Willem Doise

Belgian academic and psychologist.
Died on Tuesday January 17th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Willem Doise:

@DorraBenAlaya: RT @LaboGRePS: Communiqué REMOSCO pour Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@ClaraKulich: RT @ps_unige: Un grand psychologue social nous a quitté : Willem Doise, le fondateur de l'école genevoise de psychologie sociale : - 2 years ago

@ps_unige: RT @ps_unil: Obituary for Willem Doise by the social psychology teams of the universities of Geneva @ps_unige and Lausanne @ps_unil https:/… - 2 years ago

@ps_unige: Un grand psychologue social nous a quitté : Willem Doise, le fondateur de l'école genevoise de psychologie sociale… - 2 years ago


@evagtgreen: RT @ps_unil: Obituary for Willem Doise by the social psychology teams of the universities of Geneva @ps_unige and Lausanne @ps_unil https:/… - 2 years ago

@MarcoBicocca: RT @ps_unil: Obituary for Willem Doise by the social psychology teams of the universities of Geneva @ps_unige and Lausanne @ps_unil https:/… - 2 years ago

@SocPsychBasel: RT @ps_unil: Obituary for Willem Doise by the social psychology teams of the universities of Geneva @ps_unige and Lausanne @ps_unil https:/… - 2 years ago

@GProdromitis: RT @LaboGRePS: Communiqué REMOSCO pour Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@emanuelepoliti1: RT @LaboGRePS: Communiqué REMOSCO pour Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@ps_unil: Obituary for Willem Doise by the social psychology teams of the universities of Geneva @ps_unige and Lausanne… - 2 years ago

@rfasanelli: RT @kalampalikis: Obituary REMOSCO for Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@amnisus: Sorry to hear of the death of Willem Doise, a pioneering social psychologist centering on social representations th… - 2 years ago

@aernstvi: RT @kalampalikis: Obituary REMOSCO for Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@kalampalikis: Obituary REMOSCO for Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@bouchra_zouhri: RT @LaboGRePS: Communiqué REMOSCO pour Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@LaboGRePS: Communiqué REMOSCO pour Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@PsiPolitica_UNC: RT @aernstvi: Willem Doise (1935-1923), un géant discret, les niveaux d’analyse en psychologie sociale, la dissension et le consensus, les… - 2 years ago

@easpinfo: RT @aernstvi: Willem Doise (1935-1923), un géant discret, les niveaux d’analyse en psychologie sociale, la dissension et le consensus, les… - 2 years ago

@OctaviaIonescu: RT @LPS_Paris5: C'est avec une immense tristesse que nous apprenons le décès de Willem Doise, un penseur et chercheur hors pair, et un pili… - 2 years ago

@LPS_Paris5: C'est avec une immense tristesse que nous apprenons le décès de Willem Doise, un penseur et chercheur hors pair, et… - 2 years ago

@Sportflash24: Non solo sport / Addio al professor Willem #Doise, autore di alcuni libri di psicologia sociale, tra cui "Dissensi… - 2 years ago

@Lesquisek: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@ncodinaub: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@emanuelepoliti1: Freshly arrived in Geneva, Willem Doise entered my office and honored me, a 25 years old no-one, with a dinner invi… - 2 years ago

@josue_tinoco: RT @aernstvi: Willem Doise (1935-1923), un géant discret, les niveaux d’analyse en psychologie sociale, la dissension et le consensus, les… - 2 years ago

@josue_tinoco: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@CSCP_KULeuven: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@DennisNigbur: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@bouchra_zouhri: RT @kalampalikis: Communiqué REMOSCO pour Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@NHankonen: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@kalampalikis: Communiqué REMOSCO pour Willem Doise - 2 years ago

@idaho20: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@SergeGuimond1: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@bouchra_zouhri: RT @aernstvi: Willem Doise (1935-1923), un géant discret, les niveaux d’analyse en psychologie sociale, la dissension et le consensus, les… - 2 years ago

@achalabaev: RT @olivier_klein: RIP Willem Doise (1935-2023). One of the giants of social psychology just passed away. Very grateful for his immense con… - 2 years ago

@aernstvi: Willem Doise (1935-1923), un géant discret, les niveaux d’analyse en psychologie sociale, la dissension et le conse… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Willem Doise - #WillemDoise #Willem #Doise #rip - 2 years ago

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