Yannis Spathas

Greek guitarist.
Died on Saturday July 6th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Yannis Spathas:

@OMuftah: RT @SuperflightGR: @CIA or do you think Yannis Spathas was Cantafi's sister Ringo from Goumenissa? - 6 years ago

@RozaRoussou: RT @MITZELOS: Yannis Spathas -Paxi an Island 1999 - 6 years ago

@SuperflightGR: @CIA or do you think Yannis Spathas was Cantafi's sister Ringo from Goumenissa? - 6 years ago

@MITZELOS: Yannis Spathas -Paxi an Island 1999 - 6 years ago


@MITZELOS: Yannis Spathas - Endless Voyage - 6 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Fallece Yannis Spathas de los Persons y los Socrates - 6 years ago

@DiamondDaibhidJ: #RIP to Yannis Spathas, guitarist with 1970's Greek hard rock band Socrates Drank the Conium (AKA Socrates);… - 6 years ago

@Lastdaydeaf: Summer 2019 playlists : In memory of legendary guitarist Yannis Spathas (Socrates Drank The Conium, Persons)… - 6 years ago

@GuitarsAlchemy: - 6 years ago

@HellasChannel: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@the0galle: Yannis Spathas (November 30, 1950 – July 6, 2019) - 6 years ago

@MariaVlahava: Yannis Spathas - A Blue Day - 6 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Yannis SPATHAS (1950 – July 6, 2019), Greek guitarist, founding member of the rock band ‘Socrates Drank the… - 6 years ago

@yovanof: RT @sheikyerbutti: Guitarist Yannis Spathas, founding member of rock band Socrates Drank The Conium, the most important Greek rock band to… - 6 years ago

@backingtracks3: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@SotiriaGrammati: Yannis Spathas - A Blue Day - 6 years ago

@katiadavis: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@greco_news: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@katiazev: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@alwayssilent: In #Holargos a funeral notice for Yannis #Spathas aged 68, the guitarist of 70's band " #Socrates Drank the Conium"… - 6 years ago

@greece_travels: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - Greek Reporter - 6 years ago

@Wiesel_Flink: Goodbye Yannis #Spathas. The #Rock guitarist (Socrates Drank the Conium & Ωmega Vibes), was 69... Προσευχές και Συλ… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Yannis Spathas - 6 years ago

@SophiaAthina2: Yannis Spathas - A Blue Day - 6 years ago

@SuperflightGR: R.I.P. YANNIS SPATHAS. - 6 years ago

@GreeceOutsideIn: Greece's Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@Loxagos_Mark: RT @sheikyerbutti: Guitarist Yannis Spathas, founding member of rock band Socrates Drank The Conium, the most important Greek rock band to… - 6 years ago

@Terratakis: Mountains all around me reaching out to heaven Wild and full of... - 6 years ago

@itsbiography: Yannis Spathas Bio, Wiki, Age, Death, Family, Net Worth - 6 years ago

@greeknewss: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@sofokleous10: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@feeonlyplanner: I grew up in Greece idolizing the band #Socrates, today we lost its great guitarist Yannis Spathas RIP megale! - 6 years ago

@Annoula64: RT @GreekReporter: #Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist #YannisSpathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Yannis Spathas - #YannisSpathas #Yannis #Spathas #rip - 6 years ago

@GreekReporter: #Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist #YannisSpathas Dies at 69 - 6 years ago

@HellasNewsFeed: Greece’s Leading Rock Guitarist Yannis Spathas Dies at 69 - Greek Reporter - 6 years ago

@fotia21: RT @sheikyerbutti: Guitarist Yannis Spathas, founding member of rock band Socrates Drank The Conium, the most important Greek rock band to… - 6 years ago

@anpanagopoulos: RT @sheikyerbutti: Guitarist Yannis Spathas, founding member of rock band Socrates Drank The Conium, the most important Greek rock band to… - 6 years ago

@ApostoloGosse: R.I.P Yannis Spathas - 6 years ago

@aristath: RT @takisbig: One of the greatest Greek #rock guitarists of the '70s died today. #RIP Yannis Spathas. He wrote stuff such as: - 6 years ago

@JohnHalk: Red House (Jimi Hendrix cover) Yannis Spathas and Akis Tourkogiorgis & The Blue Airways - 6 years ago

@SSiminas: Another amazing guitar piece by the late Yannis Spathas. Left way too early... - 6 years ago

@SSiminas: More from Yannis Spathas’ master guitar strokes, influenced heavily by Greek folk scales but also Richie Blackmore - 6 years ago

@SSiminas: RIP to Yannis Spathas, the ultimate Greek guitar-hero, left this world at the age of 69. Here he is with one of the… - 6 years ago

@johnny_ergo: RT @sheikyerbutti: Guitarist Yannis Spathas, founding member of rock band Socrates Drank The Conium, the most important Greek rock band to… - 6 years ago

@ckyrias: RT @sheikyerbutti: Guitarist Yannis Spathas, founding member of rock band Socrates Drank The Conium, the most important Greek rock band to… - 6 years ago

@takisbig: One of the greatest Greek #rock guitarists of the '70s died today. #RIP Yannis Spathas. He wrote stuff such as: - 6 years ago

@ciliadis1: RT @takibit: R.I.P. Γιαννη Σπάθα - 6 years ago

@athinaios62: RIP Yannis Spathas - 6 years ago

@takibit: R.I.P. Γιαννη Σπάθα - 6 years ago

@angelkarafilli: RIP Yannis Spathas...a great guitarist...#music #socrates #psychedelicrock #70s #Γιάννης_Σπάθας - 6 years ago

@toliskrallis: #RIP Yannis Spathas.... #Socrates - 6 years ago

@GeorgePyriohos: Έφυγε ο μεγάλος Έλληνας κιθαρίστας,Γιαννης Σπαθας Yannis Spathas - Endless Voyage - 6 years ago

@costairaclides: Yannis Spathas of Socratis Drank the Conium was a hero for all musicians of my generation growing up in Greece. He… - 6 years ago

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