Yevgeny Primakov

Russian politician and diplomat.
Died on Friday June 26th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Yevgeny Primakov:

@NijinSurendran: RT @mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to …

@TUilenspiegel: RT @OfeliyaDD: Yevgeny Primakov as "guilty pleasure" - hard not to like (tho you knew you shouldn't!)

@OfeliyaDD: Yevgeny Primakov as "guilty pleasure" - hard not to like (tho you knew you shouldn't!)

@starandsixpence: RT @Amb_Yakovenko: Saddened by the demise of Yevgeny Primakov, former PM & For. Minister. Real loss for Russia & the world. A great man. ht…


@Albe3110: #NewsdalCaffè Yevgeny Primakov e il ritorno della Russia - Scomparso la scorsa settimana, Yevgeny Primakov è stato...

@vogliolapace: RT @CafeGeopolitico: Chi era Yevgeny #Primakov e perché è stato fondamentale per la storia della #Russia? Una nostra analisi

@CafeGeopolitico: Chi era Yevgeny #Primakov e perché è stato fondamentale per la storia della #Russia? Una nostra analisi

@AttilioCotroneo: Yevgeny Primakov e il ritorno della Russia

@notiziedalmondo: RT @russia24ore: Yevgeny Primakov e il ritorno della Russia

@russia24ore: Yevgeny Primakov e il ritorno della Russia

@Navsteva: RT @TheNatlInterest: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@pelizza_simone: Yevgeny Primakov e il ritorno della Russia

@CafeGeopolitico: Caffè pomeridiano! Un ritratto di Yevgeny #Primakov protagonista del ritorno della #Russia sulla scena internazionale

@CafeGeopolitico: Caffè pomeridiano dalla #Russia! Di recente scomparso, Yevgeny Primakov è stato uno dei protagonisti del ritorno...

@BenFranceschini: Da @CafeGeopolitico: Yevgeny Primakov e il ritorno della Russia

@collen88: Former Russian prime minister Yevgeny Primakov dies

@RusEmbMalta: MFA of #Malta Dr. George Vella signed Book of condolences in the memory of former PM of #Russia Yevgeny #Primakov

@Diplomacy140: “@madeleine: Remembering my friend, Yevgeny Primakov, in @ForeignPolicy -

@peachjungle: Yevgeny Primakov

@johnson: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes Lavrov's long poem to Yevgeny Primakov

@subyroy: @strobetalbott @karimbitar @maxseddon "Yevgeny Primakov, the former KGB chief and reformist Prime Minister (and Soviet Ambassador to India)

@MarkSleboda1: RT @TheNatlInterest: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@FuneralSource: #FuneralsintheNews- Funeral Ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@StormBringer15: RT @TheNatlInterest: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@Cademy_info: RT @TheNatlInterest: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@AlexisAmini: RT @TheNatlInterest: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@TheNatlInterest: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@SujanChinoy: Signed Condolence Book at Russian Embassy on sad demise of Yevgeny Primakov, former Prime Minister of Russia, who passed away June 26,

@KatjaRichters: RT @NatVasilyevaAP: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has written a posthumous poem for Yevgeny Primakov

@AgostinoOttavi: RT @mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to …

@irinaabdulova85: RT @AndreyKochurov: Yevgeny Primakov: biography and photo -

@RadioFreeTom: RT @JohnsonRussiaLi: NatInterest/N.Gvosdev: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On. The Ufa 2015 summit is a testament ... any reactions? h…

@JohnsonRussiaLi: NatInterest/N.Gvosdev: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On. The Ufa 2015 summit is a testament ... any reactions?

@JohnsonRussiaLi: Kremlin transcript: Putin at funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@rangerfit: RT @mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to …

@jsnyder555: RT @strobetalbott: .@Madeleine Albright's farewell to Yevgeny #Primakov & to a Russia committed to partnership with the West

@RusEmbUSA: RT @mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to …

@GeorgiGotev: RT @strobetalbott: .@Madeleine Albright's farewell to Yevgeny #Primakov & to a Russia committed to partnership with the West

@LManwaring: RT @strobetalbott: .@Madeleine Albright's farewell to Yevgeny #Primakov & to a Russia committed to partnership with the West

@AndreyKochurov: Yevgeny Primakov: biography and photo -

@EmbCR_Vzla: Costa Rica expresa condolencias por la muerte de ex Primer Ministro ruso Yevgeny Primakov

@NatVasilyevaAP: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has written a posthumous poem for Yevgeny Primakov

@Diplomacy140: “@mfa_russia: It all started w RIC, cooperation btw #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to Yevgeny Primakov

@neeleshmahto: RT @mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to …

@Thisisvax: RT @mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to …

@RusEmbDK: RT @mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to …

@anfiyj: RT @mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to …

@mfa_russia: #Lavrov: It all started with RIC, cooperation between #Russia, #India& #China. The idea to develop the project belonged to Yevgeny Primakov

@AnKoluman: Видео "Farewell to Yevgeny Primakov ! Moscow News ! Путин прощается с Евгением Примаковым"

@Esenmyson: RT @madeleine: Remembering my friend, Yevgeny Primakov, in @ForeignPolicy -

@DeutscheZeitung: RT @PutinRF_Eng: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@DeutscheZeitung: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@DeutscheZeitung: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Yevgeny Primakov has died. The President has offered his deepest condolences to the statesman's family and friends

@DeutscheZeitung: RT @DRogozin: Yevgeny M. Primakov has died. I'm grateful to him for so many things in my life. My sincere condolences to his family and fri…

@AnKoluman: Видео "Farewell to Yevgeny Primakov ! Moscow News ! Путин прощается с Евгением Примаковым"

@BerlinTageblatt: RT @PutinRF_Eng: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@BerlinTageblatt: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@BerlinTageblatt: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Yevgeny Primakov has died. The President has offered his deepest condolences to the statesman's family and friends

@BerlinTageblatt: RT @DRogozin: Yevgeny M. Primakov has died. I'm grateful to him for so many things in my life. My sincere condolences to his family and fri…

@BlnTageszeitung: RT @PutinRF_Eng: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@BlnTageszeitung: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@BlnTageszeitung: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Yevgeny Primakov has died. The President has offered his deepest condolences to the statesman's family and friends

@BlnTageszeitung: RT @DRogozin: Yevgeny M. Primakov has died. I'm grateful to him for so many things in my life. My sincere condolences to his family and fri…

@TumerLider: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Yevgeny Primakov has died. The President has offered his deepest condolences to the statesman's family and friends

@TumerLider: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@EvgenySchitov: RT @NikolaPoposki: Signing in book of condolences in the memory of Yevgeny #Primakov. Sincere condolences to his family!

@TumerLider: RT @PutinRF_Eng: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@NikolaPoposki: Signing in book of condolences in the memory of Yevgeny #Primakov. Sincere condolences to his family!

@AmbRusTun: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@TheBiHNews: Remembering Yevgeny Primakov

@RusEmbSG: Amb @IrlEmbSingapore @GeoffreyIRL signed Book of condolences in the memory of former PM #Russia Yevgeny #Primakov

@WestphalianPost: RT @thenatlinterest How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@atees: Remembering Yevgeny Primakov

@Autoandr: Former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov (85) was buried with military honors at the Novodevichy Cemetery 29.06

@Miguel_NS: RT @KarelianSkeptic: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@KarelianSkeptic: How Yevgeny Primakov's Legacy Lives On

@EmbRusUruguay: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@Sam_Sheppart: The Head of MFA of Uzbekistan expresses his condolences in connection with the death of Yevgeny Primakov: On ...

@Ollissya: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@the_Swordfish31: 'Russian Kissinger' Yevgeny Primakov Dies at 85:

@TLEriksen: The legacy of #Primakov and the beginning of the new world order:

@IKasoulides: I signed the book of condolences on the passing of the former Prime Minister Russia Yevgeny Primakov @RusEmbCyprus

@freejobsnews: Former PM of Russia’s Yevgeny Primakov passes away

@Putinfan3: RT @mfa_russia: Russian diplomatic service has suffered an irretrievable loss on the death of Yevgeny Primakov

@MoscowUpdate: Remembering Yevgeny Primakov

@HLParthasarathy: RT @SudheenKulkarni: Yevgeny Primakov, Russia's former Prime Minister who passed away on June 26, was a great friend of India. A true schol…

@ValdaiClub: Former FM Igor Ivanov: Yevgeny Primakov Was an Outstanding Leader


@genstogata: Remembering Yevgeny Primakov

@GulhanNuray: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@AllLatest: Yevgeny Primakov, Former Russian Premier and Spymaster, Dies at 85: A former prime minister and ...

@helenaspb: Top story: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov • President of Russia

@SabioJusto: RT @PutinRF_Eng: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@RusEmbJordan: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@iozjrok: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@kitgainer2002: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@artfIopz: Yevgeny Primakov, Former Russian Premier and Spymaster, Dies at 85: A former prime minister and intelligence chief, Mr. Primakov was ...

@New_Headlines_: #Headlines #News Yevgeny Primakov, Former Russian Premier and Spymaster, Dies at 85: A former prime minister a...

@NDiazaguilera: RT @mfa_russia: Russian diplomatic service has suffered an irretrievable loss on the death of Yevgeny Primakov

@NDiazaguilera: RT @mfa_russia: Sergey Lavrov’s condolences over Yevgeny Primakov’s death, Moscow, June 26, 2015 -

@MacproMastek: RT @Novorossiyan: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@astanad: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@VeraVanHorne: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@nvngorgulu: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@XuTaHy: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@ChristophHeer52: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@gbazov: RT @RussiaInsider: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@Novorossiyan: President Vladimir Putin at the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov. (in photos)

@sirchandresh: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@RANRoberto: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@inga_kostina: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@neocosmologist: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@catfitz: RT @WBStevens: Honored to join Ambassador Tefft at the memorial for Yevgeny #Primakov.

@TodayRussia: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@Kremlin_E: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov: Vladimir Putin visited the Hall of Columns at the House of Unions, wher...

@ArnaudDubien: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@mfa_russia: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@FinAmbSthlm: We offer our sincerest condolences for the passing away of former Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov.

@chief_daniel_E: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@1989Gontareva: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@anvarglobal: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@t_bayasgalan: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@73Rieck: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@MedvedevRussiaS: Funeral ceremony for Yevgeny Primakov

@govhater16: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@huhuyouyou: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@ennmadaiou1217: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@jnade: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

@Osamu_Hirai: RT @KremlinRussia_E: Memorial service for Yevgeny Primakov

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