Yale Kamisar

American legal scholar and author.
Died on Sunday February 6th 2022

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Yale Kamisar:

@NationalMemo: Honoring a persistent hero of American justice - 3 years ago

@negashtek: RT @ghalling: A life spent making constitutional rights more than quaint ideals. Columnist @SteveChapman13 pays tribute to Yale Kamisar, "t… - 3 years ago

@abogada_boricua: Food for thought… - 3 years ago

@PostOpinions: Yale Kamisar, whose work helped reshape for the better American justice, is a reminder of why it is important to mo… - 3 years ago


@ghalling: A life spent making constitutional rights more than quaint ideals. Columnist @SteveChapman13 pays tribute to Yale K… - 3 years ago

@NACDL: Editorial: What the father of the Miranda warning can teach us about modern police reform debates @washingtonpost - 3 years ago

@KamranChoudhry: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar, Columbia alumni and father of Miranda rights passed away recently. Ensuring fairness o… - 3 years ago

@StillUnsocial: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@Mediadisdat: RT @PRAFund: Today we honor the memory of Yale Kamisar, champion of the civil rights of the accused and the vulnerable. He articulated with… - 3 years ago

@AmandaR01217108: RT @NYTObits: Yale Kamisar, whose legal scholarship laid the groundwork for the Supreme Court’s 1966 Miranda decision and modern criminal p… - 3 years ago

@grammasheri: RT @ghalling: A life spent making constitutional rights more than quaint ideals. Columnist @SteveChapman13 pays homage to Yale Kamisar, "th… - 3 years ago

@ghalling: A life spent making constitutional rights more than quaint ideals. Columnist @SteveChapman13 pays homage to Yale Ka… - 3 years ago

@Lety29302879: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @ekmngrlz: @BarbMcQuade @UMichLaw Beautifully fitting scene for mourning and reflecting on the loss of Sandalow and Kamisar. Yale Kamisa… - 3 years ago

@facunceb: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @postobits: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the ‘father’ of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@minotaur2000: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@AugustEve2012: What the father of the Miranda warning can teach us about modern police reform debates - 3 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @jaynordlinger: A leading light of my little old hometown, Ann Arbor, Mich. - 3 years ago

@pcooney55: - 3 years ago

@thejoshuablog: RT @thejoshuablog: Via @PostOpinions: What the father of the Miranda warning can teach us about modern police reform debates - 3 years ago

@patport55377808: - 3 years ago

@athens_lawyer: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have… - 3 years ago

@Sabari15061985: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@senjalarsen: RIP Miranda-oikeuksien isä, lakiprofessori Yale Kamisar. (Leffoista tuttu: you have the right to be silent…. eli o… - 3 years ago

@campaigntoendqi: @postopinions remembers atty & father of the Miranda Rights Yale Kamisar, whose groundbreaking civil rights work ca… - 3 years ago

@mgeecee: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 - we were so lucky to study under him ⁦… - 3 years ago

@SharleneBeck13: RT @PostOpinions: The help provided by Yale Kamisar’s work in guaranteeing protections to suspects and criminal defendants had a profound i… - 3 years ago

@PostOpinions: The help provided by Yale Kamisar’s work in guaranteeing protections to suspects and criminal defendants had a prof… - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @hagiwararyu11: washingtonpostさんからRT: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @danielmedwed: Yale Kamisar dies; Miranda rights ‘father’ was 92 - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@PostOpinions: From the Editorial Board: What the father of the Miranda warning can teach us about modern police reform debates - 3 years ago

@thejoshuablogs: RT @thejoshuablog: Via @PostOpinions: What the father of the Miranda warning can teach us about modern police reform debates - 3 years ago

@thejoshuablog: Via @PostOpinions: What the father of the Miranda warning can teach us about modern police reform debates - 3 years ago

@CrousePacker: RT @PRAFund: Today we honor the memory of Yale Kamisar, champion of the civil rights of the accused and the vulnerable. He articulated with… - 3 years ago

@GCarpetPernman: RT @theWesleyJSmith: Memory Eternal! "A stalwart against #assistedsuicide. He was absolutely right: Kamisar warned that if doctors were emp… - 3 years ago

@tkdylan: RT @theWesleyJSmith: Memory Eternal! "A stalwart against #assistedsuicide. He was absolutely right: Kamisar warned that if doctors were emp… - 3 years ago

@jp2mother: RT @theWesleyJSmith: Memory Eternal! "A stalwart against #assistedsuicide. He was absolutely right: Kamisar warned that if doctors were emp… - 3 years ago

@theWesleyJSmith: Memory Eternal! "A stalwart against #assistedsuicide. He was absolutely right: Kamisar warned that if doctors were… - 3 years ago

@origamerican: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@dphilz: RT @danielmedwed: Yale Kamisar dies; Miranda rights ‘father’ was 92 - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@reny8121: - 3 years ago

@MaritimeRules: #MirandaRule Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@UNHRGeneva: Sorry to see the passing of @UMichLaw 1st and 4th Amendment giant Yale Kamisar - 3 years ago

@skinnztv: RT @PittsburghPG: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the 'father' of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@PittsburghPG: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the 'father' of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@twitbituaries: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the 'father' of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - - 3 years ago

@ErickSammuels: RT @rodrigofbecker: Esse aviso foi firmado no caso Miranda v. Arizona (1966) da Suprema Corte EUA, como um direito de todo acusado. O voto… - 3 years ago

@rosemhook: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@NotDeadYetUSA: RT @PRAFund: Today we honor the memory of Yale Kamisar, champion of the civil rights of the accused and the vulnerable. He articulated with… - 3 years ago

@JoanieReb: Worth the read. An amazing man, the likes of which we rarely see anymore. Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as th… - 3 years ago

@Sabari15061985: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@ky77733: RT @earlekimel: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the ‘father’ of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @hagiwararyu11: washingtonpostさんからRT: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @danielmedwed: Yale Kamisar dies; Miranda rights ‘father’ was 92 - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @KeithAWatts1: Yale Kamisar dies; Miranda rights ‘father’ was 92 - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@Piergiulio58: Addio a Yale Kamisar, il "padre dell'avvertimento Miranda" - Ultima Ora - 3 years ago

@GabrielLucasPS_: RT @rodrigofbecker: Esse aviso foi firmado no caso Miranda v. Arizona (1966) da Suprema Corte EUA, como um direito de todo acusado. O voto… - 3 years ago

@Sandedoremi: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@PRAFund: Today we honor the memory of Yale Kamisar, champion of the civil rights of the accused and the vulnerable. He artic… - 3 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@francobus100: Addio a Yale Kamisar, il "padre dell'avvertimento Miranda" - 3 years ago

@homedesignLA: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the ‘father’ of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@NWallis7777: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@Jakebrakedance: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@brunofln: Grande Yale Kamisar, conhecido como "father of Miranda". Para além de Miranda v. Arizona, Kamisar também influencio… - 3 years ago

@AvalonReetz: - 3 years ago

@zulmarduarte: RT @rodrigofbecker: Esse aviso foi firmado no caso Miranda v. Arizona (1966) da Suprema Corte EUA, como um direito de todo acusado. O voto… - 3 years ago

@MajamboKE: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@rodrigofbecker: Esse aviso foi firmado no caso Miranda v. Arizona (1966) da Suprema Corte EUA, como um direito de todo acusado. O v… - 3 years ago

@EriquariuM: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@CharlesKeckler: It was a privilege, and a great introduction as a 1L to the world of the law, to be taught criminal procedure by Ya… - 3 years ago

@cannebrown: Film makers: I request a biopic. Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the ‘father’ of the Miranda warning, dies at… - 3 years ago

@dpas2009: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@glenrdixon: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@ronleviutoronto: My earliest graduate school interests involved reading lots of Yale Kamisar’s work. Very sad to learn this news. Wh… - 3 years ago

@scruffy65: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@ForestLincoln6: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@clancynewyork: RT @danielmedwed: Yale Kamisar dies; Miranda rights ‘father’ was 92 - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@TheCorollary: RT @NDemleitner: A Bronx Socrates? Yale Kamisar, a legal scholar, was often dubbed the ‘father’ of the Miranda warning. The rule, though su… - 3 years ago

@aquart: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@leozamparelli: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@JMoralesLaw: RT @washingtonpost: Yale Kamisar, legal scholar known as the “father” of the Miranda warning, dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@allisvanityfv: RT @OrinKerr: Lovely and fitting Yale Kamisar obituary in the @nytimes. - 3 years ago

@AnaVictoria07: RT @adamliptak: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@MarkLGoldberg: RT @risenc: If you know anything about police procedure, it’s the Miranda warning. “You have the right to remain silent …” The scholar whos… - 3 years ago

@MastersConf: Yale Kamisar, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School who influenced landmark U.S. Supreme Court decis… - 3 years ago

@ABAJournal: Yale Kamisar, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School who influenced landmark U.S. Supreme Court decis… - 3 years ago

@hoprunnerbham: RIP to Yale Kamisar. Prof. Kamisar’s criminal procedure class was a right of passage at University of Michigan Law… - 3 years ago

@NancyKellyMart1: RT @BCISLEMAN: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 Great American criminal law ex… - 3 years ago

@aseiffert: RT @UMichLaw: We are saddened to share the passing of Yale Kamisar. He was more than the "father" of the Miranda warnings, he was a beloved… - 3 years ago

@hvieux: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ My teacher. He made my classroom life hard. And I am so much the better for his unrelenting quest… - 3 years ago

@jdjnewman: Yale Kamisar, known as the ‘father’ of the Miranda rule, dies at 92 . Also a reminder that if you do good work at t… - 3 years ago

@cyruslawgroup: ‘Father of Miranda’ Yale Kamisar dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@ChronLaw: ‘Father of Miranda’ Yale Kamisar dies at 92 ChronLaw Breaking News News at #BreakingNews… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Yale Kamisar’s legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, incl… - 3 years ago

@DonELichterman: Sustainable Action Now: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 at… - 3 years ago

@AnneMuntean: RT @BCISLEMAN: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 Great American criminal law ex… - 3 years ago

@BCISLEMAN: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 Great American criminal law expert - 3 years ago

@jtaylorfussell: RT @bkamisar: We buried my grandpa, Yale Kamisar, this week, after a life well-lived. He served his country in Korea, and then spent the… - 3 years ago

@jtaylorfussell: RT @trevorw1953: Yale Kamisar, a legal scholar whose work on civil liberties and criminal procedure had a profound influence on landmark Su… - 3 years ago

@dilleradollar: Legendary professor; took crim pro with him my 2L year. Even better, I got to know him well as a visitor in 2008 w… - 3 years ago

@HeyKitty: RT @JoshMankiewicz: His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including protectio… - 3 years ago

@MaryPer46923539: May he rest in peace. We need more Yale Kamisar. - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @OrinKerr: Lovely and fitting Yale Kamisar obituary in the @nytimes. - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @padresteve: via @NYTimes Rest In Peace - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @ezaratevilla: que no mencione su holding. Hasta creó un verbo nuevo en inglés: "Have you mirandized the defendant?El año anterior, Yale… - 3 years ago

@leafypage1: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@MartinAlmeidaV: RT @AcademiaPenales: Asociación Argentina de Juicio por Jurados: Yale Kamisar, el "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista d… - 3 years ago

@marchvm_: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@jlindao97: RT @lexartisecuador: Asociación Argentina de Juicio por Jurados: Yale Kamisar, el "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista d… - 3 years ago

@lexartisecuador: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@ealvaradoc: RT @AcademiaPenales: Asociación Argentina de Juicio por Jurados: Yale Kamisar, el "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista d… - 3 years ago

@AcademiaPenales: Asociación Argentina de Juicio por Jurados: Yale Kamisar, el "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurist… - 3 years ago

@lexartisecuador: Asociación Argentina de Juicio por Jurados: Yale Kamisar, el "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurist… - 3 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @jaynordlinger: A leading light of my little old hometown, Ann Arbor, Mich. - 3 years ago

@ForeverHollywo3: RT @JoshMankiewicz: His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including protectio… - 3 years ago

@iker_saenzcast: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@anblanx: RT @JoshMankiewicz: His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including protectio… - 3 years ago

@Anthony_Jesus93: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @JoshMankiewicz: His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including protectio… - 3 years ago

@TNValleyRebel: RT @JoshMankiewicz: His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including protectio… - 3 years ago

@1neMcGee: RT @JoshMankiewicz: His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including protectio… - 3 years ago

@easternberg: RT @JoshMankiewicz: His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including protectio… - 3 years ago

@JoshMankiewicz: His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including prote… - 3 years ago

@anaelisafoto: @PeggyPeattie Hi Peggy!! I just saw your photo of Professor Kamissar published in the NYT - 3 years ago

@velascovillalob: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @Komanoff: “He used to talk about playing stickball in the Bronx as a young kid, being picked on by cops. And that led to his interest i… - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @camera_pigeon: We lost a giant of American jurisprudence. Miranda and Gideon (right to effective assistance of counsel) are cornerstone… - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @PaulRBernard: Rest In Peace, Yale Kamisar. He went out of his way to be kind and generous to me when I was a Law student, and I will al… - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @BridgetMaryMc: Yale Kamisar's scholarship and teaching have impacted generations of our profession. But his passion for communicating h… - 3 years ago

@EnglanderAaron: RT @trevorw1953: Yale Kamisar, a legal scholar whose work on civil liberties and criminal procedure had a profound influence on landmark Su… - 3 years ago

@ManuelAvegno: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@mimedina78: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@Silvajorge81: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@oscare1946: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@maevekatherine: Rest in peace Professor #YaleKamisar 💚🕊 - 3 years ago

@LicLuisCardenas: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@aeniii: RT @NYTObits: Yale Kamisar’s legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including prot… - 3 years ago

@LobosFuica: RT @ezaratevilla: que no mencione su holding. Hasta creó un verbo nuevo en inglés: "Have you mirandized the defendant?El año anterior, Yale… - 3 years ago

@FranzaKarina: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@MarilynMann: RT @bkamisar: We buried my grandpa, Yale Kamisar, this week, after a life well-lived. He served his country in Korea, and then spent the… - 3 years ago

@efejulihadicho: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@ForoConstMex: - 3 years ago

@Tipo_con_suerte: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@angeledzarazua: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@CNegro7: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@valentnfernand: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@NewUrbanBlend: RT @adamliptak: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@Aguilleng1: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@TrevorGrismore: RT @NYTObits: Yale Kamisar’s legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, including prot… - 3 years ago

@cristianriego: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@BOLM700519: RT @OrinKerr: Lovely and fitting Yale Kamisar obituary in the @nytimes. - 3 years ago

@BOLM700519: RT @OrinKerr: Yale Kamisar, legendary criminal procedure scholar, known as the "father of Miranda," and the driving force behind the first… - 3 years ago

@BOLM700519: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@lectorsubvrsivo: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@trevorw1953: Yale Kamisar, a legal scholar whose work on civil liberties and criminal procedure had a profound influence on land… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Yale Kamisar’s legal scholarship, cited in more than 30 Supreme Court cases, shaped modern criminal procedure, incl… - 3 years ago

@TimothyFCullen: Yale Kamisar, known as the ‘father’ of the Miranda rule, dies at 92 - The Boston Globe - 3 years ago

@MariaFe40890221: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@gabrielregino: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@Florscorres: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@facundoquirogab: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@josedjaz: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@bernard_eu: RT @adamliptak: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 - 3 years ago

@MichaelBenenati: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 at - 3 years ago

@NYTNational: Yale Kamisar, the “father” of the Miranda rule, “used to talk about himself as a young kid playing stickball in the… - 3 years ago

@jorgedagostino: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@hdanielgarfig: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@Kojo92: RT @UMichLaw: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 via @nytimes - 3 years ago

@EstanislaoRG: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@MankeKura66: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@mrodriguezvega: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@howappealing: “Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92; His legal scholarship, cited in more than 30… - 3 years ago

@cesarlopez99: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@hgoldman77: Rest in peace, my advisor, mentor, friend and Ann Arbor #BrownJug cheeseless pizza-sharing lunch partner the hilari… - 3 years ago

@LuciaFernndezR2: RT @juicioporjurado: 🚨Yale Kamisar, "Padre de la Regla Miranda" y el más influyente jurista del mundo muere a los 92 años - 3 years ago

@haldavis3: RT @HerberMax: "Lei ha il diritto di rimanere in silenzio. Qualsiasi cosa dirà potrà essere e sarà usata contro di lei in tribunale..." Ier… - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @HerberMax: "Lei ha il diritto di rimanere in silenzio. Qualsiasi cosa dirà potrà essere e sarà usata contro di lei in tribunale..." Ier… - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @DavidBurhenn: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @bkamisar: - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @PaulRBernard: Rest In Peace, Yale Kamisar. He went out of his way to be kind and generous to me when I was a Law student, and I will al… - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @haldavis3: he had published a lengthy essay in which he compared the American legal system to a gatehouse and a mansion — the gatehouse… - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @PsychPPLaw: RIP a giant of criminal procedure reform -- - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @LawSchoolNews: Yale Kamisar, ‘Father of the Miranda Rule,’ Dies at 92 This tweet sponsored by ChessLaw - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @Nkabcen: A really consequential person, and from friends who studied under him, an excellent teacher. Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Fathe… - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @attorneycraigj: The passing of a legal giant - via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @padresteve: via @NYTimes Rest In Peace - 3 years ago

@gmann1970: RT @akilligundem: Yale Kamisar, Known as the ‘Father’ of the Miranda Rule, Dies at 92 Denis Darnel - #AkilliGundem - 3 years ago

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