Wu Mengchao

Chinese hepatobiliary surgeon
Died on Saturday May 22nd 2021

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Wu Mengchao:

@InnerMongolia03: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@1JUci9CCn7Jebmj: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@justcurious1313: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@LamxiRg: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago


@137more: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@NixieLAM: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@puyu_sun: RT @ChinaDaily: People bid farewell to the late liver specialist Wu Mengchao, the nation's top hepatobiliary surgeon and academician with t… - 4 years ago

@AFeapCD3oqoNPOh: Two super heroes passed away recently. Deepest condolences to #YuanLongping and #wumengchao! The reviews of the he… - 4 years ago

@DenisseRC1: China desde el Sur: 吴孟超 Wú Mèngchāo, el primer cirujano hepatobiliar - 4 years ago

@nenagoin: Muere a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@puyu_sun: RT @cgtnenespanol: El 25 de mayo, en el Hospital de Cirugía Hepatobiliar Oriental de Shanghai, se llenó de flores frente al retrato de Wu M… - 4 years ago

@A_S_Shiraishi: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@scott_goldie: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@Raymond27103745: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@BuSekki: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@samarthmishra25: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@RoseTian18: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@sunsonghzy: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@BievesS: RT @ChinaDaily: People bid farewell to the late liver specialist Wu Mengchao, the nation's top hepatobiliary surgeon and academician with t… - 4 years ago

@WorldCi73543373: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@JDerpoel: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@soyjulio3: RT @cgtnenespanol: El Centro Nacional para el Cáncer de Hígado, una vez dirigido por Wu Mengchao, se ha convertido en la base de investigac… - 4 years ago

@rogerablackwell: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@Ringo55721061: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@chinadesdeelsur: La vida del cirujano hepatobiliar 吴孟超 Wú Mèngchāo, quien acaba de partir a sus gloriosos 99 años, es un ejemplo de… - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@GundanSayer: RT @SovietPerson61: Rest In Peace Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@SovietPerson61: He’s the most famous cancer doctor in China, Wu Mengchao, he asked for the Internationale to be played at his funer… - 4 years ago

@SovietPerson61: Rest In Peace Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@WSJforum: Chinese Public Bids Farewell To Top Hepatobiliary Surgeon, National Hero Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@ZyiteGadgets: Chinese public bids farewell to top hepatobiliary surgeon, national hero Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@Fio_edwards: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@AceMiyamoto: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@Aphrrodite10: RT @xiaowinwon: yy bilang upnya ganti besok mungkin karna hari ini tuh upacara peringatan bapak wu mengchao, buat menghormati 🙏 - 4 years ago

@j_will321: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@ILoveBooks786: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@HasengerH: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@DanCDO7: RT @JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China, marked b… - 4 years ago

@JohnRoss43: Funeral of great Chinese surgeon Wu Mengchao, holder of China's highest scientific prize, a solemn event in China,… - 4 years ago

@O1RgWT0UEUNlMKn: RT @ChinaDaily: People bid farewell to the late liver specialist Wu Mengchao, the nation's top hepatobiliary surgeon and academician with t… - 4 years ago

@DanfeTv: Chinese public bids farewell to top hepatobiliary surgeon, national hero Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@idolpr0ducer: RT @ramenreee: hey please don't press or promote the fcc hotsearch right now. today the nation is in mourning to honour the passing of grea… - 4 years ago

@AntonioRealtors: RT @CGTNFrancais: La Chine a tenu mercredi matin une cérémonie commémorative pour faire ses adieux à Wu Mengchao, connu comme le "père de l… - 4 years ago

@ANGELCH85676477: The music played in Academician Wu Mengchao's memorial hall is "Internationale". He is a soldier in the Chinese peo… - 4 years ago

@ANGELCH85676477: Most of the backbone of hepatobiliary surgery in China are Academician Wu Mengchao's students.现在中国肝胆外科的中坚力量,大多数都是吴孟… - 4 years ago

@ANGELCH85676477: On the morning of May 26, Longhua funeral home in Shanghai. Almost all of the students and colleagues of Academicia… - 4 years ago

@Linmo22280876: RT @LinmoThailand: 📢 ประกาศงดความบันเทิง เนื่องด้วยวันนี้ 26 พฤษภาคม มีการไว้อาลัย "บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำจีน " Wu Mengchao จึง… - 4 years ago

@Skzfan70470546: RT @LinmoThailand: 📢 ประกาศงดความบันเทิง เนื่องด้วยวันนี้ 26 พฤษภาคม มีการไว้อาลัย "บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำจีน " Wu Mengchao จึง… - 4 years ago

@xiaowinwon: @wayvfess iya dihapus. mungkin karna hari ini bertepatan sama upacara peringatan bapak wu mengchao - 4 years ago

@IrismarFernndez: RT @cgtnenespanol: El Centro Nacional para el Cáncer de Hígado, una vez dirigido por Wu Mengchao, se ha convertido en la base de investigac… - 4 years ago

@billm9: RT @ChinaDaily: People bid farewell to the late liver specialist Wu Mengchao, the nation's top hepatobiliary surgeon and academician with t… - 4 years ago

@JT08NsUHEmES2fk: RT @ChinaDaily: People bid farewell to the late liver specialist Wu Mengchao, the nation's top hepatobiliary surgeon and academician with t… - 4 years ago

@YAN_YAN1206: RT @ShanghaiEye: China held a memorial service to bid farewell to Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery", who… - 4 years ago

@p_ariiii: RT @LinmoThailand: 📢 ประกาศงดความบันเทิง เนื่องด้วยวันนี้ 26 พฤษภาคม มีการไว้อาลัย "บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำจีน " Wu Mengchao จึง… - 4 years ago

@LujungYuwin: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@cgtnenespanol: El 25 de mayo, en el Hospital de Cirugía Hepatobiliar Oriental de Shanghai, se llenó de flores frente al retrato de… - 4 years ago

@pumadola: RT @xiaowinwon: yy bilang upnya ganti besok mungkin karna hari ini tuh upacara peringatan bapak wu mengchao, buat menghormati 🙏 - 4 years ago

@Zhuchenchen4: RT @ShanghaiEye: China held a memorial service to bid farewell to Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery", who… - 4 years ago

@Rusma_4030: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@hwithoven: RT @LUOERCHIVE: 210526 please do not post any entertainment-related content in weibo today, it is a day of mourning for the passing of wu… - 4 years ago

@ChuangtoINTO1: RT @LUOERCHIVE: 210526 please do not post any entertainment-related content in weibo today, it is a day of mourning for the passing of wu… - 4 years ago

@ComunistaRosso: RT @ChinaDaily: People bid farewell to the late liver specialist Wu Mengchao, the nation's top hepatobiliary surgeon and academician with t… - 4 years ago

@ChinaDaily: People bid farewell to the late liver specialist Wu Mengchao, the nation's top hepatobiliary surgeon and academicia… - 4 years ago

@Diablo_forshun: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@starryyixuan: RT @lyztwt: 「important」 don't interact with your fav's hot search today. china is mourning dr. wu mengchao, and talks about entertainment i… - 4 years ago

@Yanlw1: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@Yanlw1: RT @solosus: 🇨🇳 The Republic sorrowfully lost two academicians. 袁隆平/Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice in China. 吴孟超/Wu Mengchao, the… - 4 years ago

@MZMD36526235: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@Durouirene: RT @CGTNFrancais: La Chine a tenu mercredi matin une cérémonie commémorative pour faire ses adieux à Wu Mengchao, connu comme le "père de l… - 4 years ago

@ShanghaiEye: China held a memorial service to bid farewell to Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery… - 4 years ago

@bbzhous: RT @luobozhous: also there’s a entertainment ban today in remembrance of dr. wu mengchao so they won’t be posting today just a heads up - 4 years ago

@xuxixyg: RT @xiaowinwon: yy bilang upnya ganti besok mungkin karna hari ini tuh upacara peringatan bapak wu mengchao, buat menghormati 🙏 - 4 years ago

@shanghaidaily: Patients, students, colleagues and citizens in #Shanghai braved the rain this morning to bid farewell to Wu Mengcha… - 4 years ago

@myrfswuxiavoid: RT @gongjunsays: the chinese entertainment industry will pause today, 26 May, in order to pay respects to Dr. Wu Mengchao who was a top chi… - 4 years ago

@da_nant: RT @LinmoThailand: 📢 ประกาศงดความบันเทิง เนื่องด้วยวันนี้ 26 พฤษภาคม มีการไว้อาลัย "บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำจีน " Wu Mengchao จึง… - 4 years ago

@Jelly810_bear: RT @LinmoThailand: 📢 ประกาศงดความบันเทิง เนื่องด้วยวันนี้ 26 พฤษภาคม มีการไว้อาลัย "บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำจีน " Wu Mengchao จึง… - 4 years ago

@FussyGongzhu: RT @lyztwt: 「important」 don't interact with your fav's hot search today. china is mourning dr. wu mengchao, and talks about entertainment i… - 4 years ago

@yixuandaily: RT @lgyfanclub: [NOTICE] Academician Wu Mengchao’s farewell ceremony will be held tomorrow on 26 May 2021. To mourn and pay respect, ent… - 4 years ago

@nguynth93682408: RT @forkeyus: please do not post anything in keyu's supertopic today‼️ today (5.26) is the farewell ceremony for wu mengchao, and to expre… - 4 years ago

@archewree: RT @WuHaiTH: 📣 เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยแก่ Wu Mengchao จึงขอความร่วมมืองดกิจกรรมบันเทิงบนเชาฮวา งดการใช้ชื่ออู๋ไห่ในweibo งดการกดไลค์โพสต์เก่า… - 4 years ago

@lu_luxian: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@PZhoukeyu: RT @ZhoukeyuTH: 🚀 เนื่องจากตอนนี้ทางประเทศจีนมีการไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao บุคคลสำคัญของจีน ❗จึงขอความร่วมมือทุกคนงดกิจกรรมในเชาฮว่าทุกอย่… - 4 years ago

@CGTNFrancais: La Chine a tenu mercredi matin une cérémonie commémorative pour faire ses adieux à Wu Mengchao, connu comme le "pèr… - 4 years ago

@mamayetaox: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@mamayetaox: RT @huyetaofanTH: [📢] 26.05.64 ประกาศงดโพสต์เนื้อหาบันเทิงทุกรูปแบบ เพื่อแสดงความไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao ขอความร่วมมือแครอททุกท่านงดโพสต์เ… - 4 years ago

@noon_j16: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@seojola: RT @xiaowinwon: yy bilang upnya ganti besok mungkin karna hari ini tuh upacara peringatan bapak wu mengchao, buat menghormati 🙏 - 4 years ago

@Roger87027587: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Piyathi51109164: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@CGTN_Culture: Farewell to top Chinese hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao #China - 4 years ago

@minklemonz: RT @LinmoThailand: 📢 ประกาศงดความบันเทิง เนื่องด้วยวันนี้ 26 พฤษภาคม มีการไว้อาลัย "บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำจีน " Wu Mengchao จึง… - 4 years ago

@pryxj: RT @ZhoukeyuTH: 🚀 เนื่องจากตอนนี้ทางประเทศจีนมีการไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao บุคคลสำคัญของจีน ❗จึงขอความร่วมมือทุกคนงดกิจกรรมในเชาฮว่าทุกอย่… - 4 years ago

@baiwangjing_: RT @ZhoukeyuTH: 🚀 เนื่องจากตอนนี้ทางประเทศจีนมีการไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao บุคคลสำคัญของจีน ❗จึงขอความร่วมมือทุกคนงดกิจกรรมในเชาฮว่าทุกอย่… - 4 years ago

@linmosocute_: RT @LinmoThailand: 📢 ประกาศงดความบันเทิง เนื่องด้วยวันนี้ 26 พฤษภาคม มีการไว้อาลัย "บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำจีน " Wu Mengchao จึง… - 4 years ago

@lanlan85wybxz: RT @ZhoukeyuTH: 🚀 เนื่องจากตอนนี้ทางประเทศจีนมีการไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao บุคคลสำคัญของจีน ❗จึงขอความร่วมมือทุกคนงดกิจกรรมในเชาฮว่าทุกอย่… - 4 years ago

@Liulucute: RT @WuHaiTH: 📣 เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยแก่ Wu Mengchao จึงขอความร่วมมืองดกิจกรรมบันเทิงบนเชาฮวา งดการใช้ชื่ออู๋ไห่ในweibo งดการกดไลค์โพสต์เก่า… - 4 years ago

@tingdaelin: RT @ramenreee: hey please don't press or promote the fcc hotsearch right now. today the nation is in mourning to honour the passing of grea… - 4 years ago

@kimzhinn: RT @LinmoThailand: 📢 ประกาศงดความบันเทิง เนื่องด้วยวันนี้ 26 พฤษภาคม มีการไว้อาลัย "บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำจีน " Wu Mengchao จึง… - 4 years ago

@fhBH8QbWihJ5V9l: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@lomnhaww: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@w1_psmpkp: RT @ZhoukeyuTH: 🚀 เนื่องจากตอนนี้ทางประเทศจีนมีการไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao บุคคลสำคัญของจีน ❗จึงขอความร่วมมือทุกคนงดกิจกรรมในเชาฮว่าทุกอย่… - 4 years ago

@therealjinhoo: RT @luobozhous: also there’s a entertainment ban today in remembrance of dr. wu mengchao so they won’t be posting today just a heads up - 4 years ago

@TimCat28328169: RT @thepapercn: 吴孟超院士遗体告别仪式在上海举行:众多群众冒雨前来 The memorial service of Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" was h… - 4 years ago

@TeteMiSa0401: RT @gongjunsays: the chinese entertainment industry will pause today, 26 May, in order to pay respects to Dr. Wu Mengchao who was a top chi… - 4 years ago

@INTO1_SJ182712: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@Sunoo_Happy: RT @ZhoukeyuTH: 🚀 เนื่องจากตอนนี้ทางประเทศจีนมีการไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao บุคคลสำคัญของจีน ❗จึงขอความร่วมมือทุกคนงดกิจกรรมในเชาฮว่าทุกอย่… - 4 years ago

@brownietaetae: RT @ramenreee: hey please don't press or promote the fcc hotsearch right now. today the nation is in mourning to honour the passing of grea… - 4 years ago

@huvihuvihuha: RT @forkeyus: please do not post anything in keyu's supertopic today‼️ today (5.26) is the farewell ceremony for wu mengchao, and to expre… - 4 years ago

@tongretro: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@dm_pinklion09: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@piyada_aoy26: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@netr_p19: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@Just4LYZ: RT @lgyfanclub: [NOTICE] Academician Wu Mengchao’s farewell ceremony will be held tomorrow on 26 May 2021. To mourn and pay respect, ent… - 4 years ago

@littleboat00: RT @lgyfanclub: [NOTICE] Academician Wu Mengchao’s farewell ceremony will be held tomorrow on 26 May 2021. To mourn and pay respect, ent… - 4 years ago

@naganesh16: RT @liuforreal: วันนี้ (26 พ.ค.) จะมีพิธีไว้อาลัยคุณ Wu Mengchao ดังนั้นงดโพสต์บรรเทิงนะคะ ทำได้แต่เช็กอินเชาฮวาเก็บคะแนนไปก่อน - 4 years ago

@alohaitsmeana: RT @forkeyus: please do not post anything in keyu's supertopic today‼️ today (5.26) is the farewell ceremony for wu mengchao, and to expre… - 4 years ago

@404notfoundyxxn: RT @huyetaofanTH: [📢] 26.05.64 ประกาศงดโพสต์เนื้อหาบันเทิงทุกรูปแบบ เพื่อแสดงความไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao ขอความร่วมมือแครอททุกท่านงดโพสต์เ… - 4 years ago

@Mmmo_onnnn: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@MMRikimaruz: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@misx3un: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@Yajing_314: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@keyu_patrick: RT @keyufiles: 📢 [NOTICE] please refrain from posting entertainment posts today on keyu's supertopic (or anyone's supertopic). today, May… - 4 years ago

@keyu_patrick: RT @forkeyus: please do not post anything in keyu's supertopic today‼️ today (5.26) is the farewell ceremony for wu mengchao, and to expre… - 4 years ago

@mayyr118: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@SunRay8693: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@awjanki: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@itaitun: RT @huyetaofanTH: [📢] 26.05.64 ประกาศงดโพสต์เนื้อหาบันเทิงทุกรูปแบบ เพื่อแสดงความไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao ขอความร่วมมือแครอททุกท่านงดโพสต์เ… - 4 years ago

@lyztjz: RT @lgyfanclub: [NOTICE] Academician Wu Mengchao’s farewell ceremony will be held tomorrow on 26 May 2021. To mourn and pay respect, ent… - 4 years ago

@ZamaiMaiza: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@oscarlover98: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@Jk41445897: RT @huyetaofanTH: [📢] 26.05.64 ประกาศงดโพสต์เนื้อหาบันเทิงทุกรูปแบบ เพื่อแสดงความไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao ขอความร่วมมือแครอททุกท่านงดโพสต์เ… - 4 years ago

@xiaoyugengyin: RT @forkeyus: please do not post anything in keyu's supertopic today‼️ today (5.26) is the farewell ceremony for wu mengchao, and to expre… - 4 years ago

@oscar___wang: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@SOSOINTO1: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@INTO132955112: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@isme_miaw: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@ddgonewildx: RT @huyetaofanTH: [📢] 26.05.64 ประกาศงดโพสต์เนื้อหาบันเทิงทุกรูปแบบ เพื่อแสดงความไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao ขอความร่วมมือแครอททุกท่านงดโพสต์เ… - 4 years ago

@_xiongxiong: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@YYYPCYYYY: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@nusuaylasi: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@Bewzz1989: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@auaisahahaha: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@bubibuw: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@ten_wayv_nct: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@Devilgirl_alis: RT @forkeyus: please do not post anything in keyu's supertopic today‼️ today (5.26) is the farewell ceremony for wu mengchao, and to expre… - 4 years ago

@HunneyG1: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@pennie_34: RT @huyetaofanTH: [📢] 26.05.64 ประกาศงดโพสต์เนื้อหาบันเทิงทุกรูปแบบ เพื่อแสดงความไว้อาลัยต่อ Wu Mengchao ขอความร่วมมือแครอททุกท่านงดโพสต์เ… - 4 years ago

@Snaprag1: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@officialzen21: อ่อวันนี้งดโพสสื่อบันเทิงในเว่ยเพราะว่า มีพิธีอำลาศพ Wu Mengchao บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดี - 4 years ago

@GREENTEA_SMOOT: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@s_a_oon: RT @nalin_____: ⚠️ ประกาศ ⚠️ พิธีอำลานักวิชาการ Wu Mengchao จะถูกจัดขึ้นในวันพรุ่งนี้ วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เพื่อเป็นการไว้อาลัยและแสดงความเ… - 4 years ago

@HaveAgoodDays_: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@Iam_vip001: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@ImMicky6: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศงดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากมีพิธีอำลาศพของ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับและถุงน้ำดีของประเทศจีน” ในวันที่ 26 พฤ… - 4 years ago

@khunpatt55: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@NaomiWang_Q: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@manowbts: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@kristtps_p: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@jannyjanly: RT @liuforreal: วันนี้ (26 พ.ค.) จะมีพิธีไว้อาลัยคุณ Wu Mengchao ดังนั้นงดโพสต์บรรเทิงนะคะ ทำได้แต่เช็กอินเชาฮวาเก็บคะแนนไปก่อน - 4 years ago

@haneuljeon12: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@MarchMayy_: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@unicornsjam: RT @duoyu2U: Wjjw, of course knowing that tomorrow (26th) is the farewell ceremony for Wu Mengchao Laoshi (obviously entertainment ban)… - 4 years ago

@Chemy2005: RT @By_AnswerTH: 20210525🍊 (📢) ประกาศสำคัญนะคะ ขอความกรุณาทุกคนงดโพส content บันเทิงทุกชนิดนอก super topic ตั้งแต่ 23.01น.-23.00น.ในวันถั… - 4 years ago

@nattharika7794: RT @liuforreal: วันนี้ (26 พ.ค.) จะมีพิธีไว้อาลัยคุณ Wu Mengchao ดังนั้นงดโพสต์บรรเทิงนะคะ ทำได้แต่เช็กอินเชาฮวาเก็บคะแนนไปก่อน - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@mstandaert: RT @SpeechFreedomCN: Two arrested in Jiangsu Province for "insulting" Yuan Longping. Jin from Jinhu County was accused of insulting Yuan &… - 4 years ago

@fcheckchina: @GekkoYo duelo brutales igualmente tras la muerte de Wu Mengchao, que es un cirujano. No salvó a las masas 5. El ar… - 4 years ago

@linzhen1235: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@feizhaishanmu: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@v1996123: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@rikirikrikimaru: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@Licht_: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@China_Rabbits: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@WanyipLeungCHN: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@g0awaytears: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@I3VxhAEm67WtFZV: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@NelsonM68410623: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@NelsonM68410623: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@ChuangtoINTO1: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@RoyalSaddler: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@fk8OBTJBktfz6fG: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@fierceChalam: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@samarthmishra25: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@Kassidal: RT @VengoGaoIFG: 📢 Tonight's Happy Camp is postponed to next week to pay respect to two respectable scientists in China, "Father of Hybrid… - 4 years ago

@Spidermannn120: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@AewAewNine: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@ANGELCH85676477: The patient kisses Wu Mengchao's hand, and Wu Mengchao kisses the patient back on the cheek❤️ 病人亲吻了吴孟超的手,吴孟超在病人的脸颊上… - 4 years ago

@Bridge__z: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@9MluAKFQNPkKQT5: RT @SpeechFreedomCN: Jin's remarks revealed, he got arrested for saying that #YuanLongping was deified, and Wu Mengchao was a fake scientis… - 4 years ago

@9MluAKFQNPkKQT5: RT @SpeechFreedomCN: Two arrested in Jiangsu Province for "insulting" Yuan Longping. Jin from Jinhu County was accused of insulting Yuan &… - 4 years ago

@PICFA_SinoIndia: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@dogfeng: RT @SpeechFreedomCN: Two arrested in Jiangsu Province for "insulting" Yuan Longping. Jin from Jinhu County was accused of insulting Yuan &… - 4 years ago

@Jackpot202011: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@hutiaoxia: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@angaventure: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@heigell1972: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@setay71: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@k_m_1707: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@Abhishek848101: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@Save_XJ_Uyghur: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@f0OWkJY23yNRojw: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@libelula_group: RT @CGTNFrancais: Le plus grand expert de Chine en chirurgie hépatobiliaire, Wu Mengchao, est décédé samedi à l'âge de 99 ans. - 4 years ago

@justcurious1313: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@ShowtimeMatthew: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@YAN_YAN1206: RT @ZhaLiyou: 印度菩提迦耶中华大觉寺祈福中国袁隆平、吴孟超2位院士为人间菩萨,一路走好,乘愿归来。The Chinese Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya prayed for Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao,… - 4 years ago

@melleo93m: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@Machariel7: @CNN You missed Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@camuwmie: RT @SpeechFreedomCN: Two arrested in Jiangsu Province for "insulting" Yuan Longping. Jin from Jinhu County was accused of insulting Yuan &… - 4 years ago

@dakangLee1: Pay tribute to Academician Wu Mengchao, the father of hepatobiliary surgery in China! - 4 years ago

@chikanadiyah: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@QtSO4S7vbxDV5AV: RT @PeoplesDailyapp: People pay homage to deceased top hepatobiliary surgeon #WuMengchao - 4 years ago

@LovemoneymaknaL: 📢 [ประกาศเรื่องการห้ามความบันเทิง] เพื่อระลึกถึงความทรงจำของYuan LongpingและWu Mengchaoอธิษฐานเผื่อเพื่อนร่วมชาติ… - 4 years ago

@PeoplesDailyapp: People pay homage to deceased top hepatobiliary surgeon #WuMengchao - 4 years ago

@LoveFujian: Wu Mengchao, known as China's "father of liver and gallbladder #surgeries", who was born in #Fuzhou's Minqing count… - 4 years ago

@angelof99689031: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@rhyph: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@StensonTobias: RT @ANGELCH85676477: Academician Wu Mengchao, the pioneer and founder of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery, once held many trophies in his righ… - 4 years ago

@mounibtayeb: RT @CGTNFrancais: Le plus grand expert de Chine en chirurgie hépatobiliaire, Wu Mengchao, est décédé samedi à l'âge de 99 ans. - 4 years ago

@ploynun02: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@INTO1andonlyGQC: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@CGTNFrancais: Le plus grand expert de Chine en chirurgie hépatobiliaire, Wu Mengchao, est décédé samedi à l'âge de 99 ans.… - 4 years ago

@0611sunrise: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@krystal_anne88: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@bamubamu_mumu: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@Chutichu4: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@huafoo_: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@Oanpptw: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@Just4Santa: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@BRASIL_ACABOU: RT @ShanghaiEye: People come to Shanghai Oriental Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital to mourn Academician Wu Mengchao on a rainy May 23. Wu Men… - 4 years ago

@ShanghaiEye: People come to Shanghai Oriental Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital to mourn Academician Wu Mengchao on a rainy May 23.… - 4 years ago

@William94669768: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@meowwangs: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@AndNamon: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@JuliaChen0830: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@amelyyahrch: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@unicornsjam: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@Creamery_LS: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@unicornsjam: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@HxSun8: RT @HxSun8: Wu Mengchao, the father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery. Sorrowful condolences! ! ! - 4 years ago

@oLjmxucVksNFSWA: RT @SpeechFreedomCN: Two arrested in Jiangsu Province for "insulting" Yuan Longping. Jin from Jinhu County was accused of insulting Yuan &… - 4 years ago

@aklz23t: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@HxSun8: Wu Mengchao, the father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery. Sorrowful condolences! ! ! - 4 years ago

@simonkwo2012: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@np_me2u: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@milkshake0626: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@bbastoey: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@my_world_is_bl: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@peungzwb: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@redlkryu: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@INTO1__KePat: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@withnay_: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@kanasitzz: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@TanjiroXY: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@xiaoyugengyin: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@roarrlikeatiger: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@passayouu: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@santaclausa10: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@Siri39198028: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@URDOeNNT4DHpd8g: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery"… - 4 years ago

@ohaoyuu: @MIKETOPTAP hari ini ditunda:( "Berita hiburan apa pun telah dilarang hingga jam 12 tengah malam hari ini karena m… - 4 years ago

@nana__99__: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@SawadeeU: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@butterjellyyyy: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@jisiunn: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@Palmmy_Jae: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@baitoey0823: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@AhgaseAzalia: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@4zjyjiayuan: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@AlmondSugar2: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@FanclubSanyu: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@New_KePat: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@AndAnother1_: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@pxpeppermint: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@BestJra_Photos: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@alonegh6: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@duoyu2U: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@forzhoukeyus: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@p_ppny: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@in2gather: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@xihuanese: RT @dailyintoone: As the passing of two Chinese Heroes struck China, INTO1’s Vlogumentary will be postponed today. Rest in Peace Yuan Long… - 4 years ago

@xihuanese: RT @into1archive: Any entertainment news has been banned until 12 midnight today due to passing of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. May thei… - 4 years ago

@nongjenonarakk: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@MiMMBaoZi: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@tikaaOslc: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@Alchan61503974: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@durbelyta: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@durbelyta: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@PDOAUS: Top hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@PBinsomprasong: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@bus7stop: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@LenellBing: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@iamphak_: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@AguluNwoke: Top Chinese hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@cknune1: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@iamevezz: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@RIKIMARU_TH: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@soeloo2018: RT @VoiceofPD: #China's top #hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 o… - 4 years ago

@XlAO_ZHAN: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@SpeechFreedomCN: Two arrested in Jiangsu Province for "insulting" Yuan Longping. Jin from Jinhu County was accused of insulting Yuan… - 4 years ago

@enjoyjaime: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@IrenePham4: RT @luoyunxiunion: 【522 Entertainment Ban Notice】 In memory of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao, the ban on entertainment has been extended t… - 4 years ago

@luoyunxiunion: 【522 Entertainment Ban Notice】 In memory of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao, the ban on entertainment has been exten… - 4 years ago

@oujianhong: RT @cgtnenespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de China", fal… - 4 years ago

@jefflee81258649: @TruthMedia123 Is it a great doctor or a devil ? Wu Mengchao personally participates in 156 liver organ transplant… - 4 years ago

@kassirys: RT @Paisana92: #Internacionales| @Paisana92| #CarneiroEsPueblo| Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao Vía h… - 4 years ago

@gregori_cuy: RT @Paisana92: #Internacionales| @Paisana92| #CarneiroEsPueblo| Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao Vía h… - 4 years ago

@Frankvzla27: RT @Paisana92: #Internacionales| @Paisana92| #CarneiroEsPueblo| Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao Vía h… - 4 years ago

@Paisana92: #Internacionales| @Paisana92| #CarneiroEsPueblo| Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengc… - 4 years ago

@Inaki_Astur: RT @asociacionscl: MUERE A LOS 99 AÑOS MÁXIMO CIRUJANO HEPATOBILIAR CHINO, WU MENGCHAO #Veteranos #WuMengchao #Mu… - 4 years ago

@CapitalismoG: RT @asociacionscl: MUERE A LOS 99 AÑOS MÁXIMO CIRUJANO HEPATOBILIAR CHINO, WU MENGCHAO #Veteranos #WuMengchao #Mu… - 4 years ago

@HispanicoJoven: RT @asociacionscl: MUERE A LOS 99 AÑOS MÁXIMO CIRUJANO HEPATOBILIAR CHINO, WU MENGCHAO #Veteranos #WuMengchao #Mu… - 4 years ago


@soyjulio3: RT @cgtnenespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de China", fal… - 4 years ago

@chase705: RT @nctbeul: yuan longping who was ‘the father of hybrid rice’ and wu mengchao who was ‘father of chinese hepatobiliary surgery’. it was re… - 4 years ago

@chase705: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@PinedaJeremia: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@PinedaJeremia: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@CQYY_: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@Elia95011387: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Elia95011387: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Elia95011387: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@urda_eta: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@urda_eta: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Memo62711690: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@quevedomarle: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Memo62711690: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Memo62711690: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Ramon24331091: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Markhore007: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@lan7lan8: Update So far,5 netizens have been arrested for they criticizing Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao. - 4 years ago

@ChompuOr: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@mairabr73871957: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@AlconFranyour: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@ThomasZpy: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@tmrrwtody: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@SunYangjunCREC: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@Smile_with_Ike: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@hialxa: RT @VoiceofPD: #China's top #hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 o… - 4 years ago

@IrismarFernndez: RT @cgtnenespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de China", fal… - 4 years ago

@johannportes: RT @cgtnenespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de China", fal… - 4 years ago

@yennilim11: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@richardjpisosc: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@richardjpisosc: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@mayemar1972: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@FlixMarcano5: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@FlixMarcano5: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@wengxiaoshi: RT @chinaorgcn: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 on… - 4 years ago

@YiZhanDaughter: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@3KhQg9rZPChVVPD: RT @ANGELCH85676477: Academician Wu Mengchao, the pioneer and founder of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery, once held many trophies in his righ… - 4 years ago

@sunsonghzy: RT @chinaorgcn: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 on… - 4 years ago

@ChinaSunSong: For the dream of hybrid rice,Yuan Longping spent his whole life immersed in rice fields. The seeds he sowed are now… - 4 years ago

@BrumelisRivas: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@BrumelisRivas: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@maomao_tomy: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@Ovidio46878266: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Ovidio46878266: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@SenlinGuo: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@rafik_mahroug: La Chine a perdu deux de ses plus grands scientifiques #Wu_Mengchao père de la chirurgie hépatobiliaire et pancréat… - 4 years ago

@MaKuoHua: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@wwann__: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@Luisa85396902: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@lookatmybeauty: RT @Ava88537232: Lost two great men in one day😭😭😭 #吳孟超 "Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery" Wu Mengchao, died on May 22 at the age of… - 4 years ago

@edwin_reno: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Fran15508259: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@SpStSM95: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@fugs_59: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Fran15508259: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@Novumiblu: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@iambigibg: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Esmerlynf1: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Esmerlynf1: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Esmerlynf1: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Cristia65205500: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@Rixi18044423: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@OverseasCHN: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@AlexFAN62005877: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@danieIzhoui: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@XHdeutsch: Erstklassiger Chirurg Wu Mengchao stirbt im Alter von 99 Jahren - 4 years ago

@Juanjo3800: RT @cgtnenespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de China", fal… - 4 years ago

@waterfall8888: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@allforyoulove99: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@mcxting: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@cgtnenespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de China"… - 4 years ago

@MiiisaZ: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@forzhoukeyu: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@XAUUSD___gold: I express my condolences to the deaths of Yuan Longping ("Father of Hybrid Rice") and Wu Mengchao ("Father of Chine… - 4 years ago

@yudiwijayaa: RT @XHIndonesia: Ahli bedah hepatobilier Tiongkok Wu Mengchao, yang dikenal sebagai "bapak operasi hepatobilier Tiongkok", meninggal dunia… - 4 years ago

@tyhon9: RT @XHIndonesia: Ahli bedah hepatobilier Tiongkok Wu Mengchao, yang dikenal sebagai "bapak operasi hepatobilier Tiongkok", meninggal dunia… - 4 years ago

@AjungHijaya: RT @XHIndonesia: Ahli bedah hepatobilier Tiongkok Wu Mengchao, yang dikenal sebagai "bapak operasi hepatobilier Tiongkok", meninggal dunia… - 4 years ago

@joycl6: RT @ACYF1949: China’s founder of hepatobiliary surgery, Mr. Wu Mengchao, may you rest in peace. - 4 years ago

@XHIndonesia: Ahli bedah hepatobilier Tiongkok Wu Mengchao, yang dikenal sebagai "bapak operasi hepatobilier Tiongkok", meninggal… - 4 years ago

@XiaojunFx: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@Cut33ssay: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@Ruan_Charlie: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@felurian_n: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@Hongkou310109: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@WitchyRapture: RT @LiuMinch: Two winners of the highest national science and technology awards passed away two minutes apart this afternoon. At 13:05, Aca… - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @ANGELCH85676477: Academician Wu Mengchao, the pioneer and founder of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery, once held many trophies in his righ… - 4 years ago

@TseringDrolma3: Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@CamilaBrito0404: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@my1china: RT @LinHao_KL: Apart from Yuan Longping, China also lost prominent Chinese surgeon and medical scientist Wu Mengchao on Saturday. Dr. Wu ha… - 4 years ago

@drolma_tibet: Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@jiajing520: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@camaradahenry: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@darksanctuary_: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@Asian_Century21: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@BuMMoJI: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@zhoukekul: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@laraparpan: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@LinHao_KL: Apart from Yuan Longping, China also lost prominent Chinese surgeon and medical scientist Wu Mengchao on Saturday.… - 4 years ago

@rafaelrafel3: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@HqkMHbmcVPksPF4: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@ilovehy327: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@iammaiCK: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@AndyVermaut: China's leading liver expert Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@dkdeer96: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@RajiV55004611: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@lbbybei: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@GiriBhai20: @XHNews deepest condolences fo Wu Mengchao. no region and no religion for real doctors, scientists and technocrats.… - 4 years ago

@Yyiibboo8: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@sZeynosh: RT @chinaorgcn: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 on… - 4 years ago

@cleo02875209: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@rikimaruuu1: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@KEYS64649375: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@hoshizola_shine: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Alvaro6769: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@ybelises_chavez: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@writtenbystar: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@Hi_JinL: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@mintty2020: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@medinaiwcheatle: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@nnnardel: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@GreatSpirit6: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@GreatSpirit6: RT @ANGELCH85676477: Academician Wu Mengchao, the pioneer and founder of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery, once held many trophies in his righ… - 4 years ago

@mr4442590: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@CoronaHarvey: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@uriwearstore: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@YmarZenon: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@jsES_Na: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@AndredithR: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@makey339: RT @zhang_heqing: 'Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery' Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@james34603155: RT @VoiceofPD: #China's top #hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 o… - 4 years ago

@SergioC92767405: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@onlybabyme: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@794830197: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@candlestar_: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@riki_yuanyuan: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@DannyLo97768522: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@yuzhouyin: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@Migdali55136883: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@DannyLo97768522: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@ChMarina7: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@ARRV81: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #23May - 4 years ago

@frankwuhhu1: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@pp6drealvclnha: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@tongretro: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@omerna3175: RT @CaribeTuitero: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Desi54150819: RT @CaribeTuitero: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@LeungWYCHN: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@AutumnWindslow: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@Goodbye22539538: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@alexacab18: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@jefflee81258649: @HK_EpochTimes Wu Mengchao , an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and officially called "Father of Chines… - 4 years ago

@SgAnZclPc7hKazQ: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@james34603155: RT @ANGELCH85676477: Academician Wu Mengchao, the pioneer and founder of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery, once held many trophies in his righ… - 4 years ago

@allbll12: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@yxalagruo: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@AmbLiuQuan: RT @ANGELCH85676477: Academician Wu Mengchao, the pioneer and founder of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery, once held many trophies in his righ… - 4 years ago

@Rperez911: RT @CaribeTuitero: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@newwenhll_: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@reflexion3: RT @CaribeTuitero: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@gilbertoca5: RT @CaribeTuitero: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@YuletsisB: RT @CaribeTuitero: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@mondaymornin9: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@nutbabynut: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@mmaysh19: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@PS081046: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@driiiki1: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@04bondad: RT @MayJen_LYZ: Finally!!! 🎉🎉 คุณชายหลัวมารีโพสต์ไว้อาลัยให้กับ Yuan Longping (บิดาแห่งข้าวพันธุ์ผสม) และ Wu Mengchao (บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับ… - 4 years ago

@jeliTa_ka: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@haoyu_pat: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@supportzky: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@Devilgirl_alis: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@Zhanmus75217347: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@JMamode: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@fullsuuuunnn: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@renbowjun: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@TNPPSA: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@guganyou: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@vioviiw_oo: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@Mxrielxx_: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@formyrikimaru_: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@MMRikimaruz: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@mommypatiloveU: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@_LiuSanRi_: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศขยายเวลางดความบันเทิง⛔️ เนื่องจากได้มีการไว้อาลัยต่อบุคคลสำคัญของจีน คือ Yuan Longping และ Wu Mengchao จึงงดความ… - 4 years ago

@johnnygerardo1: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@JTtokki: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@KKik003: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@chodchoyy: RT @forkeyus: keyu's rejoice endorsement announcement will be postponed due to the mourning of the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao… - 4 years ago

@muciokks: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@justcurious1313: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@Carmenfarfn2: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Davicito892: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Brachoedison1: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@HueNanaa: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@arturoperi1: RT @China_Fact: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat at th… - 4 years ago

@starxrry: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@durbelyta: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@HarryUn14349387: The recent death of Wu Mengchao, the Chinese Communist Party's "big doctor", involved in large-scale live organ har… - 4 years ago

@Viva_La_VidaLV: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Eegc1701: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Eegc1701: RT @MILAGROASCANIO: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@ajannong: @li_xiaosi @ShowtimeMatthew 💐💐💐 I wish to mourn with the China people of the passing of Master Yuan Longping & Dr.W… - 4 years ago

@Chinca_rojas: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@isaridewi: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Josep1136: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Josep1136: RT @MILAGROASCANIO: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@richardjpisosc: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Misell62330872: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Misell62330872: RT @MILAGROASCANIO: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Jimmy02061527: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@China_Fact: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on S… - 4 years ago

@SecondRingSZN: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@mibalazmiz: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@EdgarAlbertola6: RT @Canal6Honduras: China perdió a dos de sus científicos más grandes en apenas cinco minutos. A las 13:02 del sábado, falleció Wu Mengch… - 4 years ago

@JeantPerozo: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@janeldddhan: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@Lleragonzalez: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@JosYsrael3: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Yhonnix: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@Yhonnix: RT @MILAGROASCANIO: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@GuevaraPedrito: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@JEHOVANISSI16: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@luisfelipemala8: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@luisfelipemala8: RT @MILAGROASCANIO: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@ChenFeiyuBR: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@ce3eb5af2200429: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@CarlosLpezGulas: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@mayemar1972: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@SemprunTefa: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@ElGranDebate: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@SumStyles414: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@JavierAcurero5: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@MILAGROASCANIO: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@joselgo46321632: RT @VTVcanal8: Fallece a los 99 años máximo cirujano hepatobiliar chino, Wu Mengchao #CarneiroEsLaGuaira - 4 years ago

@ShameelQureshi: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@soldier02002: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@siu_head: RT @PeoplesDailyapp: #WuMengchao, a world-renowned #Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery,"… - 4 years ago

@stunningselmg: RT @nctbeul: yuan longping who was ‘the father of hybrid rice’ and wu mengchao who was ‘father of chinese hepatobiliary surgery’. it was re… - 4 years ago

@stunningselmg: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@RIAK42: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@lasdelnilopress: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@Sher41506: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@FatimaLachhab8: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@AndreaAlbion: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Kosmovin: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@LuoYizhouCircle: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@dayllighter0: RT @nctbeul: yuan longping who was ‘the father of hybrid rice’ and wu mengchao who was ‘father of chinese hepatobiliary surgery’. it was re… - 4 years ago

@dayllighter0: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@dayllighter0: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@AmbZhouJian: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@JOnina23: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@Inniee13: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@potat___o: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@YAN_YAN1206: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@zhang_heqing: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@YAN_YAN1206: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Build_Socialism: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@V13155800: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@JonLopRiv: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@Hihobi13: RT @nctbeul: yuan longping who was ‘the father of hybrid rice’ and wu mengchao who was ‘father of chinese hepatobiliary surgery’. it was re… - 4 years ago

@Hihobi13: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@HandyCorgi: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@teerapathy: RT @gongjun_: 210522 | Gong Jun Weibo Update [Reposted CCTV News weibo about the passing of Chinese surgeon, hepatobiliary medical scienti… - 4 years ago

@taseenb: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@extrdnryfangirl: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@TimeDramarama: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@xiaoyugengyin: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@yargaata: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@BRASIL_ACABOU: RT @SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and rescued pe… - 4 years ago

@SilingWu: Wu Mengchao died on May 22 at the age of 99, he was born in Minqing County, Fujian Province in 1922. He healed and… - 4 years ago

@ProfJonTaylor: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@NAYUL0VER: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@momonic__: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@Happyseojivirus: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@tjwisung: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@thesunundermoon: RT @CXK_Thailand: คุณปู่ Yuan Longping คุณหมอ Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@renhyuckle_: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@sosxxmi: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@aldebarayam: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@lqdery: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @zhang_heqing: 'Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery' Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@Martin04476944: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@qinxdjun: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@MENCardinal: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@jack_pw2020: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@ddeulginnie: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@ZhaLiyou: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@happyev74577990: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@vivian81375396: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@bluesea99193658: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@NRaule: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@xzhanbread: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@samarthmishra25: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@93dkslove: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@almas_hell: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@egeru81gmailco1: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@LeungWanyipCHN: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@bl_oni: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@BeijingDialogue: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@yizhousauruuus: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@AnnLee15263912: RT @ACYF1949: China’s founder of hepatobiliary surgery, Mr. Wu Mengchao, may you rest in peace. - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @PeoplesDailyapp: #WuMengchao, a world-renowned #Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery,"… - 4 years ago

@WanyipLeungCHN: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@TimCat28328169: RT @XHNews: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 on Sat… - 4 years ago

@renhrje: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@LeiPuikei: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@LeiPuikei: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@thefirstake: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@DotDotNews1: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@huangmarks: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@solosus: 🇨🇳 The Republic sorrowfully lost two academicians. 袁隆平/Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice in China. 吴孟超/Wu Me… - 4 years ago

@hallojensoo: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@prettyboyhrj: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@rikimawuuu: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@channiebabiiee: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@RashidK79221668: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@TaimoorTh: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@Keyboard_Commie: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@561_cutelyy: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@ecovega: RT @XHespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de #China", fallec… - 4 years ago

@Aummy_im: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@NgaChaba: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@galacteau: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@naepoppo: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@chuangfessfic: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@BGenebra: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@peterpobjecky: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@keitsksm_: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@2amOngsFrippIes: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@Luckybo03498461: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@henrylshenGZU: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@N1E2O7: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@almightyjaemin: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@XHTanhoaxa: Ngày 22/5, bác sĩ phẫu thuật gan mật hàng đầu Trung Quốc Wu Mengchao, người được mệnh danh là "cha đẻ của lĩnh vực… - 4 years ago

@TheDrBlanc: RT @Echinanews: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@Mapara738: RT @XHespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de #China", fallec… - 4 years ago

@CaoYi_MFA: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@rpc_tofs: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@jennyjenli: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@JeanLucPons: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@ChenBatYZ: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@KawaiTuan: Ikinci kisi de 吴孟超(Wu Mengchao) 99 yasinda vefat eden unlu cerrah Hepatobiliary uzerinde uzmanlasmisti (Karaciger… - 4 years ago

@Nyielity: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@jenlisisreal_: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@ShowtimeMatthew: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@mengdengliu: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@BintingM: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@ACYF1949: China’s founder of hepatobiliary surgery, Mr. Wu Mengchao, may you rest in peace. - 4 years ago

@DanCDO7: RT @li_xiaosi: Today, two stars have fallen: Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice" in China, and Wu Mengchao, the "father of hepatobil… - 4 years ago

@XHespanol: El máximo cirujano hepatobiliar de China, Wu Mengchao, conocido como el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar de #China… - 4 years ago

@_Hirayah_: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@ERWJNYUK: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@WGkusdEmbd1Y2eM: RT @maiiich: วันนี้ในเวยป๋อก็จะเศร้าๆหน่อย ตอนเช้าข่าวปลอมทีนึง ตอนบ่ายข่าวจริง เสียชีวิตจริง แล้วไม่ใช่แค่1คน แต่2คน สำคัญในประเทศจีน ราย… - 4 years ago

@qqiankn: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@_MooBerry_: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@atomolekul: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@neojisungpwark: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@therealjinhoo: RT @chenjunhaos: ! important ! to show respect to the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao, pls refrain posting entertainment related… - 4 years ago

@sunlightrh: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@04bondad: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@04bondad: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@SD_Ag_Labs: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@ImranDev3: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@EB0YTENLEE: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@WL_wangC: RT @maiiich: วันนี้ในเวยป๋อก็จะเศร้าๆหน่อย ตอนเช้าข่าวปลอมทีนึง ตอนบ่ายข่าวจริง เสียชีวิตจริง แล้วไม่ใช่แค่1คน แต่2คน สำคัญในประเทศจีน ราย… - 4 years ago

@ShimaBunDango: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@China__Focus: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao passed away 🙏🏻 - 4 years ago

@songqian_R: RT @thesongqian: Happy Camp today will not be airing due to the passing of Yuan Longping (‘father of hybrid rice’) and Wu Mengchao (‘father… - 4 years ago

@missyouJackson: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@littleloveaii: RT @jingtianbot: Yunnan earthquake, Dalian traffic accident, the passing of the "Father of Hybrid Rice" Mr. Yuan Longping & the passing of… - 4 years ago

@DanCDO7: RT @XHNews: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 on Sat… - 4 years ago

@swz19980413: RT @XHNews: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon Wu Mengchao, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," passed away at 99 on Sat… - 4 years ago

@MidoocGroup: Today, two world-class scientists are the father of hybrid rice, Mr. Yuan Longping, and the father of hepatobiliary… - 4 years ago

@OK_Kwan: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@justcurious1313: RT @zhang_heqing: 'Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery' Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@kjctaholic: RT @LuoYizhou0316: Luo Yizhou provides the condolence message to the today's loss of two renowned Chinese scientists: Wu Mengchao, a doctor… - 4 years ago

@chelleang23: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@lumarxiaozen: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@titchstore: RT @ourbabyL1Z: ปล. โพสต์ของน้องคือมาไว้อาลัยคุณ Wu Mengchao ซึ่งเป็นบุคคลสำคัญที่ท่านเพิ่งเสียชีวิต เพราะฉะนั้นคือไม่กล้าหวีดเลย ขอความร่ว… - 4 years ago

@hellochocobie: RT @gongjun_: 210522 | Gong Jun Weibo Update [Reposted CCTV News weibo about the passing of Chinese surgeon, hepatobiliary medical scienti… - 4 years ago

@tenthevertu: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@LuoLisa_: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@LuoLisa_: Please refrain from commenting about Yizhou (like I miss you blah blah blah) Just don't post something about him un… - 4 years ago

@chompoonut227: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@stayzen_deobi: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@baka_the_banana: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@BernieBernana: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@softygyeom: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@thesongqian: Happy Camp today will not be airing due to the passing of Yuan Longping (‘father of hybrid rice’) and Wu Mengchao (… - 4 years ago

@dearazuma: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@ourbabyL1Z: ปล. โพสต์ของน้องคือมาไว้อาลัยคุณ Wu Mengchao ซึ่งเป็นบุคคลสำคัญที่ท่านเพิ่งเสียชีวิต เพราะฉะนั้นคือไม่กล้าหวีดเลย ข… - 4 years ago

@dearkun11xd: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@xiaophonluv: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@HyperLYZosis: RT @rulanorchid: Luo Yizhou has reposted in remembrance of Wu Mengchao, who passed away today. However, please refrain from posting excited… - 4 years ago

@aceyizhou: *yuan longping and wu mengchao's death - 4 years ago

@gucleard: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@BabyMayday: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@woochariseyg: RT @senjatanuklir: Yuan Longping adalah seorang agronomis yang dikenal sebagai ‘Bapak Padi Hibrida’, sedangkan Wu Mengchao adalah dokter be… - 4 years ago

@Xbai_sky: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@hearteyesnana: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@kyoongviIlage: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@Alis_sa39: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@NAJAEMWIFEUU: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@liukhei: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@henseidon: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@TiffanyLy18: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@henseidon: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@hayanchampeyn: RT @nctbeul: yuan longping who was ‘the father of hybrid rice’ and wu mengchao who was ‘father of chinese hepatobiliary surgery’. it was re… - 4 years ago

@labli_nana: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@melonnyamas: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@nctishot: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@NaNaTerest: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@hayanchampeyn: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@theliwan: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@melonnyamas: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@R31971916: RT @VengoGaoIFG: 📢 Tonight's Happy Camp is postponed to next week to pay respect to two respectable scientists in China, "Father of Hybrid… - 4 years ago

@PetchGab: RT @VengoGaoIFG: 📢 Tonight's Happy Camp is postponed to next week to pay respect to two respectable scientists in China, "Father of Hybrid… - 4 years ago

@NaNaTerest: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@ryuniel: RT @gongjun_: 210522 | Gong Jun Weibo Update [Reposted CCTV News weibo about the passing of Chinese surgeon, hepatobiliary medical scienti… - 4 years ago

@bangtinyseven: RT @nctbeul: yuan longping who was ‘the father of hybrid rice’ and wu mengchao who was ‘father of chinese hepatobiliary surgery’. it was re… - 4 years ago

@GJwuhuZZH: RT @gongjun_: 210522 | Gong Jun Weibo Update [Reposted CCTV News weibo about the passing of Chinese surgeon, hepatobiliary medical scienti… - 4 years ago

@bangtinyseven: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@softbabyten: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@96taeils: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@Im_Autophile: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@XUXllROLL: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@masqiann: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@hendraaaary: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@somejsome: RT @gongjun_: 210522 | Gong Jun Weibo Update [Reposted CCTV News weibo about the passing of Chinese surgeon, hepatobiliary medical scienti… - 4 years ago

@yangyangsheepy: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@loecas_wong: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@John17758739: RT @zhang_heqing: 'Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery' Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@SyedSaq75283853: RT @zhang_heqing: 'Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery' Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@xiu_multi: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@gongjun_: 210522 | Gong Jun Weibo Update [Reposted CCTV News weibo about the passing of Chinese surgeon, hepatobiliary medic… - 4 years ago

@sushionthekitty: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@NCTsmtown_Zenie: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@1790tianting520: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@srbnews0: RT @zhang_heqing: 'Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery' Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@lyqzone: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@hi_lumis: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@haechan_okaycut: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@liushua48040999: #W u Meng Chao &Yuan long ping #On the afternoon of May 22, 2021, Beijing time;Mr. Wu Mengchao, father of liver sur… - 4 years ago

@maewontao: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@zeustyong: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@X8CQBIdX9nrlwAC: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@buiingbang: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@xostefyxo: RT @nctbeul: yuan longping who was ‘the father of hybrid rice’ and wu mengchao who was ‘father of chinese hepatobiliary surgery’. it was re… - 4 years ago

@xostefyxo: RT @nctbeul: you can still post on weibo and stuff, but it will consider very un-thoughtful and rude. esp, celebrities. it can really ruin… - 4 years ago

@uQBLJQYdbHOZddN: RT @zhang_heqing: 'Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery' Wu Mengchao dies at 99 - 4 years ago

@riverain1217: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@_petrichor_rain: RT @CXK_Thailand: คุณปู่ Yuan Longping คุณหมอ Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@Lr3ZpIUnLe8Wd5g: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@wintersungsho: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@sugarrplum__: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@wzk64657534: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@G87509991134893: RT @ZouYueTweets: Wu Mengchao, "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery," died today at 99. He had said that "there's no shortage of expert… - 4 years ago

@ShinRaeAh4: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@StephanieBauwe: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@WangPu4511: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@osxtao: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@jaeultism: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@edgar64986245: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@harasaki94: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@PradiptaDicky67: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@xmb0707: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@SwarnanjaliDey3: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@ashesoffrost: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@S15032022: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@huangbulance: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@HouKamfung: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@westwoodbullet: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@ZzGgWw5: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@HCFlLES: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@yetaofairy: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@spicypunnkin: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@mamakunge: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@cloverofspring: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@eyesofbam: RT @senjatanuklir: Yuan Longping adalah seorang agronomis yang dikenal sebagai ‘Bapak Padi Hibrida’, sedangkan Wu Mengchao adalah dokter be… - 4 years ago

@WanyipLeungCHN: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@iLuvcasYou: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@JaneJes34: RT @HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—Yuan… - 4 years ago

@FoxinMaang45: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@MRIruetaichanok: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@HuYetaoFanbase: HYT reposted a post dedicated to 2 great men who've contributed greatly not only to Chinese society, but the world—… - 4 years ago

@ichhkari: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@FoxinMaang45: RT @POUTSESE: At 13: 02 on May 22nd, Wu Mengchao, the father of hepatobiliary surgery in China, died at the age of 99. Double stars fall! T… - 4 years ago

@raelynnichon: RT @CXK_Thailand: คุณปู่ Yuan Longping คุณหมอ Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@CCYLEspanol: Wu mengchao fue galardonado con el Premio Nacional de Ciencia y tecnología más alto en 2005 y fue pionero y fundado… - 4 years ago

@CCYLEspanol: a la edad de 99 años.Wu mengchao ha estado tratando y salvando a la gente durante 78 años, y todavía se adhiere a l… - 4 years ago

@gyuzinho: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@CCYLEspanol: El académico Wu mengchao, el "padre de la cirugía hepatobiliar China", murió a la edad de 99 años 😭] según… - 4 years ago

@injunsarang: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@rouvaeil: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@DSCXIA0: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@helmyibo: RT @senjatanuklir: Di Tiongkok, saat ada figur nasional meninggal dunia, acara hiburan biasanya dihentikan sejenak untuk menghormati tokoh… - 4 years ago

@t_n_mitsu: RT @ChinaDaily: China's top hepatobiliary surgeon, Wu Mengchao, also an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died on Saturday at… - 4 years ago

@anonymouswithtt: RT @CXK_Thailand: คุณปู่ Yuan Longping คุณหมอ Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@aadilbrar: Besides Yuan Longping, on Weibo people are also mourning the death of Chinese surgeon and medical scientist Wu Meng… - 4 years ago

@xuxismaid: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@abcdesrita: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@autumnxiaojun08: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@AERIZCL: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@ljjwwminx: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@james34603155: RT @PeoplesDailyapp: #WuMengchao, a world-renowned #Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery,"… - 4 years ago

@luvxuhei: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@misskoreadior: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@jaemyongin: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@eh_uwu_nct: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@CYJ_SUNNEE: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@ladysuhhh: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@nxtchket: RT @CXK_Thailand: คุณปู่ Yuan Longping คุณหมอ Wu Mengchao - 4 years ago

@pjwbun: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@kunnyeri: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@FussyGongzhu: RT @chenjunhaos: ! important ! to show respect to the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao, pls refrain posting entertainment related… - 4 years ago

@990828__: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@gbjsb2: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@mochiipwark: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@tikaaOslc: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@nimiz05: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@G0THQIAN: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@L4naBanana_: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@urpinkflamingo: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@china_cent: RT @PeoplesDailyapp: #WuMengchao, a world-renowned #Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery,"… - 4 years ago

@PeoplesDailyapp: #WuMengchao, a world-renowned #Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery… - 4 years ago

@psychexdj: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@leeonanadoongie: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@JJstoryofangels: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@suhofication: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@liuwijae: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@aetzyfilms: RT @LiuMinch: Two winners of the highest national science and technology awards passed away two minutes apart this afternoon. At 13:05, Aca… - 4 years ago

@aetzyfilms: RT @kaieatsbread: 220521 weibo update #boyuan reposts a post in memory of the death of Dr Wu Mengchao. Dr Wu Mengchao is a hepatobiliary… - 4 years ago

@New_Heroes96: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@hayanchampeyn: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@hunrenjun: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@dejunascendant: RT @nctbeul: a lot of c-fans are really mad about label v posting the content today, two well-known people from china,yuan longping and wu… - 4 years ago

@winterberrieess: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@nidgengrice: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@oshmtwn: RT @jingtianbot: Yunnan earthquake, Dalian traffic accident, the passing of the "Father of Hybrid Rice" Mr. Yuan Longping & the passing of… - 4 years ago

@HyMinG93: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@momo_suju: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@lxw_hmh: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@dlitechan: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@xzTheatreActor: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@ChinaObserver2: R.I.P. RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chine… - 4 years ago

@pornvrin: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@_feelsoempty_: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@manabduch: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@Nestlin52497690: WU Mengchao, Chinese Father of Hepatobiliary Surgery, passed away at 13:05 in Shanghai. RIP. - 4 years ago

@boyuanonly: RT @kaieatsbread: 220521 weibo update #boyuan reposts a post in memory of the death of Dr Wu Mengchao. Dr Wu Mengchao is a hepatobiliary… - 4 years ago

@9keyin1: RT @chenjunhaos: ! important ! to show respect to the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao, pls refrain posting entertainment related… - 4 years ago

@loml_oueijja: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@cellemapelle: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@roseanne513_: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@yxalagruo: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@NnanamDhiti: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@norst28: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@M2bXnyaQ98V1g4y: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@rikiisdabest: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@TheDrBlanc: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@irida62320525: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@MintoxRkmr: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@FoxinMaang45: At 13: 02 on May 22nd, Wu Mengchao, the father of hepatobiliary surgery in China, died at the age of 99. Double sta… - 4 years ago

@sukanya_ppg03: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Xiaowan92087307: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@POUTSESE: At 13: 02 on May 22nd, Wu Mengchao, the father of hepatobiliary surgery in China, died at the age of 99. Double sta… - 4 years ago

@DrMaang: At 13: 02 on May 22nd, Wu Mengchao, the father of hepatobiliary surgery in China, died at the age of 99. Double sta… - 4 years ago

@FoxinMaang: At 13: 02 on May 22nd, Wu Mengchao, the father of hepatobiliary surgery in China, died at the age of 99. Double sta… - 4 years ago

@b_onthemars: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@AndNamon: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@HongyangWang14: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@MxxJiejie: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@zhiqing12: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@Alique4333: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@bnngaisus: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@Goodbye22539538: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@sarahiko12: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@FeiDuizm: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@yangjanejane8: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@MaKuoHua: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@KieuKieu012: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@santariki_23: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@mitzi4r: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@nabichen: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@ccyymamaaini: RT @dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘father… - 4 years ago

@mac_ack: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@namfon_gengyin: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@dramapotatoe: [trending] China mourns the passing of two State Preeminent Science and Technology Award winners, Yuan Longping (‘f… - 4 years ago

@OnlyOneMie: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@nasser2036: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@CottonCandy702: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Nongjaijai2: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@SgAnZclPc7hKazQ: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@MW1N_D: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@fwhxree: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Rikiking20: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@justfuxixi: RT @chenjunhaos: ! important ! to show respect to the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao, pls refrain posting entertainment related… - 4 years ago

@Riki0211maru: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Yanin_Udkpn: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@LAllthesame: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@driiiki1: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@_LiuSanRi_: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@hikkayuki: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@allbll12: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@FllmVQhr6WVHQo8: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@mamirikimaru: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@AmadouBah7: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@masweetcandy: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@dumbkuku: RT @jingtianbot: Yunnan earthquake, Dalian traffic accident, the passing of the "Father of Hybrid Rice" Mr. Yuan Longping & the passing of… - 4 years ago

@Natmnr: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Uan_Jungwon: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@millintoniawind: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@allforRikimaru_: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@27th1985: RT @jingtianbot: Yunnan earthquake, Dalian traffic accident, the passing of the "Father of Hybrid Rice" Mr. Yuan Longping & the passing of… - 4 years ago

@MMRikimaruz: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Yyiibboo8: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@nutbabynut: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@ZhBo2019: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@into194718639: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@iamphak_: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@fah_ctc1: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Tofu_PiR: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@09taotao_: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Totorokoy: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@minradabunnypt: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@AApril1011: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@crabbitc_25: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Jrome_wind: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@lem0ngency: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@facass_z: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@jingtianbot: Yunnan earthquake, Dalian traffic accident, the passing of the "Father of Hybrid Rice" Mr. Yuan Longping & the pass… - 4 years ago

@Hidaka675198: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@israda101: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@keyuanpat_pp: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@rikimaruuu1: RT @RIKIMARU_TH: 📣ประกาศห้ามความบันเทิง⛔️ Yuan Longping "บิดาแห่ง Hybrid Rice" และ Wu Mengchao “บิดาแห่งการผ่าตัดตับในประเทศจีน” ได้เสียชี… - 4 years ago

@Realunclefive55: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@neilyingjun: RT @chenjunhaos: ! important ! to show respect to the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao, pls refrain posting entertainment related… - 4 years ago

@chenjunhaos: ! important ! to show respect to the passing of yuan longping and wu mengchao, pls refrain posting entertainment r… - 4 years ago

@zhangwew3: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@LiFei_alt: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@ust_educhigh: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@LoadZoe: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@bbsandra09: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@freakamu: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@beryl0326: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@youzihayou: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@TheWorldofHein: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@LiuMinch: Two winners of the highest national science and technology awards passed away two minutes apart this afternoon. At… - 4 years ago

@China_Fact: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery"… - 4 years ago

@Ava88537232: Lost two great men in one day😭😭😭 #吳孟超 "Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery" Wu Mengchao, died on May 22 at the… - 4 years ago

@letter_7129: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@Eagles_Lair: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@uQYAjlEOiEmxAg5: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@arturoperi1: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@ReadTFManual: RT @zhang_heqing: @globaltimesnews Deep condolences and sympathies to our medical scientist Wu Mengchao! May his soul rest in peace! - 4 years ago

@jenniexcapybara: RT @yuyuanpiee: To everyone but especially yyps: please refrain from posting entertainment related content on weibo & chaohua or any chines… - 4 years ago

@silvrib: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@DanCDO7: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@lillyjill666: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@q174959: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@DanCDO7: RT @zhang_heqing: @globaltimesnews Deep condolences and sympathies to our medical scientist Wu Mengchao! May his soul rest in peace! - 4 years ago

@hustre3: RT @AngelaHanb: Heartache: at 13:05 p.m., a generation of medical legends, "father of Chinese liver and gallbladder surgery", and Wu Mengch… - 4 years ago

@BigV2011WCE: RT @PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died on Sa… - 4 years ago

@DanCDO7: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@MAnjumAhmed: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@ReadTFManual: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@PDChina: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery"… - 4 years ago

@AngelaHanb: Heartache: at 13:05 p.m., a generation of medical legends, "father of Chinese liver and gallbladder surgery", and W… - 4 years ago

@keyujiayuan: RT @yuyuanpiee: To everyone but especially yyps: please refrain from posting entertainment related content on weibo & chaohua or any chines… - 4 years ago

@yuyuanpiee: To everyone but especially yyps: please refrain from posting entertainment related content on weibo & chaohua or an… - 4 years ago

@melody4913: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@Arctic_stranger: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Wu Mengchao - #WuMengchao #Wu #Mengchao #rip - 4 years ago

@DiarioPovo: Wu Mengchao, um cientista e cirurgião chinês de renome mundial, conhecido como o "pai da cirurgia hepatobiliar chin… - 4 years ago

@HouKamfung: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@xiaoyuonion: Dr Wu Mengchao, father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery. 1922.08.31-2021.05.22. 🕯🕯🕯 医者仁心 - 4 years ago

@YashwantBhosal8: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@hsinydiana: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@isaridewi: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@erwin0_0_8: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@paros4: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@mimori_natsumi: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@xq78hvXAIUyBbeq: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@Chenjuan: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@james34603155: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@RealCommie: Dr. Wu Mengchao, the recipient of the Highest Science and Technology Award 国家最高科学技术奖, came from my hometown, Fujian… - 4 years ago

@james34603155: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" died… - 4 years ago

@james34603155: RT @zhang_heqing: @globaltimesnews Deep condolences and sympathies to our medical scientist Wu Mengchao! May his soul rest in peace! - 4 years ago

@RashidM38249785: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@HaysonWang: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@RFA_RZZZJZHJ: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@TonAndBeer1: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

@zhang_heqing: @globaltimesnews Deep condolences and sympathies to our medical scientist Wu Mengchao! May his soul rest in peace! - 4 years ago

@CGTNOfficial: Wu Mengchao, a world-renowned Chinese scientist and surgeon, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery"… - 4 years ago

@Gandie03: RT @globaltimesnews: Wu Mengchao, a Chinese surgeon and medical scientist who specialized in hepatobiliary surgery, dies at 1:05 pm on Sat… - 4 years ago

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