William Ruckelshaus

American attorney
Died on Wednesday November 27th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to William Ruckelshaus:

@redz041: RT @EricHolder: William Ruckelshaus was a great Deputy Attorney General, a conscientious public servant and a patriot. He was - with Ellio… - 5 years ago

@RuckCenter: A panel of Ruckelshaus Board members and staff were featured at the @BellevueDT’s October BDA Breakfast. Check out… - 5 years ago

@PATi_bot: WILliAm RUcKELSHaUS A Key fIgUrE iN THe Us CoaST guARd SayS - 5 years ago

@Shawn13882217: RT @PeteButtigieg: Saddened by the loss of Hoosier William Ruckelshaus, who will be remembered for refusing to carry out the orders of a pr… - 5 years ago


@ChristineKramar: RT @NixonLibrary: Happy Anniversary @EPA !!! The Environmental Protection Agency was created as an independent agency pursuant to Presiden… - 5 years ago

@ChristineKramar: RT @NixonLibrary: #OTD 12/4/1970 President Nixon served as witness at the swearing-in of William Ruckelshaus as Administrator of the Enviro… - 5 years ago

@pamalauriel: RT @kylegriffin1: William Ruckelshaus, who resigned as deputy attorney general rather than carry out Nixon's illegal order to fire the inde… - 5 years ago

@joreilly70: RT @WestWingReport: One way Richard Nixon differed from Donald Trump: Nixon's deep concern for the environment was such that on this day in… - 5 years ago

@DeFeoAssociates: I rarely write about the passing of a person that I know. In the case of William D. Ruckelshaus, I am making an exc… - 5 years ago

@Hipro_formance: As If It Was Another Era, There Once Was Honor & Integrity Within The GOP Ranks..RIP Mr. Ru… - 5 years ago

@izzyknight2000: RT @jamiegangel: William D. Ruckelshaus has died. He will be remembered for “his reputation for unshakable integrity when as Richard Nixon… - 5 years ago

@JOSHUAJREYNOLD1: RT @NixonLibrary: #OTD 12/4/1970 President Nixon served as witness at the swearing-in of William Ruckelshaus as Administrator of the Enviro… - 5 years ago

@Born2BLiberal: RT @MiaFarrow: John Dean Remembers 'Honest, Fair' William Ruckelshaus:”I think everyone who knew Ruckelshaus thought he was an honest, fair… - 5 years ago

@MesMitch: Thread by @MesMitch: "William Ruckelshaus, who defied Nixon during Watergate, dies at 87 Ex-deputy attorney general… - 5 years ago

@DemCastWA: RT @DemCastJY: William D. Ruckelshaus, a man of unshakable integrity, was a key figure in molding the EPA, banning DDT, the "Saturday Night… - 5 years ago

@elainemittleman: RT @JohnRussell99: Four decades ago, this Republican from Indiana defied the Nixon White House and put country over party. - 5 years ago

@dwaggens: Today's history lesson. William Ruckelshaus died today. His significance? Pres. Nixon told Attorney General Elliot… - 5 years ago

@DeansherryS: RT @MiaFarrow: John Dean Remembers 'Honest, Fair' William Ruckelshaus:”I think everyone who knew Ruckelshaus thought he was an honest, fair… - 5 years ago

@GeneralUser3: RT @HistoryLink: #OnThisDay in 1970, William Ruckelshaus was sworn in as the first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. ht… - 5 years ago

@dcbat: RT @PeteButtigieg: Saddened by the loss of Hoosier William Ruckelshaus, who will be remembered for refusing to carry out the orders of a pr… - 5 years ago

@NixonandIke: RT @NixonLibrary: Happy Anniversary @EPA !!! The Environmental Protection Agency was created as an independent agency pursuant to Presiden… - 5 years ago

@tmj_WA_EDU: Interested in a job in #Seattle, WA? This could be a great fit. Click the link in our bio to apply: Statewide Senio… - 5 years ago

@synclairlewis: William Ruckelshaus, Who Quit in ‘Saturday Night Massacre,’ Dies at 87 - 5 years ago

@MariaSm54753991: RT @CNN: William Ruckelshaus, a key figure in the Watergate scandal and the first head of the Environmental Protection Agency, has died, Th… - 5 years ago

@1technodiva: RT @MiaFarrow: John Dean Remembers 'Honest, Fair' William Ruckelshaus. He 'John Dean: William Ruckelshaus 'Would Do the Right Thing in Vir… - 5 years ago

@randal_wallace: RT @NixonLibrary: #OTD 12/4/1970 President Nixon served as witness at the swearing-in of William Ruckelshaus as Administrator of the Enviro… - 5 years ago

@marypankiw: RT @MiaFarrow: John Dean Remembers 'Honest, Fair' William Ruckelshaus. He 'John Dean: William Ruckelshaus 'Would Do the Right Thing in Vir… - 5 years ago

@DinwillyWilly: RT @MiaFarrow: John Dean Remembers 'Honest, Fair' William Ruckelshaus:”I think everyone who knew Ruckelshaus thought he was an honest, fair… - 5 years ago

@MiaFarrow: John Dean Remembers 'Honest, Fair' William Ruckelshaus:”I think everyone who knew Ruckelshaus thought he was an hon… - 5 years ago

@OurPresidents: RT @NixonLibrary: #OTD 12/4/1970 President Nixon served as witness at the swearing-in of William Ruckelshaus as Administrator of the Enviro… - 5 years ago

@MiaFarrow: John Dean Remembers 'Honest, Fair' William Ruckelshaus. He 'John Dean: William Ruckelshaus 'Would Do the Right Thi… - 5 years ago

@karl_vick: While the clock counts down on @TIME Person of the Year, John Dean has given us the Sentence of the Year: "Presiden… - 5 years ago

@ELIORG: Last week, the environmental community was deeply saddened to learn about the passing of William D. Ruckelshaus. EL… - 5 years ago

@brokermcgovern: RT @PeteButtigieg: Saddened by the loss of Hoosier William Ruckelshaus, who will be remembered for refusing to carry out the orders of a pr… - 5 years ago

@MBroemmel: RT @JohnWDean: RIP to a truly good man and friend... - 5 years ago

@EcoExpert1: RT @AlexCKaufman: William Ruckelshaus, the nation's 1st and 5th EPA chief, has died, the agency said. He was 87. He served under Nixon a… - 5 years ago

@ixe61324184: RT @cnnbrk: William Ruckelshaus, a key figure in the Watergate scandal and the first head of the Environmental Protection Agency, has died… - 5 years ago

@mstepczyk: RT @maddow: “He cemented his reputation for unshakable integrity when, in 1973, as President Richard Nixon’s deputy attorney general, he de… - 5 years ago

@JoseAnt11799327: RT @cnnbrk: William Ruckelshaus, a key figure in the Watergate scandal and the first head of the Environmental Protection Agency, has died… - 5 years ago

@SarahScire: @michaelluo Contrast with this piece, published just last week. - 5 years ago

@500WSCologne: RT @CraigAWelch: Seattle lost a giant. He stood up to Nixon in the Saturday Night Massacre: “I could not have done anything else.” He ran E… - 5 years ago

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