1960) no tiene nada que decir frente a este… - 2 years ago

@ivanyfl: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@emiliarrojas: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@lucas_peverill: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@SarahAppleton_: Yoshishige Yoshida obituary by @jaspersharp - 2 years ago

@maccytothedee: Hadn’t heard the news about Yoshishige Yoshida’s passing. An extraordinary filmmaker - his masterpiece Eros+Massacr… - 2 years ago

@maccytothedee: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@jaspersharp: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@studiotstella: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@KingWames: RT @CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@CriterionDaily: As @jaspersharp remembers Yoshishige Yoshida @BFI ( - 2 years ago

@phenocine: Yoshishige Yoshida obituary: leading light of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@ctunaworks: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@Manservant_K: RT @RupertPupkin__: Yoshishige Yoshida (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@ricoricex: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@5YjCgMDi89akxHx: Japanese Film Director Yoshishige Yoshida Dies at 89 - Jiji Press - 2 years ago

@oliver_hlzwssg: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@FilmFanStevie: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@arts_unity: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@Arike_Oke: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@zigzagbangbang: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@jenmackaye: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@Filmsucht: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@anu__shanker: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@Miss_Sweetkatz: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@ShugMckenna: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@tonchiki23: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@SEDart4: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@ThatVDOVault: RT @BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions in the 1960s. h… - 2 years ago

@BFI: Yoshishige Yoshida, who has passed away at the age of 89, helped to push Japanese cinema in radical new directions… - 2 years ago

@irwannurrizqi: @matteoboscarol Yoshishige Yoshida Akio Jissoji Shuuji Terayama - 2 years ago

@mnLPeMPVR5TTnMs: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@sho1ro1: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@NCDrusus38: RT @Coronel_Blimp: Me descargo (porque no está en ninguna parte) una bastante desconocida película japonesa del 68 ('Adiós, resplandor del… - 2 years ago

@Coronel_Blimp: Me descargo (porque no está en ninguna parte) una bastante desconocida película japonesa del 68 ('Adiós, resplandor… - 2 years ago

@gnrlaimlessness: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@TheAdmirations: RT @dezakieffect: Coup d’Etat (1973) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@mot_trou: Le cinéaste et critique Yoshishige Yoshida est mort - 2 years ago

@netguide: Par Les Inrocks : Le cinéaste et critique Yoshishige Yoshida est mort - 2 years ago

@0_4qla: Three recent RIPs - Yoshishige Yoshida, Angelo Badalamenti, and Aline Kominsky-Crumb. - 2 years ago

@superayucool: RT @lesinrocks: Kiju Yoshida était l'un des cinéastes japonais les plus révolutionnaires des années 1960. - 2 years ago

@lesinrocks: Kiju Yoshida était l'un des cinéastes japonais les plus révolutionnaires des années 1960. - 2 years ago

@aifmorto: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@litw8bq: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@BAzYr7FpjOK3Zq1: RT @stewardtokyo: I am here on the filming location of Heroic Purgatory (1970) directed by the late Yoshishige “Kiju” Yoshida. ウルトラ・シリーズのロケ… - 2 years ago

@Ch2VfPW41jCz2nO: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@AxtoxthexO: RT @LeMonde_EN: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese New Wave filmmaker, has died aged 89. Along with Nagisa Oshima, Shohei Imamura and Masahiro S… - 2 years ago

@Hansbeerekamp: Yoshishige Yoshida (1933-2022) was een nu nagenoeg vergeten vernieuwer van de filmtaal, meer anarchistisch en eroti… - 2 years ago

@thompson1280: RT @LeMonde_EN: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese New Wave filmmaker, has died aged 89. Along with Nagisa Oshima, Shohei Imamura and Masahiro S… - 2 years ago

@kumazougsx14: RT @LeMonde_EN: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese New Wave filmmaker, has died aged 89. Along with Nagisa Oshima, Shohei Imamura and Masahiro S… - 2 years ago

@Patrick_Orouet: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@hussainjahanzeb: RT @LeMonde_EN: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese New Wave filmmaker, has died aged 89. Along with Nagisa Oshima, Shohei Imamura and Masahiro S… - 2 years ago

@ProtestMusica: RT @bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Filmmaker Gudrun Parker; cartoonist and editor Lee Lorenz; director Yoshishige Yoshida; poet Aldona Gusta… - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Filmmaker Gudrun Parker; cartoonist and editor Lee Lorenz; director Yoshishige Yoshida; poet Al… - 2 years ago

@nichipro: RT @stilIwalking: Eros + Massacre (1969) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@nichipro: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@La_Pirate: RT @stilIwalking: Eros + Massacre (1969) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@unchainedkadi: RT @LeMonde_EN: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese New Wave filmmaker, has died aged 89. Along with Nagisa Oshima, Shohei Imamura and Masahiro S… - 2 years ago

@5YjCgMDi89akxHx: Japanese Film Director Yoshishige Yoshida Dies at 89 - - 2 years ago

@RDelinfo: La mort du cinéaste japonais Yoshishige Yoshida - Figure la plus secrète et la plus intelle… - 2 years ago

@eiga_gotoubun: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@isnki: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@thoth_singing: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@jojiks: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@yamataiko77: RT @stewardtokyo: I am here on the filming location of Heroic Purgatory (1970) directed by the late Yoshishige “Kiju” Yoshida. ウルトラ・シリーズのロケ… - 2 years ago

@aikawajenjenn: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@NegativeCutter: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@phonovan: RT @RupertPupkin__: Yoshishige Yoshida (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@harapion: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@junktokyo: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@isopie_: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@MasayukiMinami3: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@amarinoen7911: RT @stewardtokyo: I am here on the filming location of Heroic Purgatory (1970) directed by the late Yoshishige “Kiju” Yoshida. ウルトラ・シリーズのロケ… - 2 years ago

@FlowerKahou: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@netguide: Par Le Monde : La mort du cinéaste japonais Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@zak83618289: RT @dezakieffect: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@dai_hatano: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@MIKUtemOZaDOWN: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事が出ました。 こっちの見出しでは "Yoshishige Yoshida" という表記(本文では Kiju Yoshida という読み方も紹介してる)。 - 2 years ago

@Japanfoundation: RT @Torquetum: TIFF✕国際交流基金アジアセンター(2020)アジア交流ラウンジ|Asia Lounge リティ・パン×吉田喜重|Rithy Panh and Yoshishige (Kijū) Yoshida - 2 years ago

@omukainoinu: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@omukainoinu: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@docteurgustavo1: RT @spectral_cinema: A Story Written with Water "Mizu de Kakareta Monogatari" 水で書かれた物語 Yoshishige Yoshida, 1965 - 2 years ago

@karabulutkartal: RT @karabulutkartal: Usta yönetmen Yoshishige Yoshida 89 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi - 2 years ago

@karabulutkartal: Usta yönetmen Yoshishige Yoshida 89 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi - 2 years ago

@neasch: RT @spectral_cinema: A Story Written with Water "Mizu de Kakareta Monogatari" 水で書かれた物語 Yoshishige Yoshida, 1965 - 2 years ago

@TheAdmirations: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@TheAdmirations: RT @dezakieffect: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@Fforfake31: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@jdoijisjhspiej: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@nichipro: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@Croinkix: RT @spectral_cinema: A Story Written with Water "Mizu de Kakareta Monogatari" 水で書かれた物語 Yoshishige Yoshida, 1965 - 2 years ago

@yokoyok50495771: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@isopie_: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@GeorgeAddison87: RT @OpenBarLLC: farewell to the summer light could le rayon vert but le rayon vert could never yoshishige yoshida RIP legend - 2 years ago

@tottemofelice: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@oshiroiyoriki: RT @masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@masaakiinoue: 「ル・モンド」にも「リベ」にも吉田喜重の追悼記事がいっこうに出ないが、そんなものか。フランスでは、Yoshida "Kiju" Yoshishige の名前はけっこう浸透しているはずなんだが……。 - 2 years ago

@LukecinemaWest: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@BlackKnightwith: RT @spectral_cinema: A Story Written with Water "Mizu de Kakareta Monogatari" 水で書かれた物語 Yoshishige Yoshida, 1965 - 2 years ago

@IKnewThemWell: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@witchhhunt: RT @spectral_cinema: A Story Written with Water "Mizu de Kakareta Monogatari" 水で書かれた物語 Yoshishige Yoshida, 1965 - 2 years ago

@miyamotobenno: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@paramore_dean: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@ihatechristxxn: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@JudithMPascoe: RT @bronteblog: 吉田 喜重 - Yoshishige Yoshida. In Memoriam: Several Japanese websites report the death of the film director 吉田 喜重 (Yoshishige… - 2 years ago

@wazlatter: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@memphisbigfoot: RT @andrewfromvibes: Farewell Yoshishige Yoshida 🙏🏾 - 2 years ago

@pepiskamuy: yoshishige yoshida passed, he is to be missed 📽️ - 2 years ago

@pepiskamuy: RT @andrewfromvibes: Farewell Yoshishige Yoshida 🙏🏾 - 2 years ago

@pepiskamuy: RT @vedant_bansal: "I am going to get rid of what I thought was my god." 🎬 Heroic Purgatory (1970) - RIP Yoshishige Yoshida (Kijū Yoshida… - 2 years ago

@bronteblog: 吉田 喜重 - Yoshishige Yoshida. In Memoriam: Several Japanese websites report the death of the film director 吉田 喜重 (Yos… - 2 years ago

@La_ptite_loute: RT @KarineMDonelle: Le cinéaste Yoshishige "Kijū" Yoshida, figure de la nouvelle vague japonaise, est décédé hier à l’âge de 89 ans. On lui… - 2 years ago

@eurios: RT @AJNavarro9: Ha fallecido el cineasta nipón Yoshishige Yoshida, destacado cineasta de la "Nueva Ola" japonesa y autor de una de las vers… - 2 years ago

@genko_gen3: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@robod8: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@carolinamp98: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@dirty_kudo: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@jerogarten: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@Ryan77991741: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@leo_silva_0: RT @raphacubakowic: Faleceu Yoshishige "KIju" Yoshida, um dos 3 diretores q tocaram a nuberu bagu na Shochiku. Nascido em 1933, smp teve pr… - 2 years ago

@GIULIOSOLD: RT @GrimsChild: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida, Japan's greatest director. - 2 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @andrewfromvibes: Farewell Yoshishige Yoshida 🙏🏾 - 2 years ago

@Jordan__Schmidt: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@haususpiria91: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@mellow1960: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@maestroagudo: Salgo momentáneamente de mi sucinto retiro para otorgar la importancia que merece al fallecimiento de Yoshishige (K… - 2 years ago

@OpenBarLLC: farewell to the summer light could le rayon vert but le rayon vert could never yoshishige yoshida RIP legend - 2 years ago

@a_lluya: RT @patriblouin: AKITSU SPRING FOR EVER 💜 - RIP YOSHISHIGE YOSHIDA - 2 years ago

@AlvarezA9: RT @AJNavarro9: Ha fallecido el cineasta nipón Yoshishige Yoshida, destacado cineasta de la "Nueva Ola" japonesa y autor de una de las vers… - 2 years ago


@Saint_Bickle: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@omoideinmyyhead: RT @coolcalmdev: One of the hardest photos a film director has ever taken RIP Yoshishige Yoshida🥀 - 2 years ago

@AnaZenelaj: RT @DannyDrinksWine: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@La_Pirate: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@Philippe_Echez: RT @NathanFrancis__: 🎬 RIP Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@ninomihime: RT @The_Japan_News: Film director Yoshishige Yoshida dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@brifilstanleley: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@MikeThornWrites: RT @lunarscp: Farewell to Yoshishige Yoshida... 🖤 (16.02.1933 - 08.12.2022) - 2 years ago

@The_Japan_News: Film director Yoshishige Yoshida dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@moasifm: RT @mrmowanchow: eros + massacre (1969, yoshishige yoshida) - 2 years ago

@Ash4259110: RT @DannyDrinksWine: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@moasifm: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@moasifm: Yoshishige Yoshida made incredible pictures. a giant of Japanese new wave. and EROS + MASSACRE is one of the finest… - 2 years ago

@KinkyGeekyClub: RT @AJNavarro9: Ha fallecido el cineasta nipón Yoshishige Yoshida, destacado cineasta de la "Nueva Ola" japonesa y autor de una de las vers… - 2 years ago

@epjEe5DfZ9ui1M7: - 2 years ago

@TheLastMachine: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@mavy_florian: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@banano1312: RT @vedant_bansal: "I am going to get rid of what I thought was my god." 🎬 Heroic Purgatory (1970) - RIP Yoshishige Yoshida (Kijū Yoshida… - 2 years ago

@screenonscreen: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@kleitusT: RT @raphacubakowic: Faleceu Yoshishige "KIju" Yoshida, um dos 3 diretores q tocaram a nuberu bagu na Shochiku. Nascido em 1933, smp teve pr… - 2 years ago

@apolo_junior: RT @raphacubakowic: Faleceu Yoshishige "KIju" Yoshida, um dos 3 diretores q tocaram a nuberu bagu na Shochiku. Nascido em 1933, smp teve pr… - 2 years ago

@Yhan2D: RT @raphacubakowic: Faleceu Yoshishige "KIju" Yoshida, um dos 3 diretores q tocaram a nuberu bagu na Shochiku. Nascido em 1933, smp teve pr… - 2 years ago

@you000037604087: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@firewalkwithmee: Yoshishige Yoshida aka Yoshida Kiju, der Regisseur von japanischen New-Wave-Klassikern wie Eros + Massacre, ist tot… - 2 years ago

@WeAllFaulter: RT @vedant_bansal: "I am going to get rid of what I thought was my god." 🎬 Heroic Purgatory (1970) - RIP Yoshishige Yoshida (Kijū Yoshida… - 2 years ago

@AllanHunter_GFF: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@gabir0vitch: RT @raphacubakowic: Faleceu Yoshishige "KIju" Yoshida, um dos 3 diretores q tocaram a nuberu bagu na Shochiku. Nascido em 1933, smp teve pr… - 2 years ago

@sebasti80411839: RT @AJNavarro9: Ha fallecido el cineasta nipón Yoshishige Yoshida, destacado cineasta de la "Nueva Ola" japonesa y autor de una de las vers… - 2 years ago

@lunarscp: Farewell to Yoshishige Yoshida... 🖤 (16.02.1933 - 08.12.2022) - 2 years ago

@sunghroflx: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@__sha_e: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@mininibomb: RT @AJNavarro9: Ha fallecido el cineasta nipón Yoshishige Yoshida, destacado cineasta de la "Nueva Ola" japonesa y autor de una de las vers… - 2 years ago

@UlteriousFilm: RT @DannyDrinksWine: #RIP Kiju Yoshida (1933-2022) 18 Roughs (1963) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@UlteriousFilm: RT @DannyDrinksWine: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@macotommy130: R.I.P. Yoshishige Yoshida Toshi Ichiyanagi - Eros + Massacre [エロス+虐殺 ] (1970) - 2 years ago

@geoffwilt: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@vedant_bansal: RT @DannyDrinksWine: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@csermet2: RT @tbarnaud: C Eros + Massacre 1969 - Yoshishige Yoshida Mariko Okada Toshiyuki Hosokawa - 2 years ago

@kyandiflesh: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@yeonjunmagnx: RT @dezakieffect: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@dezakieffect: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@syuko_t: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@ludditecinema: Screenplay by YOSHISHIGE YOSHIDA - 2 years ago

@SAN7IBOY: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@ludditecinema: Directed by YOSHISHIGE YOSHIDA - 2 years ago

@kuribck: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@yeonjunmagnx: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@ludditecinema: Produced by YOSHISHIGE YOSHIDA SHINJI SOSHIZAKI - 2 years ago

@ludditecinema: Screenplay by MASAHIRO YAMADA YOSHISHIGE YOSHIDA - 2 years ago

@ludditecinema: YOSHISHIGE YOSHIDA (February 16, 1933 - December 8, 2022) - 2 years ago

@ludditecinema: Directed by YOSHISHIGE YOSHIDA (1969) - 2 years ago

@zuzz0: RT @raphacubakowic: Faleceu Yoshishige "KIju" Yoshida, um dos 3 diretores q tocaram a nuberu bagu na Shochiku. Nascido em 1933, smp teve pr… - 2 years ago

@D_vich: RT @MDAH9: Yoshishige (Kijū) Yoshida, figure de la nouvelle vague japonaise est décédé aujourd’hui à l’âge de 89 ans. - 2 years ago

@ctunaworks: RT @J_A_F_B: 2022 is determined to take all the giants of cinematic modernism with it. RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. - 2 years ago

@mnLPeMPVR5TTnMs: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@kuribck: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@Killy_Log1: RT @MDAH9: Yoshishige (Kijū) Yoshida, figure de la nouvelle vague japonaise est décédé aujourd’hui à l’âge de 89 ans. - 2 years ago

@Fabfuzz: RT @MDAH9: Yoshishige (Kijū) Yoshida, figure de la nouvelle vague japonaise est décédé aujourd’hui à l’âge de 89 ans. - 2 years ago

@lucasanasci: RT @raphacubakowic: Faleceu Yoshishige "KIju" Yoshida, um dos 3 diretores q tocaram a nuberu bagu na Shochiku. Nascido em 1933, smp teve pr… - 2 years ago

@RFiguraLima: RT @dezakieffect: Good-for-Nothing (1960) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@Annegre42770179: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@raphacubakowic: Faleceu Yoshishige "KIju" Yoshida, um dos 3 diretores q tocaram a nuberu bagu na Shochiku. Nascido em 1933, smp tev… - 2 years ago

@Net_Haber_: RT @TR__Tube: 🔥 Japon yönetmen hayatını kaybetti: Japon yönetmeni Yoshishige Yoshida 89 yaşında hayata gözlerini yumdu. - 2 years ago

@TR__Tube: 🔥 Japon yönetmen hayatını kaybetti: Japon yönetmeni Yoshishige Yoshida 89 yaşında hayata gözlerini yumdu. - 2 years ago

@jordan_harper: RT @ARROW_Player: R.I.P. to Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida - a truly visionary filmmaker - 2 years ago

@A_kim76: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@ARROW_Player: R.I.P. to Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida - a truly visionary filmmaker - 2 years ago

@kmrtwit: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@jsggvm: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@lifeshitday: RT @GrimsChild: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida, Japan's greatest director. - 2 years ago

@IKnewThemWell: RT @DannyDrinksWine: #RIP Kiju Yoshida (1933-2022) 18 Roughs (1963) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@OmijaTam: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@arashifun333: Japanese Film Director Yoshishige Yoshida Dies at 89 - Jiji Press - 2 years ago

@_SoNevermind: RT @KarineMDonelle: Le cinéaste Yoshishige "Kijū" Yoshida, figure de la nouvelle vague japonaise, est décédé hier à l’âge de 89 ans. On lui… - 2 years ago

@_FullMetalWitch: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@crrdyt8j: Japanese Film Director Yoshishige Yoshida Dies at 89 - Jiji Press - 2 years ago

@1992_celine: RT @gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@490709y: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@KararHaber: Usta yönetmen Yoshishige Yoshida hayatını kaybetti - 2 years ago

@bearschoice64: 吉田喜重の「告白的女優論」を追悼で。森英恵デザインの3人の女優、浅丘ルリ子、岡田茉莉子、有馬稲子の衣装が本当に素晴らしくてね。また3人が顔を揃えるシーンの他所他所示唆が素晴らしいのだ。 Confesiones entre actr… - 2 years ago

@_morbidite: RT @mangiotto: Learned today that Yoshishige Yoshida died in August. A huge loss. If you've not seen his films, you should give them some t… - 2 years ago

@gondo_mili: Wuthering Heights (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1988) - 2 years ago

@Pinball_Lez: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@KarineMDonelle: Le cinéaste Yoshishige "Kijū" Yoshida, figure de la nouvelle vague japonaise, est décédé hier à l’âge de 89 ans. On… - 2 years ago

@isejQvCTdRlrY3Q: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@mukinko: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@OnceForAlll: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@A_annbri: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@eauxd_artifice: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@SpandexTarzan: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@cumhuriyetgzt: Usta yönetmen Yoshishige Yoshida 89 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi - 2 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @daiakasaka: " I remember that I refused to write anything about his films at the time because I was not sure how to perceive the hypnot… - 2 years ago

@hdceccato: RT @AJNavarro9: Ha fallecido el cineasta nipón Yoshishige Yoshida, destacado cineasta de la "Nueva Ola" japonesa y autor de una de las vers… - 2 years ago

@j_a_barrueco: RT @AJNavarro9: Ha fallecido el cineasta nipón Yoshishige Yoshida, destacado cineasta de la "Nueva Ola" japonesa y autor de una de las vers… - 2 years ago

@elecshadows: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@imx_kq: Film director Yoshishige Yoshida dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@tbarnaud: RT @tbarnaud: C Eros + Massacre 1969 - Yoshishige Yoshida Mariko Okada Toshiyuki Hosokawa - 2 years ago

@goldbug2_2: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@leo_silva_0: RT @amirlabaki: R.I.P., Yoshishige “Kiju”Yoshida (1933-2022), um dos mestres da “nouvelle vague” japonesa, com “Eros + Massacre”.Entreviste… - 2 years ago

@RICAYA: RT @cafeokamalt: 【備忘録】R.I.P.  👇 映画監督の吉田喜重さんが死去 89歳 - 2 years ago

@mangiotto: Learned today that Yoshishige Yoshida died in August. A huge loss. If you've not seen his films, you should give th… - 2 years ago

@PerMetalPower: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@4uias: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

@d0htanuk1: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@xKOUICHIROUx: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@tabix_gogo: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@chicken_head_st: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@macchaura: RT @NotebookMUBI: Yoshishige Yoshida, Japanese filmmaker best known for his films WOMAN OF THE LAKE, EROS + MASSACRE and HEROIC PURGATORY,… - 2 years ago

@crrdyt8j: Japanese Film Director Yoshishige Yoshida Dies at 89 - - 2 years ago

@NathanFrancis__: 🎬 RIP Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@veryfarfromhere: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@silvagomes72pg: RT @stilIwalking: Eros + Massacre (1969) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@tomochie315: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@daiakasaka: " I remember that I refused to write anything about his films at the time because I was not sure how to perceive th… - 2 years ago

@Butamaruniku: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@nichipro: RT @FilmLinc: R.I.P. Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@nichipro: RT @stewardtokyo: R.I.P. Yoshishige “Kiju” Yoshida. - 2 years ago

@antivirulcareb: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@RBeychella: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@academicality: RT @Dengerow: Deeply sad to hear of the passing of Yoshida Kiju (Yoshishige), a pillar of the Japanese New Wave and a great thinker of cine… - 2 years ago

@Douglas1980s: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@TokyoStages: RT @Dengerow: Deeply sad to hear of the passing of Yoshida Kiju (Yoshishige), a pillar of the Japanese New Wave and a great thinker of cine… - 2 years ago

@yasudaidai: RT @GrimsChild: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida, Japan's greatest director. - 2 years ago

@cafeokamalt: 【備忘録】R.I.P.  👇 映画監督の吉田喜重さんが死去 89歳 - 2 years ago

@NapoleonB801: RT @AJNavarro9: Ha fallecido el cineasta nipón Yoshishige Yoshida, destacado cineasta de la "Nueva Ola" japonesa y autor de una de las vers… - 2 years ago

@HKtsunagetemiru: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@tiff_english: OBITUARY of Yoshida Yoshishige (Kijū) Director YOSHIDA Yoshishige (Kijū) has passed away on December 8, 2022, at t… - 2 years ago

@229_piano: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Yoshishige Yoshida - #YoshishigeYoshida #Yoshishige #Yoshida #rip - 2 years ago

@eigawominiiku: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@irdia_ncstrs: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@pedrobutcher: RT @GrimsChild: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida, Japan's greatest director. - 2 years ago

@sakagan: おふたりの対談動画はまだ公開されたままで、よかった。 アジア交流ラウンジ|Asia Lounge リティ・パン×吉田喜重|Rithy Panh and Yoshishige (Kijū) Yoshida - 2 years ago

@jnmmr: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@masa_edana: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@fumilock: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@EthanDaMovieGuy: Wow rest in piece Yoshishige Yoshida, was planning on watching Eros + Massacre today before I even heard the news, strange. - 2 years ago

@seko_champloo: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@theater_cafe: RT @NagoyaOutermost: 映画監督の吉田喜重さんが死去 89歳│OutermostNAGOYA 名古屋×アート、舞台、映像… - 2 years ago

@Nmura_sec: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@mystic_lens: RT @desistfilm1: Descansa en paz, Yoshishige “Kijū” Yoshida. (1933 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@RintaroWatanabe: RT @DannyDrinksWine: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@Tico_Romao: RT @DannyDrinksWine: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@haususpiria91: RT @stilIwalking: Eros + Massacre (1969) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@stilIwalking: RT @stilIwalking: Eros + Massacre (1969) dir. Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@sjmay92: RT @DannyDrinksWine: Bitter End of a Sweet Night (1961) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@sjmay92: RT @DannyDrinksWine: #RIP Kiju Yoshida (1933-2022) 18 Roughs (1963) Director: Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@AkanumaKikuji: RT @masaakiinoue: R.I.P. Jean-Luc Godard & Yoshishige Yoshida - 2 years ago

@sampa_yo: RT @GotThatWMD: RIP Yoshishige Yoshida. One of my favorite filmmakers to come out of the Japanese New Wave - 2 years ago

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