Willie Chan

Hong Kong film producer and talent manager.
Died on Wednesday October 25th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Willie Chan:

@itsmecldn: RT @letterandmusic1: Ken Chan performed his rendition of Willie Revillame's "IKAW NA NGA" in Eagle Rock and Rhythm segment of Letters... ht… - 7 years ago

@letterandmusic1: Ken Chan performed his rendition of Willie Revillame's "IKAW NA NGA" in Eagle Rock and Rhythm segment of Letters... - 7 years ago

@1121EV: @EyeOfJackieChan ♡Willie Chan♡ I will never forget you. Thank you for much love. I am too lonely… - 7 years ago

@Asya_Mkrtychan: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago


@Tassha95: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@AliceHwang12: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@lesbleu23: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@jaybirdthebird: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@WinChungHK: RT @CharlesGozali: RIP Willie Chan: meet the man who made Jackie Chan a global star - 7 years ago

@SCMP_Style: RT @CharlesGozali: RIP Willie Chan: meet the man who made Jackie Chan a global star - 7 years ago

@GeekTyrant: JACKIE CHAN's Former Manager WILLIE CHAN Passes Away at 76 - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Willie Chan (76) Hong Kong film producer - 7 years ago

@Harley_Woody: #TECH JACKIE CHAN's Former Manager WILLIE CHAN Passes Away at 76: In case this article's… - 7 years ago

@TDougNews: JACKIE CHAN's Former Manager WILLIE CHAN Passes Away at 76 - 7 years ago

@Raghuram1601: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@nurkhinanty: RT @CharlesGozali: Thank you Willie Chan for nurturing one of my idol and inspiration, Jackie Chan. Without you, JC would not be as legenda… - 7 years ago

@kenuism: Malaysian - 7 years ago

@ainuun_30: RT @CharlesGozali: RIP Willie Chan: meet the man who made Jackie Chan a global star - 7 years ago

@VipYard: TOEGEVOEGD: ✞ Willie Chan (76), Hongkongs filmproducent - 7 years ago

@pppin8: RT @easternheroes1: Willie Chan, Jackie Chan’s Former Manager, Dies Age 76: #jackiechan I was shocked this morning to see Willie Chan, film… - 7 years ago

@ainuun_30: RT @CharlesGozali: Thank you Willie Chan for nurturing one of my idol and inspiration, Jackie Chan. Without you, JC would not be as legenda… - 7 years ago

@CharlesGozali: Thank you Willie Chan for nurturing one of my idol and inspiration, Jackie Chan. Without you, JC would not be as legendary as he is now. RIP - 7 years ago

@CharlesGozali: RIP Willie Chan: meet the man who made Jackie Chan a global star - 7 years ago

@MumzyU: RT @hkfilmnet: Jackie Chan's "brother" and longtime former manager Willie Chan has passed away. - 7 years ago

@jimmyp0504: Willie Chan, 76, Jackie Chan's manager and 'brother', dies - ASEAN/East Asia | The Star Online - 7 years ago

@NCOPM: Willie Chan, Jackie Chan's former manager, dies aged 76 - 7 years ago

@janswift131: @mostawjw Mura syag si Jackie Chan willie - 7 years ago

@trendinaliaSG: ➍ Haw Par Villa ➎ Stranger Things Season 2 ➏ Opioid ➐ Tottenham ➑ Lakers ➒ Natassia Malthe ➓ Willie Chan 2017/10/27 18:11 +08 - 7 years ago

@digital35mm: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@lovekills0228: RT @HKmoviefan: テディ・チャン陳徳森監督がRIPと呟いていたのは、そうだったのか…(´;ω;`) RT @Variety: Willie Chan, Jackie Chan’s Former Manager, Dies Age 76 - 7 years ago

@WilfredBLS: RT @easternheroes1: Willie Chan, Jackie Chan’s Former Manager, Dies Age 76: #jackiechan I was shocked this morning to see Willie Chan, film… - 7 years ago

@trendinaliaSG: ➌ Stranger Things Season 2 ➍ Opioid ➎ Tottenham ➏ Lakers ➐ Natassia Malthe ➑ Willie Chan ➒ Heather Lind ➓ Cricket Live 2017/10/27 15:18 +08 - 7 years ago

@trendinaliaSG: ➎ Willie Chan ➏ Heather Lind ➐ Cricket Live ➑ Thor Ragnarok 2017/10/27 12:12 +08 - 7 years ago

@ConventusHK: Willie Chan, long-time manager for Jackie Chan, dies at 76 - 7 years ago

@arjjunamd: RT @TheMikeFury: RIP Willie Chan, film producer and Jackie Chan's long time mentor and manager, who launched his career @EyeOfJackieChan #m… - 7 years ago

@trendinaliaSG: 📈 Top 10 ⒼⓄⓄⒼⓁⒺ Trends over the past 24 hours: ➊ Tottenham ➋ Lakers ➌ Natassia Malthe ➍ Willie Chan 2017/10/27 09:11 +08 - 7 years ago

@desmondchilds1: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@CrazyTina37: @HongKongLegends RIP Willie Chan xx - 7 years ago

@CrazyTina37: RT @HongKongLegends: RIP Willie Chan - I had the honour of having a photo with him at ScreenPower JC Meetup yrs ago - was always so warm an… - 7 years ago

@trendinaliaSG: 📈 Top 10 ⒼⓄⓄⒼⓁⒺ Trends over the past 24 hours: ➊ Tottenham ➋ Lakers ➌ Natassia Malthe ➍ Willie Chan 2017/10/27 06:12 +08 - 7 years ago

@pattymexicocity: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@ParadiseTVNEWS7: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@JChanFrance: Il y deux nuits, nous avons appris le décès de l'ex-manager et ami de #JackieChan. RIP :/ - 7 years ago

@WilfredBLS: RT @easternheroes1: Willie Chan, Jackie Chan’s Former Manager, Dies Age 76: #jackiechan I was shocked this morning to see Willie Chan, film… - 7 years ago

@KitttyKunt: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

@Landstanding: RT @SCMP_News: RIP Willie Chan: meet the man who made Jackie Chan a star - 7 years ago

@trendinaliaSG: 📈 Top 10 ⒼⓄⓄⒼⓁⒺ Trends over the past 24 hours: ➊ Tottenham ➋ Lakers ➌ Natassia Malthe ➍ Willie Chan 2017/10/27 03:12 +08 - 7 years ago

@2__richie: RT @TheMikeFury: RIP Willie Chan, film producer and Jackie Chan's long time mentor and manager, who launched his career @EyeOfJackieChan #m… - 7 years ago

@worldsfriend: Willie Chan ● A Simple Tribute - 7 years ago

@tonyanytime247: Willie Chan, long-time manager for Jackie Chan and other Hong Kong entertainers, dies at 76 - 7 years ago

@trendinaliaSG: 📈 Top 10 ⒼⓄⓄⒼⓁⒺ Trends over the past 24 hours: ➊ Tottenham ➋ Lakers ➌ Natassia Malthe ➍ Willie Chan 2017/10/27 00:13 +08 - 7 years ago

@WinChungHK: RT @Vivian_CChen: RIP Willie Chan: the man who made Jackie Chan a global star - 7 years ago

@RobertChaen1: From Canto-pop icon Jacky Cheung Hok-yau to actresses Maggie Cheung Man-yuk and Carol Cheng Yu-ling, Chan guided... - 7 years ago

@AkHaridas: RT @SCMP_News: RIP Willie Chan: meet the man who made Jackie Chan a star - 7 years ago

@SCMP_News: RIP Willie Chan: meet the man who made Jackie Chan a star - 7 years ago

@Eyeofjackiechn: RT @EyeOfJackieChan: Another important person in my life has passed away..... Willie Chan. A lot of people know that without you back... ht… - 7 years ago

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