Wilford Brimley

American actor and singer.
Died on Sunday August 2nd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Wilford Brimley:

@ClueHeywood: @PlanetHooston Unless you’re wilford brimley I don’t wanna hear shit - 5 years ago

@thehustleseason: #ICYMI @thehustleseason on @RVAmag every weekend, click the 🔗 below #podcasts #RVA #content #podcasting - 5 years ago

@RodHagwood: RT @CulturedRuffian: Gosh, I already miss Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@DavidTaggart: @bennpeifert balloons 100%. One time my Dad and I pulled up to visit an "uncle" (Grandpas 1st cousin) and he was in… - 5 years ago


@gustastuff: @ClueHeywood plus it has Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@wirefan51: @jamesoliphant Enjoy David Strathairn, Holly Hunter, Gene Hackman, and Wilford Brimley. Standard thriller, elevated by their performances. - 5 years ago

@GeDesPi: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 entrepreneurship affiliatemarketing entrepren… - 5 years ago

@GmorkOfNothing: @BLCKD_COM_PILLD I read this in Wilford Brimley's voice from Hard Target - 5 years ago

@jentalleydesign: Here is the only other time I tweeted about Wilford Brimley, according to my timeline search. - 5 years ago

@jentalleydesign: I somehow missed that Wilford Brimley died like 10 days ago & 1) now I kind of feel like we cursed him and 2) how w… - 5 years ago

@Nemesis96866679: @Caution_Cole @paulsperry_ @AChinaObserver Only in ppl with diabetes? ADA says 34.3 million Americans, 10.5% with diabetes, Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@bloodylefty5: RT @CulturedRuffian: Gosh, I already miss Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@ishotpuffy: RT @CulturedRuffian: Gosh, I already miss Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@ACLAYsuper: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@CharlesPPierce: @jamesoliphant Gangsta Wilford Brimley is the key. - 5 years ago

@gus_fink_nottle: @USPS How dare you so soon after Anthony Wilford Brimley’s passing? - 5 years ago

@john_d_mitchell: @charliestout Wilford Brimley in Abscence of Malice - 5 years ago

@DonKey47911909: RT @CulturedRuffian: Gosh, I already miss Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@CulturedRuffian: Gosh, I already miss Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@nah_imcool: @ManMadeMoon Wilford Brimley damn sure didn't have any issues with WAP - 5 years ago

@missb62: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@vqueent: RT @SethGreen: RIP Wilford Brimley What an absolute legend. I was lucky enough to make my first movie with him. I was only 8, but he treat… - 5 years ago

@susi079: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@ODSTSpartan: @turksespinnekop you once again been holding out on me. Lance Henriksen just shouting fuck and being angry the whol… - 5 years ago

@AndrewCFrancis: RT @StephenKing: Twitter response to 1,000 satellite channels of crap: WHY ARE THERE SO MANY COOKING SHOWS? To which I'd add: BRING BACK WI… - 5 years ago

@MattieHoman: RT @WhismanSucks: Now that we are Wilford Brimley-less, Diabetes needs a new spokesman. I nominate Bret Michaels to rock it’s world. https:… - 5 years ago

@russellstigall: @jbouie Wilford Brimley's ghost if Rubio tried to diss oat milk - 5 years ago

@warrenjaay: @USPS Bring back your old postmaster general. Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@SeanStanglandDH: Wait a minute. The Wilford Brimley account was fake???? Goddammit. - 5 years ago

@Doug_Tilley: It's real weird that some person spent years pretending to be Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@castledangerous: @TheRickyDavila I'm old enough to remember a real Postmaster General--Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@Gweivyth: RT @WhismanSucks: Now that we are Wilford Brimley-less, Diabetes needs a new spokesman. I nominate Bret Michaels to rock it’s world. https:… - 5 years ago

@BrandySchlomann: RT @WhismanSucks: Now that we are Wilford Brimley-less, Diabetes needs a new spokesman. I nominate Bret Michaels to rock it’s world. https:… - 5 years ago

@danalmont: @JuliaScotti4 In the end, we all turn into Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@douglasrdavis: @Hysteria51Pod I found this and immediately thought of you guys. BTW—Bring back this drop. I beseech you. The Diab… - 5 years ago

@BrimleyJuggalo: RT @HoldinCoffeeld: I want to fish off a small dock with @BrimleyJuggalo and the real Wilford Brimley drinking cheap beer until we can’t st… - 5 years ago

@HoldinCoffeeld: I want to fish off a small dock with @BrimleyJuggalo and the real Wilford Brimley drinking cheap beer until we can’… - 5 years ago

@WhismanSucks: Now that we are Wilford Brimley-less, Diabetes needs a new spokesman. I nominate Bret Michaels to rock it’s world. - 5 years ago

@Cochran_Hater: It was sad to see about the passing of Wilford Brimley last week. I would have liked to have had a glass of moonshi… - 5 years ago

@JuliaScotti4: Is it my imagination or is Tom Selleck turning into the new Wilford Brimley? - 5 years ago

@WokeMayo: A little late with this one, but Wilford Brimley really put the "die" in "die-a-beetus" - 5 years ago

@TonyDIndy: America Made the Indy 500 | Wilford Brimley ~ ESPN on ABC - 5 years ago

@MovieBreakdown1: This week we review three movies plus pay tribute to the life and career of Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@emilyfirestone: @AndrewPollackFL This comment section looking like a Wilford Brimley audition - 5 years ago

@MorganOnAir: Be flattered. Wilford Brimley only gets to scold one man from the grave. He chose you. (It's a rule, I checked) - 5 years ago

@MissLionHeart: In the words of Wilford Brimley, watch out for... #ThisMorning - 5 years ago

@MMcGeeWriter: 1st, I have to admit that - like Wilford Brimley - I thought Kamala died a few years ago. Problems with his diabete… - 5 years ago

@BreastCancerUT: Shannon Doherty says her late co-star Wilford Brimley was 'like a grandfather' to her - Daily Mail - 5 years ago

@BigBananafish: RT @coolsneakers16: Wilford Brimley didn't die for you fuckers to cancel college football. - 5 years ago

@coolsneakers16: Wilford Brimley didn't die for you fuckers to cancel college football. - 5 years ago

@deerfield_b: @DoYouEvenLif Actor and Quaker Oats spokesperson Wilford Brimley has died The mustachioed icon was 85. For the… - 5 years ago

@playingmagnani1: RT @Cascara_de_Plat: I don't normally believe in things like this but I'm pretty sure the spirit of Wilford Brimley visited me in the form… - 5 years ago

@Losunosylosotro: RT @aangelsala: Adiós a Wilford Brimley, uno de esos secundarios siempre estupendos..En el recuerdo queda su papel en La cosa, pero tb Brub… - 5 years ago

@FerBespen: RT @NotiamnotJavier: Muy poco habéis hablado del fallecimiento de Wilford Brimley. Uno de esos secundarios que siempre elevaba la nota de l… - 5 years ago

@EggyWeggySmeggy: Surrender or I become giant Wilford Brimley!!! I have super duper rash!!! - 5 years ago

@nofilterchristn: @Catherine_CNA If only Wilford Brimley were here to see it :/ - 5 years ago

@awstar11: @Boomieleaks Junk Mail RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@53SinceStanley: @feedthefish79 @EditorinLeaf I'd forgotten that's Tanner's blog. Not going back. That koolaid he's doling out cause… - 5 years ago

@Nadiasindi4: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@nik_hultgren: @ArlanWasHere Also title holder for the best one word soliloquy in the Wilford Brimley vehicle "The Firm". - 5 years ago

@douchefeet: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 15 October 1969, actor Dominic West ('The Wire,' 'The Affair') is 18,530 days old today, matching Wilford Brimley's a… - 5 years ago

@CheezyEntrtnmnt: RT @chincherrinas: Wilford Brimley's final message to his youtubepoopers... - 5 years ago

@DeseretNews: .@StephenAtHome’s tribute post didn’t mention @RealWilfordB Brimley’s walrus mustache. What did he say? | By… - 5 years ago

@d0gmah: RT @Noz4news: Remembering Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@Noz4news: Remembering Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@RandyeTonyg3: RT @FOXHOLECOMPANI1: Very sad to hear of the death of Wilford Brimley. A brilliant actor of great range. He was in so many of our favourite… - 5 years ago

@kbsez: Wilford Brimley, Star of ‘Cocoon’ and ‘The Thing’, Has Died at 85 - 5 years ago

@GiovanniBitont4: RT @LindaBDunn: Wilford Brimley, character actor and Quaker Oats pitch man, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@nightowl5268: RT @LessGovMoreFun: . ICYMI -- @RobSchneider with the honest truth on Wilford Brimley. #GreatAmerican - 5 years ago

@LAL2020_Champs: AUGUST 2020 alone: 1. #riptiktok 2. Salmonella Outbreak 3. Wilford Brimley death 4. U.S. training mishap 5. Leban… - 5 years ago

@Alisa21: My sister-in-law's cat looks like Wilford Brimley... - 5 years ago

@CTomme2: RT @RobSchneider: 1/3 We lost a truly great human being & an incredible actor tonight. Starting out as a horse wrangler, Willford Brimley b… - 5 years ago

@Camila561341: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@URTheBank: RT @LessGovMoreFun: . ICYMI -- @RobSchneider with the honest truth on Wilford Brimley. #GreatAmerican - 5 years ago

@DanielDKraus: RT @thehorrorshowBK: DANIEL KRAUS: New York Times bestselling writer, Daniel Kraus sits down with Brian for a conversation about his posthu… - 5 years ago

@johnnyboylc: RT @LessGovMoreFun: . ICYMI -- @RobSchneider with the honest truth on Wilford Brimley. #GreatAmerican - 5 years ago

@memrussell: RT @LessGovMoreFun: . ICYMI -- @RobSchneider with the honest truth on Wilford Brimley. #GreatAmerican - 5 years ago

@steveakovacs: RT @LessGovMoreFun: . ICYMI -- @RobSchneider with the honest truth on Wilford Brimley. #GreatAmerican - 5 years ago

@MichaelHertzman: RT @RobSchneider: Lastly...Wilford Brimley never told anyone, but after the Iron Curtain fell in Europe, he single handedly helped over 40… - 5 years ago

@LessGovMoreFun: . ICYMI -- @RobSchneider with the honest truth on Wilford Brimley. #GreatAmerican - 5 years ago

@Danielkeating15: RT @MoviePolls4U: "Clarke was human eh ? Which makes you a murderer don't it." THE THING (1982) Starring: Kurt Russell . Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@KimJ721: @PastryPlate @scalzi "There's the tooth fairy, the tonsil fairy, and the fender fairy" and now the pie fairy! Quote… - 5 years ago

@bobotonto: Wilford Brimley's boner! RIP. y's bonerThe Best of Imus: Wilford Brimley Christmas Oatmeal - 5 years ago

@thedesertape: LoL... with Wilford Brimley passing away, our generation will need our own "diabeetus" spokesperson... @I_amMika sa… - 5 years ago

@morganthrillers: RT @TheSpyCommand: ICYMI: Wilford Brimley in spy entertainment - 5 years ago

@crazefastpitch: Amazing fact- Wilford Brimley was 50 years old when he was in ‘Cocoon’. RIP - 5 years ago

@PhilNobileJr: RT @TheSpyCommand: ICYMI: Wilford Brimley in spy entertainment - 5 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: ICYMI: Wilford Brimley in spy entertainment - 5 years ago

@Alvildenettle: RT @mylesdavies: Cinema's favourite Grandpa passed away... so sad. Vale Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@Davedyffryn: RT @DrewStruzan: In honor of Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@FlavioRavella: Todavía no escuchaste el último episodio de mi podcast? Todo sobre cine y series Lord Cinema TEMPORADA 1 CAPÍTULO… - 5 years ago

@MuddAnstey: RT @RobSchneider: Lastly...Wilford Brimley never told anyone, but after the Iron Curtain fell in Europe, he single handedly helped over 40… - 5 years ago

@EggyWeggySmeggy: Surrender or I become giant Wilford Brimley!!! I have super duper rash!!! - 5 years ago

@3QD: Wilford Brimley (1934 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@entenkwkm: RT @xeni: WILFORD BRIMLEY has died, Internet famous for “Diabeetus” meme - 5 years ago

@KBenjaminStone: @implausibleblog @TheRealStanLee @RealGrumpyCat RIP Wilford Brimley 😢 - 5 years ago

@jeremy_davia: RT @RobSchneider: Lastly...Wilford Brimley never told anyone, but after the Iron Curtain fell in Europe, he single handedly helped over 40… - 5 years ago

@jeremy_davia: RT @RobSchneider: 1/3 We lost a truly great human being & an incredible actor tonight. Starting out as a horse wrangler, Willford Brimley b… - 5 years ago

@smallrichmond: The Hustle Season Podcast: Ep. 145 Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@MariaDavis00: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JJohnson1776: The lesser-known side of Utah native, actor Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@tozicold: ♫_*°ヮ。)_ Wilford Brimley さんのアカウント 「RealWilfordB」 がアクセス不能になりました… #tozicold icon: - 5 years ago

@Jerk_Burton: I intended to revisit this anyway in tribute to the passing of Wilford Brimley but then I got poorly both physicall… - 5 years ago

@Samsonese: I've already eaten half of these focking things, along with three Milanos, a bowl of ice cream, and a soda I can h… - 5 years ago

@PhoneBoySaidSo: Tel Aviv means you can put Wilford Brimley on the treadmill being inaccurate - 5 years ago

@peaksutah: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@SoSofieFatale: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@thething_txt: RT @HK47nRevan: @ATGcast @rushtheband Yes, I love John Carpenter's "The Thing" and it's on my bucket list to meet all of the cast. Unfortun… - 5 years ago

@HK47nRevan: @ATGcast @rushtheband Yes, I love John Carpenter's "The Thing" and it's on my bucket list to meet all of the cast.… - 5 years ago

@fselsis: @ScifiNewsUK A movie with Wilford Brimley? - 5 years ago

@endo_nos: @AndyRichter Wilford Brimley reincarnated already? That was quick. - 5 years ago

@CircuitSwan: RT @robsforman: Zoom movie club voted to watch Cocoon (finally, I’ve been pushing it for weeks... RIP Wilford Brimley) and... it is STILL n… - 5 years ago

@robsforman: Zoom movie club voted to watch Cocoon (finally, I’ve been pushing it for weeks... RIP Wilford Brimley) and... it is… - 5 years ago

@rabitowitz: My guitar instructor is actively celebrating Wilford Brimley’s death on Facebook lmfao - 5 years ago

@GlendeningGreg: Wilford Brimley and the Jeff Hamilton Trio - Pick Yourself Up - 5 years ago

@Sysoon: Wilford Brimley (1934 - 2020), died at age 85 years - 5 years ago

@genuinefrugert: Twitter suspended Wilford Brimley's account after his death how can one sink so low? - 5 years ago

@JoePeers: @maturino_iraj @Nedsfeed @CNN RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@PresRBHayes: I'd like to think that what finally did Wilford Brimley in was the fact that no-one could see his gorgeous moustache behind his mask. - 5 years ago

@mvgaea: RT @David_JWest: I️ saw @FletcherWasp share this on FB and the screenshot is old man awesome enough I️ had to share it. Wilford Brimley RIP… - 5 years ago

@andrewfarago: @ronmarz @MysteryCr8tve Wilford Brimley (RIP) wrote some of my favorite X-Men comics in the nineties. - 5 years ago

@FletcherWasp: RT @David_JWest: I️ saw @FletcherWasp share this on FB and the screenshot is old man awesome enough I️ had to share it. Wilford Brimley RIP… - 5 years ago

@UnGajje: RT @thespool: Wilford Brimley died a week ago today and we here at The Spool have been thinking about him a lot since. What's your favorite… - 5 years ago

@SaportaReport: Farewell #OliviadeHavilland and #WilfordBrimley and director #AlanParker - 5 years ago

@thespool: Wilford Brimley died a week ago today and we here at The Spool have been thinking about him a lot since. What's you… - 5 years ago

@The_Twiddler: @LiviBot Good morning. Brown sugar. Also in honor of Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@noahgittell: RT @DeusExCinema: Threw on an episode of Seinfeld and coincidentally it’s the one where Wilford Brimley singlehandedly saves the Postal Ser… - 5 years ago

@que_peace: RT @ksatnews: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@DeeDeeStaples2: My dudes: Wilford Brimley (with a toothless snarl) and Shrimpy, who loves sitting in things that aren’t meant to be… - 5 years ago

@teddscofield: @thehitonecafe R.I.P. Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@FunnestMost: Most Fun Fact: Tom Cruise was five years older in 'Mission: Impossible: Fallout' than Wilford Brimley was in 'Cocoon' #MFF - 5 years ago

@Bruiser4Eq: @jilevin I’m just glad Wilford Brimley wasn’t alive to see this day. - 5 years ago

@RoscoeTheRev: RT @JimHillMedia: RT @CoffeeWthKenobi: Looking at Lucasfilm Episode 48 with @MrZehr and @JimHillMedia: Remembering Wilford Brimley & Tom Po… - 5 years ago

@MrZehr: RT @JimHillMedia: RT @CoffeeWthKenobi: Looking at Lucasfilm Episode 48 with @MrZehr and @JimHillMedia: Remembering Wilford Brimley & Tom Po… - 5 years ago

@AcdcCronkite: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@top_scientician: @tarbosaur That is a clear misidentification of Wilford Brimley going for a swim. - 5 years ago

@muffnbear: @BiffordBailey @TheMaverick21 Hello Stan, I too love Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@JimHillMedia: RT @CoffeeWthKenobi: Looking at Lucasfilm Episode 48 with @MrZehr and @JimHillMedia: Remembering Wilford Brimley &… - 5 years ago

@GeoGDF01: RT @David_JWest: I️ saw @FletcherWasp share this on FB and the screenshot is old man awesome enough I️ had to share it. Wilford Brimley RIP… - 5 years ago

@Nyx_Airgetlam: RT @cantina1138: Hoy nos ha dejado el actor Wilford Brimley que dió vida a Noa Briqualon en "Ewoks: The Battle for Endor". El actor además… - 5 years ago

@thehustleseason: @thehustleseason on @RVAmag every weekend #podcasts #contentmarketing #Saturdays #wilfordbrimley #BeirutExplosion… - 5 years ago

@CoffeeWthKenobi: Looking at Lucasfilm Episode 48 with @MrZehr and @JimHillMedia: Remembering Wilford Brimley & Tom Pollock | Listen… - 5 years ago

@onehunahpu: RT @GaryGulman: The late Wilford Brimley was only 9 years old when he was in Cocoon. - 5 years ago

@dunksalot: I wonder if Wilford Brimley was mistakenly whacked by the Russian mob because they thought he was the real postmast… - 5 years ago

@applarson: @xenocryptsite Part of what made Wilford Brimley so special - 5 years ago

@DeusExCinema: Threw on an episode of Seinfeld and coincidentally it’s the one where Wilford Brimley singlehandedly saves the Post… - 5 years ago

@LiviBot: Good morning!! 🌞 in honor of Wilford Brimley, how do you usually top your oatmeal? for me? berries and some kind of nut butter. 😋 - 5 years ago

@inDTubes: RT @RealYancyButler: Rest In Peace Wilford Brimley. It was a true honor and pleasure to work with you. Praying for your family through thes… - 5 years ago

@ANTONIO_CRGUEZ: RT @teleprograma_tv: Tras #LukePerry, Shannen Doherty llora la pérdida de otro compañero de profesión muy querido - 5 years ago

@genvc: @JasStanford Wilford Brimley will always and has always been my spirit animal. - 5 years ago

@LAL2020_Champs: AUGUST 2020 alone: 1. #riptiktok 2. Salmonella Outbreak 3. Wilford Brimley death 4. U.S. training mishap 5. Leban… - 5 years ago

@RodrigoLXXIX: RT @David_JWest: I️ saw @FletcherWasp share this on FB and the screenshot is old man awesome enough I️ had to share it. Wilford Brimley RIP… - 5 years ago

@RotenBlut: RT @cantina1138: Hoy nos ha dejado el actor Wilford Brimley que dió vida a Noa Briqualon en "Ewoks: The Battle for Endor". El actor además… - 5 years ago

@Stig791: RT @David_JWest: I️ saw @FletcherWasp share this on FB and the screenshot is old man awesome enough I️ had to share it. Wilford Brimley RIP… - 5 years ago

@big923radio: @bigmoviemaniacs The Podcast Is Back! @ragz923 And Chuck Curry Talk About The Latest Movie News and Remember Wilfo… - 5 years ago

@ragz923: @bigmoviemaniacs The Podcast Is Back! @ragz923 And Chuck Curry Talk About The Latest Movie News and Remember Wilfo… - 5 years ago

@WOWOFORTWAYNE: @bigmoviemaniacs The Podcast Is Back! @ragz923 And Chuck Curry Talk About The Latest Movie News and Remember Wilfo… - 5 years ago

@ChairmanFrog: @MeWeFree_ Wilford Brimley?! 😂 - 5 years ago

@michal13579: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@sithkhan: RT @David_JWest: I️ saw @FletcherWasp share this on FB and the screenshot is old man awesome enough I️ had to share it. Wilford Brimley RIP… - 5 years ago

@AlexsaurusZilla: RT @David_JWest: I️ saw @FletcherWasp share this on FB and the screenshot is old man awesome enough I️ had to share it. Wilford Brimley RIP… - 5 years ago

@BurgerPilled: wilford brimley bio epic starring ryan Gosling as wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@BrianKemmett: RT @GaryGulman: The late Wilford Brimley was only 9 years old when he was in Cocoon. - 5 years ago

@poncho_nevarez: RT @JasStanford: But first, did I ever tell you why I never saw "Cocoon"? Never getting old never appealed to me... when I was young. Now t… - 5 years ago

@Tappy_95: RT @DoctorWolfula: RIP Wilford Brimley. I'll never forget you as Blair in John Carpenter’s The Thing. Thanks for trying to save us. https:/… - 5 years ago

@JasStanford: But first, did I ever tell you why I never saw "Cocoon"? Never getting old never appealed to me... when I was young… - 5 years ago

@danjamin: Cajun Wilford Brimley are you kidding me - 5 years ago

@sorin1988: @shearm I agree that Absence of Malice is a great movie and Wilford Brimley was fantastic in it. Oh, for the days w… - 5 years ago

@CadetKibbitz: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@mairree: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@ThatRussDavis: @NickAOrtego @robertstjohn - 5 years ago

@BennyBl46992575: @ChloeCiccolo_ The Natural, le plus beau sur la mythologie du baseball et avec un cast incroyable (RIP Wilford Brim… - 5 years ago

@diegorispoli: 📣 #lastampa #news Morto Wilford Brimley, lattore con i baffoni reso celebre da Cocoon #ultimora #today… - 5 years ago

@CoolStraight: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@peastma: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@teleprograma_tv: Tras #LukePerry, Shannen Doherty llora la pérdida de otro compañero de profesión muy querido - 5 years ago

@mrjluddite: RT @mccrabb_will: Wilford Brimley from Scream Factory's interview for The Thing - 5 years ago

@Popper7773: @Chandler_Rome Why is Wilford Brimley there? - 5 years ago

@LegoJKL: Wilford Brimley, the person who QRT’d the art, died last week. that’s just if you’re unaware. - 5 years ago

@JMartinAuthor1: @empiremagazine @ChrisHewitt PS Wilford Brimley was not married to Jessica Tandy. - 5 years ago

@StraightupGC: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@Kenpike: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 - WBAL Radio - 5 years ago

@cbumbray: @mikeryan If you’re doing a Wilford Brimley—a-thon gotta watch Absence of Malice. - 5 years ago

@SGPieF: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@EggyWeggySmeggy: Surrender or I become giant Wilford Brimley!!! I have super duper rash!!! - 5 years ago

@ConnerLeo: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@gcjoy: @jameshohmann The Postmaster General should be a Wilford Brimley character that has a rolltop desk, walks to work,… - 5 years ago

@allantaylor: How many years ago did Wilford Brimley die? - 5 years ago

@DrKarateChop: upon learning of Wilford Brimley's passing - 5 years ago

@cbumbray: @mikeryan Also - Wilford Brimley was 49 dude. - 5 years ago

@eaglemedic1: @CjSomebody Wilford brimley would be proud - 5 years ago

@seanbeh3: @brianjdamico @PlunkettPrime Where have you gone, Wilford Brimley, our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you. - 5 years ago


@thething_txt: RT @theObituaries: Wilford Brimley, actor in Cocoon and John Carpenter's The Thing, dies at 85 - SYFY WIRE - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: Wilford Brimley, actor in Cocoon and John Carpenter's The Thing, dies at 85 - SYFY WIRE - 5 years ago

@DanWilbur: RT @GaryGulman: The late Wilford Brimley was only 9 years old when he was in Cocoon. - 5 years ago

@Norasaenz17: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@Harlakwin0: @GaryGulman This is a false statement Wilford Brimley was 73 his whole exsistance - 5 years ago

@TylerPaul1776: @PandasAndVidya Remember when Wilford Brimley passed, and Wyoming ceased to exist? - 5 years ago

@JimmyLevendia: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@random_eddie: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@whatdoiknow: Wilford Brimley : diabetes :: Me : Dunning-Kruger Effect. - 5 years ago

@TorNightfire: RT @BrianKeene: There's a new ep of @thehorrorshowBK! Our guest this week is @DanielDKraus. He talks @TorNightfire's THE LIVING DEAD. There… - 5 years ago

@JMcDonald5150: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@nymoustache: Watching John Carpenter's The Thing on Starz Encore, RIP Wilford Brimley. And remember to watch... Clark. @RealWilfordB @TheHorrorMaster - 5 years ago

@mrmazee: @fmiller26 @EricTrump Wait, I thought Wilford Brimley passed recently? - 5 years ago

@JimBessman: ICYMI, my #WilfordBrimley appreciation - 5 years ago

@DabadassLee: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@sam_kolesnik: RT @BrianKeene: There's a new ep of @thehorrorshowBK! Our guest this week is @DanielDKraus. He talks @TorNightfire's THE LIVING DEAD. There… - 5 years ago

@TheycallmeDon69: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@DillonDavis: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@lindalu245: RT @BrimleyLine: We're fans of two-time Pulitzer winner Colson Whitehead ('The Underground Railroad,' 'The Nickel Boys'), who crosses the L… - 5 years ago

@lindalu245: RT @BrimleyLine: "I get older, they stay the same age." Born Nov. 4, 1969, Matthew McConaughey is 18,530 days old today, matching Wilford B… - 5 years ago

@radseed: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@aRuralfarmboy: RT @certainpovpod: Here's our FriYAY playlist! @RuleTheGalaxySW Ladies Night brings a certain POV @Imagine_Ears Disney Springs @RBatSWNN S… - 5 years ago

@infamouslars: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@jimfshr: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@JustinRPro: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@jacobtwop: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@WileyPostKHOU: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@m_weber: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@dkelz10: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@Meteornotes: RT @BrianKeene: There's a new ep of @thehorrorshowBK! Our guest this week is @DanielDKraus. He talks @TorNightfire's THE LIVING DEAD. There… - 5 years ago

@Ryan_Heyer1962: @GuapoisLoco @SSJWHB @JakeGuti @nate_bukaty @810BorderPatrol This is what Wilford Brimley would think @SSJWHB… - 5 years ago

@MikeDudikafka: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@wjm37: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@Telly2Putt: RT @BrimleyLine: Born 13 November 1969, Scottish actor Gerard Butler ('300') is 18,530 days old today, the same age as the late Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@EdDarrell: RT @utahbug: Wilford Brimley, the singer. “It’s not easy being green.” - 5 years ago

@utahbug: Wilford Brimley, the singer. “It’s not easy being green.” - 5 years ago

@Katmai1113: RT @windthin: This was Wilford Brimley's last tweet before passing away at the age of 85. He was entertaining us to the end. Rest well, si… - 5 years ago

@bright8694: RT @windthin: This was Wilford Brimley's last tweet before passing away at the age of 85. He was entertaining us to the end. Rest well, si… - 5 years ago

@LSUjinx: @ChrisDuerr Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (RIP Wilford Brimley) Randy Couture - 5 years ago

@stuboybaggins: Wilford Brimley. RIP. - 5 years ago

@thehustleseason: 📣 New Podcast! "The Hustle Season: Ep. 145 Wilford Brimley" on @Spreaker #beirut #bryancallen #cocoon #danielek… - 5 years ago

@Hermionejh: RT @windthin: This was Wilford Brimley's last tweet before passing away at the age of 85. He was entertaining us to the end. Rest well, si… - 5 years ago

@8i9oy: RT @ScruffyTurtles: Commission of Wilford Brimley riding atop an Entei - 5 years ago

@beantownhorrors: @CoughlinStephen Also, featuring the late, great Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@gshep1970: @BeschlossDC @JoyAnnReid Is that a young Wilford Brimley? - 5 years ago

@itrankavump: @Ohnomamabearis1 @1107miss Ha! Her most recent post was about Wilford Brimley 😢. Coinkydink...? - 5 years ago

@windthin: This was Wilford Brimley's last tweet before passing away at the age of 85. He was entertaining us to the end. Res… - 5 years ago

@ZachisSkinny: RT @joshrthompson: Rest In Peace, Wilford Brimley, you legendary and cantankerous mustachioed man you. I never got to meet him on the show,… - 5 years ago

@dr_admin: @JLewisland Wilford Brimley (RIP), El Paso BBQ, Scottsdale, AZ 1997 - 5 years ago

@Shail67330119: RT @LionelMedia: Did you notice how John Durham took the bushy Wilford Brimley mustache thing and went full see urchin? I’m feeling good ab… - 5 years ago

@LaraMiddleton14: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@Unformed8: RT @raden40k: Joel will come for us all. Pray you have the same bravery of Wilford Brimley @MauLer93 @BlessedSouthpaw @fringy123 @TheCriti… - 5 years ago

@Murder661Rudy: RT @SethGreen: RIP Wilford Brimley What an absolute legend. I was lucky enough to make my first movie with him. I was only 8, but he treat… - 5 years ago

@DeborahKuhn: RT @thehorrorshowBK: DANIEL KRAUS: New York Times bestselling writer, Daniel Kraus sits down with Brian for a conversation about his posthu… - 5 years ago

@HerzBeest: Goodbye to an American classic man. #actors #singers - 5 years ago

@stryder22204: Oatmeal makes my blood sugar spike. That being said Mr. Brimley remains a benevolent figure in my personal pantheon… - 5 years ago

@TheRexcel2005: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@truetomharley: RT @truetomharley: “A leak! You call what's goin' on around here a leak? Boy, the last time there was a leak like this, Noah built hisself… - 5 years ago

@Phantosanucca: RT @TheSilentG: Wilford Brimley’s final tweet. What a legend. - 5 years ago

@wibw: Wilford Brimley, who worked his way up from movie stunt rider to an indelible character actor who brought gruff cha… - 5 years ago

@DonaldHutera: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@PlankySmith: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@SixxDemonBag: @FilmFreeak Too bad Wilford Brimley is no longer with us - 5 years ago

@LynchByLynch: Best memory of Wilford Brimley won't be any particular role, the diabeetus memes, or that River City Ransom hack...… - 5 years ago

@WaldolfSteel: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@LMichael333: RT @nytimes: Wilford Brimley died on Saturday at age 85. During his career, he played down his talent, describing himself as “just a guy, j… - 5 years ago

@dubvNOW: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ and ‘Natural’ actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@bristolsquirrel: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@StphanieRose1: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@Culturamas: Wilford Brimley​ (1934 – 2020)​ - 5 years ago

@TheAbyssLaughs: RT @KealanBurke: “Watch Clark, you hear me? And watch him good.” R.I.P. Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@ticket760: The @ChrisDuel Show poll... With the death of actor Wilford Brimley, who now has the greatest mustache on Earth?… - 5 years ago

@adamwright1976: Vale Wilford Brimley. Hey @TheRewatchables, hey @BillSimmons please do 'The Thing'. - 5 years ago

@dubvNOW: Wilford Brimley dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@jenfanotto: In Friday Irregular #576: bobolinks, Betty Boop, cats, Joseph Whidbey, Robin Williams, Barack Obama, marines, Zelda… - 5 years ago

@DrewSTinnin: You know what else Wilford Brimley was in? Remo Williams, that’s what. #rip #WilfordBrimley #fredward #craigsafan #remowilliams @PlutoTV - 5 years ago

@Caleb_Bobaleb: YO WILFORD BRIMLEY DIED?! - 5 years ago

@SKATD: Wilford Brimley Remembered Fondly By ‘Our House’ Co-Stars Deidre Hall And Shannen Doherty – Update - 5 years ago

@actionanderson: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@EVanHalen: So many greats passing these last few weeks. John Saxon, Olivia De Havalind, Alan Parker, Wilford Brimley and now G… - 5 years ago

@noruvvu: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@EllaBelleGal: RT @ksorbs: Loved him in The Natural. Fan for life. RIP. Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@PIStaker20: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@snobiwan: @_rossandrea Aw, it’s a tribute to Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@billjings: The media says that Wilford Brimley "died". I've recently had some video evidence come into my possession that sho… - 5 years ago

@TacticalOchoa: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@kentuckywoman_2: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@WhineLilac: @DidUFollowThat @BigPhur @mpmcgarry1 @amishcomic @MrGeorgeWallace Wait. Guys. This is going to change your life.… - 5 years ago

@NewCarlyJToo: @grammartable But still not as fun as hearing Wilford Brimley pronounce it "suppeenee" - 5 years ago

@Lotlotej: The lesser-known side of Utah native, actor Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@uncreativerenew: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@elstupacabra: "You shouldn't eat three pies in one sitting. Wilford Brimley's ghost is still looking for a body to inhabit." - 5 years ago

@aparker70: RT @LesWalton500: Sadly Wilford 'Walrus' Brimley died today. One of my favourite actors. For those who may not do so well at school - foll… - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 - WBAL Radio - 5 years ago

@TheSKZA: @pngirl @aplusk Agreed. R.I.P. Wilford Brimley. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@sjf77uk: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@StocksNJocks: Chief reflecting on the late, great Wilford Brimley, who passed away this week. #diabetes - 5 years ago

@JLRoy12: RT @meslackman: He was apparently as cantankerous in life as he was in films. “Harry’s not over there, Harry’s not over here,” he once tol… - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 - WBAL Radio - 5 years ago

@Fleeingsamsara: “It’s the greatest hiding place I know. I’m able to put those clothes on and use that name and those words and then… - 5 years ago

@CharchukMargo: @dcharchuk @letterboxd Agree about Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@bear_man535: RT @AdamGraphite: #SixFanarts Mike Haggar. Wilford Brimley. Sully from that Sony game that I can't remember right now. Captain Marvel. (Wi… - 5 years ago

@folucar: RT @UlteriousFilm: Lamenting the loss of Wilford Brimley. Here, as Blair, in full command over Dr. Copper, in THE THING (1982), directed by… - 5 years ago

@Richardhurst19: RT @StrtOuttaCutlr: Wilford Brimley can't be dead--he's supposed to play Coach Reid in the Super Bowl movie! @KrisArmstrong1 @neilpezz @ddp… - 5 years ago

@Billywires: @SoxUnprotected We lost a great man this week in. Wilford Brimley. Here you are again not recognizing that - 5 years ago

@nate_bukaty: Wilford Brimley approves of baby Andy’s dinner last night. @JakeGuti @SSJWHB - 5 years ago

@DocMacabre: RT @grendelvaldez: I just watched again in honour of the passing of Wilford Brimley @TheHorrorMaster's Masterpiece The Thing(1982).Things I… - 5 years ago

@EricHughesSD: RT @JayCaruso: Wilford Brimley typically played a good guy in the movies. That's why I will call out his performance as Bill Devasher, the… - 5 years ago

@EricHughesSD: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@McNastyPrime: On this week’s @GogglerMY podcast we want to hear from YOU. To mark the passing of actor Wilford Brimley, we want t… - 5 years ago

@RosarioP70: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@susannahb: @annekem I believe you mean “Joe Arpaio, who is three years older than the late Wilford Brimley (and probably does NOT eat his oatmeal).” - 5 years ago

@MuadDib46618723: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@bullitt76: @varindersingh24 Wilford Brimley, Peter Noone from Herman’s Hermits, Jim Dandy of Black Oak Arkansas. I have more… - 5 years ago

@JayAlver: Today’s Gold Star of Excellence goes to actor Wilford Brimley, known for roles in films like Cocoon, commercial wor… - 5 years ago

@ILoveCatsMore: My bff and I have a long running inside joke about Wilford Brimley, Regis Philbin, and Gilbert Godfrey. Please don'… - 5 years ago

@msvallarta1: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' actor Wilford Brimley dies at 85 - - 5 years ago

@kweenspeaks: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@MtallouziMary: RT @wwp: Former Marine and actor Wilford Brimley Passed away this weekend. Wilford was one of WWP’s early TV spokespeople. We’d like to t… - 5 years ago

@hrblock_21: RT @castrovince: On @MLBNetwork, we talked about the weird/fun extra innings rule, the Cuban influence on the White Sox and the market inef… - 5 years ago

@martinquibell: Rest in peace Wilford Brimley #wilfordbrimley - 5 years ago

@_superargo: still bummed about Wilford Brimley’s passing. “Our House” was essential viewing every Sunday when I was a kid. woul… - 5 years ago

@JustinSluss: #NowWatching COCOON on Blu-ray. It’s so hard to believe that this starred the late Brian Dennehy as well as Wilford… - 5 years ago

@MartinD50004804: - 5 years ago

@faustianovich: Antes de lo del muro de Trump, el último puesto fronterizo para acabar con la inmigración ilegal proveniente de Méx… - 5 years ago

@crashpalace: RT @KealanBurke: “Watch Clark, you hear me? And watch him good.” R.I.P. Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@TehTechnoGuy: RT @M64SC: Podcast 577 (Wilford Brimley Tribute) - 5 years ago

@sxysndwch: @smilingstardust That Wilford Brimley's stunt double? - 5 years ago

@nelsoncarvajal: Wilford Brimley: 1934-2020 | Tributes | Roger Ebert - 5 years ago

@M64SC: Podcast 577 (Wilford Brimley Tribute) - 5 years ago

@PatchfaceTF: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@susanchamplin: @TerryTeachout1 Wilford Brimley Sam Elliott - 5 years ago

@TonyaKayFan10: RT @GPBGeorge: @awbreymadison Wilford Brimley was a great Actor indeed. I remember watching him The China Syndrome, Cocoon and all his film… - 5 years ago

@RickDennisAZ: @castrovince @MLBNetwork @MLB Robert Redford is one year younger Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@fett1111: RT @KaylaStorytella: @fett1111 I've seen Wilford Brimley in so many movies, but always remember him first in Remo Williams: The Adventure B… - 5 years ago

@ToddReilly4: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Bubblenoma: RT @BrimleyLine: "I get older, they stay the same age." Born Nov. 4, 1969, Matthew McConaughey is 18,530 days old today, matching Wilford B… - 5 years ago

@JasonDLangbehn: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@ThePapaGrande: @BrimleyLine @RealWilfordB I think Wilford Brimley would only like when the Brimley Line account to cease tweeting… - 5 years ago

@norabombay: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@AgeofIrony: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@thisthisthisx10: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@DannySalazarSr: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@thefilmgoer: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@mccanner: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@DaminEsper: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@MissionChaos: RT @BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late, great… - 5 years ago

@BrimleyLine: Born Nov. 10, 1969, actress Ellen Pompeo ('Grey's Anatomy') is 18,530 days old today, matching the age of the late,… - 5 years ago

@Adelfar4: @cnnbrk Wilford Brimley was a good actor,long live his memory - 5 years ago

@adorocinema: DESCANSE EM PAZ! 😥😥 Wilford Brimley, ator de A Firma, morre aos 85 anos → - 5 years ago

@Midnightsoul23: RT @MFDAD: Peace to Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@SWFandefrance: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Le comédien Wilford Brimley @RealWilfordB nous a quitté en ce 1er août. Je me souviens de lui dans de nombreux films mais… - 5 years ago

@ladynurse1974: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@heroeinfathers: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@ROCKING1136: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@focailfail: RT @mmpadellan: RIP Wilford Brimley, OUTSTANDING actor from "The Thing" and many other movies, and famous spokesperson for Diabeetus. He t… - 5 years ago

@lumacapop: RT @lucasofri: Tutti a casa a dormire - 5 years ago

@ThetruHeatseeke: RT @MDrtraybolx1275: GOD DAMN IT!!! I love this guy. We miss you Wilford Brimley. September 27 1934 - August 1st 2020 #WilfordBrimley https… - 5 years ago

@_RikkiPinz: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@nStarFolkDeluxe: Wilford Brimley passes you the boof, do you accept? - 5 years ago

@MDrtraybolx1275: GOD DAMN IT!!! I love this guy. We miss you Wilford Brimley. September 27 1934 - August 1st 2020 #WilfordBrimley - 5 years ago

@carlsl: RT @RedDirt_Roots: Flashback: Wilford Brimley Cut an Album With Riders in the Sky. Bobby Moore Via @wideopencountry #RIPWilfordBrimley htt… - 5 years ago

@JohnnyC138: RT @Rebel_Loo: The word “fuck” is used in the Star Wars universe. I present to you Exhibit A: Wilford Brimley in Ewoks: Battle for Endor. #… - 5 years ago

@Kleeh1954: Rememebering Wilford Brimley September 27, 1934 - August 1, 2020 - 5 years ago

@TheGarofaholic: RT @theeclarkjones: Forgot how good The Firm was, wouldn’t have even minded two more laps of Tom Cruise running like a mad man. RIP Wilford… - 5 years ago

@theeclarkjones: Forgot how good The Firm was, wouldn’t have even minded two more laps of Tom Cruise running like a mad man. RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@chuleteran: RT @el_pais: El actor Wilford Brimley murió el sábado a los 85 años, en un hospital de Utah. Se definía como "un tipo cualquiera", nunca co… - 5 years ago

@JoshuaMPatton: Yinz, I don't even think Wilford Brimley is saying those lines! It sounds like some ADR with a guy doing an impress… - 5 years ago

@Rondras_: Wilford Brimley, 'The Thing' and 'Cocoon' Star, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@StelioSavante: RT @SonnyBunch: "In fully comprehending and absorbing this visual, we come to understand that Wilford Brimley was both the superego of Amer… - 5 years ago

@maualibar: @brimley_s @tribelaw How can a man be responsible for his parents naming him? Or, as a baby you were so brilliant… - 5 years ago

@RedDirt_Roots: RT @RedDirt_Roots: Flashback: Wilford Brimley Cut an Album With Riders in the Sky. Bobby Moore Via @wideopencountry #RIPWilfordBrimley htt… - 5 years ago

@kaist455: RT @KennethTuran: "I'm never the leading man. I never get the girl." Death of crusty Wilford Brimley reminds us of the irreplaceable intang… - 5 years ago

@ErinRose69: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@spinwonk: A glitch in the matrix? DD swears Wilford Brimley died age 85 fifteen years ago. Even thinks she read his obituary… - 5 years ago

@cherylcline: Like everyone else I was sad to hear about the passing of Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@ColtGuthrie: @sl1ppey THAT, and, uh, Wilford Brimley died - 5 years ago

@kirchherr: RT @AHMalcolm: RIP Wilford Brimley, a straight-talking plain-spoken Wyo resident ex-rodeo rider, blacksmith & HowardHughes bodyguard came l… - 5 years ago

@GoJoeG: @ceddie_stl @CBSSports Option A: football. Longsnapper for the NFL. Longest run of consecutive all-stars. Always on… - 5 years ago

@BeiShaolinKunFu: Wilford Brimley Dead at 85; 'Cocoon' Star Known for Cranky Characters - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@nyc_bikes: @KellyAuCoin77 @halhickel @DonCheadle @ReeseW Wilford Brimley in Absence of Malice. Stole the movie in one scene. - 5 years ago

@corygreene: Just realized that Sam Elliott is just lanky Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@MaxBingman1: RT @Rebel_Loo: The word “fuck” is used in the Star Wars universe. I present to you Exhibit A: Wilford Brimley in Ewoks: Battle for Endor. #… - 5 years ago

@liteontheway: RT @axlrose: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@primetimercom: Shannen Doherty: Wilford Brimley was "like a grandpa to me for a very long time." - 5 years ago

@touteslesfleurs: a little late on this but my biggest wilford brimley memory is when i was on a boat tour in st. petersburg and they… - 5 years ago

@dbocock99: RT @jbyas: Sad to hear that Wilford Brimley passed away today at age 85 - but impressed he's been able to stay at that same age since 1980. - 5 years ago

@JohnCBurkeJr: RT @Burzerk_: So I learned that american actor Wilford Brimley, aka Diabetus guy passed away on August 1st. In his honor my Vanillite's nic… - 5 years ago

@tbarker1124: RT @ksorbs: Loved him in The Natural. Fan for life. RIP. Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@ImJayRodriguez6: RT @ComicBookNOW: EWOKS Movie Star Remembers Her Late Co-Star WILFORD BRIMLEY - 5 years ago

@Burzerk_: So I learned that american actor Wilford Brimley, aka Diabetus guy passed away on August 1st. In his honor my Vanil… - 5 years ago

@DodgsonJR: RT @BarstoolRundown: The #BarstoolRundown - August 3, 2020 - is now live with @KFCBarstool @BWalkerSEC and @BarstoolBigCat -Yoenis Cesped… - 5 years ago

@InsideOutfield: RT @BSmile: Roy Hobbs tells Pop Fisher the story of his prized bat "Wonderboy" after his impressive first batting practice with the New Yor… - 5 years ago

@4wardPublicity: Remembering the life of long-time commercial pitchman Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@BrianJMunroe: #kitm. #Seinfeld Postmaster General Wilford Brimley passes away on the weekend @DemFromCT @KagroX - 5 years ago

@DailyMailCeleb: Shannon Doherty remembers how her late co-star Wilford Brimley was 'like a grandfather' to her after he dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@WryBry: @nate4047 Wilford Brimley. 😉 - 5 years ago

@RomeSentinel: 10 Facts About Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@mlwaller: 😭 - 5 years ago

@HammerM31333398: RT @chincherrinas: Wilford Brimley's final message to his youtubepoopers... - 5 years ago

@NabacTada: RT @SamOnTV: Fantastic film career too. Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@doryunfiltered: RT @Janosikgarciaz: Muere Wilford Brimley, protagonista de Cocoon. - 5 years ago

@disciple96: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@chewchman: RT @Gibboanxious: #InRemembrance of Wilford Brimley (27 Sep 1934 – 1 Aug 2020) his top 10 movies are: 10. Absence of Malice 9. Tender Mer… - 5 years ago

@chewchman: RT @ewcorpuz: Wilford Brimley died at age 85. I grew up thinking he was 85 like 30 years ago. #RIPWilfordBrimley - 5 years ago

@jamesfhayes: Wilford Brimley was 49 years old when filming began on “Cocoon.” - 5 years ago

@MysteryCatSleep: RT @StrtOuttaCutlr: Wilford Brimley can't be dead--he's supposed to play Coach Reid in the Super Bowl movie! @KrisArmstrong1 @neilpezz @ddp… - 5 years ago

@OxmanMartin: Wilford Brimley, the face of Quaker Oats and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@AndyMotorMark17: RT @castrovince: How I look when I realize Wilford Brimley was only 49 years old when “The Natural” was released. - 5 years ago

@FridayThe13LFG: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@LaGacetaTucuman: A los 85 años murió el actor Wilford Brimley, uno de los sobrevivientes de "Cocoon" - 5 years ago

@Mardigroan: RT @SpacePlankton: RIP Wilford Brimley. Your spirit lives on in my cat. - 5 years ago

@BSteed14: @gordonkeith if you didn’t remember Wilford Brimley in The Firm, he played an excellent bad guy. - 5 years ago

@TeddyCohenCC: Wilford Brimley died. I’ll wait for the autopsy report but I have a strong guess as to what the cause was. - 5 years ago

@primm_ru: Remembering the life of long-time commercial pitchman Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@PRWeekUS: Need-to-know news this morning: -40 Under 40 2020 -You probably did not learn all those TikTok dances for nothin… - 5 years ago

@CDNBaseballHOF: RT @coopincanada: I'll always remember Wilford Brimley for "The Natural" and for his role as postmaster general Henry Atkins on Seinfeld.… - 5 years ago

@benjamindane: RT @TheBarryCorbin: Rest In Peace to my good friend, Wilford Brimley - someone I often got mistaken for - which I’ll always take as a compl… - 5 years ago

@YouRKiddingMe5: RT @EWErickson: First, I was shocked to learn Wilford Brimley has died, having assumed he died long ago. Second, I was shocked to learn he… - 5 years ago

@Matthew70700968: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@music4everrrrrr: Rest In Peace - 5 years ago

@Lebowski890: RT @BSmile: Roy Hobbs tells Pop Fisher the story of his prized bat "Wonderboy" after his impressive first batting practice with the New Yor… - 5 years ago

@ChrisJessee93: RT @WAVY_News: “Wilford Brimley was a man you could trust. He said what he meant and he meant what he said ... he was one of a kind." http… - 5 years ago

@DarnaOlga: RT @WeirdMovieBros: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@MCorcoran15: RT @theofficialword: A reminder that John Goodman played Wilford Brimley in one of SNL’s best commercials. - 5 years ago

@AJC2424: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@FrshRebellion: RT @pattomasulo: Wilford Brimley was 7 years older than me when he made "The Natural" - 5 years ago

@sidhubaba: RT @jerryjorpjorp: The Firm features both Wilford Brimley and Dean Norris. - 5 years ago

@jerryjorpjorp: The Firm features both Wilford Brimley and Dean Norris. - 5 years ago

@capecurl: RT @TODAYshow: Wilford Brimley, best known for the film “Cocoon” and his Quaker Oats commercials, died at the age of 85. @joefryer takes a… - 5 years ago

@GamingInfoClub2: RT @toddallen303: Wilford Brimley, Curmudgeonly Actor Known for 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural,' Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@RyanDEdwards: RT @Cartoonist_Jack: @RealWilfordB I just want to see a video game like Double Dragon where Wilford Brimley fights an army of bad guys who… - 5 years ago

@Rachel2012R: RT @eigacom: 【訃報】 「コクーン」「遊星からの物体X」「ナチュラル」などに出演した名脇役 #ウィルフォードブリムリー が、8月1日、亡くなられました。 長年腎臓を患っていたとのことです。享年85歳。ご冥福をお祈り致します。 - 5 years ago

@sheri_scary: RT @JasonKander: Wilford Brimley in The Firm was one of the lowkey scariest gangster characters ever. RIP Sir. - 5 years ago

@SassySouthern10: RT @RedBaronUSA1: I loved him in the movie, The Thing!! - 5 years ago

@BillythekidHam: Actor Wilford Brimley Dead at Age 85: 'He Was One of a Kind' - 5 years ago

@abc13houston: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@JackTChance0017: RT @shadenfreude5: Wilford Brimley died today and according to reports, had been 85 years old for the past 38 years - 5 years ago

@MarkWhaler: RT @BSmile: Roy Hobbs tells Pop Fisher the story of his prized bat "Wonderboy" after his impressive first batting practice with the New Yor… - 5 years ago

@Masky_Jay_Hoody: RT @ABC: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed character actor best known for roles in “Cocoon,” “The Natural” and “The Firm” — as well as longt… - 5 years ago

@BrookeWebley: RT @DrewStruzan: In honor of Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@jackiecous: RT @BeaPeaBear: A firework tribute to Wilford Brimley. #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch - 5 years ago

@twitasking: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@asl3676: @richardmarx Great movie and Wilford Brimley with his suspenders are part of movie history as was his role as Rober… - 5 years ago

@42069G: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@RockinTheCoast: RT @RobSchneider: 1/3 We lost a truly great human being & an incredible actor tonight. Starting out as a horse wrangler, Willford Brimley b… - 5 years ago

@OlveraEnrique: RT @el_pais: El actor Wilford Brimley murió el sábado a los 85 años, en un hospital de Utah. Se definía como "un tipo cualquiera", nunca co… - 5 years ago

@SpunkyMMAJunkie: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@MarySmolak: RT @castrovince: How I look when I realize Wilford Brimley was only 49 years old when “The Natural” was released. - 5 years ago

@log_fizz24: Pouring one out tonight for Wilford Brimley. #RIP - 5 years ago

@RCN1982: RT @CShadegg: Watching THE FIRM in honor of Wilford Brimley. RIP. - 5 years ago

@justincreates: The Thing Actor, 'Diabeetus Guy,' And Andy Reid Look-Alike Wilford Brimley Is Dead At 85 - - 5 years ago

@hinkyumondouka2: RT @eigacom: 【訃報】 「コクーン」「遊星からの物体X」「ナチュラル」などに出演した名脇役 #ウィルフォードブリムリー が、8月1日、亡くなられました。 長年腎臓を患っていたとのことです。享年85歳。ご冥福をお祈り致します。 - 5 years ago

@daiugz: RT @eigacom: 【訃報】 「コクーン」「遊星からの物体X」「ナチュラル」などに出演した名脇役 #ウィルフォードブリムリー が、8月1日、亡くなられました。 長年腎臓を患っていたとのことです。享年85歳。ご冥福をお祈り致します。 - 5 years ago

@DJTinyShlong: RT @IGN: Veteran Character Actor Wilford Brimley Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@SmashinStar64: RT @NBCNews: Actor Wilford Brimley, whose big-screen credits include 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'The Firm,' died Saturday at age 85, his m… - 5 years ago

@serendipityforU: RT @eigacom: 【訃報】 「コクーン」「遊星からの物体X」「ナチュラル」などに出演した名脇役 #ウィルフォードブリムリー が、8月1日、亡くなられました。 長年腎臓を患っていたとのことです。享年85歳。ご冥福をお祈り致します。 - 5 years ago

@Cheek__pouch: RT @eigacom: 【訃報】 「コクーン」「遊星からの物体X」「ナチュラル」などに出演した名脇役 #ウィルフォードブリムリー が、8月1日、亡くなられました。 長年腎臓を患っていたとのことです。享年85歳。ご冥福をお祈り致します。 - 5 years ago

@heyjudeworld: RT @DaveShedloski: Day starts sour finding out Wilford Brimley passed away. Only Tom Hanks played a better baseball manager. RIP. - 5 years ago

@eindebelle: RT @eigacom: 【訃報】 「コクーン」「遊星からの物体X」「ナチュラル」などに出演した名脇役 #ウィルフォードブリムリー が、8月1日、亡くなられました。 長年腎臓を患っていたとのことです。享年85歳。ご冥福をお祈り致します。 - 5 years ago

@metalsocks240: RT @teevirus: RIP Wilford Brimley. On average insulin alone costs $5,700 a year with insurance. Insulin and other Diabetic supplies should… - 5 years ago

@BrendaSimms34: RT @redban: RIP Wilford Brimley (TEKI) - 5 years ago

@Nine8Steez: RT @BabyLamb5: The beloved Wilford Brimley has recently passed away. I'll admit, whenever I think of him, I think of this scene from Famil… - 5 years ago

@abadia_susan: RT @ABC7NY: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@justajayyyy: RT @RiseFallNick: RIP Wilford Brimley. A great actor, and quite possibly one of the first true memes to ever exist. Rest easy sir. - 5 years ago

@YodaCon: Wilford Brimley Has Passed #REFORM230 #REFORMSection230 #Freespeech - 5 years ago

@helpfulsnowman: RT @MattFini: Wilford Brimley will always be Uncle Douvee to me and I got to tell him that exactly one year ago today at Scares That Care a… - 5 years ago

@allyneedy: RT @Hells75Belle: I honestly thought Wilford Brimley had been dead for years - 5 years ago

@nickspannaus: #TakeTwo Wilford Brimley was retirement-age for literally as long as I've been alive. - 5 years ago

@bucknorris: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@nickspannaus: Wilford Brimley had been old as shit since 1982. May we all enjoy our twilight years for decades and decades and decades. RIP - 5 years ago

@JohnAlanWest65: RT @JasonKander: Wilford Brimley in The Firm was one of the lowkey scariest gangster characters ever. RIP Sir. - 5 years ago

@DappVinci: RT @ABC: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed character actor best known for roles in “Cocoon,” “The Natural” and “The Firm” — as well as longt… - 5 years ago

@LaraKha23938401: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Valfarrelly2: RT @ABC: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed character actor best known for roles in “Cocoon,” “The Natural” and “The Firm” — as well as longt… - 5 years ago

@kat051271: RT @OldSchool80s: #RIP RT @thr: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoo… - 5 years ago

@K_DUBB_80: RT @BSmile: Roy Hobbs tells Pop Fisher the story of his prized bat "Wonderboy" after his impressive first batting practice with the New Yor… - 5 years ago

@BeaValleM: RT @ABC: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed character actor best known for roles in “Cocoon,” “The Natural” and “The Firm” — as well as longt… - 5 years ago

@Thomas_195813: RT @starsandstripes: After dropping out of high school to join the @USMC, Wilford Brimley was a bodyguard for reclusive billionaire Howard… - 5 years ago

@world_news_eng: RT @ABC: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed character actor best known for roles in “Cocoon,” “The Natural” and “The Firm” — as well as longt… - 5 years ago

@cjdjam: RT @ABC: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed character actor best known for roles in “Cocoon,” “The Natural” and “The Firm” — as well as longt… - 5 years ago

@GetKnownRadio: New post: Iconic Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 Join our discord for exclusive content… - 5 years ago

@GoAchieveGoals2: RT @GetKnownRadio: New post: Iconic Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 Join our discord for exclusive content https:… - 5 years ago

@GetKnownRadio: New post: Iconic Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 Join our discord for exclusive content… - 5 years ago

@GetKnownRadio: New post: Iconic Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 Join our discord for exclusive content… - 5 years ago

@jerseyb52229981: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@bastiongray: RT @starsandstripes: After dropping out of high school to join the @USMC, Wilford Brimley was a bodyguard for reclusive billionaire Howard… - 5 years ago

@GetKnownRadio: New post: Iconic Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 Join our discord for exclusive content… - 5 years ago

@seancostigan: RT @starsandstripes: After dropping out of high school to join the @USMC, Wilford Brimley was a bodyguard for reclusive billionaire Howard… - 5 years ago

@Rainmaker663: RT @starsandstripes: After dropping out of high school to join the @USMC, Wilford Brimley was a bodyguard for reclusive billionaire Howard… - 5 years ago

@bayougal86: RT @ABC: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed character actor best known for roles in “Cocoon,” “The Natural” and “The Firm” — as well as longt… - 5 years ago

@HorrorPixi: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@JohnnyR48951492: Wilford Brimley, Cocoon and The Natural actor, dies at 85 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@HorrorPixi: RT @1428_Elm: Wilford Brimley, star of John Carpenter’s THE THING passed away yesterday. He was 85. We look back at his career and celebrat… - 5 years ago

@SvnSxty: RT @geekysteven: Wilford Brimley was my favorite bootleg video game character and not even death can take that away - 5 years ago

@livrochon: RT @DiabetesBabes: As if 2020 couldn’t get any worse...RIP to a real one - 5 years ago

@CARDlBREE: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Comrade__Bats: RT @VanoKlertiashvi: One of his most iconic roles came as Dr. Blair in John Carpenter’s "The Thing." R.I.P Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@CrossEyedBear: RT @retroist: Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@karling_mary: RT @thehorrorchick: I grew up loving Wilford Brimley because he was one of my mom’s favorite actors ever, & he became a favorite of mine as… - 5 years ago

@karling_mary: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@bjrudell: Wilford Brimley was 49 when "Cocoon" started filming. He played one of the old guys. I'm 47. Shit. - 5 years ago

@Saberous: RT @TheSWU: Today we mourn the loss of legendary actor Wilford Brimley, who passed away at age 85. Brimley was best known to Star Wars fan… - 5 years ago

@BalkingHard: RT @castrovince: How I look when I realize Wilford Brimley was only 49 years old when “The Natural” was released. - 5 years ago

@YoderofKansas: @scottjohnson @Shmwil @JontiSparrow I'm just saying, if you were to go out two weeks ago and poll 100 people of ran… - 5 years ago

@RadaMohmad86: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@PinkPoloShorts: RIP to an absolute legend - 5 years ago

@RusticNightFawn: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@llapawspurr: RT @Deb_Loves_Goth: Wilford Brimley RIP! I remember you in many films and the Diabeetus commercial and the Quaker Oates voice. This cat re… - 5 years ago

@fisty: RT @TrailersFromHel: RIP Wilford Brimley. Commemorate his legacy with this Jesus Trevino trailer commentary for "The Thing!" - 5 years ago

@Sassypaws: RT @jsolomonReports: Actor Wilford Brimley dies at age 85 | Just The News - 5 years ago

@WilsonCandelar8: RT @NeilLowenthal1: RIP Wilford Brimley I have a special appreciation for great character actors & Wilford was one of 'em. Plus, my brot… - 5 years ago

@John_Walton_: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ and ‘Natural’ actor, dies at 85 @NBC6News - 5 years ago

@OldScho88367046: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@RadioKimmie: Wilford Brimley died. - 5 years ago

@Jerry_at_Rick: RT @LocalMemphis: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@TaritaC: RT @HoffProf: Wilford Brimley was 49 when he filmed Cocoon, and Patrick Stewart was 47 when ST:TNG released its first season, and I really… - 5 years ago

@lalabread559: RIP Mr. Brimley, you made me eat @Quaker Oatmeal, love it! When you said Tasty I always laughed. - 5 years ago

@OldScho88367046: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@ChandyStump: RT @KealanBurke: “Watch Clark, you hear me? And watch him good.” R.I.P. Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@MovieStroke: RT @DrewStruzan: In honor of Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@RADocCorrea: RT @robertjwolfmd: RIP Wilford Brimley. Great career! Loved him in Cocoon and The Firm (second time that movie’s come up today!) “It’s my j… - 5 years ago

@OldScho88367046: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@TryinReynolds: Wilford Brimley just died! Is this a joke to you Ashley? - 5 years ago

@scottgr60613: - 5 years ago

@juliebabyar: RT @ManMadeMoon: This is how epic Wilford Brimley was... here he is playing an old retiree in Cocoon... in 1985!! He was my age now! http… - 5 years ago

@RunPolisRun: RT @BSmile: Roy Hobbs tells Pop Fisher the story of his prized bat "Wonderboy" after his impressive first batting practice with the New Yor… - 5 years ago

@alexgumbrell: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@liamnickerson: Godspeed Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@alexgumbrell: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@Jerry_at_Rick: RT @KevinMKruse: RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@schrobblehead: Wilford Brimley has to have 85 in Cocoon back in 1985. Convince me he wasn’t a vampire. - 5 years ago

@Mike55584269: RT @WobblyPython: In Wilford Brimley's passing, I think it's important to remember that Diabetes is still a thing and that insulin prices a… - 5 years ago

@McTesterson08: Wilford Brimley dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@DilgLeopold: RT @jsolomonReports: Actor Wilford Brimley dies at age 85 | Just The News - 5 years ago

@matress_island: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@eodsteve3579: RT @jsolomonReports: Actor Wilford Brimley dies at age 85 | Just The News - 5 years ago

@noonan66: @ZackCz Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@PjRayaXL3: RT @ScratchyDerose: RIP Wilford Brimley. I never saw your movies, nor knew you personally, but the YTP’s staring you brought so much laught… - 5 years ago

@Soja48: RT @lucahjin: If you're a Star Wars fan and part of my twitch discord, we're watching a truly awful movie in an hour to honor the late Wilf… - 5 years ago

@BSloopjohn: @MollyJongFast He's in training to be the new Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@redslewnninja: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@angrybritishguy: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@Mededitor: Diabeetus has left the building. RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@brundlefly: RT @kevinkuhlman9: Thinking about how Wilford Brimley nonchalantly tosses around the goopy prop organs during the autopsy in THE THING beca… - 5 years ago

@chrisyanke: RT @starsandstripes: Wilford Brimley, a Utah blacksmith and horse trainer who made a career transition to movies and commercials, often ste… - 5 years ago

@Wachimingo14: RT @Jeshua_Revan: Ayer falleció el actor Wilford Brimley, quien interpretó a Noa en el Spin-off de los Ewoks. Recientemente lo había visto… - 5 years ago

@Doyouhave1drop: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@RoyThomasBaker: RT @brianmaycom: Actor Wilford Brimley - Star of Cocoon - Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 #RIPWilfordBrimley https:/… - 5 years ago

@sLOculture: RT @geekysteven: Wilford Brimley was my favorite bootleg video game character and not even death can take that away - 5 years ago

@finnegan339: RT @edgarwright: This GIF may seem a grim given the context, but the great Wilford Brimley left us yesterday and while he was superb in man… - 5 years ago

@phallixander: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@DadandBuried: RT @edgarwright: This GIF may seem a grim given the context, but the great Wilford Brimley left us yesterday and while he was superb in man… - 5 years ago

@GaryEdwin22: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JockeUH: RT @TheSpyCommand: Wilford Brimley’s title card for The Wild Wild West Revisited. - 5 years ago

@Biggrossguy: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@blueharvestt: RT @WGTabletop: Lost Wilford Brimley tonight, great character actor and icon of commercials. Some Brimley rewatchables, obvious picks but s… - 5 years ago

@nworbmab: RT @vashikoo: What a joy to experience the humanity of Wilford Brimley in any role. Every film he was in benefited from his honest portraya… - 5 years ago

@cosmosofcourse: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@diorchanclas: RT @HorrorSeen: RIP Wilford Brimley. Forever Blair in The Thing but also so good and so recognisable in so many films . Cocoon, China Synd… - 5 years ago

@Sgt1derbread: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@MarvzMitts: RT @Variety: Wilford Brimley, best known for his roles in "The Natural" and "Cocoon" and a series of Quaker Oats commercials, has died at 8… - 5 years ago

@alxchrrn: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@huffdaddio: Wilford Brimley, homespun character actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@oirveryleer: Ha fallecido Wilford Brimley, inolvidable secundario. - 5 years ago

@stollez: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@SicEmTom: RT @OldSchool80s: #RIP RT @thr: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoo… - 5 years ago

@Ron_II: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@jambarb: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@weenespy: RT @ThisWooper: The man behind a classic meme has just died. RIP Wilford Brimley. Don't eat too much sugary foods, kids, or else you'll g… - 5 years ago


@_Muggage: Remember watching Hard Target with friends a few years back and us all losing it at the parts with Wilford Brimley,… - 5 years ago

@MasadaChee: #NowWarching Hard Target (1993), it's the most glorious piece of 90s action, directed by John Woo, has Jean-Claude… - 5 years ago

@villagerboy527: RT @BabyLamb5: The beloved Wilford Brimley has recently passed away. I'll admit, whenever I think of him, I think of this scene from Famil… - 5 years ago

@KaraCalavera: RT @Only4RM: RIP Wilford Brimley. Loved him on Our House in the late '80s. I started watching because one of my favorite soap opera queens,… - 5 years ago

@Takashi0_5: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@AvidFilmWatcher: #NowWarching Hard Target (1993), it's the most glorious piece of 90s action, directed by John Woo, has Jean-Claude… - 5 years ago

@Wife_Mom_Boss2: RT @WBRCnews: Brimley's manager Lynda Bensky said the actor died Saturday morning in a Utah hospital. He was on dialysis and had several me… - 5 years ago

@DonovanScheirer: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@OfficiallyRichi: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@Charles60486726: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@rakanvi9: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@idkaskmom: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@watchtheswears: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@christiangloria: RT @DrewStruzan: In honor of Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@feral_proton: RT @blainecapatch: BREAKING: WILFORD BRIMLEY RISES FROM DEAD, ATTACKS NAVAL BASE - 5 years ago

@Wingman520: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@hurtinforreal: RT @HarmonyRanch: Hearts are heavy this morning as we woke to hear the news that Wilford Brimley died last night. “Wilford was a friend, a… - 5 years ago

@PabloAEGV: RT @Variety: Wilford Brimley, best known for his roles in "The Natural" and "Cocoon" and a series of Quaker Oats commercials, has died at 8… - 5 years ago

@danielgullo: Actor Wilford Brimley Dead at Age 85: ‘He Was One of a Kind’ - 5 years ago

@SR20G_Love: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@Dan1Online: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' Star And Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead At 85 - 5 years ago

@GEEKY_NERDSTROM: RT @nytimes: Wilford Brimley died on Saturday at age 85. During his career, he played down his talent, describing himself as “just a guy, j… - 5 years ago

@Tony_Sacto: RT @wychstreet: Laugh all you like—he did—but Tender Mercies, China Syndrome, Cocoon, The Firm.. Wilford Brimley was the real thing. He mem… - 5 years ago

@kayodewifii: RT @RottenTomatoes: Wilford Brimley, best known for his work in ‘Absence of Malice,’ ‘The Natural,’ and ‘Cocoon,’ has passed away at 85. Re… - 5 years ago

@TimCWrites: RT @NPR: Wilford Brimley — the mustached actor known for "Cocoon," "The Natural" and "The Firm" — has died. He was 85. - 5 years ago

@jlaugh1: RT @RobSchneider: Lastly...Wilford Brimley never told anyone, but after the Iron Curtain fell in Europe, he single handedly helped over 40… - 5 years ago

@KAG45Patriot: RT @RobSchneider: 1/3 We lost a truly great human being & an incredible actor tonight. Starting out as a horse wrangler, Willford Brimley b… - 5 years ago

@JoBo1031: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: RIP Wilford Brimley who always looked Wilford Brimley years old. - 5 years ago

@tsujigo: RT @DrewStruzan: In honor of Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@UprootedTexan99: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@NoFilterGames: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@phoreal209: RT @TODAYshow: Beloved actor Wilford Brimley died at age 85 on Saturday. He's best known for his roles in the movies “Cocoon” and “The Natu… - 5 years ago

@VAReadjuster89: RT @EsotericCD: Howard Hughes, the most paranoid man in the world, entrusted Wilford Brimley to be one of his personal bodyguards. That's h… - 5 years ago

@Lucky5713: RT @Lucky5713: Wilford Brimley retweeted this a few days ago. R.I.P. 😇🙏🏻✝️💐💐💐 - 5 years ago

@kaseypb: RT @SethGreen: RIP Wilford Brimley What an absolute legend. I was lucky enough to make my first movie with him. I was only 8, but he treat… - 5 years ago

@xavigranda: RT @nytimes: Wilford Brimley died on Saturday at age 85. During his career, he played down his talent, describing himself as “just a guy, j… - 5 years ago

@dinanoir: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@MalzBWing: RT @NPR: Wilford Brimley — the mustached actor known for "Cocoon," "The Natural" and "The Firm" — has died. He was 85. - 5 years ago

@joeramoni: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@SomeRandoHuman: RT @RobSchneider: Lastly...Wilford Brimley never told anyone, but after the Iron Curtain fell in Europe, he single handedly helped over 40… - 5 years ago

@TheTwinGeeks: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@Skelator_P_Funk: RT @KevinMKruse: RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@psh915: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@citruslady: RT @nytimes: Wilford Brimley died on Saturday at age 85. During his career, he played down his talent, describing himself as “just a guy, j… - 5 years ago

@ElisabethCasal1: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@rmammoth19: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@PHefalump: May Diabetes man live forever in our hearts. - 5 years ago

@fredfrazier: RT @grking: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@RTC_Ento: RT @jonrosenberg: Wilford Brimley was incredibly good at being old. He played an elderly person in Cocoon in 1985 and that was 35 years ago. - 5 years ago

@profmdwhite: RT @Brian_Tallerico: A few thoughts on an underrated, giving character actor named Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@BatagorJohnson: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@b_bonmati: RT @elmundoes: Muere Wilford Brimley, actor de Cocoon y La tapadera - 5 years ago

@_cckirby: RT @nytimes: Wilford Brimley died on Saturday at age 85. During his career, he played down his talent, describing himself as “just a guy, j… - 5 years ago

@VaughnBrannon: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@SavageBen_: RT @elijahwood: Awww, so long Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@CityNewsYEG: “Cocoon" actor Wilford Brimley passed away in a Utah hospital. He was 85. - 5 years ago

@BTCityNewsCGY: “Cocoon" actor Wilford Brimley passed away in a Utah hospital. He was 85. - 5 years ago

@GordonGlover18: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Lolo_MIR84: RT @cronicasdeckard: Ha muerto el actor Wilford Brimley. El primero que se dio cuenta del peligro de LA COSA, el más peligroso hombre del b… - 5 years ago

@andrew_carter: RT @joshrthompson: Rest In Peace, Wilford Brimley, you legendary and cantankerous mustachioed man you. I never got to meet him on the show,… - 5 years ago

@Queen_Melissa: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@ekoskaiphos: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 (from @AP) - 5 years ago

@Dr_BigNug_JZ: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@Jay_Lee101: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@mattybudrewicz: RIP, Wilford Brimley. Genre-wise, his stupendous turns in The Thing and Hard Target should, rightly, be given the t… - 5 years ago

@MitchClarkeMMA: RIP Wilford Brimley, I will always remember him in my favorite film The Thing and for his Cajun accent in Hard Target. He was pretty awesome - 5 years ago

@scribe77: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@MorganPeteBrown: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@igott2bme: RT @OldSchool80s: #RIP RT @thr: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoo… - 5 years ago

@sliders007: Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 He was In Cocoon & The Thing 1982 R.I.P. Wilford. @rebeccabrayton @RothCornet @ReeseW… - 5 years ago

@LegionPodcasts: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@stormkingskc: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Wilford Brimley was the real thing: a real cowboy, a great actor, a wonderful man. I'm going to miss you, Will. Rest i… - 5 years ago

@GregBoll: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@AsumaHedges: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@CKscullycat: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: RIP Wilford Brimley who always looked Wilford Brimley years old. - 5 years ago

@DANBARCAN1: Actor Wilford Brimley has died at age 85, TMZ reports According to TMZ, the diabetes campaigner and film actor for… - 5 years ago

@pageprod: @GrimesNYT It's the small errors, generally when assumption replaces research, that undermine credibility. In Absen… - 5 years ago

@Lastchance92: RT @barstoolsports: RIP To Wilford "Diabeetus" Brimley - The World's First Meme - 5 years ago

@Honors_Zombie: RT @Brian_Tallerico: A few thoughts on an underrated, giving character actor named Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@shc1XYZ: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@HullingsNFL: RT @andyholloway: RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@seunder0409: Wilford Brimley Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@MatthewTwihard: RT @kirkacevedo: Rest In Peace Wilford Brimley! I grew up watching his films & he was a fantastic actor. We were just recently chatting ove… - 5 years ago

@danielcfisher: Even after many rewatches of THE THING, this scene still makes my blood run cold. Its effect owes much to the contr… - 5 years ago

@1loriking: RT @HuffPostQuebec: L'acteur Wilford Brimley est décédé, après une longue carrière au cinéma et à la télé - 5 years ago

@KShawntika: RT @steve_venner: Thinking of everyone watching COCOON today for Wilford Brimley but then getting all horny for Steve Guttenberg’s short sh… - 5 years ago

@WorksV3: When he arrives at the pearly gates, to St. Peter he will say: Good Morning. I’m Wilford Brimley and I’d like to t… - 5 years ago

@WooBear5: RT @BreitbartNews: RIP. - 5 years ago

@calebgoodman91: RT @BSmile: Roy Hobbs tells Pop Fisher the story of his prized bat "Wonderboy" after his impressive first batting practice with the New Yor… - 5 years ago

@simonwoodwrites: #RIPWilfordBrimley...you were one of a kind and a hell of a movie bad guy: #WilfordBrimley, 'Cocoon' Star and Face… - 5 years ago

@Millsy11374: RT @davematt88: Marco Rubio expresses his deep condolences over the death of Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@darrin_butland: RT @DrewStruzan: In honor of Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@LasVegas_NV_USA: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@FreeMars2: RT @TommyDoyle47: The Thing, 1982 and many for great performances Wilford Brimley has passed away at 85. RIP Wilford 🙏🙏 - 5 years ago

@DeadLiftAllDay: RT @3YearLetterman: A favorite Wilford Brimley memory. That time he, Ken Bone, and Kato Kaelin ended up in a thread started by @TheWilderTh… - 5 years ago

@jaredrusso: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@alexcforrest: Aw man. Tempted to simply remember his “diabeatus” commercials, but this dude was a sneaky great character actor. R… - 5 years ago

@CTVCalgary: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@MrBusDriverSir: You might remember him form "The Electric Horseman" or "The Natural". You would definitely remember him from "Cocoo… - 5 years ago

@therenegadejack: RT @TheLonelyPhoton: Rest in peace to the king Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@abaker20: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@8675Three09: @WilliamShatner May God bless Wilford Brimley and his family. - 5 years ago

@Rebecca_Rose87: RT @DinosaurDracula: Wilford Brimley did so much in his long career, but I'll always remember him best for adding gravitas to a made-for-te… - 5 years ago

@TheWonders101: - 5 years ago

@msleighm: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@hokuto_empire: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@Not_BrianFrance: RT @MuseZack: R.I.P. to the great Wilford Brimley, and go track down and watch Absence of Malice if you want him to steal an entire movie o… - 5 years ago

@LePhilistine4: Robert Redford turns 84 this month. Wilford Brimley just passed away at 85. Please rewatch “The Natural.” #TrumpKillsUs - 5 years ago

@enemy_88: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Lunarheritage: RT @subsalr: Very sad, Wilford Brimley was one of my favorites. RIP Sir, I will miss you. - 5 years ago

@RealBadBadger: RT @JustinWhang: RIP Wilford Brimley, who I knew best as the star of several ROM hacks throughout the years - 5 years ago

@HiYuHiMi: RT @nytimes: Wilford Brimley died on Saturday at age 85. During his career, he played down his talent, describing himself as “just a guy, j… - 5 years ago

@Seth_Lord1: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Comrade_Gibby: RIP Wilford Brimley aka Diabeetus man... - 5 years ago

@redwardprice719: RT @globalnews: ‘Cocoon’ and ‘Natural’ actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@RandallBeggs: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ and ‘The Natural’ Actor, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@statickeeling: RT @NerdOutWithMe: Wilford Brimley was the level-headed grandpa in 'Cocoon' first... and this scene hits harder now... RIP - 5 years ago

@k2kellykelley: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@PeterUKCS: RT @MarcelloGarofa7: The Weird Cineclub of the Diabolical Dr.Carelli Presents Tribute to the Great Wilford Brimley: R.I.P. Mister Wil! Doub… - 5 years ago

@DarthVenkman: RT @edgarwright: This GIF may seem a grim given the context, but the great Wilford Brimley left us yesterday and while he was superb in man… - 5 years ago

@informationism: Wasn't Wilford Brimley already 85 in Cocoon in 1985? Plz don't fact check - 5 years ago

@1chrismyers: RT @MuseZack: R.I.P. to the great Wilford Brimley, and go track down and watch Absence of Malice if you want him to steal an entire movie o… - 5 years ago

@amorganfloyd13: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@Proofpoochie: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@ReelLeeCinema: RT @PaulEhrsam: Make the diabeetus jokes all you want but just know Wilford Brimley was a god damn MENACE in The Firm. Such an underrated a… - 5 years ago

@mhenshon: RT @BSmile: Roy Hobbs tells Pop Fisher the story of his prized bat "Wonderboy" after his impressive first batting practice with the New Yor… - 5 years ago

@JamChrisJoy: RT @RobHartWBBM: Wilford Brimley will always be the manager of the New York Knights in “The Natural.” I don’t care that the movie is a feel… - 5 years ago

@jaxteller301: RT @ksorbs: Loved him in The Natural. Fan for life. RIP. Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@F16B: RT @silentmike1701: RIP Wilford Brimley... Everyone knew him for Quaker Oats and the spokesman for diabetes. I’ll remember him for his stro… - 5 years ago

@SergioA57336272: RT @IGN: Veteran Character Actor Wilford Brimley Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@SaluteMySauce: A man of legend, gone. May we all remember him everytime we see a Wilford Brimley, or hear someone talk about diabe… - 5 years ago

@Throat_Punch: RT @KevinMKruse: RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@JamChrisJoy: RT @JBFlint: RIP Wilford Brimley who could play good and bad equally well and also managed some nice comedic turns. - 5 years ago

@locust_god: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@F16B: RT @SteveKornacki: After the blockbuster success of "Cocoon," Wilford Brimley was given a starring role in a new NBC drama series, "Our Hou… - 5 years ago

@Snowfall007: RT @ksorbs: Loved him in The Natural. Fan for life. RIP. Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@vanillathundr24: RT @barstoolsports: RIP To Wilford "Diabeetus" Brimley - The World's First Meme - 5 years ago

@SeattleSloth_: Wilford Brimley's cause of death? Die-abetes - 5 years ago

@JamChrisJoy: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@paulheaslet: RT @FOX16News: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ and ‘Natural’ actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@Phineas: RT @dhinkel: Wilford Brimley's obituary takes a couple of sharp turns at the end - 5 years ago

@ADearl1: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@beloff_l: @welliver_titus “I didn’t go to acting school, but I’ve been observing my fellow man for years now, and I would thi… - 5 years ago

@nikf71: Sad to hear about Wilford Brimley. Damn. - 5 years ago

@AlsFixed: RT @joshrthompson: Rest In Peace, Wilford Brimley, you legendary and cantankerous mustachioed man you. I never got to meet him on the show,… - 5 years ago

@phillyleighton: RT @washingtonpost: Wilford Brimley, homespun character actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@CATzona_com: Mor l’actor de ‘Cocoon’ Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@Coach_Vodka: RT @RobHartWBBM: Wilford Brimley will always be the manager of the New York Knights in “The Natural.” I don’t care that the movie is a feel… - 5 years ago

@garrettfpierce: Wilford Brimley is dead because 45 took that episode of Seinfeld where Brimley plays the Postmaster General seriously - 5 years ago

@TheBennyBash: RT @jasonmccollim: R. I.P. Wilford Brimley: He loved eating Quaker Oats, playing poker, betting on the ponies, and watching cockfights in N… - 5 years ago

@PresidentKiwi_: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@ellahoward271: "L. A. (AP) — Wilford Brimley, who worked his way up from movie stunt rider to an indelibl… - 5 years ago

@Chavernac_FR: John Carpenter 's The Thing Charles Hallahan (1943-1997) Norris Richard Dysart (1929-2015) Dr. Copper Donald Moffa… - 5 years ago

@_robrobrobro: trying to wrap my ahead around the fact that Wilford Brimley died at 85 when he has 85 twenty years ago - 5 years ago

@WJACTV: Brimley’s manager said the actor died Saturday morning in a Utah hospital. He was on dialysis and had several medic… - 5 years ago

@KrazyKriterion: RT @DrewStruzan: In honor of Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@bakagi: Wilford Brimley, Curmudgeonly Actor Known for 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural,' Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@theouthouseblog: Wilford Brimley... I thought he was dead 15 years ago - 5 years ago

@mlang64: @MadisonU That's not Wilford Brimley. The actor is Noble Willingham. - 5 years ago

@AvatarBobs: RT @FallacyAbuser: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@TheIronNurse: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@bruceahuntjr: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@RetroWolff: RT @DrewStruzan: In honor of Wilford Brimley (1934-2020) - 5 years ago

@KPeffer7: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@NewsMondo1: Cinema in lutto, è morto Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@AnOldLefty: RT @johnVcorbett: @dick_nixon Wilford Brimley was younger when he made Cocoon than Tom Cruise is today, with Top Gun II coming out. - 5 years ago

@QWIKET_FEED: Breitbart: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' Star, Face of Quaker Oats Commercials, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@pdw82: RT @Barbie892: Loved Wilford Brimley in Electric Horseman. The honest guy who helps out the cowboy. #ripWilfordBrimley - 5 years ago

@JordanOnRadio: Wilford Brimley deserves better than to be remembered as the diabetes guy. - 5 years ago

@jj_behr: RIP Wilford Brimley. I say with sincerity, a Diabetec icon. - 5 years ago

@greenkayak73: RT @SaintRPh: Wilford Brimley was only 49 in Cocoon. Now your mind is blown. - 5 years ago

@JasRn38: RT @AesirAphrodite: "Actor Wilford Brimley has died at age 85, TMZ reports" - 5 years ago

@Utveteran18: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@JOHNFAZIO9: RT @ksorbs: Loved him in The Natural. Fan for life. RIP. Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@pmmmproductions: RT @RiseFallNick: RIP Wilford Brimley. A great actor, and quite possibly one of the first true memes to ever exist. Rest easy sir. - 5 years ago

@TheMick817: Easily my favorite Wilford Brimley movie by a country mile!! #HardTarget - 5 years ago

@deregulator: RT @RedDirt_Roots: Wilford Brimley, best known for his roles in “The Natural,” the 1982 remake of “The Thing,” “The Firm” and “Cocoon,” die… - 5 years ago

@SmokeyStouvr: RT @mcbc: This is like the 52826 time the internet has tried to kill Wilford Brimley. Unfortunately, this one sticks. RIP diabeetus. And s… - 5 years ago

@PeterSchorschFL: Protectors of the 'burg revere him for his work in "Cocoon"; My favorite was his character in "The Firm." Wilford… - 5 years ago

@weathermanbob: RT @ABC: Wilford Brimley, who worked his way up from movie stunt rider to indelible character actor in films including “Cocoon” and “The Na… - 5 years ago

@GAMMARAYS1978: RT @N9830G: Quaker Oats and Diabeetus will never be the same. Sad day for the world. - 5 years ago

@DonaldBergin2: The Thing--Wilford Brimley goes nuts - 5 years ago

@FilmSwoon: RT @SteveBuffalo: RIP Wilford Brimley... on the steps of the dugout at the Rockpile, East Buffalo, 1983. - 5 years ago

@reptiledevourer: RT @IGN: Veteran Character Actor Wilford Brimley Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@exiledinNJ: RT @dawnofthediscs: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley, gone at 85. #WilfordBrimley #ripWilfordBrimley - 5 years ago

@Asphalt_Warrior: RT @Bretontheradio: R.I.P. jazzman Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@MistyMoon65: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@Odel_Roo: RT @EsotericCD: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley. Way more than just some "diabeetus" joke, a truly great actor. Go watch him in THE THING someday if… - 5 years ago

@WaltsFrzenHead: No one is mentioning that besides Cocoon and the diabetes commercial, Wilford Brimley also starred in the Ewok movie. - 5 years ago

@YuukazeN: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@Mmmelisande: RT @JasonKander: Wilford Brimley in The Firm was one of the lowkey scariest gangster characters ever. RIP Sir. - 5 years ago

@ChefBeers: RT @smotus: Wilford Brimley had a modest but key role in The China Syndrome (1979) and was excellent. Oh and he was younger than Bradley Co… - 5 years ago

@V3STR1_N3X: RT @edgarwright: This GIF may seem a grim given the context, but the great Wilford Brimley left us yesterday and while he was superb in man… - 5 years ago

@ICMBroadcasting: RT @howaboutafresca: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley. Pop Fisher, The Thing, so many.... - 5 years ago

@CHIDSPIN: @collinbennett9 Pretty sure it’s just Wilford Brimley without his mustache - 5 years ago

@SuperFastEddie1: Quaker Oats, and Diabetes commercials will never be the same. Rest In Peace Wilford Brimley! - 5 years ago

@nrherman: RT @fredontv: RIP Wilford Brimley His one scene in “Absence of Malice” stole the movie. - 5 years ago

@jdlgt90: RT @WSJ: Wilford Brimley often played gruff characters, and his role in a series of diabetes spots turned him at one point into a social-me… - 5 years ago

@robowski5951: In the mid ‘80s, while grocery shopping. I only had two items. The nice gentleman in front of with a cart full (inc… - 5 years ago

@SamImmel: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@jenmechling: RT @cnnbrk: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed actor who appeared on the big screen, television shows and Quaker Oats commercials, has died.… - 5 years ago

@davrola: RT @classic_film: TMZ has reported that Wilford Brimley has died at age 85. Several folks had him listed among their favorite character act… - 5 years ago

@FrameOfMotion: RT @nytimes: Breaking: Wilford Brimley is dead. A character actor in films, he was also a TV fixture as a Quaker Oats pitchman. - 5 years ago

@Kiddism101: RT @JCVD: “Goodbye, Uncle Douvee.” RIP, Wilford Brimley. #HardTarget #JCVD - 5 years ago

@JCI_JohnEvans: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@ComicsRob: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley REST IN PEACE - 5 years ago

@akuma_river: RT @Debwilker: @InfiniteILLest @PaulEhrsam @RealRonHoward @verdonfosse Wilford Brimley born Sept. 27, 1934. Cast in this film at age 49 - w… - 5 years ago

@ocreekbaseball: Watched “The Natural” last night with the family and then woke up this morning to hear Wilford Brimley, aka “Pop Fi… - 5 years ago

@RaySnyd24242295: RT @Julian11810: A hero of mine, has passed away,,,and I am sad, and will miss him. Actor Wilford Brimley was 'last famous for his TV role,… - 5 years ago

@ron_crshag: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: RIP Wilford Brimley... icon of both oatmeal and diabetes. - 5 years ago

@ultramanterasan: 『おい、ガス、寝てるな』ってカプランさんの声が聞こえてきそう😢。 R.I.P. Wilford Brimley #頑固じいさん孫3人 #ourhouse - 5 years ago

@akuma_river: RT @Debwilker: @PaulEhrsam Wilford Brimley was just 49 when he starred in the retiree fantasy Cocoon. Ron Howard put together one of the fi… - 5 years ago

@NatetheK: RIP Wilford Brimley. I still can’t believe he was only 48 years old...in The Thing - 5 years ago

@sugarbear37620: RT @TJHproject: Not a good “couple of months “ for me. lost my dear friend Wilford Brimley last night...pic on the left at a fundraiser bac… - 5 years ago

@galeanTV: RT @TODAYshow: Beloved actor Wilford Brimley died at age 85 on Saturday. He's best known for his roles in the movies “Cocoon” and “The Natu… - 5 years ago

@RichardTKoenig: I'm old enough to remember when Wilford Brimley played the Postmaster General on Seinfeld. RIP WB #USPS… - 5 years ago

@Nate_ready2go: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@jewelbarnettphd: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@chandlerhayes11: Wilford Brimley died today.. Who do the Chiefs get to be their head coach this year following his unexpected death? - 5 years ago

@Tia6sc: RT @leach_deanna: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@afoy36: RT @mmpadellan: RIP Wilford Brimley, OUTSTANDING actor from "The Thing" and many other movies, and famous spokesperson for Diabeetus. He t… - 5 years ago

@gassernorm: RT @RobSchneider: Lastly...Wilford Brimley never told anyone, but after the Iron Curtain fell in Europe, he single handedly helped over 40… - 5 years ago

@CeylaanBlue: Wilford Brimley. Even at 50 your looked 85. What a great actor. You had that grandpa voice down like no other.… - 5 years ago

@dgeis99: - 5 years ago

@MovingP73543198: Just woke up to some sad news. RIP Wilford Brimley He was very active on Twitter. Literally last week he had lik… - 5 years ago

@phrasemaker666: I just took a mutual piss with Wilford Brimley, but forgot to wash my vegetarian placenta 'cause I was staring at his soulhole. - 5 years ago

@Mcomprender: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@eyebee_eddie: Wilford Brimley, Curmudgeonly Actor Known for 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural,' Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@JeffAichinger: RT @darrenrovell: Please don’t remember Wilford Brimley for the way he said “Diabeetus.” Watch “The Natural,” watch “Cocoon.” I’d argue no… - 5 years ago

@cantina1138: Hoy nos ha dejado el actor Wilford Brimley que dió vida a Noa Briqualon en "Ewoks: The Battle for Endor". El actor… - 5 years ago

@Mackintosh000: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@politelyviolent: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: RIP Wilford Brimley who always looked Wilford Brimley years old. - 5 years ago

@pjKingfisher: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@rm1evo: RT @RobSchneider: 1/3 We lost a truly great human being & an incredible actor tonight. Starting out as a horse wrangler, Willford Brimley b… - 5 years ago

@rotundamama: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: RIP Wilford Brimley... icon of both oatmeal and diabetes. - 5 years ago

@MedicareExpertA: RT @mattmurphyshow: Wilford Brimley is gone. 2020 is now officially the crappiest year ever. - 5 years ago

@sundene: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JosephineDeLaR6: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@DanielleLNelso4: RT @mmpadellan: RIP Wilford Brimley, OUTSTANDING actor from "The Thing" and many other movies, and famous spokesperson for Diabeetus. He t… - 5 years ago

@PabstBlueCraig: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@jiyahkelly: RT @Farts_Johnson: RIP Wilford Brimley Here's his finest moment - 5 years ago

@NorthAmericaNN: RT @cnnbrk: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed actor who appeared on the big screen, television shows and Quaker Oats commercials, has died.… - 5 years ago

@markoyiddub: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@babakganoosh: RT @njdotcom: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ and ‘Natural’ actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@pale1horse: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@birchclaw: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@Irishteach85: RT @bobclendenin: Holy shit - Wilford Brimley was 5 years younger than me WHEN HE MADE COCOON. I'll be at the bar if anyone needs me. - 5 years ago

@m_wildbunch: RT @eigahiho: 『チャイナ・シンドローム』『スクープ・悪意の不在』『遊星からの物体X』『ナチュラル』『ホテル・ニューハンプシャー』『コクーン』『レモ/第1の挑戦』『イン&アウト』『噂のモーガン夫妻』等に出演したウィルフォード・ブリムリーが85歳で亡くなった。RIP.… - 5 years ago

@4rMiY65Wd8vtZi: Fidelma The Thing 時の属性診断 Jets Tory MP バニーの日 The Thing Lakers scheifele Lowry Moesha Dan Ticktum Ware State Prison… - 5 years ago

@AngrywolfA: Hands up. Do you miss Wilford Brimley? @RealWilfordB #RIPWilfordBrimley - 5 years ago

@CraigOfCraigs: Retweeting this again in memoriam. RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@PodgePie: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@Chunkybearold: Rest in Peace Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@wilrickquisto: RT @CBCAlerts: Actor Wilford Brimley, best known for his roles in 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural,' has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@mkhampu: Wilford Brimley, Curmudgeonly Actor Known for 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural,' Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@MarkGarchow: RT @JeffyJFR: #RIP Wilford Brimley.. - 5 years ago

@Stonefree63: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Chuckapony: RT @Sgtzima: Wilford Brimley, Rest In Peace. - 5 years ago

@legaladvice_txt: RT @AP: Wilford Brimley, who worked his way up from stunt performer to star of film such as “Cocoon” and “The Natural,” has died. He was 85… - 5 years ago

@ArayAromaz: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@zarawesome: fun fact: wilford brimley was 20 years younger than his co-actors in Cocoon - 5 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Cocoon star Wilford Brimley dies aged 85 - 5 years ago

@evilmiera: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@blueboiii4life: Me going on Twitter to see why Wilford Brimley's trending: #RIPWilfordBrimley - 5 years ago

@JPrettyPinkPony: World lost another one today..... Wilford Brimley passed yesterday at 85. so sad to see as a fellow Type 1 Diabetic… - 5 years ago

@ArayAromaz: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@Isabell56416820: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@ArayAromaz: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@AccessAll: RT @CBCAlerts: Actor Wilford Brimley, best known for his roles in 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural,' has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@MindMagnolia: RT @ChrisHewitt: A sad farewell to Wilford Brimley, wonderful actor, 27%er, and owner of one of the greatest moustaches in movie history. W… - 5 years ago

@drewmagary: I’ll always remember Wilford Brimley as the bad guy in The Firm not only because he was awesome but because I know… - 5 years ago

@RuthHercules: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Eylem4561: RT @CBCAlerts: Actor Wilford Brimley, best known for his roles in 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural,' has died at 85: - 5 years ago

@moontiger5735: RT @JeffreyGuterman: Wilford Brimley RIP. - 5 years ago

@OtakuHanzo: RT @CHANNINGPOSTERS: Wilford Brimley, an actor who seemed ubiquitous in the #eighties, has passed away at the age of 85. #RIP #TheThing #Co… - 5 years ago

@farfel54: RT @CHANNINGPOSTERS: Wilford Brimley, an actor who seemed ubiquitous in the #eighties, has passed away at the age of 85. #RIP #TheThing #Co… - 5 years ago

@CodKazuo: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@Grolier1: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@WillSutton78: RT @MattFini: Wilford Brimley will always be Uncle Douvee to me and I got to tell him that exactly one year ago today at Scares That Care a… - 5 years ago

@lynnriley14: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: RIP Wilford Brimley... icon of both oatmeal and diabetes. - 5 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @thehorrorchick: I grew up loving Wilford Brimley because he was one of my mom’s favorite actors ever, & he became a favorite of mine as… - 5 years ago

@CharlieComenget: RIP Wilford Brimley, diabetes commercials so legendary I named this cheesecake/cookie concoction after him. Willing… - 5 years ago

@el_tees_dos: RT @abc13houston: Wilford Brimley, 'Cocoon' and 'Natural' actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@SueGlashauser: RT @BaddCompani: Actor Wilford Brimley has died at age 85 A Legend - 5 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @KirFlem: Wilford Brimley, from Cocoon to The Natural was such a big part of my childhood movie experience. Also against banning cockfig… - 5 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @JBFlint: RIP Wilford Brimley who could play good and bad equally well and also managed some nice comedic turns. - 5 years ago

@UnlikelyWorlds: RT @chrisblohm: Farewell, Wilford Brimley. Somehow you were only 47 in The Thing and 49 in Cocoon. Clearly some kind of time sorcerer. RIP.… - 5 years ago

@Kyanon88691437: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@DaleElster: RT @barbaracrampton: Awww Wilford Brimley. Our favorite warm, good guy, purveyor of truth and reason. A man you always trusted when watchin… - 5 years ago

@mbartonlaw: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Jennife20311813: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@CtheFirefly: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@AndreasAndy3131: RT @AndreasAndy3131: USA - Schauspieler Wilford Brimley gestorben - 5 years ago

@DHumeLindsay: RT @MattFini: Wilford Brimley will always be Uncle Douvee to me and I got to tell him that exactly one year ago today at Scares That Care a… - 5 years ago

@Classic_Michael: Wilford Brimley is now gone from this world which means Diabeetus is over Toss out your insulin boys, we're in the clear now - 5 years ago

@SteelCityAdy: RT @ChaseMit: Wilford Brimley was one of those guys who seems to have been born an old man and stayed an old man his entire life, which is… - 5 years ago

@jwomack: RT @chrisblohm: Farewell, Wilford Brimley. Somehow you were only 47 in The Thing and 49 in Cocoon. Clearly some kind of time sorcerer. RIP.… - 5 years ago

@Andrewmorphlock: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@AugeBotCmd: RT @taIycka: #LGBTQnaoTemPaz #OlhemALua #DerreteMaia #INFINITYGLITCHjaehyun Hola Louis #GHTWITTER #UFCVegas5 jaehyun Wilford Brimley TJ War… - 5 years ago

@FadaBot: RT @taIycka: #LGBTQnaoTemPaz #OlhemALua #DerreteMaia #INFINITYGLITCHjaehyun Hola Louis #GHTWITTER #UFCVegas5 jaehyun Wilford Brimley TJ War… - 5 years ago

@deadrender2: RT @horrorlosers: Ha fallecido Wilford Brimley a los 85 años, un veterano actor de Hollywood que destacó por THE CHINA SYNDROME, COCOON y,… - 5 years ago

@IdaFlo: Actor Wilford Brimley has passed away at 85 years old, TMZ reports - 5 years ago

@MikeBrooksOATF: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: RIP Wilford Brimley... icon of both oatmeal and diabetes. - 5 years ago

@taIycka: #LGBTQnaoTemPaz #OlhemALua #DerreteMaia #INFINITYGLITCHjaehyun Hola Louis #GHTWITTER #UFCVegas5 jaehyun Wilford Bri… - 5 years ago

@DwainIBe: RT @HorrorSeen: RIP Wilford Brimley. Forever Blair in The Thing but also so good and so recognisable in so many films . Cocoon, China Synd… - 5 years ago

@Tagard_McStone: RT @TheThingMinute: So sad to learn of the passing of Wilford Brimley. The end to a long career full of great roles, but I'll always rememb… - 5 years ago

@shawn_freeze: Full disclosure - I thought Wilford Brimley died 30 years ago. - 5 years ago

@mrsn629: RT @JeffyJFR: #RIP Wilford Brimley.. - 5 years ago

@Win2020Red: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@theAddledMind: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@HenryChivers: RT @NotPerfectedYet: That's the epitaph image for Wilford Brimley! - 5 years ago

@Win2020Red: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@LowerEastSaint: RT @thehorrorchick: I grew up loving Wilford Brimley because he was one of my mom’s favorite actors ever, & he became a favorite of mine as… - 5 years ago

@angiekaye999: RT @JDMarvin: BREAKING: 'Cocoon' Actor Wilford Brimley Dies Age 85 - 5 years ago

@nerds4lifee: RT @Variety: Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@stockexchange: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@SoundsLilFishy: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Top353535: RT @PlagueOfGripes: Farewell, Wilford Brimley. It felt like you were always incredibly old, but that you'd never die. - 5 years ago

@tonijauhiainen: RT @AlanWCerny: Wilford Brimley’s performance as Blair in THE THING is, quite simply, the heart of the movie. Many would say Kurt Russell i… - 5 years ago

@hiroshiogawa: RT @cinefilDVD: 『コクーン』『ナチュラル』『遊星からの物体X』等に出演したウィルフォード・ブリムリー、85歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@North_Nova: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ and ‘Natural’ actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@bigstape: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@keeperspider: RT @horrorlosers: Ha fallecido Wilford Brimley a los 85 años, un veterano actor de Hollywood que destacó por THE CHINA SYNDROME, COCOON y,… - 5 years ago

@MarcBernierShow: One of the most beloved and versatile actors of our time Wilford Brimley has died at age 85 at his home is Utah. H… - 5 years ago

@tonijauhiainen: RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@Tanner_Coad19: RT @BabyLamb5: The beloved Wilford Brimley has recently passed away. I'll admit, whenever I think of him, I think of this scene from Famil… - 5 years ago

@514Eddie: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@michaeltanza: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@rtmcclure: RT @BonnieTowner: Actor Wilford Brimley, pitch man for Quaker Oats, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@what_the_alex: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@JEANNEinWa: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@BoxOfficeBeyond: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@JoannM85482090: RT @NumbersMuncher: I can't tell you how many times I heard Wilford say "You check your blood sugar and you check it often, there's no reas… - 5 years ago

@biedexmarkets: 'Cocoon' actor Wilford Brimley dies age 85 ... - 5 years ago

@venal666: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@TimmisTrevor: RT @FanthaTracks: Rest in peace Wilford Brimley - - 5 years ago

@JoannM85482090: RT @MattFini: Wilford Brimley will always be Uncle Douvee to me and I got to tell him that exactly one year ago today at Scares That Care a… - 5 years ago

@PJrtx: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@CatholicClinger: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Actor #WilfordBrimley, best known for his roles in the Oscar-winning movie "Cocoon" and "The Firm" has died at the age… - 5 years ago

@ph8yF8CmDsU6GPH: RT @eigahiho: 『チャイナ・シンドローム』『スクープ・悪意の不在』『遊星からの物体X』『ナチュラル』『ホテル・ニューハンプシャー』『コクーン』『レモ/第1の挑戦』『イン&アウト』『噂のモーガン夫妻』等に出演したウィルフォード・ブリムリーが85歳で亡くなった。RIP.… - 5 years ago

@Stevoo7: Sad news this morning with the passing of Wilford Brimley , for me best known for The Thing and Cocoon .… - 5 years ago

@Linhem: RT @willmenaker: RIP Wilford Brimley, a true legend - 5 years ago

@moviefreak79: RT @RobHartWBBM: Wilford Brimley will always be the manager of the New York Knights in “The Natural.” I don’t care that the movie is a feel… - 5 years ago

@tabetha_zeoli: RT @RobHartWBBM: Wilford Brimley will always be the manager of the New York Knights in “The Natural.” I don’t care that the movie is a feel… - 5 years ago

@maxjrberry: RT @Cine_Heroes: ⚫️ Vu dans Cocoon, The Thing, Les Moissons de la colère, La Bataille d’Endor ou encore Chasse à l’homme, et habitué des se… - 5 years ago

@moviefreak79: RT @JBFlint: RIP Wilford Brimley who could play good and bad equally well and also managed some nice comedic turns. - 5 years ago

@NuitsMax: RT @Cine_Heroes: ⚫️ Vu dans Cocoon, The Thing, Les Moissons de la colère, La Bataille d’Endor ou encore Chasse à l’homme, et habitué des se… - 5 years ago

@Kelly_Fowler82: RT @americanamemes: Wilford Brimley Wilford Brimley Walking INTO Walking OUT OF Ray-Ban: Ray-Ban: - 5 years ago

@TommyNewYear: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@JLUX100: RT @ThatEricAlper: Wilford Brimley, best known for his roles in “The Natural,” the 1982 remake of “The Thing,” “The Firm” and “Cocoon,” - a… - 5 years ago

@ClauFernandez1: RT @MundoEC24: AHORA: Muere el actor Wilford Brimley, protagonista de 'Cocoon' a los 85 años. - 5 years ago

@moviefreak79: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@vexovoid: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@Fiona_C1: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@CarolYMorrisse1: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@moviefreak79: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@misterjaydee: RT @IMDb: Wilford Brimley, known for his roles in 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural', has passed away at 85 - 5 years ago

@rosicrucian1970: RT @blast_points: RIP WILFORD BRIMLEY. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@itismedesu: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@Shineypinguin: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JDSorvari: RT @simonsaybrams: RIP Wilford Brimley. One of the highlights of me and @mattzollerseitz’s THE THING oral history ( - 5 years ago

@JeffHowells72: RT @chrisblohm: Farewell, Wilford Brimley. Somehow you were only 47 in The Thing and 49 in Cocoon. Clearly some kind of time sorcerer. RIP.… - 5 years ago

@Kibure: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: RIP Wilford Brimley who always looked Wilford Brimley years old. - 5 years ago

@CBazenas: RT @ericszyszka: Absolutely loved Wilford Brimley, hope he attacks and dethrones God - 5 years ago

@qedx_: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@Eamon0303: RT @mmpadellan: RIP Wilford Brimley, OUTSTANDING actor from "The Thing" and many other movies, and famous spokesperson for Diabeetus. He t… - 5 years ago

@Donholden12: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@MotownDR: RT @HosteenCholo: Oh Wilford Brimley! He was cantankerous as I hoped. DVD Fun Fact: he sat on his testicals and all he said was “God damn i… - 5 years ago

@SNUKgaming: RIP Wilford Brimley you were a fantastic actor in one of my all time favourite movies The Thing #WilfordBrimley… - 5 years ago

@Ibcutie33: RT @DannyManus: Awww RIP Wilford Brimley. I remember watching Our House as a kid, as well as Cocoon. Sad to hear. - 5 years ago

@tarovsns: RT @thehdpickles: Fair Thee Well, Wilford Brimley... - 5 years ago

@Lngway2neverlnd: RT @Variety: Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@Grnriver: RT @ABC7: Brimley was also recognizable to many as a longtime pitchman for Quaker Oats - 5 years ago

@Trix_Master_100: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@DudlyDoRiteXian: Godspeed Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@OliPetchey: RT @EricVespe: Rest In Peace Wilford Brimley. You were the cool grandpa to my entire generation whether you wanted to be or not. You will b… - 5 years ago

@seegen: RT @thehorrorchick: I grew up loving Wilford Brimley because he was one of my mom’s favorite actors ever, & he became a favorite of mine as… - 5 years ago

@TheBrianSison: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@andrewmcraedude: Not just a man, not just a legend, he was Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@alexandermilas: RIP Wilford Brimley. Cocoon screening tonight. - 5 years ago

@JournoWes: RT @ladailynews: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ and ‘Natural’ actor, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@TheGreenStuff: RT @DoctorWolfula: RIP Wilford Brimley. I'll never forget you as Blair in John Carpenter’s The Thing. Thanks for trying to save us. https:/… - 5 years ago

@BobbyJoe1956: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@Littleosa: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: RIP Wilford Brimley who always looked Wilford Brimley years old. - 5 years ago

@nintres: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@BobbyJoe1956: RT @ChaseMit: Wilford Brimley was one of those guys who seems to have been born an old man and stayed an old man his entire life, which is… - 5 years ago

@Nick_Has_Twoter: RT @ReviewsPossum: I just found out Wilford Brimley died today. He was 85. - 5 years ago

@custardpi314159: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@jadadesireee: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@Denton83: RT @ChrisHewitt: A sad farewell to Wilford Brimley, wonderful actor, 27%er, and owner of one of the greatest moustaches in movie history. W… - 5 years ago

@Sean_WSAW: RT @nytimes: Breaking: Wilford Brimley is dead. A character actor in films, he was also a TV fixture as a Quaker Oats pitchman. - 5 years ago

@FAYAFEL: RT @NME: He was 85 #RIPWilfordBrimley - 5 years ago

@Chalcedoo: RT @barbaracrampton: Awww Wilford Brimley. Our favorite warm, good guy, purveyor of truth and reason. A man you always trusted when watchin… - 5 years ago

@NancyWonderful: RT @Independent: Cocoon star and face of Quaker Oats Wilford Brimley dies aged 85 - 5 years ago

@BobbyJoe1956: RT @NumbersMuncher: I can't tell you how many times I heard Wilford say "You check your blood sugar and you check it often, there's no reas… - 5 years ago

@Peter_Nin: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JakeArmistead: RT @ArrowFilmsVideo: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@Oda_CM: RT @MKupperman: WILFORD BRIMLEY RIP - 5 years ago

@Kayhamashi: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@daisydeeeeee: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@Allec78837210: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@NevWilson: Cocoon star and face of Quaker Oats Wilford Brimley dies aged 85 - 5 years ago

@Krizanovich: "...ranch hand, blacksmith, bodyguard for Howard Hughes. He got his start in Hollywood shoeing horses for productio… - 5 years ago

@Allec78837210: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@RealMarlinsFan: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@theKAdude: New story on NPR: 'Cocoon' Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85 - 5 years ago

@Phabo72: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@TheLastPirateLA: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@DurgeDiggler: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@realhammahamma: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@TundeTammy_Disu: RT @Independent: Cocoon star and face of Quaker Oats Wilford Brimley dies aged 85 - 5 years ago

@filmfurihr: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@rons1212: Wilford Brimley death: Cocoon star and the face of Quaker Oats during the Nineties dies aged 85 | The Independent - 5 years ago

@Is_Mise_Annette: RT @Independent: Cocoon star and face of Quaker Oats Wilford Brimley dies aged 85 - 5 years ago

@ksgant: Wilford Brimley isn't gone. He's currently under the ice building a ship to get the hell out of there using parts f… - 5 years ago

@Amillerbiller95: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@martin_kj: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Oomeroni: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@TPodcastTWDie: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@AnotherOcto: RT @JustinWhang: RIP Wilford Brimley, who I knew best as the star of several ROM hacks throughout the years - 5 years ago

@ReSinanian: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@spacedrivefilms: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@powerfulchance: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@wwredpepper: RT @abc7newsbayarea: Wilford Brimley, who worked his way up from stunt performer to star of film such as "Cocoon'' and "The Natural,'' has… - 5 years ago

@lasvegaspokers: First Kobe, then Kelly Preston and now Wilford Brimley? 😭😭😭 This year blows. - 5 years ago

@Kushparty69: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@OCJeriko: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@RealMarioThe3rd: RT @DoctorWolfula: RIP Wilford Brimley. I'll never forget you as Blair in John Carpenter’s The Thing. Thanks for trying to save us. https:/… - 5 years ago

@babylon_slim: RT @MuseZack: R.I.P. to the great Wilford Brimley, and go track down and watch Absence of Malice if you want him to steal an entire movie o… - 5 years ago

@VivaSkaRadio: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@J_A_P_E_S: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@bf_crane: Wilford Brimley was a very good actor, hope that doesn’t get lost in all of this - 5 years ago

@Bertokamus: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Latasse39: RT @mmpadellan: RIP Wilford Brimley, OUTSTANDING actor from "The Thing" and many other movies, and famous spokesperson for Diabeetus. He t… - 5 years ago

@Skr3wball: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@Marc_V_Price: RT @mccrabb_will: Wilford Brimley entering heaven. - 5 years ago

@IzbityyShcheno: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@mythos1014: RT @EricVespe: Rest In Peace Wilford Brimley. You were the cool grandpa to my entire generation whether you wanted to be or not. You will b… - 5 years ago

@__Columbo: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@greggers1868: RT @JunkfoodCinema: You may be cool, but you’ll never be Wilford-Brimley-riding-a-horse through-an-explosion-brandishing-a-now-and-arrow co… - 5 years ago

@ArcticFox_am_I: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@izodius: Wait he was alive?! - 5 years ago

@GenDV138: RT @TheAVClub: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@moughthere: RT @mmpadellan: RIP Wilford Brimley, OUTSTANDING actor from "The Thing" and many other movies, and famous spokesperson for Diabeetus. He t… - 5 years ago

@CloeteHeather: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@NotoiG: RT @RiseFallNick: RIP Wilford Brimley. A great actor, and quite possibly one of the first true memes to ever exist. Rest easy sir. - 5 years ago

@tiredofcrazyppl: RT @IPOT1776: On the big screen, he was best known for playing Ben Luckett in the 1985 film “Cocoon.” - 5 years ago

@SimonTimony: Wilford Brimley died today at 85. He was 97. - 5 years ago


@laurie_snyder: RT @laurie_snyder: @StephenAtHome I remember watching and loving this MDA spot with Wilford Brimley! You made my heart a little less heavy… - 5 years ago

@upde31: RT @SethGreen: RIP Wilford Brimley What an absolute legend. I was lucky enough to make my first movie with him. I was only 8, but he treat… - 5 years ago

@ELECTR0N373: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@6GPress: Judge me if you must, but my first words upon waking today/Saturday were "Is Wilford Brimley even still alive?" aft… - 5 years ago

@Blessdtheheckup: RIP Wilford Brimley, "The Thing" actor and spokesperson for Diabeetus - 5 years ago

@CeCeJoh85607280: RT @mmpadellan: RIP Wilford Brimley, OUTSTANDING actor from "The Thing" and many other movies, and famous spokesperson for Diabeetus. He t… - 5 years ago

@NoBandages: @Protoscene The Thing, to honor Wilford Brimley :( - 5 years ago

@Sheikahchica: RT @SethGreen: RIP Wilford Brimley What an absolute legend. I was lucky enough to make my first movie with him. I was only 8, but he treat… - 5 years ago

@doglovingfool: RT @fxp123: The former blacksmith, rodeo rider and Howard Hughes bodyguard also starred in 'The China Syndrome,' 'Absence of Malice' and 'T… - 5 years ago

@StriderNotavi: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@justifiableWTF: RT @MuseZack: R.I.P. to the great Wilford Brimley, and go track down and watch Absence of Malice if you want him to steal an entire movie o… - 5 years ago

@R11Jango: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@AndrewCFrancis: Wilford Brimley was 85 for my entire life. #RIPWilfordBrimley - 5 years ago

@buzzliteweight: RT @_mrsoto518: RIP Wilford Brimley. You go on home now. The diabeetus can't hurt you anymore. - 5 years ago

@P_araps: RT @NationOfOranges: R.I.P Wilford Brimley (a.k.a the "diabeetus" guy) - 5 years ago

@csiswim: RT @cnnbrk: Wilford Brimley, the mustachioed actor who appeared on the big screen, television shows and Quaker Oats commercials, has died.… - 5 years ago

@Lexvivanco: RT @TipsyRose2: RIP Wilford Brimley. Thank you for being the one proving that us Diabetics CAN live a long life. And for advocating f… - 5 years ago

@ElamBend: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@Tommy2thePoint: RT @tedgeoghegan: God damn it. I’ve always unironically loved Wilford Brimley and I’m so sad to hear he’s gone. He was a cinematic uncle/… - 5 years ago

@VicTeflonDon: RT @_mrsoto518: RIP Wilford Brimley. You go on home now. The diabeetus can't hurt you anymore. - 5 years ago

@DavisJasonC: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@patgoldberg: RT @KFCBarstool: Was Wilford Brimley the world's first meme? The mustache + the name + "Diabeetus" = the OG meme. RIP you magnificent son… - 5 years ago

@MiamiNory: RT @mashable: Brimley left a memorable mark on Hollywood and beyond in a career that spanned almost 50 years. - 5 years ago

@jpschmader: Wilford Brimley on the Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. “What kind of horse you got?” “A brown one.” - 5 years ago

@Matt_Goodfell: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@AmyTheus4: I JUST finished watching The Firm. It's so sad about Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@August_Macias: RT @tonygoldmark: RIP Wilford Brimley. Unfortunately an entire generation seems to know him primarily as the "diabeetus" guy, but he was al… - 5 years ago

@DJ_Dornpad: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@twelveoclock: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@highnote606: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Luckydragon84: RT @SuperHeroHype: Farewell, Wilford Brimley, whom we loved in The Thing, Cocoon, and yes, Ewoks: The Battle for Endor: - 5 years ago

@BeccaFromTX: #RIPWilfordBrimley🎭 I remember him with Debbie Reynolds in ‘In & Out’. He was a prolific actor, easy going. Wilfo… - 5 years ago

@a_simple_tailor: RT @ListeningToFilm: RIP Wilford Brimley I will forever remember how you defended poor Cindel and the Ewoks against Carel Struyken, a poor… - 5 years ago

@TheMisterDavis: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@MMcFaddenTV: - 5 years ago

@ClubHaunt: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘The Thing’ Actor Wilford Brimley Has Passed Away - 5 years ago

@79LoopyLou: RT @JoeDeVitoComedy: RIP the amazing Wilford Brimley: veteran, actor, oatmeal slinger. Cause of death listed as "Looking like he was 85 fo… - 5 years ago

@CapnMurphy2021: RT @MrCatalinaVids: Holy fuck rest in peace Wilford Brimley. Absolute legend - 5 years ago

@morgfair: RT @MattFini: Wilford Brimley will always be Uncle Douvee to me and I got to tell him that exactly one year ago today at Scares That Care a… - 5 years ago

@pcommans: Wilford Brimley died and all I can think of is @ChrisRyan77 imitating him from The Firm. - 5 years ago

@victim_of__love: RT @StanTalkingDog1: Wilford Brimley will only be known as the diabeetus man to me, but that is by no means an insult. RIP to such a treas… - 5 years ago

@JenniferLBrewer: RT @SYCHOGRL26: Wilford Brimley, actor in 'Cocoon' and 'The Natural,' dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@nicoleann75: @NFLNewshound WILFORD BRIMLEY. I mean, pandemic, my dog is sick, sports are sketchy at best, homeschooling, adult h… - 5 years ago

@JHS2300: RT @misanthropemike: Wilford Brimley, one of the stars of THE THING, has died. Rest in Peace. - 5 years ago

@Beth0168: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JohnDalyBooks: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@Jen2Nice: Quaker Oats Wilford Brimley Commercial - 5 years ago

@sorrowen: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Gustbra: Sad to hear of the passing of Wilford Brimley. He was one of those guys you couldn’t help but like. To me, he’ll al… - 5 years ago

@hm77367_ht: RT @IanKarmel: RIP Wilford Brimley. Gunned down in his prime. - 5 years ago

@BrendaSchory: RT @JBFlint: RIP Wilford Brimley who could play good and bad equally well and also managed some nice comedic turns. - 5 years ago

@Bulldogpm: RT @NeilLowenthal1: RIP Wilford Brimley I have a special appreciation for great character actors & Wilford was one of 'em. Plus, my brot… - 5 years ago

@trinispice63: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@Neil_Harman57: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@CandiceHurley10: RT @Variety: Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@Grania3: RT @BettyBuckley: So sad to read this. I loved Wilford Brimley. It was a gift to get to work with him in the film “ Tender Mercies.” Great… - 5 years ago

@OfficialNoNoB: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@LastAmericanG: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@TrumpKennels: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@rangerwinslow: Shared via Microsoft Edge: Wilford Brimley: Film and TV actor and spokesman dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@Drew_the_Doomer: RIP, Wilford Brimley. You were a great man. - 5 years ago

@gtoddjax: RT @IanKarmel: RIP Wilford Brimley. Gunned down in his prime. - 5 years ago

@richboi217: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@SFC_chan: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago


@sie_kensou77: RT @YUXLOA: Wilford Brimley died. 2020 has officially gone too far. - 5 years ago

@easyasmdb: RT @_mrsoto518: RIP Wilford Brimley. You go on home now. The diabeetus can't hurt you anymore. - 5 years ago

@GigaSyntax: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@gkanders: RT @connortryan: Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@technosworld: Diabeetus awareness will never be the same. RIP Wilford Brimley...always enjoyed how he took his fame and the jokes in stride - 5 years ago

@brocognizant: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@iammakeila: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Janednorris: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@tgloss55: RT @business: Wilford Brimley, who worked his way up from stunt performer to star of film such as “Cocoon” and “The Natural,” has died aged… - 5 years ago

@MrsAWyatt: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@Emerald0013: RT @johnwenz: A reminder that Wilford Brimley was a Star Wars actor - 5 years ago

@fofnation: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@denianindenial: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago


@InternetCop911: RIP Wilford Brimley: 1934-2020. - 5 years ago

@DampWetStew: RT @suprise_news: RIP Wilford Brimley. Celebrate the life of the acclaimed and beloved character actor by enjoying this ROM hack of River C… - 5 years ago

@roselialescrime: RT @willmenaker: RIP Wilford Brimley, a true legend - 5 years ago

@DeathMullet: RT @willmenaker: RIP Wilford Brimley, a true legend - 5 years ago

@StephensGrayson: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@BadGuyZero: I told my father that Wilford Brimley was 217. He doesn't believe me. - 5 years ago

@SuperHeroHype: Farewell, Wilford Brimley, whom we loved in The Thing, Cocoon, and yes, Ewoks: The Battle for Endor: - 5 years ago

@Yayxlife: RT @TalkingBay94: RIP Wilford Brimley :( - 5 years ago

@Garebear__11: RT @Sgtzima: Wilford Brimley, Rest In Peace. - 5 years ago

@ledasbesto: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@Citywide45: RT @TODAYshow: Actor Wilford Brimley, pitch man for Quaker Oats, dies at 85 - 5 years ago

@geminigirl0: RT @USATODAY: Wilford Brimley starred in films such as "Cocoon" and "The Natural," he was a longtime pitchman for Quaker Oats and in recent… - 5 years ago

@SusanStayner: RT @DougBluecher: @ProjectLincoln This is @RealWilfordB (Wilford Brimley). He appeared half-nude in the movie, Cacoon (pictured) and serve… - 5 years ago

@ChaseTidwell41: RT @Cernovich: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@TheRealPokeChop: RT @j_m_wood: Let this be Wilford Brimley's final gift to the world. - 5 years ago

@Jonatha80958138: RT @TheEricGoldman: RIP to the great Wilford Brimley. He faced The Thing and teamed up with everyone from Van Damme to the Ewoks. Cocoon, O… - 5 years ago

@CherishedSolace: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: RIP Wilford Brimley... icon of both oatmeal and diabetes. - 5 years ago

@_HeatherBuckley: RT @puppet_box: ジョン・カーペンターの『遊星からの物体X』で主任生物学者のブレア役をしていたWilford Brimley氏がお亡くなりになったそうです。日本で放映された『頑固じいさん孫3人』のおじいさん役もしていたんですね。他には『コクーン』や『ナチュラル』に… - 5 years ago

@heatboss1: RT @Breaking911: R.I.P. - Actor Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@rmy_yamamoto: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@DougBenson: I can’t hear the words oatmeal or cocoon and not think of him. RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@jmcclure59: RT @willmckinley: Wilford Brimley (1934–2020) was one of the most distinctive character actors of the latter 20th century, but his Twitter… - 5 years ago

@drocktrot: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@daveysockrocker: My friend & I were just talking about Wilford Brimley TODAY & smiling how awesome if @jonfavs brought him back as N… - 5 years ago

@MitchStockton: RIP Wilford Brimley. That guys presence was gruff and burly and he will be missed. - 5 years ago

@willems_steph: Wilford Brimley talks about "intimate acts." - 5 years ago

@MichaelPaganChi: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@JasonGruhn: RT @mccrabb_will: Wilford Brimley entering heaven. - 5 years ago

@thalian59199153: @Quackity Wilford Brimley just died 😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@Jm76Mendoza: RT @abc7george: Actor Wilford Brimley has died at the age of 85. He’d been on dialysis and had other health issues at the end as well. You… - 5 years ago

@mjanmjan7: RT @nytimes: Breaking: Wilford Brimley is dead. A character actor in films, he was also a TV fixture as a Quaker Oats pitchman. - 5 years ago

@GAWELOD: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@Logan_Keith96: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@blitzcloud87: RT @AjitPaiFCC: Very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away. I loved his roles in everything from The Firm to Cocoon to Seinfel… - 5 years ago

@ThatGuyBruv: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@DustOffVietnam: RT @leach_deanna: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@seanherrala: So Wilford Brimley, Seinfeld Postmaster General, dies...just as Trump is killing off the post office. - 5 years ago

@JedadiahLeland: Wilford Brimley, R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@troubleduck7: RIP Wilford Brimley. The Thing will always be a favorite of mine. - 5 years ago

@nosferatu_sr: Wilford Brimley died today. Fuck you, 2020. - 5 years ago

@fpallegra: RT @nytimes: Breaking: Wilford Brimley is dead. A character actor in films, he was also a TV fixture as a Quaker Oats pitchman. - 5 years ago

@grxtzky: RT @connortryan: Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@G_lame3: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@MonsterGooder: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@CliftonBarnhart: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@The_Bri_Man: Et tu Wilford Brimley? RIP sir. As for 2020, go fuck yourself. - 5 years ago

@SnookTrey: RT @classic_film: TMZ has reported that Wilford Brimley has died at age 85. Several folks had him listed among their favorite character act… - 5 years ago

@ThatGuyBruv: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@LupineAssassin: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@KayTravel: RT @nytimes: Breaking: Wilford Brimley is dead. A character actor in films, he was also a TV fixture as a Quaker Oats pitchman. - 5 years ago

@TheRagingCelt: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@mobywv: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@WorldHarmony: ACTOR WILFORD BRIMLEY DIES AT 85 - 5 years ago

@KatzReviews1: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley., Curmudgeonly Actor Known for 'Cocoon' & 'The Natural,' Dies at 85. Former blacksmith, rode… - 5 years ago

@SCOverdriven: RT @BotCordial: RIP, king. - 5 years ago

@AvgNE1: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@Barbiewithatude: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@AndrewMystic56: RT @rabiasquared: Awwww RIP Wilford Brimley. Gringo will proudly carry on your legacy. - 5 years ago

@hershey_bar22: RT @TVLine: Wilford Brimley Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@B__Hams: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@cmerry: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@akaWastedTalent: RIP Wilford Brimley. my other grandpa - 5 years ago

@n_dubb5: Damn I know most people my age knew Wilford Brimley as the beetus guy but he was a goat actor. Every line he delivered had impact. Rip - 5 years ago

@Theesexyllama: RT @IanKarmel: RIP Wilford Brimley. Gunned down in his prime. - 5 years ago

@adamxparsons: Wilford Brimley was still alive?! - 5 years ago

@TRutkay: Wilford Brimley Dead at 85; 'Cocoon' Star Known for Cranky Characters - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@DDTCAL: RT @connortryan: Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@CedricRichards: Pouring one out for Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@malducin: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@andrearob5809: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@originlbookgirl: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@daleculp: RT @TheEricGoldman: RIP to the great Wilford Brimley. He faced The Thing and teamed up with everyone from Van Damme to the Ewoks. Cocoon, O… - 5 years ago

@LadyJustice28: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@LONGCONVEXITY: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@AtEaseCoaching: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@Astwisa: RT @goedharted: But props to the first obit that refers to him as “Star Wars actor Wilford Brimley.” #TheBattleForEndor - 5 years ago

@michaelkoes: RT @GerryDuggan: Go down swinging in 2020. Rest In Peace, Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@AirBallJordann: RT @ComplexPop: Actor Wilford Brimley Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@TheJazzyUte: I don't think either my aunt or myself knew what to say to that. So, we kinda just stood there for a second until a… - 5 years ago

@BrianZitzelman: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@RingotheDingo: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@samloomis13: R.I.P., Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@TheJazzyUte: Okay. Here's my Wilford Brimley story. When I was a kid, I grew up the biggest Wilford fan around. Like, if I cou… - 5 years ago

@LynetteVarrassi: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@formerlyathens: We must now mobilize all resources at the disposal of the government to protect America’s last remaining treasure:… - 5 years ago

@jeremiahjw: RT @RKalland: RIP Wilford Brimley. Iconic performance in Hard Target. - 5 years ago

@thejohnprice: Wilford Brimley is a goddamned legend and we were all just lucky to share part of our time on earth with him. #restinpower - 5 years ago

@JaredBryer: RIP Wilford Brimley. An absolute legend. - 5 years ago

@B1zzle: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@WeWhoWalkHere: Damn it. RIP Wilford Brimley. I’ll never forget how much of a delightful curmudgeon he was when I saw him at Texas… - 5 years ago

@Kaboom1776: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@MasterGio: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@SchleiderJustin: RT @davidsirota: RIP Wilford Brimley...who was somehow only in his 40s when he played Pop Fisher - 5 years ago

@mjabbo: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@CLR143: Rest In Peace Wilford Brimley... - 5 years ago

@BrowncoatPony: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@TravisJCook: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@MsAuroraJ: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@jkholland: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@whisperfell: RT @rockcock64: Wilford Brimley can never die, he will live on in countless NES rom hacks. - 5 years ago

@KaraAndDeb: RIP, Wilford Brimley -- a reliable presence in whatever he appeared in. He played older characters well even when h… - 5 years ago

@G_mateo2: Diabetus man Wilford Brimley Died today. I HATE IT HERE - 5 years ago


@clarks43: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@micha4870: RT @leach_deanna: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@King_Of_Shade: RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@jamesk98760592: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@jawshiwoo_: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@EvilKoopa91: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@rendowgird: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@whet: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@shrkquestionmrk: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@rodger_valerio: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@JacobKai13: Holy shit! Wilford Brimley passed away! If you don't know who he is, just google him quick. Check his IMDB and you'… - 5 years ago

@Bartzebest: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@BySaschaBaumann: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@T96OWH: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@TaimurODar: Do yourself a favor and watch HARD TARGET to see Wilford Brimley in perhaps his most badass role as Uncle Douvee - 5 years ago

@EricaStar42: Wilford Brimley passed away at 85. #ripWilfordBrimley #diabeetus - 5 years ago

@CannaChefJake: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@infamouskid: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@WxMarshall: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@HuckSheila: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@DarkAilment: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@jonasgarvin: Sad to hear WILFORD BRIMLEY died...guess it’s just THE NATURAL thing to do... - 5 years ago

@TracyBaimWCMG: RT @BarbaraHershey8: Wilford Brimley was a wonderful man and actor. I had the great pleasure of working with him. He always made me laugh.… - 5 years ago

@squishdream: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@JeffyJFR: #RIP Wilford Brimley.. - 5 years ago

@Thesangcafe: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@smitty767: Wilford Brimley made Cocoon in 1985 when he was almost 51 years old. I’m 52. Fuck I’m old. - 5 years ago

@wallyworldcop: @ottleti Well, shit. - 5 years ago

@jkvdavis: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@Pinesy420: RT @FightOnTwist: RIP to Wilford Brimley. May the legend Rest In Peace. He is one of those dudes who transcended the roles in which he was… - 5 years ago

@julesku: RT @StephenAtHome: RIP Wilford Brimley - so many great performances, but I’ll never forget seeing him sing this surprisingly tender "It's N… - 5 years ago

@KenEdits: RIP, Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@TheMominatrixx: RT @travisakers: This is one helluva tweet to leave us with. Rest easy, Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@MikeBedlam: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@tnjordon: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@fakemikemulloy: RT @RKalland: RIP Wilford Brimley. Iconic performance in Hard Target. - 5 years ago

@cosmosblue772: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@shanfrina: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@RSora4smash: RT @PaulEhrsam: Make the diabeetus jokes all you want but just know Wilford Brimley was a god damn MENACE in The Firm. Such an underrated a… - 5 years ago

@rsybuchanan: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@SkatingTomato: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@Cubfan13241: RT @realTuckFrumper: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: Actor Known for 'Cocoon,' Diabetes Commercials Dies - 5 years ago

@inferno232: RIP Wilford Brimley, in passing you had me learn that Where the Red Fern Grows 2 was a film that existed, in which… - 5 years ago

@312style: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@Samsonese: RT @j_m_wood: Let this be Wilford Brimley's final gift to the world. - 5 years ago

@lr622: RT @mental_floss: Celebrated actor/oatmeal pitchman Wilford Brimley, who once worked as a bodyguard for Howard Hughes, has passed away at a… - 5 years ago

@athomized: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@HafizTargaryen: RT @mental_floss: Celebrated actor/oatmeal pitchman Wilford Brimley, who once worked as a bodyguard for Howard Hughes, has passed away at a… - 5 years ago


@talon842: RT @yggdraheim99: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@Busdoc57: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@BrianWedge88: The beetus finally got to Wilford Brimley. RIP. - 5 years ago

@STEALFROMWORK_: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@AquinoMass: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@pgilbert142001: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@punkademic: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@colonelnemo: RT @damnyouwillis: wilford brimley has now attacked and dethroned god - 5 years ago

@peteravalencia: RT @abc4utah: Utah actor Wilford Brimley dies at age 85 - 5 years ago

@Blckdmndskr: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley. Two things I always assumed about him: 1. He was 30 years older than he actually was. 2. H… - 5 years ago

@ninatypewriter: This is very true. Wilford Brimley also stole every movie he was ever in. - 5 years ago

@zprince3: Didn’t realize Wilford Brimley lived here in Utah. He’ll be missed. 😢 - 5 years ago

@ConorThoo: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@ccsnash22: RT @wyshynski: RIP to Wilford Brimley, a kindly old grandpa who also managed to play one of the single most menacing characters ever in THE… - 5 years ago

@MindlessFudge: RT @Sgtzima: Wilford Brimley, Rest In Peace. - 5 years ago

@wbfresh90: RT @PGHfan72: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@bvoice_p: Wilford Brimley, a character actor who appeared in films like The Firm and Cocoon before becoming the Quaker Oats p… - 5 years ago

@jongraywb: RT @jonrosenberg: By my calculations Wilford Brimley was in his late 30s when he was born. - 5 years ago

@NocturnalOddity: RT @DoctorWolfula: RIP Wilford Brimley. I'll never forget you as Blair in John Carpenter’s The Thing. Thanks for trying to save us. https:/… - 5 years ago

@rosemarysbaby13: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@ANTHONY54W: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@loyalfork: RT @Bretontheradio: R.I.P. jazzman Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@jongraywb: RT @jonrosenberg: Wilford Brimley was incredibly good at being old. He played an elderly person in Cocoon in 1985 and that was 35 years ago. - 5 years ago

@bpapa: RIP Wilford Brimley and no I didn’t just type 18,530/365 into the calculator app while sweating. - 5 years ago

@zachvat: RT @MuseZack: R.I.P. to the great Wilford Brimley, and go track down and watch Absence of Malice if you want him to steal an entire movie o… - 5 years ago

@jongraywb: RT @jonrosenberg: RIP to the mustache support system known as Wilford Brimley. I assume the mustache symbiont will live on, using a new host - 5 years ago

@Cheyenn92554341: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@ownin_fools: nooooo. not wilford brimley. 😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@S3GIT9: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@glo908: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@MayerFertig: RT @SethAMandel: 2020 taking Wilford Brimley from us is just gratuitous, and we have to hit back or this is going to keep happening. - 5 years ago

@onionheaddp: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@mcsplitter: Aw, man. Wilford Brimley died. R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@Command_Throw: RT @DoctorWolfula: RIP Wilford Brimley. I'll never forget you as Blair in John Carpenter’s The Thing. Thanks for trying to save us. https:/… - 5 years ago

@SacredIncognito: RT @BroBible: RIP to the legendary Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago


@larrypareigis: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@tehndrc: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: Actor Known for 'Cocoon,' Diabetes Commercials Dies - 5 years ago

@ManuelDBraun1: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@fostej82: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@ClaytonEBarnett: RT @mental_floss: Celebrated actor/oatmeal pitchman Wilford Brimley, who once worked as a bodyguard for Howard Hughes, has passed away at a… - 5 years ago

@cc_fla: Wilford Brimley didn't have a blue check but every dickweed with a podcast does? #bantwitter - 5 years ago

@pizzeriapanucci: RT @THR: Wilford Brimley, the actor with the walrus mustache whose down-home geniality seen in such films as 'Cocoon,' 'The Natural' and 'A… - 5 years ago

@CrewsonRanda: RT @ComicBook: BREAKING: Wilford Brimley has died. The actor-turned-spokesperson was 85. - 5 years ago

@nowplayingjim: RT @WilliamHPerkins: RIP Wilford Brimley. Beyond the cereal and medical pitchman caricature, he was a legit great actor who had multiple… - 5 years ago

@andredge: RT @KevinRBrackett: Wilford Brimley has passed away at 85. Rest in peace. Damn you, 2020. - 5 years ago

@jobypoet: Wilford Brimley Dead at 85 – Deadline - 5 years ago

@psomerstein: Wilford Brimley died. 2020 can kiss the fattest part of my ass. - 5 years ago

@BigWinInTx: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JClarkson1980: RT @SSJWHB: Nobody wore a hat like Wilford Brimley. Rest in peace, good sir. - 5 years ago

@farandwee: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@MrSportsGaming1: RT @connortryan: Wilford Brimley dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@bluejunebears: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: RIP Wilford Brimley who always looked Wilford Brimley years old. - 5 years ago

@cowboy_steel: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@kurtsevits: RIP Wilford Brimley. Don’t forget to test your blood sugar, and test it often. - 5 years ago

@DJSBurgh: RIP Wilford 😕 - 5 years ago

@Notorious_DUB: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@PrincessofParty: RT @FtK_Artist: This one hurts quite a bit. Wilford Brimley is another brilliant piece of John Carpenter's The Thing. His performance was… - 5 years ago

@nascarfan1599: RT @NumbersMuncher: I can't tell you how many times I heard Wilford say "You check your blood sugar and you check it often, there's no reas… - 5 years ago

@stealthbadger: RT @JasonHirschhorn: RIP. Legend. - 5 years ago

@mathiasmiles1: RT @WGTabletop: Lost Wilford Brimley tonight, great character actor and icon of commercials. Some Brimley rewatchables, obvious picks but s… - 5 years ago

@2_Live_KRU: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@TreyDoesThings: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago


@UAteMyBegonias: RT @americanamemes: Wilford Brimley Wilford Brimley Walking INTO Walking OUT OF Ray-Ban: Ray-Ban: - 5 years ago

@tenordreams: R.I.P Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@nascarfan1599: RT @MOVIEDEATHBLOWS: Sad sad news to report at the end of tonight looks like actor Wilford Brimley has passed away at the age of 85. Brimle… - 5 years ago

@SPRobinson22: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@TroyMP94: RT @americanamemes: Wilford Brimley Wilford Brimley Walking INTO Walking OUT OF Ray-Ban: Ray-Ban: - 5 years ago

@AegeanSea13: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@NOLABOOKFAIR: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@TreyDoesThings: RT @ChaseMit: Wilford Brimley was one of those guys who seems to have been born an old man and stayed an old man his entire life, which is… - 5 years ago

@TA_Tomlinson: Not Wilford Brimley. 2020 just keeps sucking. He was great in the Natural, Cacoon, The Thing, Abscence of Malice… - 5 years ago

@sparky_buzzsaw: Time for a rewatch of The Thing. RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@itstomyall: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: RIP Wilford Brimley who always looked Wilford Brimley years old. - 5 years ago

@CRutkowski37: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@rhonda8903: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@abbytoir: RIP Wilford Brimley. It was an honor to have a cat that looked like you. - 5 years ago

@DLS1242KS: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@bigmacs2016: Wilford Brimley, the scene where he offers Robert Redford in The Electric Horseman to smuggle him and the horse out… - 5 years ago

@CanduManagement: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@dmsinquefield: RT @theslowlearner: One of the greatest character actors ever. Elevated everything he was in. Time for a #Cocoon rewatch. #WilfordBrimleyRI… - 5 years ago

@OldKidSloth: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Crossterminal: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@j_rodohio: Wilford Brimley. Goddammit, 2020. Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@leebee4life: RT @TheEricGoldman: RIP to the great Wilford Brimley. He faced The Thing and teamed up with everyone from Van Damme to the Ewoks. Cocoon, O… - 5 years ago

@samspadino: Pour out a bowl of Quaker Oats for Wilford Brimley. RIP - 5 years ago

@trickyc66: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@EVANAAML: RT @ComicBook: BREAKING: Wilford Brimley has died. The actor-turned-spokesperson was 85. - 5 years ago

@TexMexWillie: RT @BarbaraHershey8: Wilford Brimley was a wonderful man and actor. I had the great pleasure of working with him. He always made me laugh.… - 5 years ago

@nascarfan1599: RT @MovieKessler: Rest in peace, Wilford Brimley. I'm always going to think of his chilling performance in The Thing. - 5 years ago

@EliAvaSaydemom: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@ReviewWerx: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@jamiefloer: RT @Chuckumentary: Damn. Pour out a bowl of oatmeal for Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@juliedawson2802: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@nascarfan1599: RT @FoodCourtCast: THE THING has about seven great performances in it but Wilford Brimley’s is one of the very best. He’s looked 70 for 40… - 5 years ago

@PI20XY: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@totallty: RT @wakeupheavy: This one hurts. God speed Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@LethimTakeFifth: RT @BarbaraHershey8: Wilford Brimley was a wonderful man and actor. I had the great pleasure of working with him. He always made me laugh.… - 5 years ago

@Klippart: RT @DEADLINE: Wilford Brimley Dies: ‘Cocoon’, ‘The Natural’ Actor Was 85 - 5 years ago

@wmorgan640: Wilford Brimley is dead... I'm going to need some moments to myself... Rest in peace Mr. Brimley. - 5 years ago

@elebenty: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@AlcadeCade: RT @MovieKessler: Rest in peace, Wilford Brimley. I'm always going to think of his chilling performance in The Thing. - 5 years ago

@el_gray: RT @Pat_Healy: RIP to the great Wilford Brimley. An All-Timer. - 5 years ago

@cave9371: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago


@nascarfan1599: RT @CavasShips: Sad to see the passing of actor Wilford Brimley at age 85. He played that Crotchety Old Guy for what, 50 years? Great chara… - 5 years ago

@David62459466: RT @MundoEC24: AHORA: Muere el actor Wilford Brimley, protagonista de 'Cocoon' a los 85 años. - 5 years ago

@EdwardChampion: Nothing from @BrimleyLine about Wilford Brimley's passing? - 5 years ago

@UmarLeeIII: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@gideon_spilett: @JayExci Wilford Brimley died - 5 years ago

@Lopeezie: Known for Quaker Oats and saying diabetes like no other, but he was so much more. RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@BrodyLogan: This is Wilford Brimley's high school yearbook photo - 5 years ago

@stu_sherman: Rest in peace Wilford Brimley. There are a lot of us who struggle diabetes, but only one person in the world who wa… - 5 years ago

@JaydotSloane: RT @MaggieJordanACN: RIP Wilford Brimley, actor, spox for Quakers Oats, passed away Saturday morning at his home in Utah. At the age of 85… - 5 years ago

@wlabovitz: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@MacKidDunwoody: Rip - 5 years ago

@CapeQueen75: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@Serpentine_Back: #Beetus forever. Rest in Power Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@Loudmouthkid62: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@RealKHiveQueenB: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@thething_txt: RT @EddieMcClintock: Wilford Brimley, after having a long life and amazing career as an actor, has died at the age of 85. His performance… - 5 years ago

@WebChristian1: RT @ComicBook: BREAKING: Wilford Brimley has died. The actor-turned-spokesperson was 85. - 5 years ago

@MarilynRussell: RT @TrivWorks: Wilford Brimley has passed away at age 85 When “Cocoon” came out in 1985, he was 50 - 5 years ago

@sophiahelix: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@Isaac_Rivals: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@MattMaybray: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@EdwardLCote: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@MEGADRIVECUSTOM: RT @Brandon_Bird: Wilford Brimley going out with the best final tweet. RIP. - 5 years ago

@lawrencebagwell: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@AlaraStarShine: RT @almightygenie: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@BrianBonz: RT @DoctorWolfula: RIP Wilford Brimley. I'll never forget you as Blair in John Carpenter’s The Thing. Thanks for trying to save us. https:/… - 5 years ago

@Doggert55: @OhNoSheTwitnt Wilford Brimley is the opposite of Paul Rudd. - 5 years ago

@jada_dandridge: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@ZekeDaHefe: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago


@MarkWhaler: RT @TheEricGoldman: RIP to the great Wilford Brimley. He faced The Thing and teamed up with everyone from Van Damme to the Ewoks. Cocoon, O… - 5 years ago

@AimNicRob: noooooooooooooooooooo my heart. He reminded me so much of my grandpops, looks, voice, etc. I'm so sad. An amazin… - 5 years ago

@RoseLizenberg: RIP Wilford Brimley 💔 I believe a viewing of Cocoon is in order. - 5 years ago

@arice1992: Lost a legend. Rest easy Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@Trinny05: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@doonobroon: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@SethRoot1: People knew Brimley as the guy who was the face of Quaker Oats. I knew him from his great roles in westerns like Cr… - 5 years ago

@Goebiwonkinobie: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JimScroggs: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@StrangedeBill1: Wilford Brimley‘s Got a Nice Mustache. Great Song (albeit sort of risque), especially with the line ”As a man I wo… - 5 years ago

@themorrancave: RT @AADowd: Glad to see Wilford Brimley is being remembered for how fucking terrifying he could be in the right role, from THE THING to THE… - 5 years ago

@72ridgemonthigh: RT @PiperPerabo: I was very sad to hear that actor Wilford Brimley passed away today. 🕊 His beautiful, humble, and fierce characters in ‘Th… - 5 years ago

@sushisaihara: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@StarchyArchie: RT @realTuckFrumper: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: Actor Known for 'Cocoon,' Diabetes Commercials Dies - 5 years ago

@TrivWorks: Wilford Brimley has passed away at age 85 When “Cocoon” came out in 1985, he was 50 - 5 years ago


@Rifleman233: Rest in peace Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@BrianSchoeneman: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@AliNotAlli: RIP Wilford Brimley :( #DiabeetusForever - 5 years ago

@nascarfan1599: RT @PaulEhrsam: Make the diabeetus jokes all you want but just know Wilford Brimley was a god damn MENACE in The Firm. Such an underrated a… - 5 years ago

@TBonesPrimeCuts: RT @RobHartWBBM: Wilford Brimley will always be the manager of the New York Knights in “The Natural.” I don’t care that the movie is a feel… - 5 years ago

@Nfinit3Music: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago


@joshscherr: RIP Wilford Brimley, who was the same age I am now when he starred in Cocoon, playing a senior citizen living in a nursing home - 5 years ago



@BaltMediaBlog: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@nascarfan1599: RT @BarbaraHershey8: Wilford Brimley was a wonderful man and actor. I had the great pleasure of working with him. He always made me laugh.… - 5 years ago

@PaulDePaola: RT @TScottBrave: RIP Wilford Brimley - 5 years ago

@WylieNewmark: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@JarrettAbelson: Wilford Brimley's passing gives me an excuse to post one of the greatest GIFs of all-time #RIP - 5 years ago

@CanisAzureus: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@cflo18: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@lt_danzig: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@naughty_nerdess: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@AlcadeCade: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@NoNoiseChitChat: RIP Wilford Brimley. He gave us a lot, including my single favorite horror movie sight gag. "I don't want to stay o… - 5 years ago

@Joek72: RIP Wilford Brimley. - 5 years ago

@Max27086932: RT @Cernovich: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@CoconinoShoe: RIP Wilford Brimley. He will always be Pop Fisher, who thought he shoulda been a farmer. - 5 years ago

@SeryyPanda: RT @Cernovich: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@presti71: RT @BurnettRM: “Watch Clark. And watch him close. Do you hear mwe?” RIP: - 5 years ago

@bistinget: RIP Wilford Brimley ☹️ - 5 years ago

@JDRivas23: RT @HaroldRKuntz3: Pop Fisher had his ups and downs, but he knew talent when he saw it and Roy Hobbs had talent. RIP to Wilford Brimley. ht… - 5 years ago

@daxflcommish: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@Moniorti: RT @MaggieJordanACN: RIP Wilford Brimley, actor, spox for Quakers Oats, passed away Saturday morning at his home in Utah. At the age of 85… - 5 years ago

@DaiseyDoesIt: RT @AFord88: RIP Wilford Brimley. Ride on, sweet prince. - 5 years ago

@JakeTheGreatUSA: I already feel sorry for the late Wilford Brimley. He was a talented actor who’s career covered almost 60 years and… - 5 years ago

@tammyfayenyc: RT @BarbaraHershey8: Wilford Brimley was a wonderful man and actor. I had the great pleasure of working with him. He always made me laugh.… - 5 years ago

@ChloeDenmark: RT @HaroldRKuntz3: Pop Fisher had his ups and downs, but he knew talent when he saw it and Roy Hobbs had talent. RIP to Wilford Brimley. ht… - 5 years ago

@romegeorgiaman5: RT @localcelebrity: Me: “Wilford Brimley passed away” @BethAnnBarbieri: “I don’t know who that is.” Me: “DIE-A-BEET-US” Beth Ann: “Got i… - 5 years ago

@WGTabletop: Lost Wilford Brimley tonight, great character actor and icon of commercials. Some Brimley rewatchables, obvious pic… - 5 years ago

@GreenMonsterah: RT @MOVIEDEATHBLOWS: Sad sad news to report at the end of tonight looks like actor Wilford Brimley has passed away at the age of 85. Brimle… - 5 years ago

@ddamour: RT @realTuckFrumper: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: Actor Known for 'Cocoon,' Diabetes Commercials Dies - 5 years ago

@scottroth76: Wilford Brimley is dead. Damn. He never aged a day after he was 50, although he looked 70 at 50. - 5 years ago

@TenCraftsmen: A huge fan of Wilford Brimley growing up. Loved Brimley in such films as '10 To Midnight,' the original 'True Grit,… - 5 years ago

@MDaware: RIP Wilford Brimley, him in the firm was 👩‍🍳 💋 - 5 years ago

@mopatton_sports: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@CoachCrazy: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@UtahManDC: RT @KUTV2News: BREAKING: Salt Lake native Wilford Brimley died this morning at his Utah home, TMZ reports. - 5 years ago

@mattsledge: Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ Star and Quaker Oats Pitchman, Is Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@sofsdara: raptors tj warren #bucciovertimechallenge #ufcvegas5 danny green #talknshopamania kuzma drouin embiid pelicans… - 5 years ago

@CoachCrazy: RT @Softykjr: Wilford Brimley died? 2020 can leave. - 5 years ago

@hodgdon_jake: RT @DeWeseterBunny: Pouring some insulin out for Wilford Brimley rip to a real one - 5 years ago

@DaddyWarpig: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago


@Nandosagi1: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@AlcadeCade: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@supersatan25: I’ll miss you Wilford Brimley. I only know you from the diabeetus meme, but I know you loved it as much as we did - 5 years ago

@NikoEsquire: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@DavidNyro: RT @tedgeoghegan: God damn it. I’ve always unironically loved Wilford Brimley and I’m so sad to hear he’s gone. He was a cinematic uncle/… - 5 years ago

@nchristopher99: RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: RIP Wilford Brimley who always looked Wilford Brimley years old. - 5 years ago

@VincentMaurath: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@sofsdara: raptors tj warren #bucciovertimechallenge #ufcvegas5 danny green #talknshopamania kuzma drouin embiid pelicans… - 5 years ago

@lc_mike: The spun-off character from 'The Firm' of Wilford Brimley on @JerrySeinfeld was easily of my favorite guest stars on the show - 5 years ago

@lehimesa: RT @davidkrugII: Wilford Brimley has died, and I feel like I just lost a 3rd grandpa. - 5 years ago

@juanjoseiturbe: Wilford Brimley was 50 years old when The Natural was filmed. Robert Redford was 48. - 5 years ago

@payton7622: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@JoshRHendricks: @DoctorWolfula Damn just found out Wilford Brimley died. - 5 years ago

@Faux_Guy_: @Merica_Media @exjon Exactly...sort of like how Huey Lewis was and is basically always 40 years old to me...Wilford Brimley was always 85. - 5 years ago

@MrMoKnows: Oh damn. No more diabeetus & oatmeal. - 5 years ago

@JungleCatB: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@cargodonny: RT @colonelmortimer: RIP to God-King Wilford Brimley. Enjoy Valhalla. - 5 years ago

@DonVieth: Dang you 2020🤬. Not Wilford Brimley too. 🙇🏽‍♂️🙇🏽‍♂️ - 5 years ago

@PrinceWatercres: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@RichardSkipper: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@thenateishere: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@lisaontweeter: Wilford Brimley as I will remember him. Rest in peace, sir. - 5 years ago

@browndamon: RT @MuseZack: R.I.P. to the great Wilford Brimley, and go track down and watch Absence of Malice if you want him to steal an entire movie o… - 5 years ago

@GhoulOfficial: that’s so weird, we thought we ate Wilford Brimley decades ago Hail to a king - 5 years ago

@eaaarons: RT @blainecapatch: oh no! wilford brimley died - 5 years ago

@jgruoner: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@PressStartLock: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@sofsdara: raptors tj warren #bucciovertimechallenge #ufcvegas5 danny green #talknshopamania kuzma drouin embiid pelicans… - 5 years ago

@salmon1010220: RT @SonnyBunch: How I imagine Wilford Brimley arriving into the afterlife. #rip - 5 years ago

@geekyluigi: RT @Newsweek: R.I.P. Wilford Brimley: actor known for 'Cocoon,' diabetes commercials dies - 5 years ago

@VictoriousOver2: RT @nickusen: rest in peace to the legend wilford brimley - 5 years ago

@Dawn19872: RT @TMZ: Wilford Brimley, Face of Quaker Oats & Diabetes Campaigns, Dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@bullyart07: RIP Wilford Brimley you will be missed. - 5 years ago

@NoPartyNoDisco: Wilford Brimley achieved such a level of fame that he even became a meme but first and foremost he was an incredibl… - 5 years ago

@rychemom: RT @yashar: Wilford Brimley has died at 85 Loved him - 5 years ago

@adjameson: Wilford Brimley was a great actor. R.I.P. - 5 years ago

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