Wolfgang Leonhard

German historian
Died on Sunday August 17th 2014

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Wolfgang Leonhard:

@U_Manifesto: RT @HurdeFurus: http://t.co/GCaPOp1xuR http://t.co/FG0f4b5vG9

@sabiha1961: RT @HurdeFurus: http://t.co/GCaPOp1xuR http://t.co/FG0f4b5vG9

@HurdeFurus: http://t.co/GCaPOp1xuR http://t.co/FG0f4b5vG9

@SysoonMemorial: Wolfgang Leonhard: Page about Wolfgang Leonhard http://t.co/39Zxcwcyhk #people #death #cemetery


@Pontifex_minimu: @BSchmeitzner Very will remembering Wolfgang Leonhard warnings in the late 90ties that one day this will become a challenge for Russia...!

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