Wilbert Keon

Canadian heart surgeon and politician
Died on Monday April 8th 2019

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Wilbert Keon:

@SenDayNB: RT @SenatorMunson: There was something special about attending the smaller but more intimate funeral for Dr.Wilbert Keon in the small Quebe… - 6 years ago

@PaulHoward_IMIT: RT @OttawaCitizen: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@scubamr: RT @OttawaCitizen: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@4MyPeers: RT @SenatorMunson: There was something special about attending the smaller but more intimate funeral for Dr.Wilbert Keon in the small Quebe… - 6 years ago


@Surfcrest: RT @OttawaCitizen: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@OttawaCitizen: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@sharon_coco: RT @SenatorMunson: There was something special about attending the smaller but more intimate funeral for Dr.Wilbert Keon in the small Quebe… - 6 years ago

@SenatorMunson: There was something special about attending the smaller but more intimate funeral for Dr.Wilbert Keon in the small… - 6 years ago

@ottawasuncom: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@OttawaCitizen: Mills: At a time of crisis, Dr. Wilbert Keon showed courage, honesty - 6 years ago

@ChristopherGuly: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@RBCBCaldwell: RT @ottawasuncom: Hundreds, so many with fond Dr. Wilbert Keon stories to tell, pay their respects - 6 years ago

@KellyEganColumn: RT @OttawaCitizen: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@sunlorrie: RT @OttawaCitizen: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@OttawaCitizen: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@eve007: RT @AlexMunter_: Smiles, tears, memories as the Ottawa community gathers to remember and celebrate the life of Dr Wilbert Keon, whose kindn… - 6 years ago

@MiddleAgedJoker: @LisaLoeb My condolences to Debbie, Neil and everyone. He really was a giant in Ottawa and Canada who helped coun… - 6 years ago

@theredguy2: RT @blmersereau: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@blmersereau: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@grandma_hockey: RT @CBCOttawa: Video from the funeral for Dr. Wilbert Keon that was held today. Dr. Keon helped found the @HeartInstitute and served as a s… - 6 years ago

@Maggie_Trudel: RT @OttawaCitizen: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@craigjohnrobert: RT @AlexMunter_: Smiles, tears, memories as the Ottawa community gathers to remember and celebrate the life of Dr Wilbert Keon, whose kindn… - 6 years ago

@Vickaric: RT @CBCOttawa: Video from the funeral for Dr. Wilbert Keon that was held today. Dr. Keon helped found the @HeartInstitute and served as a s… - 6 years ago

@OttawaCitizen: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@prez2012: RT @ottawasuncom: Hundreds, so many with fond Dr. Wilbert Keon stories to tell, pay their respects - 6 years ago

@RipNTearRon: RT @ottawasuncom: Hundreds, so many with fond Dr. Wilbert Keon stories to tell, pay their respects - 6 years ago

@tvmoviedan: RT @AlexMunter_: Smiles, tears, memories as the Ottawa community gathers to remember and celebrate the life of Dr Wilbert Keon, whose kindn… - 6 years ago

@ottawasuncom: Hundreds, so many with fond Dr. Wilbert Keon stories to tell, pay their respects - 6 years ago

@kellyroche6: RT @tonysunphoto: Dr. Wilbert Keon's funeral at St. Patrick's Basilica in #Ottawa Thursday April 11, 2019. #ottnews @HeartInstitute https:/… - 6 years ago

@The_Fulcrum: “(Keon) was admired as a heart surgeon the world over, inspiring numerous youth to follow in his footsteps, while s… - 6 years ago

@fastrunner2b: RT @tonysunphoto: Dr. Wilbert Keon's funeral at St. Patrick's Basilica in #Ottawa Thursday April 11, 2019. #ottnews @HeartInstitute https:/… - 6 years ago

@carolineghaffa1: RT @tonysunphoto: Dr. Wilbert Keon's funeral at St. Patrick's Basilica in #Ottawa Thursday April 11, 2019. #ottnews @HeartInstitute https:/… - 6 years ago

@wsoeorg: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@Charlie_Senack: RT @tonysunphoto: Dr. Wilbert Keon's funeral at St. Patrick's Basilica in #Ottawa Thursday April 11, 2019. #ottnews @HeartInstitute https:/… - 6 years ago

@STPStServices: RT @CBCOttawa: Video from the funeral for Dr. Wilbert Keon that was held today. Dr. Keon helped found the @HeartInstitute and served as a s… - 6 years ago

@STPStServices: RT @CBCOttawa: Dr. Wilbert Keon's funeral is today. He founded the @HeartInstitute in 1976 and served as a senator for 20 years. - 6 years ago

@Denvale: RT @tonysunphoto: Dr. Wilbert Keon's funeral at St. Patrick's Basilica in #Ottawa Thursday April 11, 2019. #ottnews @HeartInstitute https:/… - 6 years ago

@Northofsevn: Hundreds gather to pay their respects to Dr. Wilbert Keon - 6 years ago

@squaremum: RT @CBCOttawa: Video from the funeral for Dr. Wilbert Keon that was held today. Dr. Keon helped found the @HeartInstitute and served as a s… - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: Wilbert Keon, Canadian heart surgeon and politician, Died at 83 - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: Wilbert Keon, Canadian heart surgeon and politician, Died at 83 - 6 years ago

@Spencerpress: RT @Spencerpress: Really nice tribute here to #DrWilbertKeon from former trade negotiator Gordon Ritchie. - 6 years ago

@tvmoviedan: RT @JimWatsonOttawa: Looking forward to touring the new House of Commons with @HoCSpeaker this morning. And then I will miss the first par… - 6 years ago

@JimWatsonOttawa: Looking forward to touring the new House of Commons with @HoCSpeaker this morning. And then I will miss the first… - 6 years ago

@PaulHoward_IMIT: RT @OttawaCitizen: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@CUPnewswire: Wilbert Keon, founder of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, dies at 83 - 6 years ago

@DrGurdeepParhar: Renowned heart surgeon Dr. Wilbert Keon dies - 6 years ago

@puglover1988: RT @CIHR_IRSC: On behalf of Canada's health research community and all of us at CIHR, we offer our deepest condolences to Dr. Wilbert Keon’… - 6 years ago

@OuterMutant: RT @OttawaCitizen: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@OttawaCitizen: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@CIHR_ICRH: RT @IRSC_CIHR: Au nom du milieu de la recherche en santé du Canada et de nous tous aux IRSC, nous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances à… - 6 years ago

@CIHR_ICRH: RT @CIHR_IRSC: On behalf of Canada's health research community and all of us at CIHR, we offer our deepest condolences to Dr. Wilbert Keon’… - 6 years ago

@IRSC_CIHR: Au nom du milieu de la recherche en santé du Canada et de nous tous aux IRSC, nous offrons nos plus sincères condol… - 6 years ago

@CIHR_IRSC: On behalf of Canada's health research community and all of us at CIHR, we offer our deepest condolences to Dr. Wilb… - 6 years ago

@OttawaCitizen: Today's letters: Dr. Wilbert Keon's special connection - 6 years ago

@Spencerpress: Really nice tribute here to #DrWilbertKeon from former trade negotiator Gordon Ritchie. - 6 years ago

@Northofsevn: Ritchie: Dr. Wilbert Keon 'one of the greatest men I have ever known' - 6 years ago

@Neda_Freedom: RT @mclomedia: A thoughtful account of a truly great medical pioneer and a true leader - Mills: At the worst time of his life, Dr. Wilbert… - 6 years ago

@stevechicag: RT @OSEGRandy: Very grateful to have met Dr. Wilbert Keon and presented him with #RNation's highest honour, an @REDBLACKS wood cookie.. Th… - 6 years ago

@rothwell_brenda: RT @HeartInstitute: It is with profound sadness that we say goodbye to Dr. Wilbert Keon, founder of the University of Ottawa Heart Institut… - 6 years ago

@cdeh27: RT @HSFCSR: Dr. Wilbert Keon was also involved in the Canadian #Stroke Network, which worked alongside Heart & Stroke to develop the Canadi… - 6 years ago

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