Wendy Pepper

American fashion designer (Project Runway).
Died on Friday November 17th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Wendy Pepper:

@bighitcindy: RT @13o13: Wendy Pepper and Azzedine Alaïa dying within 24 hours of each other is so meaningful - 7 years ago

@louiseantoine: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 7 years ago

@Retired_T: Happy birthday @Woulk3r. Turkey pepper soup hunter. Homie from way back. May the lord bless and keep you for Wendy. Have a good one. - 7 years ago

@actuallyvsmart: Wendy’s Night Manager: What would u like to drink? Me: um.. WNM: Yes we have Dr. Pepper. - 7 years ago


@MarkWilliamsEdD: Maaaaan! When I take medication, you know it’s bad. On top of that, Wendy’s gave me a Dr. Pepper instead of root... - 7 years ago

@DJMASTAGEE2013: ‘Project Runway’ contestant Wendy Pepper dead at 53 - 7 years ago

@Bravotv: Andy Cohen paid tribute to the late Project Runway contestant. - 7 years ago

@QueenLisaJo: I’m going to Wendy’s just to get a Dr Pepper and a burger for my dog 😂 - 7 years ago

@Wendy_Bacon: RT @Jodi_Magi: Police cordoned off section of Swanston St, stopping people joining protest. Blocking movement. Pepper spray used. #SOSManus… - 7 years ago

@aaronmspelling: Project Runway Contestant Wendy Pepper Passes Away - 7 years ago

@MBEccentric: Anne “Wendy” Pepper Stewart 1964 – 2017 - 7 years ago

@DialOforObits: RT @blogofdeath: Fashion designer Anne Eustis Pepper, who was known as Wendy Pepper to the many who watched her compete on the reality TV s… - 7 years ago

@obituarywriters: Fashion designer Anne Eustis Pepper, who was known as Wendy Pepper to the many who watched her compete on the reali… - 7 years ago

@blogofdeath: Fashion designer Anne Eustis Pepper, who was known as Wendy Pepper to the many who watched her compete on the reali… - 7 years ago

@ShowbizRoundup: ‘Project Runway’ alum Wendy Pepper - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 뇌물이라니... 화 안났어. ( 별사탕을 만지작거리다 당신을 바라보며 ) 고마워. 잘 챙겨주는건 예전과 같네-, - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ... 흥, ( 순순히 사과를 하자 머쓱한지 고개를 휙 돌렸다가 주머니에서 달지 않은 쿠키를 꺼내서 하나 건네준다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 농담이라니, 너무해. 나는 웬디가 정말 상처입었으면 뭐라 말해야할지 머릿속으로 계속 고민하고 있었다고..! - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 그렇지만, ( 입을 비죽이고 찻잔을 만지작 거리다가 ) ..... 미안. - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ... ... 웬디, 갑자기 늙은거같아. - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 비밀입니다-, 라는 교수님의 말투와 비슷해. ( 은은해진다... ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 그건 상관없지만... 나중에 웬디도 글쎄요, 하면서 웃을거같아. - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 전부다 애매한 대답이네... 교수님 닮아가는거같아, ( 인상을 찡그리었지만 입가에는 미소를 짓고있었다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 얻고싶은건 있고? - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 웬디가 얻은 이득들은 예를들면 어느것이 있어? - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 빨리 적응한다면 더 이득이되는게 많을거고, ( 찻잔을 만지작 거린다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 뭐, 그건 사람마다 차이가 있으니까 말이야. ( 슬 웃으며 끄덕이고는 남은 차를 마셨다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW * 낯설긴하지... - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 낯설가하지. 그게 싫은건 아니지만, ( 차를 한모금 마시며 이야기했다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 나쁘다는 뜻은 아니었어. ( 잠깐 고민을 하다가 ) 그냥, 변화에 적응하지 못했다- 라고 해야하나. - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 웬디는 예전과 사람이 많이 달라진거같네-, ( 찻잔을 가볍게 흔들어보더니 한모금 마시고는 웃었다. ) - 7 years ago

@Chrisrubery: How did I not know that Wendy Pepper had died why was I not informed? #projectrunway - 7 years ago

@TheOnlyAura: RT @WorldOfWonder: RIP Wendy Pepper. 😢 - 7 years ago

@WorldOfWonder: RIP Wendy Pepper. 😢 - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ( 각설탕을 서너개 넣어서 살짝 저어보고는 다시 한모금 마셨다. ) 난 달달한편이 조금 더 취향인거같네. 웬디는? - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 응, 괜찮은거같은데? ( 슬 웃으며 끄덕이고는 홀짝인다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 응, 먼저 이대로 마시는걸까? ( 갸웃거리며 찻잔을 들어 가만 바라보다 한모금 마셔보았다. ) - 7 years ago

@VictoriaJButton: RT @Bravotv: Andy Cohen paid tribute to the late Project Runway contestant. - 7 years ago

@AgelessAlli: Although she drove me nuts, she was so talented! May she rest in peace. - 7 years ago

@AquaDino85: I just heard about Wendy Pepper @ProjectRunway . So sad that she is gone . Rest in peace and create fabulous pieces in heaven :) - 7 years ago

@Bravotv: Andy Cohen paid tribute to the late Project Runway contestant. - 7 years ago

@phat_allie: i seriously appreciate the fact that wendy’s has coke products AND dr pepper. wendy’s you the real mvp 👏🏻 - 7 years ago

@theyonndon: @KingAnf314 @sydnayeee these look like half thawed spicy wendy’s nuggets w/o pepper - 7 years ago

@clarissagparker: Wendy’s S’awesome sauce is so bomb but the Dr. pepper they gave us today is actual shit - 7 years ago

@2tall4u2: 'Project Runway' alum Wendy Pepper dead at 53 - 7 years ago

@FitsByDesign: RT @Mood_Fabrics: We're deeply saddened by the passing of an original member of the @projectrunway family, designer Wendy Pepper. Our thoug… - 7 years ago

@61_pepper: RT @RVlovelane: 171122 쇼챔 #웬디 #WENDY 웬디님 ㅠㅠ 너무 너무 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 응, 예쁘잖아. 예쁜건 뭐든 좋아해. ( 찻잔안을 빤히 바라보며 끄덕였다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ( 당신을 가만 바라보다 그러려니하고 차를 바라보고는 향을 맡아보았다. ) 색이 되게 예쁘네. - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 특별히 안어울린다고 생각한 이유라도 있어? 컵은, 가문에서 직접 만들어주는건가봐. 베레니체의 왕을 위해서, - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 전에는, 아끼던거라 하지 않았어? ( 갸웃거리었다. ) 아끼던거라 깨버린걸까. - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 고의로 아니면 실수로? 벌써부터 가주라니.. ( 작게 웃고는 ) 힘들지 않아? - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ( 찻잔을 가만 바라보다 고개를 기울였다. ) 찻잔, 바뀌었네? 전에 쓰던건? - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 꿀을 넣어도 괜찮을거같아, ( 찻잔을 달그락거리며 도와준다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 레몬을 넣는다면, 시진 않을까? ( 갸웃거리며 당신을 바라본다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW 하루종일 차를 달고사니까. ( 고개를 끄덕이고는 기다린다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ( 눈을 깜박이다 활짝 웃었다. ) 응, 지금 시간도 괜찮다면. 나는 차라면 언제든지 환영인걸. - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ( 별사탕을 쳐다보다가 하나씩 집어먹는다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ( 사탕봉지를 쥐여준다. ) - 7 years ago

@IF_Pepper_ATW: @IF_Wendy_ATW ( 이번엔 유자 사탕이다. ) - 7 years ago

@61_pepper: RT @maplesyrup0221: 171122 #웬디 #Wendy #레드벨벳 - 7 years ago

@KarenReichter: RT @Mood_Fabrics: We're deeply saddened by the passing of an original member of the @projectrunway family, designer Wendy Pepper. Our thoug… - 7 years ago

@jb50000: RT @NBCNews: Memorable 'Project Runway' contestant Wendy Pepper dies age 53 - 7 years ago

@HunterMorgan01: To add to my night the guy at Wendy’s drive thru spilt my Dr Pepper on my car - 7 years ago

@emanisemirthil: RT @enews: Project Runway's Wendy Pepper has died at the age of 53: - 7 years ago

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