William Carney

American politician
Died on Wednesday May 24th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to William Carney:

@sempermas: RT @NMAAHC: Sgt. William H. Carney was the 1st African American awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for valor during the Civil War, #o… - 8 years ago

@hometown: Mr. William Gregory “Greg” McCary, age 57, of Rome, passed away on Tuesday, May 30, 2017, in Fort Payne, Alabama.... - 8 years ago

@debs_2017: @BlackYouthProj Replace them w/statues of Fred Douglas, Sojourner Truth, John Brown and Sgt William Carney. - 8 years ago

@Ike1986: Sgt. William H. Carney 1863: First black Medal of Honor recipient Carney was attached to the 54th Massachusetts... - 8 years ago



@MeggZ50: RT @MarylandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK - 8 years ago

@AbByNorMALthe4s: RT @carrolltrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK - 8 years ago

@JullanAtoms: RT @onebillioncrime: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@taylor_Niggax8: RT @onebillioncrime: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@kassyiovezyou: RT @PublicInterests: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@CakeStrumpet643: RT @BillionDollarID: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago


@hooliganlife316: RT @onebillioncrime: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@sumnerhannah98: RT @carrolltrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK - 8 years ago

@Allwalkerrr: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@swllsonsbs: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago


@Te_Verdlka: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@The_ReaiestYet: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@mommazwlldchild: RT @BillionDollarID: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@XoColon_x7: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@revltalaser: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@tla_maximen: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@johnny_firb: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@Cat__allna: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@FedeC4ptus: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@ellleeeeXo: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@sportswrltergal: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@iuvmesunnyphcae: RT @onebillioncrime: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@boilocrudo: RT @SutherlandTrust: #JockeyClub Sir #Tommy #Pilkington BRITISHHORSERACINGAUTHORITY = #GOLDFINGER = #WARRENHILL #NEWMARKET #SUFFOLK https:/… - 8 years ago

@sheila06942158: RT @stephenabess: Sgt. #WilliamCarney: The First African-American Medal of Honor Re - 8 years ago

@fieldbrittany: RT @ActorsOneAgency: Don't miss the #premiere of @StarCrossedABC tonight at 10|9C on ABC with our very own @fieldbrittany & William Carney!… - 8 years ago

@cletus1969: Meet Sgt. William Carney: The First African American Medal of Honor Recipient > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article - 8 years ago

@am_shipman: RT @VRWCTexan: .@blackrepublican 23 May 1900 - Sgt. William Carney 54th Mass. became 1st African American to receive #MedalOfHonor - 8 years ago

@ActorsOneAgency: Don't miss the #premiere of @StarCrossedABC tonight at 10|9C on ABC with our very own @fieldbrittany & William Carn… - 8 years ago

@CaliDreamin0705: RT @lordofkingz: Did you know Sergeant William Carney was born a slave and escaped via the Underground Railroad? Did you know Sgt. Carney w… - 8 years ago

@lordofkingz: Did you know Sergeant William Carney was born a slave and escaped via the Underground Railroad? Did you know Sgt. Carney was the first Black - 8 years ago

@liketoknow81: RT @NMAAHC: Sgt. William H. Carney was the 1st African American awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for valor during the Civil War, #o… - 8 years ago

@1naturalzeta: RT @NMAAHC: Sgt. William H. Carney was the 1st African American awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for valor during the Civil War, #o… - 8 years ago

@VieCelibataire: #OnThisDay in 1900, Sergeant William Carney was awarded the Medal of… - 8 years ago

@xyzwriter: RT @MilHistNow: Today in 1900, Civil War veteran William Carney becomes the 1st African American to win the Medal of Honor. - 8 years ago

@elegantcoretta: RT @NMAAHC: Sgt. William H. Carney was the 1st African American awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for valor during the Civil War, #o… - 8 years ago

@MKDonsGTR: William Carney returned for another go and takes the lead with 45mph in the kids' category @MKDonsFC @BrickhillCC #Brickstock #MKDons - 8 years ago

@MKDonsGTR: Scores on the doors @BrickhillCC Brickstock: Adult Tony Hawkins 53 mph fix! Pete Winkelman 37mph Kids Max Roddis 44mph William Carney 37mph - 8 years ago

@ufeellucky: RT @MilHistNow: Today in 1900, Civil War veteran William Carney becomes the 1st African American to win the Medal of Honor. - 8 years ago

@NEOMD71: RT @MilHistNow: Today in 1900, Civil War veteran William Carney becomes the 1st African American to win the Medal of Honor. - 8 years ago

@palageyavaowg1: RT @NMAAHC: Sgt. William H. Carney was the 1st African American awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for valor during the Civil War, #o… - 8 years ago

@dogfaceArmy: RT @MilHistNow: Today in 1900, Civil War veteran William Carney becomes the 1st African American to win the Medal of Honor. - 8 years ago

@CP1NYS: We regret to inform you of the passing of former Congressman William Carney - 8 years ago

@tommcge: RT @TheFreedomTrail: #OTD 1900- William Harvey Carney, Sgt in the MA 54th Regiment, was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism at Fort… - 8 years ago

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