Watson Parker

American historian and author
Died on Tuesday January 8th 2013

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Watson Parker:

@queenasterias: RT @aprikii: '(Alfie Enoch as Peter Parker and Antonia Thomas as MJ Watson)' A DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES

@mashimaroinfire: タスキーがMJを誘拐したと思って殺気立ってるスパイディに「MARY LOU WILSON-PICKET(おそらくMARY JANE WATSON-PARKERの間違い)」なんて聞いたことないぞっていうタスキー可愛い。 http://t.co/rM05xkhnTL

@Hesson9: RT @VincenzoDiDi: @_2LineSauce I'm not Parker Watson but I can "Come on" your mom

@elizabethstudor: RT @aprikii: '(Alfie Enoch as Peter Parker and Antonia Thomas as MJ Watson)' A DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES


@Turko_the_Fair: RT @buwizu: Фотосет: Ultimate Mary Jane Watson and Peter Parker http://t.co/s5mfblIC3c

@buwizu: Фотосет: Ultimate Mary Jane Watson and Peter Parker http://t.co/s5mfblIC3c

@chandlerdabbs: RT @MattBarnthouse: When Peter Parker friendzones Mary Jane Watson for the safety of mankind http://t.co/Qzz20PF3Cf

@MattBarnthouse: When Peter Parker friendzones Mary Jane Watson for the safety of mankind http://t.co/Qzz20PF3Cf

@aprikii: '(Alfie Enoch as Peter Parker and Antonia Thomas as MJ Watson)' A DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES

@Xtian2324: Yung feeling na parang ako si peter parker at sya si mary jane watson! Ahahaha #AuntMayIsThatAnAngel #MKP

@bananagalactica: "Mary Jane Watson & Peter Parker" http://t.co/7J7qT0VSm9

@robinyukiko: Maybe the reason MJ Watson can't keep a gig is because she breaks character every time she sees Peter Parker. The show must go on, lady.

@ConsumedInBlue: “Should I hit on Mary Jane Watson. . . Parker?”

@Parker_Maximili: Ain't no party like a Sue Watson party.

@Leena_Parker: RT @WhanSwift13: Emma Watson ไม่ว่าจะสวยแบบออร่า หรือสวยแบบลึกลับ แบบไหนก็สวยไปหมด 💙 http://t.co/7zwg40DJam

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