Warren Burton

American actor and voice actor.
Died on Friday October 20th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Warren Burton:

@tstbxx: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@AudSWalker: Dinner with my honey! (@ Warren's Spirited Kitchen in Burton, OH) - 7 years ago

@scandalwomen: Soap alum Warren Burton has passed away - 7 years ago

@tjefferson1976: @WG_Burton @realDonaldTrump JFK Assassination Warren Commission Member CFR prez John J McCloy… - 7 years ago


@WG_Burton: @realDonaldTrump You mean the official government version of the JFK murder, per the Warren Commission? The origina… - 7 years ago

@sixpackofcats: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@abbieekennedy: RT @NelsonAspen: Sad to open the paper this am & learn of the passing of a talented pal, actor Warren Burton. RIP 😢🙏🏻 - 7 years ago

@FilmicFeline: Before my late actor friend Warren Burton won a Grammy and and Emmy,… - 7 years ago

@sultra99: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@Klawwgy: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@debug8: RT @DragSlayerVlogs: Rest in peace Warren Burton. You brought a character from jak and Daxter to life. you will always be the only Samos th… - 7 years ago

@Thatawesomecat: RT @jakwikia: Here is the obituary: - 7 years ago

@Thatawesomecat: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@DragSlayerVlogs: Rest in peace Warren Burton. You brought a character from jak and Daxter to life. you will always be the only Samos the sage - 7 years ago

@MyBIZ5: New post (Grammy and Emmy Award-Winning Actor Warren Burton Dead at 72) has been published on Best Images ... -… - 7 years ago

@debradating: New post (Grammy and Emmy Award-Winning Actor Warren Burton Dead at 72) has been published on Best Images ... -… - 7 years ago

@DerSwerik: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@RAC2_betabuild: @Naughty_Dog Should have made a new Jak before warren burton died. Now even if you made one it would be fake samos :( shame on you - 7 years ago

@abbieekennedy: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@GhostType_nz: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@smoker2g: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@ruhphorte: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@jakwikia: RT @NelsonAspen: Sad to open the paper this am & learn of the passing of a talented pal, actor Warren Burton. RIP 😢🙏🏻 - 7 years ago

@rRubiks: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@Monicaben7: RT @soapsindepthabc: RIP: @DaytimeEmmys winner Warren Burton has passed away. He appeared on #AMC, #AW, #GL, and #SB —> - 7 years ago

@SixRockFire: RT @jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial..." #ripsamo… - 7 years ago

@jakwikia: Here is the obituary: - 7 years ago

@jakwikia: Rest in peace Warren Burton. Your wise and sagely voice will be missed. "For every age, there is a time of trial...… - 7 years ago

@ShroutDani: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@AlexeWebSide: They're going to blame Oswald. Nothing changes in the US government Manipulation. Clay Burton ? CIA? Cuban exile? L… - 7 years ago

@PRbuffdotcom: Burton Warren Snowboard Jacket - 7 years ago

@blogtowinn: Burton Warren Snowboard Jacket - 7 years ago

@jimmycouts: Burton Warren Snowboard Jacket - 7 years ago

@winncommdotnet: Burton Warren Snowboard Jacket - 7 years ago

@tonit714: ALL MY CHILDREN Emmy Winner Warren Burton Dead at 72 - 7 years ago

@PaulParducci: RT @Imperium_7: - 7 years ago

@Jacquel38411638: RT @DaytimeEmmys: RIP Warren Burton. - 7 years ago

@take2radio: RT @hotshotdiva24: @take2radio - 7 years ago

@hotshotdiva24: @BuzzWorthyRadio - 7 years ago

@hotshotdiva24: @MarkHToo - 7 years ago

@hotshotdiva24: @Daytime_tv - 7 years ago

@hotshotdiva24: @take2radio - 7 years ago

@hotshotdiva24: - 7 years ago

@DavidCosloff: RT @soapsindepthabc: RIP: @DaytimeEmmys winner Warren Burton has passed away. He appeared on #AMC, #AW, #GL, and #SB —> - 7 years ago

@BobforTV: RT @soapsindepthcbs: RIP: @DaytimeEmmys winner Warren Burton has passed away. He appeared on #AMC, #AW, #GL, and #SB —> - 7 years ago

@SshMySoapsAreOn: RT @soapsindepthcbs: RIP: @DaytimeEmmys winner Warren Burton has passed away. He appeared on #AMC, #AW, #GL, and #SB —> - 7 years ago

@lance_prentiss: RT @SoapDigest: Daytime Alum Warren Burton Passes Away - 7 years ago

@Awardolizer: ALL MY CHILDREN Emmy Winner Warren Burton Dead at 72 - 7 years ago

@NoveladaSoap: Soap Alum Warren Burton Dead at 72 - 7 years ago

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