Wolfgang Uhlmann

German chess grandmaster
Died on Wednesday August 26th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Wolfgang Uhlmann:

@Berlin_Endgame: This week's @ChesspitPod has a very nice feature on Wolfgang Uhlmann. I never knew he didn't have a coach. ChessP… - 4 years ago

@Bodenseeperlen: In den Tagen nach Wolfgang Uhlmanns Tod hat sich mancher beachtenswerte Nachruf auf den einstigen Weltklassespieler… - 4 years ago

@ChesspitPod: RT @ChesspitPod: And here is Episode 32! We pay tribute to Wolfgang Uhlmann, as well as to FIDE being clowns. Hugh has views on jeans, and… - 4 years ago

@DrMaxKoss: - 4 years ago


@GargamelAzrael1: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @NYTObits: Wolfgang Uhlmann, East Germany’s Top Chess Player, Dies at 85 - 4 years ago

@machadofnd: Wolfgang Uhlmann, melhor jogador de xadrez da Alemanha Oriental, morre aos 85 - 4 years ago

@robsonmorelli: Wolfgang Uhlmann, melhor jogador de xadrez da Alemanha Oriental, morre aos 85 @estadao: - 4 years ago

@EstadaoEsporte: Wolfgang Uhlmann, melhor jogador de xadrez da Alemanha Oriental, morre aos 85 - 4 years ago

@ChesspitPod: And here is Episode 32! We pay tribute to Wolfgang Uhlmann, as well as to FIDE being clowns. Hugh has views on jean… - 4 years ago

@USCX1954: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@ad198741: RT @NYTObits: Wolfgang Uhlmann, East Germany’s Top Chess Player, Dies at 85 - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Wolfgang Uhlmann, East Germany’s Top Chess Player, Dies at 85 - 4 years ago

@411emilio: RT @ChesswGabriel: Tribute to Wolfgang Uhlmann Bronstein vs Uhlmann (1977) | French Winawer Watch: "Farewell Great Wolf!" - 4 years ago

@kitchen5203: Wolfgang Uhlmann, East Germany’s Top Chess Player, Dies at 85 - 4 years ago

@Alexanderchess1: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@Ruperthucks: RT @ChesswGabriel: Tribute to Wolfgang Uhlmann Bronstein vs Uhlmann (1977) | French Winawer Watch: "Farewell Great Wolf!" - 4 years ago

@ScacchiGabriel: Tributo a Wolfgang Uhlmann Bronstein vs Uhlmann (1977) | Francese Winawer Watch: "Buon Viaggio Grande Lupo!"… - 4 years ago

@HeavygearDiver: Free falling with Wolfgang Uhlmann - 4 years ago

@Sonof76: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @NYTObits: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East Germany's top chess player, winning major tournament after major… - 4 years ago

@Highbeatle: RT @ChesswGabriel: Tribute to Wolfgang Uhlmann Bronstein vs Uhlmann (1977) | French Winawer Watch: "Farewell Great Wolf!" - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East Germany's top chess player, winning major tournament a… - 4 years ago

@reinaventurini: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@19Laro65: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@ZainoCijntje: My game is chess - 4 years ago

@JosephS07704116: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@Leroy_Lynch: Wolfgang Uhlmann, East Germany’s Top Chess Player, Dies at 85. Supported by the Communist regime, he won major tour… - 4 years ago

@RafaRValdes: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@tshuma584: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament af… - 4 years ago

@thims1985: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@IamBigman69: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@YolandaMonllor: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@AjedrezND: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 4 years ago

@Santanaalex10: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@lyuinkuku: "Wolfgang Uhlmann, East Germany’s Top Chess Player, Dies at 85" by BY DYLAN LOEB MCCLAIN via NYT - 4 years ago

@escacimat1: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@CliftonBarnhart: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@AjedrezSergi: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@chessnotes: @ChessBase reports: Free falling with Wolfgang Uhlmann | - 4 years ago

@laureano80: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @twitbituaries: Wolfgang Uhlmann, East Germany's Top Chess Player, Dies at 85 - - 4 years ago

@esteetabernac: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@rafi14412819: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@capitanjack: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@kamarulbahrin: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@dirac7: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@ShiShiShawww: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@davidllada: RT @olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had played… - 4 years ago

@fifabuff: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@MondHector: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@adamtreusch: RT @nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament after ma… - 4 years ago

@nytimesworld: Supported by the Communist regime, Wolfgang Uhlmann was East German's top chess player, winning major tournament af… - 4 years ago

@olimpiuurcan: "In an interview published this year, just after this 85th birthday, Mr. [Wolfgang] Uhlmann estimated that he had p… - 4 years ago

@FokkerPlanck: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 4 years ago

@bloggerg: RT @guillembaches: Free falling with Wolfgang Uhlmann - 5 years ago

@guillembaches: Free falling with Wolfgang Uhlmann - 5 years ago

@ChessTricks: Free falling with Wolfgang Uhlmann - 5 years ago

@Diemo_HARTMAN: RT @ChessBase: Vlastimil Hort and Wolfgang Uhlmann played together in many tournaments and shared numerous experiences. In memory of the wo… - 5 years ago

@Santanaalex10: RT @ChessBase: Vlastimil Hort and Wolfgang Uhlmann played together in many tournaments and shared numerous experiences. In memory of the wo… - 5 years ago

@ChessBase: Vlastimil Hort and Wolfgang Uhlmann played together in many tournaments and shared numerous experiences. In memory… - 5 years ago

@GMNigelDavies: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann Lives On - 5 years ago

@Thomas_Jakob: Mein freier Fall mit Wolfgang Uhlmann Schöner Nachruf auf Wolfgang Uhlmann. - 5 years ago

@deutschspass: RT @ddrmuseum: Traurige Nachrichten: In der letzten Woche ist der erfolgreiche DDR-Schachspieler Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben. Der Nordkurier… - 5 years ago

@arthurkma: RT @ddrmuseum: Traurige Nachrichten: In der letzten Woche ist der erfolgreiche DDR-Schachspieler Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben. Der Nordkurier… - 5 years ago

@Ingram_Braun: RT @ddrmuseum: Traurige Nachrichten: In der letzten Woche ist der erfolgreiche DDR-Schachspieler Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben. Der Nordkurier… - 5 years ago

@ddrmuseum: Traurige Nachrichten: In der letzten Woche ist der erfolgreiche DDR-Schachspieler Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben. Der N… - 5 years ago

@PhireIsland: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@NorbertWallet: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Abschied von einem ganz Großen: Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@MichaWiemer: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Abschied von einem ganz Großen: Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@Rob_Font: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@KeymerVincent: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Abschied von einem ganz Großen: Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@peterdoggers: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Wo der ausführlichste, bestrecherchierte, mit den meisten Stimmen von Wegbegleitern angereicherte Nachruf auf Wolfgang… - 5 years ago

@AAronL1968: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 ♟ - 5 years ago

@CmielThorsten: @Bodenseeperlen Ich kenne auch nur den: - 5 years ago

@StefanLoeffler: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Wo der ausführlichste, bestrecherchierte, mit den meisten Stimmen von Wegbegleitern angereicherte Nachruf auf Wolfgang… - 5 years ago

@Bodenseeperlen: Wo der ausführlichste, bestrecherchierte, mit den meisten Stimmen von Wegbegleitern angereicherte Nachruf auf Wolfg… - 5 years ago

@chesscom_de: "Das Spiel hat mein Leben geprägt" GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, erfolgreichster Spieler der DDR, verstarb am vergangenen M… - 5 years ago

@mandelaiyamba: @anishgiri @Sopiko20 As a French Defence lover I dedicate this beautiful video to the memory of Grandmaster Ulhmann… - 5 years ago

@SK_Randbauer: RT @Schachbund: Die Schachspieler der Welt und der Deutsche Schachbund trauern um Wolfgang Uhlmann. Der 85-jährige ehemalige Weltklassespie… - 5 years ago

@periodistas_es: El mayor ajedrecista de la Alemania Oriental, Wolfgang Uhlmann, fallece a los 85 años - 5 years ago

@toledobarnada: En memoria de Wolfgang Uhlmann || Bronstein vs Uhlmann (MEMORIAL KERES 1977) Video completo: - 5 years ago

@jtoledochess: En memoria de Wolfgang Uhlmann || Bronstein vs Uhlmann (MEMORIAL KERES 1977) Video completo: - 5 years ago

@HamelnerSV: RT @Schachbund: Die Schachspieler der Welt und der Deutsche Schachbund trauern um Wolfgang Uhlmann. Der 85-jährige ehemalige Weltklassespie… - 5 years ago

@DSK1425: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Abschied von einem ganz Großen: Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@ggegge9: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@fantomastxiki: RT @kakapo: German Democratic Republic chess Grandmaster Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away earlier this week. - - 5 years ago

@kakapo: German Democratic Republic chess Grandmaster Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away earlier this week. - - 5 years ago

@OlexandrProhor1: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@realfakedoor1: RT @ntvde: + Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - 5 years ago

@Baldo0408: RT @Estudia_Ajedrez: Acabo de enterarme que hace 3 días falleció el GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, el mejor jugador de la extinta República Democráti… - 5 years ago

@hal64738: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@thevholloway: RT @DDROnline: #GDR chess Grandmaster Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away earlier this week. #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@SpasskyF: RT @chesscom_ru: В эти дни шахматная общественность прощается с МГ Вольфгангом Ульманом, одним из сильнейших гроссмейстеров мира 1960-70 го… - 5 years ago

@souleidis: WOLFGANG UHLMANN - eine deutsche Schachlegende - 5 years ago

@DavidSahakyan: RT @chesscom_ru: В эти дни шахматная общественность прощается с МГ Вольфгангом Ульманом, одним из сильнейших гроссмейстеров мира 1960-70 го… - 5 years ago

@Moschess: RT @chesscom_ru: В эти дни шахматная общественность прощается с МГ Вольфгангом Ульманом, одним из сильнейших гроссмейстеров мира 1960-70 го… - 5 years ago

@WillStuddert: RT @DDROnline: #GDR chess Grandmaster Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away earlier this week. #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@sfk_schach: Großmeister Wolfgang Uhlmann, unserer Senioren über viele Jahre vertraut, ist am 24.08.2020 verstorben: - 5 years ago

@DDROnline: #GDR chess Grandmaster Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away earlier this week. #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@mtscozer: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@ruchess_ru: RT @chesscom_ru: В эти дни шахматная общественность прощается с МГ Вольфгангом Ульманом, одним из сильнейших гроссмейстеров мира 1960-70 го… - 5 years ago

@JJMarinLopez: RT @agadmator: In Memory of Wolfgang Uhlmann || Fischer vs Uhlmann (1960) Enjoy the game and share with friends! ht… - 5 years ago

@chesscom_ru: В эти дни шахматная общественность прощается с МГ Вольфгангом Ульманом, одним из сильнейших гроссмейстеров мира 196… - 5 years ago

@escacimat1: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@Bricksponge: Rest In Peace to Wolfgang Uhlmann, a German chess legend - 5 years ago

@gargonvgc: RT @chessable: Today's blog is dedicated to a true legend of chess, who recently passed away - Wolfgang Uhlmann. - 5 years ago

@MohamedAlghalib: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@LS_Marpe: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@Chess35372067: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@ManuelZub00: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@lgpicaro: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@AnalizSatranc: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@GundulaHeinatz: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@karen_lebeter: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@tumbukrusuk: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@lapertosa: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@Bresciascacchi: RT @olimpiuurcan: Wolfgang Uhlmann (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@vasgano: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@bringtheruckus6: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@AVQUIHUIS: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@LindaArena12: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@60far60pay: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@trecregin: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@AjedrezesVida: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@ellitaer: RT @SportimOsten: Die Dresdner #Schach-Legende Wolfgang #Uhlmann ist tot. Er starb wenige Monate nach seinem 85. Geburtstag. Uhlmann gehört… - 5 years ago

@michael99J: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@Gunny_HS: Eine Reminiszenz || Bobby Fischer vs. Wolfgang Uhlmann (Buenos Aires 1960) - 5 years ago

@ACrapDay: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@Marthafr7: RT @Estudia_Ajedrez: Acabo de enterarme que hace 3 días falleció el GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, el mejor jugador de la extinta República Democráti… - 5 years ago

@GargamelAzrael1: RT @olimpiuurcan: Wolfgang Uhlmann (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@Santanaalex10: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@cambiodedamas: RT @FollowChessApp: Remembering the legendary 🇩🇪 GM Wolfgang Uhlmann who breathed his last on Aug 24, aged 85. A WCH Candidate and a top pl… - 5 years ago

@supersgd1953: RT @DLF_Sport: "Das Spiel hat mein Leben ausgemacht", sagte einst DDR-Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann. Der ehemalige Weltklassespieler starb a… - 5 years ago

@GargamelAzrael1: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@zugzwang_76: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@DLF_Sport: "Das Spiel hat mein Leben ausgemacht", sagte einst DDR-Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann. Der ehemalige Weltklassespiele… - 5 years ago

@chessnotes: @peterdoggers for @chesscom: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 | - 5 years ago

@ChessTricks: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 - 5 years ago

@henryshaykins: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@Zugzwang74: Der größte Schachspieler der DDR ist diese Woche von uns gegangen. Am Montag ist Wolfgang Uhlmann im Alter von 85 J… - 5 years ago

@FollowChessApp: Remembering the legendary 🇩🇪 GM Wolfgang Uhlmann who breathed his last on Aug 24, aged 85. A WCH Candidate and a to… - 5 years ago

@curtasun: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@karasu31031546: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@laureano80: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@davidllada: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@sonodewil: RT @ntvde: + Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - 5 years ago

@IamBigman69: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@Bodenseeperlen: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Abschied von einem ganz Großen: Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@ParqueSurChess: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@CSCTeesside: RT @chessable: Today's blog is dedicated to a true legend of chess, who recently passed away - Wolfgang Uhlmann. - 5 years ago

@insans_t: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@CSCTeesside: Today's @chessable blog post is in tribute to the great Wolfgang Uhlmann, who passed away earlier this week.… - 5 years ago

@davidllada: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@ReyRod_11: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@Santanaalex10: RT @olimpiuurcan: Wolfgang Uhlmann (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@lmjonzey: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@Santanaalex10: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@idnaAndrej: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@jfkeehan: RT @ben_finegold: Best Games of Wolfgang Uhlmann, RIP - 8-26-2020 - 5 years ago

@Jimbo_on_Tbreds: RT @ben_finegold: Best Games of Wolfgang Uhlmann, RIP - 8-26-2020 - 5 years ago

@Dvsrmnto: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@DarioWSeraf: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@podcastlebr: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@MarkRiser: In Memory of Wolfgang Uhlmann || Bobby Fischer vs Wolfgang Uhlmann, (1960) || Agadmators' Chess: - 5 years ago

@Feolivomar: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@HerediaCarla: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@oshea_every_day: RT @agadmator: In Memory of Wolfgang Uhlmann || Fischer vs Uhlmann (1960) Enjoy the game and share with friends! ht… - 5 years ago

@hunterjkneedler: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@gambitman14: RT @ben_finegold: Best Games of Wolfgang Uhlmann, RIP - 8-26-2020 - 5 years ago

@ben_finegold: Best Games of Wolfgang Uhlmann, RIP - 8-26-2020 - 5 years ago

@HiromasaSaito: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@CharlieChessCat: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@wolfbecker: RT @ntvde: + Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - 5 years ago

@DjafferSalim1: RIP Wolfgang Uhlmann - 5 years ago

@Dvsrmnto: RT @agadmator: In Memory of Wolfgang Uhlmann || Fischer vs Uhlmann (1960) Enjoy the game and share with friends! ht… - 5 years ago

@chessable: Today's blog is dedicated to a true legend of chess, who recently passed away - Wolfgang Uhlmann.… - 5 years ago

@VishChess: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@maestreguido: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@Adam5365: RT @ECUonline: Wolfgang Uhlmann, the #German Chess legend passed away. #RestInPeace @Schachbund Obituary by Adrian Mikhalchishin - 5 years ago

@ChessCoaches: RT @olimpiuurcan: 162 years of chess experience at the same board: Wolfgang Uhlmann (79) playing Victor Korchnoi (83) in a friendly match i… - 5 years ago

@EmdioD: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@chesscom: RT @ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from East… - 5 years ago

@ChesscomNews: GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, 1935-2020 Wolfgang Uhlmann, a former world-class grandmaster, the most successful player from… - 5 years ago

@malolaprasath: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@Bodenseeperlen: RT @StefanLoeffler: Der feine Nachruf der @Bodenseeperlen sollte allerdings noch verlinkt werden. Voilà: - 5 years ago

@HiromasaSaito: RT @dame_chess: 東ドイツを代表するプレーヤーで、フレンチ・ディフェンスの研究家として知られたGMヴォルフガング・ウールマン (Wolfgang Uhlmann) が亡くなりました。85歳でした。 #チェスjp - 5 years ago

@EmdioD: RT @howlingmadbenji: RIP world-class player Wolfgang Uhlmann 21 ... g4!! - 5 years ago

@pontx109: Wolfgang Uhlmann。フレンチを研究したことがあるなら、必ず出会う名前でしょう。KIDもよく使ってましたね。自分もフィッシャーに勝った有名な棋譜を含め、多くを学ばせてもらいました。伝説がまた一人、旅立ってしまいましたね… - 5 years ago

@StephenMossGdn: RT @howlingmadbenji: RIP world-class player Wolfgang Uhlmann 21 ... g4!! - 5 years ago

@pawandodeja: RT @ECUonline: Wolfgang Uhlmann, the #German Chess legend passed away. #RestInPeace @Schachbund Obituary by Adrian Mikhalchishin - 5 years ago

@dame_chess: 東ドイツを代表するプレーヤーで、フレンチ・ディフェンスの研究家として知られたGMヴォルフガング・ウールマン (Wolfgang Uhlmann) が亡くなりました。85歳でした。 #チェスjp - 5 years ago

@howlingmadbenji: RIP world-class player Wolfgang Uhlmann 21 ... g4!! - 5 years ago

@dame_chess: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@dame_chess: RT @ChesscomNews: Sad news: the legend of German chess, expert on the French Defense (in which he beat e.g. Bobby Fischer), very strong gra… - 5 years ago

@dame_chess: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@s_stieler: RT @Seitenschach: Zeitzeuge Wolfgang Uhlmann - 1945, der Anfang: zwei #Schach-Bücher im Sanatorium. - 5 years ago

@Rompetechess: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@GazmendCeno: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@Estudia_Ajedrez: Acabo de enterarme que hace 3 días falleció el GM Wolfgang Uhlmann, el mejor jugador de la extinta República Democr… - 5 years ago

@Torrista4Life9: RT @ntvde: + Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - 5 years ago

@ChessVidit: RT @ChesscomNews: Sad news: the legend of German chess, expert on the French Defense (in which he beat e.g. Bobby Fischer), very strong gra… - 5 years ago

@AnanyyaSingh: RT @ChesscomNews: Sad news: the legend of German chess, expert on the French Defense (in which he beat e.g. Bobby Fischer), very strong gra… - 5 years ago

@podcastlebr: RT @olimpiuurcan: Wolfgang Uhlmann (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@podcastlebr: RT @Seitenschach: Der beste #Schach-Spieler der DDR: Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - ⁦⁦@sportschau⁩ ⁦@dw_sport⁩ - 5 years ago

@Chess__News: RT @olimpiuurcan: Wolfgang Uhlmann (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@shellysherrchen: RT @ntvde: + Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - 5 years ago

@MasoodJCh: RT @ntvde: + Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - 5 years ago

@ntvde: + Schachgenie Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - 5 years ago

@StefanLoeffler: Der feine Nachruf der @Bodenseeperlen sollte allerdings noch verlinkt werden. Voilà: - 5 years ago

@AjedrezSergi: RT @olimpiuurcan: Wolfgang Uhlmann (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@olimpiuurcan: Wolfgang Uhlmann (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@Dvsrmnto: RT @ChesscomNews: Sad news: the legend of German chess, expert on the French Defense (in which he beat e.g. Bobby Fischer), very strong gra… - 5 years ago

@YolandaMonllor: RT @ECUonline: Wolfgang Uhlmann, the #German Chess legend passed away. #RestInPeace @Schachbund Obituary by Adrian Mikhalchishin - 5 years ago

@YolandaMonllor: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@YagamiGarmon: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@Tech_JP63: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@Seitenschach: Zeitzeuge Wolfgang Uhlmann - 1945, der Anfang: zwei #Schach-Bücher im Sanatorium. - 5 years ago

@ancast58: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@Ingram_Braun: RT @Schachbund: Die Schachspieler der Welt und der Deutsche Schachbund trauern um Wolfgang Uhlmann. Der 85-jährige ehemalige Weltklassespie… - 5 years ago

@Schachbund: Die Schachspieler der Welt und der Deutsche Schachbund trauern um Wolfgang Uhlmann. Der 85-jährige ehemalige Weltkl… - 5 years ago

@Caatayburcu: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@illarguia: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@zspr: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@Jochen_Jansen: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Abschied von einem ganz Großen: Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@sewains: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@Fazer_DDorf: RT @Bodenseeperlen: Abschied von einem ganz Großen: Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@Bodenseeperlen: Abschied von einem ganz Großen: Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@JohnDav42974104: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@sylkowa: RT @Nordkurier: Wolfgang #Uhlmann war zu #DDR-Zeiten der #Schach-Superstar und genoss dadurch so einige Privilegien. Jetzt ist er nach läng… - 5 years ago

@RKR90458510: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@robertjackson: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@fdabbb: RT @Carl_Portman: Sad to hear of the death of Wolfgang Uhlmann. I was honoured to play in the same section in Dresden in 2001, even sitting… - 5 years ago

@NorbertWallet: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@Emmiyke: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@johnbrazel: RT @Carl_Portman: Sad to hear of the death of Wolfgang Uhlmann. I was honoured to play in the same section in Dresden in 2001, even sitting… - 5 years ago

@AnanyyaSingh: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@FDomenche: RT @chessnotes: The passing of a true #chess #legend. Condolences to Wolfgang Uhlmann's family, friends and colleagues. Der Tod eines wahr… - 5 years ago

@Carl_Portman: Sad to hear of the death of Wolfgang Uhlmann. I was honoured to play in the same section in Dresden in 2001, even s… - 5 years ago

@hvc1857: RT @ChesscomNews: Sad news: the legend of German chess, expert on the French Defense (in which he beat e.g. Bobby Fischer), very strong gra… - 5 years ago

@jesusvazquez_g: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@VSheelavant: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@Baldo0408: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@ChessBomb: RT @ChesscomNews: Sad news: the legend of German chess, expert on the French Defense (in which he beat e.g. Bobby Fischer), very strong gra… - 5 years ago

@teotsorb: RT @ECUonline: Wolfgang Uhlmann, the #German Chess legend passed away. #RestInPeace @Schachbund Obituary by Adrian Mikhalchishin - 5 years ago

@chessnotes: RT @ECUonline: Wolfgang Uhlmann, the #German Chess legend passed away. #RestInPeace @Schachbund Obituary by Adrian Mikhalchishin - 5 years ago

@ECUonline: Wolfgang Uhlmann, the #German Chess legend passed away. #RestInPeace @Schachbund Obituary by Adrian Mikhalchishin - 5 years ago

@achojo: RT @Seitenschach: Der beste #Schach-Spieler der DDR: Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - ⁦⁦@sportschau⁩ ⁦@dw_sport⁩ - 5 years ago

@chesscom_in: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@dirac7: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@rajasekharv1979: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@Bodenseeperlen: RT @Seitenschach: Der beste #Schach-Spieler der DDR: Wolfgang Uhlmann gestorben - ⁦⁦@sportschau⁩ ⁦@dw_sport⁩ - 5 years ago

@chessnotes: Two of Wolfgang Uhlmann's books that were of great practical value to my education: - 5 years ago

@chessnotes: The passing of a true #chess #legend. Condolences to Wolfgang Uhlmann's family, friends and colleagues. Der Tod ei… - 5 years ago

@Catpawn: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@DonFerAlba: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@DragonCat936362: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@kaissapy: RT @ChesscomNews: Sad news: the legend of German chess, expert on the French Defense (in which he beat e.g. Bobby Fischer), very strong gra… - 5 years ago

@ben_finegold: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@MichaWiemer: RT @dgriffinchess: Played half a century ago today - 21st July, 1970, in Rd. 7 at Amsterdam, one of East German grandmaster Wolfgang Uhlman… - 5 years ago

@diego_guadamuz: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@WolfgangRausch: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@rhenderson: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@eigensinn83: RT @MDR_SN: Mit 85 Jahren ist #Schach -Genie Wolfgang Uhlmann aus #Dresden verstorben. Während seiner #Karriere gewann er 34 große #Schacht… - 5 years ago

@hunterjkneedler: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@NelliesTrove: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@KakapoSV: RT @CortizoPiza: Una triste noticia. Ha fallecido a los 85 años el Gran Maestro alemán Wolfgang Uhlmann, uno de los más fuertes ajedrecista… - 5 years ago

@KakapoSV: @Jmbellonlopez Que noticia tan triste, el GM Wolfgang Uhlmann era un jugador muy original y un paladín de la defens… - 5 years ago

@KakapoSV: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@amessyrebel: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@mmuchilanga: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@Christiancdl77: Falleció hoy, el famoso Gran Maestro de la antigua República Alemana del Este (RDA) Wolfgang Uhlmann, a sus 85 años… - 5 years ago

@herisanchess: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@Dvsrmnto: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@IamBigman69: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@Dvsrmnto: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@EseDrJekyll: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@Santanaalex10: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@milonouveau: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Wolfgang Uhlmann has passed away - #WolfgangUhlmann #Wolfgang #Uhlmann #rip - 5 years ago

@IseaToxicoChess: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@IseaToxicoChess: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@kopptisch: RT @Nordkurier: Wolfgang #Uhlmann war zu #DDR-Zeiten der #Schach-Superstar und genoss dadurch so einige Privilegien. Jetzt ist er nach läng… - 5 years ago

@howlingmadbenji: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@RizkyCPutra: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@CortizoPiza: Como homenaje al Gran Maestro de ajedrez Wolfgang Uhlmann -recientemente fallecido- dejo aquí una hermosa victoria… - 5 years ago

@juanpcaja: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@CortizoPiza: Una triste noticia. Ha fallecido a los 85 años el Gran Maestro alemán Wolfgang Uhlmann, uno de los más fuertes ajed… - 5 years ago

@GeraldSchendel: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@AhmedAb14905927: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@rcassinelli57: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@ibnetzwerk: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: RT @ChesscomNews: Sad news: the legend of German chess, expert on the French Defense (in which he beat e.g. Bobby Fischer), very strong gra… - 5 years ago

@Ingram_Braun: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@hector31416: RT @Jmbellonlopez: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte del GM aleman Wolfgang Uhlmann que tenia 85 años. En mi recuerdo quedan las tres partid… - 5 years ago

@HerediaCarla: RT @FIDE_chess: We are consumed with sadness to learn the news coming from Germany - GM Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away on August 24. He was… - 5 years ago

@pressekoenig: Schach-Legende Wolfgang Uhlmann ist tot - 5 years ago

@schach24: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

@MarkTWIC: RT @EmilSutovsky: Wolfgang Uhlmann passed away at the age of 85. East German Champion was one of the top players in the World at the beginn… - 5 years ago

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