William Krisel

Chinese-born American architect.
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to William Krisel:

@mcphersonarch: WILLIAM KRISEL DEFINED CALIFORNIA MODERNISM #Krisel #CaliforniaModernism #Architecture #Design #DesertArchitecture… - 8 years ago

@topinteriordsg1: RT @EichlerNetwork: We mourn the passing of the great California mid-century modern architect William Krisel. - 8 years ago

@eclecticvignett: RT @eclecticvignett: - 8 years ago

@eclecticvignett: - 8 years ago


@PalmSpringsAlex: Remembering William Krisel, who made tract homes interesting. - 8 years ago

@LasVegasGinger: RT @lasvegasweekly: Remembering William Krisel, who made tract homes interesting - 8 years ago

@efwells101: RT @Modernica: The man who forever changed the Palm Springs roof-line passed away this month, but American Modernism will never forget Will… - 8 years ago

@PSTimNews: RT @BradRiversPS: William Krisel, an influential #PalmSprings architect, passed away this month. @LATimes has a nice piece on him: - 8 years ago

@BradRiversPS: William Krisel, an influential #PalmSprings architect, passed away this month. @LATimes has a nice piece on him:… - 8 years ago

@SEOExpertVegas: RT lasvegasweekly "Remembering William Krisel, who made tract homes interesting - 8 years ago

@lasvegasweekly: Remembering William Krisel, who made tract homes interesting - 8 years ago

@giacassano21: RT @Modernica: The man who forever changed the Palm Springs roof-line passed away this month, but American Modernism will never forget Will… - 8 years ago

@icreature: RT @Modernica: The man who forever changed the Palm Springs roof-line passed away this month, but American Modernism will never forget Will… - 8 years ago

@juniormotorhome: RT @Modernica: The man who forever changed the Palm Springs roof-line passed away this month, but American Modernism will never forget Will… - 8 years ago

@Modernica: The man who forever changed the Palm Springs roof-line passed away this month, but American Modernism will never fo… - 8 years ago

@smoss319: RT @MyDesert: William Krisel, the architect who designed buildings like the Ocotillo Lodge and Biltmore Hotel, died Monday. - 8 years ago

@fc3arch: RT @dwell: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@fulltv: #Cine Película "William Krisel, Architect" (2010) - 8 years ago

@EOBArch: RT @danielpatrick: A $29k home fenced in, landscaped, modern, with a swimming pool—this was William Krisel's design in the late '50s. https… - 8 years ago

@augustus0221: William Krisel, Pioneer of Mass-Produced Mid-Century Modernist Housing, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@mjoehlerich: RT @fc3x: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@fc3x: RT @dwell: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@carolyn660: RT @fc3x: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@fc3x: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@coartbydtank: RT @dwell: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@FRANKCUNHAIII: RT @dwell: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@urbanexus: A thank you from @360modern to William Krisel (1924 - 2017), one of the founders of modernity in residential design… - 8 years ago

@wjmarchitect: RT @dwell: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: William Krisel (1924 - 2017), died at age 92 years: was an American architect best known for his pioneer designs of… - 8 years ago

@1zattipb: William Krisel, Architect Who Found a Midcentury Niche, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@tetrimbath: RT @360modern: Thank you Tom for this great write up on one of the Modern masters. - 8 years ago

@BrianMorrisom: William Krisel, Pioneer of Mass-Produced Mid-Century Modernist Housing, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@ChimayBleueSD: William Krisel for Palmer & Krisel (1962), in San Diego. @ University City, San Diego - 8 years ago

@transversal_dlp: - 8 years ago

@transversal_dlp: RIP William Krisel... feel fortunate to have met him, restore and live in one of his designs! - 8 years ago

@eclecticvignett: RT @modernisthome: Pioneering architect William Krisel designed affordable mid-20th century modern homes in southern California: - 8 years ago

@belmonte_krisel: RT @ObservadBinario: Tarek William Saab, el "paladín" de DD.HH., quiere arrebatar a la fiscal la competencia investigativa, para dar impuni… - 8 years ago

@CWaddington504: RT @saveLytton: William Krisel, Architect Who Found a Midcentury Niche, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@CWaddington504: RT @KPCC: William Krisel, architect who helped define California modernism, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@CWaddington504: RT @saveLytton: Architect William Krisel, who influenced the look of midcentury Palm Springs, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@87Noctvrne: RT @KCETArtbound: Mid-century architect William Krisel passed away last week. He recently advised on the restoration of his homes. #AB http… - 8 years ago

@KCETArtbound: Mid-century architect William Krisel passed away last week. He recently advised on the restoration of his homes. #AB - 8 years ago

@360modern: Thank you Tom for this great write up on one of the Modern masters. - 8 years ago

@dgerl11: RT @NYTObits: The architect William Krisel, who has died, designed houses that were not only affordable, but also elegant - 8 years ago

@jwilson1812: RT @NYTObits: The architect William Krisel, who has died, designed houses that were not only affordable, but also elegant - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: The architect William Krisel, who has died, designed houses that were not only affordable, but also elegant - 8 years ago

@TeraChristy1: William Krisel, Southern California Modernist architect known for butterfly roofs, dies - 8 years ago

@tetrimbath: #writerslife, learning about new topics & impressive people. William Krisel the architect & Modern homes. @360modern - 8 years ago

@Snapzu_Living: William Krisel, Architect Who Helped Define California Modernism, Dies At 92 - 8 years ago

@Snapzu_News: William Krisel, Architect Who Helped Define California Modernism, Dies At 92 - 8 years ago

@LeighBackhouse: RT @ArchDigest: Modernist architect William Krisel has passed away at the age of 92: - 8 years ago

@dgerl11: RT @NYTObits: William Krisel, whose tract housing designs helped market modern architecture to the Sun Belt masses, died at 92 - 8 years ago

@mothermission: RT @CindyAmbuehl: RIP William Krisel, one of Southern California’s modernist master architects. - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: William Krisel, whose tract housing designs helped market modern architecture to the Sun Belt masses, died at 92 - 8 years ago

@CindyAmbuehl: RIP William Krisel, one of Southern California’s modernist master architects. - 8 years ago

@pgjackson: Just catching the William Krisel news -- R.I.P. to the legend of midcentury modernism - 8 years ago

@fougeronarch: Link About It: California Modernism Pioneer William Krisel Dies - 8 years ago

@WHFdesigns: William Krisel, Architect Who Helped Define California Modernism, Dies At 92 - 8 years ago

@DigitalArtplc: RT @AwesomeArcht: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home On the market: 1950s William Krisel-designed - 8 years ago

@AwesomeArcht: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home On the market: 1950s William Krisel-designed… - 8 years ago

@architectsdays: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs..… - 8 years ago

@DecoDays: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs..… - 8 years ago

@Interiors__home: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs by...… - 8 years ago

@BestIntDesingn: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs by...… - 8 years ago

@ModernnArch: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs..… - 8 years ago

@architectsdays: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs..… - 8 years ago

@DecoDays: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs by...… - 8 years ago

@Interiors__home: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs by...… - 8 years ago

@BestIntDesingn: Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home Coming soon: William Krisel's Palm Springs..… - 8 years ago

@Heidi_Simonian: RT @dwell: Iconic California Midcentury-Modern Architect William Krisel Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@MusaTaha94: RT @ArchDigest: Modernist architect William Krisel has passed away at the age of 92: - 8 years ago

@Zannabanana: Today's #ArtSnack William Krisel, Architect Who Found a Midcentury Niche, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@tompclements: RT @ArchDigest: Modernist architect William Krisel has passed away at the age of 92: - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: The architect William Krisel, who has died, designed houses that were not only affordable, but also elegant - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,William Krisel dies - #WilliamKrisel #William #Krisel #rip - 8 years ago

@SeY3xq79usdgrWj: RT @slufty: Architect William Krisel, who influenced the look of midcentury Palm Springs, dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@Brooklynwatch: RT @ArchDigest: Modernist architect William Krisel has passed away at the age of 92: - 8 years ago

@timothyschenck: RIP William Krisel, prolific mid-century architect responsible for many of the amazing home… - 8 years ago

@YLiving: William Krisel, Architect Who Helped Define California Modernism, Dies At 92 - 8 years ago

@Melissa1200: William Krisel, Architect Who Helped Define California Modernism, Dies At 92 - 8 years ago

@nicolaterry751: RT @ArchDigest: Modernist architect William Krisel has passed away at the age of 92: - 8 years ago

@LeslieNewby: William Krisel, Architect Who Helped Define California Modernism, Dies At 92 - 8 years ago

@BIMmyFallon: #RIP to the legendary William Krisel, one of Southern California’s modernist master architects - 8 years ago

@StudioP10: William Krisel, Architect Who Helped Define California Modernism, Dies At 92 - 8 years ago

@UrbDeZine: Architect William Krisel, who influenced the look of midcentury Palm Springs, dies at 92 - LA Times - 8 years ago

@William_Adams: Architect William Krisel, who influenced the look of midcentury Palm Springs, dies at 92 - LA Times - 8 years ago

@MarlenaDG: RIP #WilliamKrisel @dwell - 8 years ago

@Civic_Thoughts: RT @NYTObits: William Krisel, whose tract housing designs helped market modern architecture to the Sun Belt masses, died at 92 - 8 years ago

@VolkanErsinESF: RT @NYTObits: William Krisel, whose tract housing designs helped market modern architecture to the Sun Belt masses, died at 92 - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: William Krisel, whose tract housing designs helped market modern architecture to the Sun Belt masses, died at 92 - 8 years ago

@nahtanoj1971: RT @modernisthome: Pioneering architect William Krisel designed affordable mid-20th century modern homes in southern California: - 8 years ago

@silvahameline: RIP William Krisel, one of Southern California’s modernist master architects. - 8 years ago

@sarahschaale: “For them to do my work, I had to come up w/ a design that was less expensive than the dingbats they were building.… - 8 years ago

@ION_HomeDesign: William Krisel, Pioneer of Mass-Produced Mid-Century Modernist Housing, Dies at 92 - 8 years ago

@modernisthome: Pioneering architect William Krisel designed affordable mid-20th century modern homes in southern California:… - 8 years ago

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