Willie Evans

American football player (University of Buffalo).
Died on Thursday January 5th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Willie Evans:

@cheffy611: RT @cheffy611: The names...Willie Stinson, Johnny Rivers, Clifton Williams, Clayton Sherrod, Kim Gibson, Lou Evans, Nate Burton, Stanley Ja… - 8 years ago

@DavisAntoine4u: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@regal_radio: I just uploaded "Remember This? - the 60s show with Willie Evans" to @mixcloud. Listen at - 8 years ago

@Artgrlsg: RT @EEOCNews: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago


@regal_radio: Tune in today for Remember This? with Willie Evans, who is stepping in for Jeff Robinson. - 8 years ago

@bailie_evans: RT @SouthernQs: Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys, Don't let em pick guitars or drive them old trucks. #Willie #Waylon htt… - 8 years ago

@Bobbie_Evans: @SuYork_1023 i would be moving Noah asap and let Willie play. - 8 years ago

@EEOCNews: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@CLJDizzle: RT @csjohnsonga: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@csjohnsonga: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@slbscifi: When America was not so great: Player Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color - 8 years ago

@BillDooley1: A different kind of team boycott. Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@Vegsongstress: Willie Evans, 79, was barred from a bowl game because he was black - 8 years ago

@max358: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - The New York Times - 8 years ago

@EyeAmTruth: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@BpsSwim: RT @BuffaloDotCom: Terrific interview with Alan and Neal Evans of @Soulive, who fondly remember their father, the late Willie Evans: https:… - 8 years ago

@HenninJones: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@pegnsatx: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@PhanArt: Willie Evans lives on in his sons' music - 8 years ago

@_Aniweta: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@ficklin: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@RepStephenLynch: Rev. Arthur Gerald of the Twelfth Baptist Church, Bill Evans, and Willie Gross are men of Peace. - 8 years ago

@gregory_edouard: RT @_Health_Wealth: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79. - 8 years ago

@ctownchick1: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@ubsswstudents: RT @NYTObits: Willie Evans was a star halfback for the University of Buffalo, but he was barred from a game because of his color. - 8 years ago

@gowest166: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - The New York Times - WE REMEMBER! - 8 years ago

@betscgee: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, a University of Buffalo halfback who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@radamsWAPT: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@seanbishop57: RT @meridak: RIP Willie Evans. - 8 years ago

@devine187: RT @meridak: RIP Willie Evans. - 8 years ago

@LVBurke: RT @meridak: RIP Willie Evans. - 8 years ago

@meridak: RIP Willie Evans. - 8 years ago

@boredgirl260: Willie Evans, 79, Player Kept Out of Game Over His Race - 8 years ago

@dweingrod: Remembering heroes from another time: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@AshConsultingGr: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@wadeNYC: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@majormarginal: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@sportingjim: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@TopNotchFire: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@democracydis: Black #WillieEvans banned from 1958 Tangerine Bowl. Buffalo refused to bend to racism. Didn’t play - 8 years ago

@dewhaley: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@PesamobCom: - 8 years ago

@aburnhamuu: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@LovinNYlife: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@NickAtNews: Evans, star RB on '58 UBuffalo team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl, dies at 79, via @HaroldMcNeilBN. - 8 years ago

@AbandonMyth: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@mbrunson601: RT @mixcom: RIP-Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@WBLS1075NYC: RT @mixcom: RIP-Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@crimsonscholar: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@JoMadLong: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, a University of Buffalo halfback who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@USInsider: First class gentleman will b missed. Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@GrettaLadygee: RT @mixcom: RIP-Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@nwilborn19: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, a University of Buffalo halfback who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@mixcom: RIP-Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@samcrenshaw23: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, a University of Buffalo halfback who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@stevedittmore: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, a University of Buffalo halfback who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@DHuntTrib: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, a University of Buffalo halfback who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@Nay_Hawk: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, a University of Buffalo halfback who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@NYTSports: Willie Evans, a University of Buffalo halfback who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@backyard_fan: "Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79" by DANIEL E. SLOTNIK via NYT Spor… - 8 years ago

@MollieHortarida: Willie Evans, Who Was Barred From a Bowl Game Because of His Color, Dies at 79 - 8 years ago

@ZekeTell: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@bipmistry: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@johnedwinmason: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@JetLifeLidz: RT @ThatGuy_GA: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@ThatGuy_GA: RT @NYTSports: Willie Evans, who was barred from a bowl game because of his color, has died at 79 - 8 years ago

@jonmanly: RT @borninbuffalo: Rest In Peace, Mr. Evans. And peace to your wonderful family. You were a true Buffalo legend. - 8 years ago

@woods_k01: RT @NicholasMendola: In the brief time I spent around Willie Evans, he reinforced my love for my city, for sport, and my alma mater. #Buffa… - 8 years ago

@negriffith73: RT @UBAthletics: Bulls Mourn Loss of @UBFootball Legend Willie Evans - 8 years ago

@jheffernan00: So sad to hear Willie Evans died. Spoke with him just a few weeks ago - 8 years ago

@UB_BullyPrevCtr: RT @UBuffalo: Today we mourn the loss of Willie Evans. A prominent #UBuffalo alumnus and @UBFootball legend. 💙 #ForeverABull - 8 years ago

@S_Maciejewski: RT @UBAthletics: Bulls Mourn Loss of @UBFootball Legend Willie Evans - 8 years ago

@S_Maciejewski: RT @UBuffalo: Today we mourn the loss of Willie Evans. A prominent #UBuffalo alumnus and @UBFootball legend. 💙 #ForeverABull - 8 years ago

@MortonJ: RT @UBuffalo: Today we mourn the loss of Willie Evans. A prominent #UBuffalo alumnus and @UBFootball legend. 💙 #ForeverABull - 8 years ago

@heroinsmoker: So sad to learn of the passing of Willie Evans, a giant in Buffalo schools and athletics - 8 years ago

@TripleT_25: Willie Evans dies - 8 years ago

@VintageReader: So sad to see that Willie Evans, a Buffalo legend (and my former next-door neighbor), has died. - 8 years ago

@DSchroder3: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@ronabraira: RT @UBAthletics: Bulls Mourn Loss of @UBFootball Legend Willie Evans - 8 years ago

@BuffaloInABox: RT @WBFO: Football is remembering @UBuffalo pioneer Willie Evans, one of two African American teammates in 1958. - 8 years ago

@ScottSwenson4: RT @PeckOnSports: Please watch this story on the 1958 Bulls to understand the impact Willie Evans had on his teammates. - 8 years ago

@nateromagnola: RT @rachellaber: Willie Evans dies - 8 years ago

@rachellaber: Willie Evans dies - 8 years ago

@MVanHarrison: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@JenniferTrask14: RT @UBAthletics: Bulls Mourn Loss of @UBFootball Legend Willie Evans - 8 years ago

@WUFO1080AM: Today, WUFO honors the memory of Willie R. Evans, a star running back on the 1958 University at Buffalo team who... - 8 years ago

@WBFO: Football is remembering @UBuffalo pioneer Willie Evans, one of two African American teammates in 1958.… - 8 years ago

@TeriKWeaver: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@vtenney3: Willie Evans dies; key figure in UB stand against 'whites only' Bowl game - 8 years ago

@UB_Boone: RT @TBNSports: From the archives: UB's black and white decision. Our 2009 story on Willie Evans & the 1958 @UBFootball team: - 8 years ago

@UB_Boone: RT @CoachLeipold: Our condolences to the Evans family. Willie was a great man who meant so much to UB Football. #ForeverABull - 8 years ago

@UB_Boone: RT @IAM_CoachEd: An Original TRAILBLAZER, Mr Willie Evans - 8 years ago

@UB_Boone: RT @UBmenshoops: So sad to hear of the passing of Willie Evans. He was an outstanding UB hoops supporter. It won’t be the same not having… - 8 years ago

@paulwebster06: Willie Evans dies - 8 years ago

@danielle_lynn9: RT @UBAthletics: Bulls Mourn Loss of @UBFootball Legend Willie Evans - 8 years ago

@fathertime979: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@deepseadawn: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@yankeeboysam: RT @UBuffalo: Today we mourn the loss of Willie Evans. A prominent #UBuffalo alumnus and @UBFootball legend. 💙 #ForeverABull - 8 years ago

@yankeeboysam: RT @UBAthletics: Bulls Mourn Loss of @UBFootball Legend Willie Evans - 8 years ago

@DwhiteEagan: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@BuffaloBrunch: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@DEdwardBeck: Willie Evans dies; key figure in University at Buffalo stand against 'whites only' Bowl game - 8 years ago

@BuffaloGirl2283: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@MaritoRio: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

@anwaryusef: RT @TheBuffaloNews: Willie Evans, key player on 1950s @UBfootball team that rejected invite to whites-only bowl game, dies: - 8 years ago

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