Wang Hai

Chinese fighter pilot
Died on Sunday August 2nd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Wang Hai:

@wangyipuo: RT @MRitaJKT: ♡ You're my husband ♡ #คุณคนนี้สามีของหนู #ควานเฉิง ♡ Liu Hai Kuan & Wang Zhuo Cheng ♡ ตอนที่ 25 คนนี้เป็นพี่ชายฉัตรเอง "… - 5 years ago

@ikhorsimran: Pakka ohdi naal vi taare gine hon ge Kya baat hai kya baat ae Baajon ohne hanju khaare gine hon ge Kya baat hai kya… - 5 years ago

@WxxaXi: I hope your next bf/gf will feel this about you too @zhewitgu kor hai mueng mee kwam sud mak mak. Kor hai mueng ja… - 5 years ago

@Notyourdope2: RT @karannatt24: Gall rasman toh jisman te mukki honi ae Ohvi mere wang akh jhuki honi ae Baahli pareshan ve main soch ke hairan Chal ohde… - 5 years ago


@MRitaJKT: ♡ You're my husband ♡ #คุณคนนี้สามีของหนู #ควานเฉิง ♡ Liu Hai Kuan & Wang Zhuo Cheng ♡ ตอนที่ 25 คนนี้เป็นพี่ชายฉั… - 5 years ago

@karannatt24: Gall rasman toh jisman te mukki honi ae Ohvi mere wang akh jhuki honi ae Baahli pareshan ve main soch ke hairan Ch… - 5 years ago

@Telkomsel: @SingapuraWang Hai, Kak Wang. Maaf ya jadi gak nyaman. Terkait keluhan pulsa tersedot, silakan infokan data berikut… - 5 years ago

@LiudmilaLittle: @applesncrack First it was the residence of the general manager of the British Aquarius Company. In the 1930s it be… - 5 years ago

@WxxaXi: @zhewitgu wang wa ter ja tum tee ter pood. Ong ngern hai rao. Por wa rao haa ngan mai dai por covid. savings Ton nu… - 5 years ago

@wooziino: veramente wang yibo io mi strappo il cuore e te lo lancio in faccia hai capito - 5 years ago

@fairywanning: qi huilian hai liangyi yao wenyu qiao tianya ge qingqing xi hongxuan xi gu'an xue xiuzhuo wang xian jiang qingshan… - 5 years ago

@Mokoenapalesa99: @Amiable91 Hai vtseeeek wang tina - 5 years ago


@neeyysaa: @pacarmu_110 hai wang - 5 years ago

@hellobencha: io: ho un'opinione jackson: è del parere opposto io: hai ragione tu genio mente brillante iq 200 ho cambiato idea s… - 5 years ago

@iitasnnn: @sawangkamar Hai Wang toyib - 5 years ago

@WxxaXi: @zhewitgu Rao pid wang ter mak. Rao mai yak dai arai kae yak roo het pon tee tee tum bab nee pai. Ter gor mai yom b… - 5 years ago

@ShopeeCare: @wangLoeyie hai Kak wang , maaf ya buat kak khawatir , mimin Sarankan untuk menunggu 1x24 jam , jika sudah lewat K… - 5 years ago

@y4ochen: @xilinnayee nà nǚ hái duì wǒ shuō shuō wǒ bǎo hù tā de mèng shuō zhè ge shì jiè duì tā zhè yàng de bù duō tā jiàn j… - 5 years ago

@bastiandw_: RT @cireneeu: hai!, kenalin gue WaNu Zoya panggil aja Wanu/Zoya. Face claim : Wang Yiren Everglow Need banya teman🙆✨ mutualan ? rt or li… - 5 years ago

@WxxaXi: @zhewitgu hai rao tor pai. khuey clear took yung laew khuey sed tang mod. Mai wang pai gorn tee khuey man job Rao j… - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @harpersbazaarus: We caught up with pop superstar Jackson Wang to get a rundown on his busy lifestyle and daily eats. - 5 years ago

@MarifelGonzales: Nakakainip na sa sobrang paulitulit ng ecq,gcq,mecq nman sunod anu Wang q hai naku - 5 years ago

@HanonBestGirl: RT @arthitlism: se hai questo tweet in tl hai una crush per wang yibo - 5 years ago

@seohwiyoungod: RT @arthitlism: se hai questo tweet in tl hai una crush per wang yibo - 5 years ago

@ALN_Fandomless: RT @jilansy: jiu cheng ren yi xiao qing cheng yi jian zi nan wang~ shuo shen me qing shen si hai wo que bu gan dang~~ zui lang man bu guo y… - 5 years ago

@jumpolsneck: RT @arthitlism: se hai questo tweet in tl hai una crush per wang yibo - 5 years ago

@gardagagar: @evocatine @subtanyarl Taa hak ja mii arai thi khan dtrong klang ra wang chan lae theu Go kho hai mii khae kham wa… - 5 years ago

@mirxthaibl: RT @arthitlism: se hai questo tweet in tl hai una crush per wang yibo - 5 years ago

@WxxaXi: @zhewitgu jingjing rao koey kid wa ter ja mai ong ngern hai gu yoo laew. Dtae rao yung chue jai ter. rao kid wa ter… - 5 years ago

@jilansy: jiu cheng ren yi xiao qing cheng yi jian zi nan wang~ shuo shen me qing shen si hai wo que bu gan dang~~ zui lang m… - 5 years ago

@arthitlism: se hai questo tweet in tl hai una crush per wang yibo - 5 years ago

@Dudu_zeal: @Miss_Ntle 😂😂 Njabulo seems whipped le yena wang bora. Yoh hai and they work together - 5 years ago

@iwoffyu: hai hibahkan ku wang 100k ntr ku mau fotocopy biar banyak:( - 5 years ago

@waneyiren: hai!, kenalin gue WaNu Zoya panggil aja Wanu/Zoya. Face claim : Wang Yiren Everglow Need banya teman🙆✨ mutualan… - 5 years ago

@NabheWalaRaman: @SingleSingla Yar eh ta Rajni Sir wang chal reha hai.. - 5 years ago

@wazgyireon: @globalkiddos Wang Yiren + @wazgyireon 🥰 ikan pari makan pisang ikan hiu jalan-jalan hai globalkiddos sayang yok k… - 5 years ago

@JSPinyin: Pinyin Lyrics Wang Zi Yang 王子陽 – 人海 Ren Hai 歌词 - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @jiaertk: I’ll say it one million times, Jackson Wang wearing a headband is SEXY & CUTE at the same time - 5 years ago

@wwang1993: 3️⃣Trattative chiuse✍️ 2️⃣Trattativa in corso 💪 5️⃣Incarico di vendita 🏠 🔢Decine di clienti qualificati Ricerca Cas… - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @OT7Ahga: Regardless of our nationality, we will always have Jackson Wang wishing us all the happiness in the world 💚 It's always a WIN… - 5 years ago

@MaymunahZohra: @WenChangWang Aap se kisi ne baat ki Hai ?? Hain Wen Chang Wang?? Do chaar bandey hi tumhari tweets dekhtey hain! Saryal Aadmi!! - 5 years ago

@ManiShankarTri1: @viveklkw Bhang wang to na khali hai - 5 years ago

@zhanchelle05: @Rei12051005 Wang hai lin. paki una. Hahaha.. - 5 years ago

@WenXiAmanda1: @zhewitgu Mueng dtang jai hai gu tor pai dai. Mueng yak gu tor pai. Laew mueng hia arai. Gu tor pai laew yung mai p… - 5 years ago

@WenXiAmanda1: @zhewitgu gu pood yung mai job mueng wang tum mai. Wan nun gu ngo eek ja bok gu siang salted fish egg hai mueng dta… - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @harpersbazaarus: We caught up with pop superstar Jackson Wang to get a rundown on his busy lifestyle and daily eats. - 5 years ago

@cococokoy: @sukanyamiayam Hai kau yang cantik apakabar kamu yang tidak cantik tidak apakabar yaa~ Maw & Wang - 5 years ago

@softkyuus: kou tou shang suo jiang de hua hai shi ke yi shang dao ni shen bian de ren de ok ni ping shen me na me shuo wo men… - 5 years ago

@galaxy_02_57: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @defchlorine0328: Jackson Wang from China Fashion✨ - 5 years ago

@bigpaymeapp: @AcaiSepet Hai GoSpursGo! Mesej tersebut tidak benar. Kami takkan hantar SMS sebegitu dan tiada hadia wang tunai se… - 5 years ago

@hai_rach: RT @kordeilogy: not Alexander Wang popping off to WAP like this - 5 years ago

@ANUCrawford: Master of Environmental and Resource Economics Yen Hai Tran (pictured) Xiaoqiao Wang Ziyu Yan - 5 years ago

@LeeFoxR: Clockwork Heart Character Profile : Xiao Wei :Professor of Mechanics/ Nerdy Genius Wang Wangji Victorian Million… - 5 years ago

@wang_paliwal: @duudawithane Hai - 5 years ago

@hai_hai_bai: watch out Mr. Wang... Jackson will end up using your own words against you - 5 years ago

@hai_hai_bai: omg shit Jackson Wang...😳 - 5 years ago

@daisy_lnp: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@Sas79919517: This past week Freya Pausewang, Wang Hai and Willie Hunter have all gone stiff. RIP cockers. - 5 years ago

@mittmmoon: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@second_ringgo: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@CHANYEDL: @jeutle isuk wang koceh koceh hota hai - 5 years ago

@Radin_cm: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@lpd_Ban: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@mh0330: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@A_mi_amante: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@noi_ayaka: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@Ban_evgame: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@Ju_light0409: RT @lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@lyzzr_lpd: 중국어로 어장관리 하는 사람= 海王 hăi wáng 바다의 왕 어장관리란 개념이랑 너무 딱 맞아떨어지는 단어라고 생각해 😂 - 5 years ago

@marrymemoho: Dong Wang Gong, also known as Emperor Donghua, first mentioned in The Pillow Book of Jin Dynasty, is the leader of… - 5 years ago

@loverrufk: @marseikal @koiIonel @brigayir @ttaechyung @ravnger @jongxntod @secthun @seokgalxx @auvatar @kingonim @junhoeji… - 5 years ago

@anu_sh_ree: @bhawnamathur201 Ye wang so hai na? - 5 years ago

@cimggs: @sxujung oalah hai ini wang, bagi wang dong - 5 years ago

@kissesfanatic03: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@irishspring3086: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@Khaleesi_Selei: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@HopeLoubz: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @sneakyseunie: Jackson Wang for Pepsi 💜💙 - 5 years ago

@KXlNG: Hai ! Saya Wang Jackson, dari GOT7-TEAM WANG 94L ingin bersenang senang di clubbing @clubXgency - 5 years ago

@wh3ngg4y_26: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@seyer_an: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@Andress84434134: Xiao Zhan,Wang Yibo e Liu Hai Kuan - 5 years ago

@NicoleKellynic1: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@ebb_flow_life: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@Mardee15311694: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@nina4514: RT @hookie_z: hai moots~ aku lagi open commiss krn butuh wang 😭 rt really appreciated 💕 - 5 years ago

@Garnete9: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@JOY312820: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@KobeDurantP: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@Jacquel30192009: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@guanzon_jade: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@Usernamenikris: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@yenmaire10: RT @thepinkrose12: Oh Baby Baby Baby My Baby Baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni Ni Shou Xin Ni Sheng Ying Hai Zhan Lin Wo De Xin Zen Neng Wang J… - 5 years ago

@NesiaSpice: RT @hookie_z: hai moots~ aku lagi open commiss krn butuh wang 😭 rt really appreciated 💕 - 5 years ago

@hookie_z: hai moots~ aku lagi open commiss krn butuh wang 😭 rt really appreciated 💕 - 5 years ago

@bigpaymeapp: @alyaainsyirah Hai alyaainsyirah! Nombor yang hubungi anda bukan dari BigPay dan kami takkan hubungi melalui WhatsA… - 5 years ago

@noctvrnes: RT @Haikuanthings: Liu Hai Kuan post graduation photo with Meng Zi Yi, Wang Yi Fei and co of Batch 2017 #หลิวไห่ควาน #LiuHaiKuan #刘海宽 #유해관… - 5 years ago

@carat_crackerz: RT @ShopPutu: The Untamed Chinese Drama 2019 Detail Drama: The Untamed Country: China Episodes: 50 Aired: Jun 27, 2019 – Aug 20, 2019 Aired… - 5 years ago

@aethernews: RT @FritzenMathias: Saw this huge #Calligraphy by Wang Lin Hai @GoetheanumEN today. It means »The absolute existence of cosmos, the nature… - 5 years ago

@GoetheanumEN: RT @FritzenMathias: Saw this huge #Calligraphy by Wang Lin Hai @GoetheanumEN today. It means »The absolute existence of cosmos, the nature… - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @sseunie328: Idols wearing Team Wang clothes is so heartwarming 🥺 That's how you know it's amazing quality 👌🏼✨ (Esther Yu from THE9 wea… - 5 years ago

@DireitoAereo: Faleceu Wang Hai, ás da Guerra da Coreia e ex-comandante da PLAAF - 5 years ago

@3y_shizong: RT @Haikuanthings: Liu Hai Kuan and the cast (Yu Bin, Wang Zhuo Cheng and Xuan Lu) teases Zhu Zan Jin for wearing too short of a shorts dur… - 5 years ago

@poderaereo: Faleceu Wang Hai, ás da Guerra da Coreia e ex-comandante da PLAAF - 5 years ago

@alexgalante: Faleceu Wang Hai, ás da Guerra da Coreia e ex-comandante da PLAAF - 5 years ago

@FritzenMathias: Saw this huge #Calligraphy by Wang Lin Hai @GoetheanumEN today. It means »The absolute existence of cosmos, the nat… - 5 years ago

@kimo_otaku_amhr: 網廣 海はピンイン表記で「wang guang hai」になるのか。。。 - 5 years ago

@hai__ii: RT @MrsBurning0225: ไปฟังดีเจนุ้ยสัมมาคือจส.ไดเรกมาบอกนางว่าทำโปรเจคนะทำมา2-3ปีละจส.จะส่งของมาให้นะ พอไดเรกมารอบ2กะขอที่อยู่ไปแต่ดีเจนุ้ยใ… - 5 years ago

@Mudassarklodhi: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@Xiaozhansmile27: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@karlamae0921: RT @jiskrr24: 陳情令のキャストです、サーチに使ってください。 藍忘機  王一博  wang yi bo 魏無羨  肖 战  xiao zhan 江 澄  汪卓成  wang zhuo cheng 藍曦臣  刘海宽  liu hai kuan 藍思追  郑繁星  z… - 5 years ago

@wang_hikaru: RT @shfly3424: Hai apa kabar? 🍃 - 5 years ago

@sladeofyaupon: Ban to ye ban kau wang bun. Tu cul gan mi. Yústen, mim ye nikang. Pik tap ming sa lu ke mong wing. un sin ba sa… - 5 years ago

@Jeon_syaa: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@Chelseaksj3: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@rushysl1: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@jnnie04: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@lipe_withane: @wang_paliwal hai - 5 years ago

@KButt804: @WajahatSays Milni ek v nahi tenu mery wang jitni kil jy km hai😁😁 - 5 years ago

@wang_paliwal: @lipe_withane Hai - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @poiseunwang: jackson has always mentioned that his weakness is the way he gets friendly/close with ppl too easily. he genuinely treats… - 5 years ago

@Melaninneal: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@Yadav_Shivam_: @has2912 @DG_NTA @HRDMinistry @DrRPNishank Bhang Wang kha ke aaya hai kya? - 5 years ago

@hai_hai97: RT @proudtobejacky: jackson wang drinking wine on loop - 5 years ago

@echansunkissed: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@billy_cactus: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@treveraritz: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@diamat_haver: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@SpaceNoodle92: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@sirjamesa12: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@SinoReddit: - 5 years ago

@type36512: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@_Bobyeah_: io comunque mi sento in colpa per Tae perché ora oltre a lui c'è un altro uomo nella mia vita Kim Taehyung tu hai… - 5 years ago

@______can: @x___mpaty05 @bambank_ipul @Rosellya90 Iya ya Hai wang😄 - 5 years ago

@tacit_donkey: RT @alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@cyberqueer1464: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@reyandrax: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@yunakko_: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@jejeekimm: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@leovnder: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@wtfthaa: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@Ifel_1991: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@KamranBeg3: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@yang2xliu: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@YAN_YAN1206: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@milrecon: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - 5 years ago

@carensgurll: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@sacredguitarANR: RT @h_pucky: @cashyy48782784 @CGTNOfficial Ask Gabriel, the pilot who was shot down by Wang Hai, who later greeted him personally in 1984,… - 5 years ago

@sacredguitarANR: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@_leaprhodite: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@ryyvjin: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@AeroTweets: RT @alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@gabaghouul: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@rindukelana_: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@keptnosensez_: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@DVxtn: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@itsme_seulgi: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@CrushChajun: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@inisaper: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@neyybopm: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@mitzi4r: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@drlhwxx: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@yooniexie: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@alderyux: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@yiboskai: @nonstopsoty hái néng wàng jì maaaaaaaaaa yún shēn gòng xǔ yī nuò rén máng máng - 5 years ago

@tryasure: RT @jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei soft kok,… - 5 years ago

@jyunhaooo: Hai semuanyaa! Reihan disinii pakai fc Wang Jyunhao/Guno. Ayo temenan sama Reihan! Mutualan? RT. Fambes? DM. Rei… - 5 years ago

@Tsuini_Esregnet: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@BRASIL_ACABOU: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@luciagiraldoa: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@Mimmzzie: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@ForeverLoveBJYX: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@lacunosus: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@mitzi4r: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@AC_NavalHistory: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@ffortuzzi: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@Truth2Upeople: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@CCKKI: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@DIN18599: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@bjyx_xz_wyb: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@bjyx_xz_wyb: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@Thuggystyles_: @Kamo_mphelaxx Kamo mara keng jo such beauty mara hot hai mfana wang direla strong 💦🌈🔥🔥🔥 - 5 years ago

@SakuraNooir: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@luxeim: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@angelic52175357: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@AndrewK48667526: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@NTNSLeo_85: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@NTNSLeo_85: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@HaleyHeng26: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@ArcaNurdan: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@AllThingsNinja: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@Thanosnutbuster: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@UnrestPi3bot: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@yamunaoverseas: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@ChineseBot2B: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@esmew2910: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@esmew2910: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@YBampka: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@Cat_2min: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@clumsyibo: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@GobboColpo: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@OttobreInfo: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@kobakills161: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@chrysa_var: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@kanra__: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@panruii: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@lyseesai01: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@paloyployzz: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@NTTNNTT: RT @yibosrule: • 20190424 • Wang Yibo and Liu Hai Kuan the Leo brothers the Twin Jades of Lan Watching avengers endgame together - 5 years ago

@NTTNNTT: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@nongSalmon: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@LuPhayLu: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@kwonsoonstar: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@NEye1218: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@endlessnine09: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@Sunadoukei: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@zhoubaobao6: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@elsbdm: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@pewwypewraemii: RT @yibosrule: Happy birthday to the Leo Brothers, the famous Twin Jades of Gusu Lan. 🦁🎂🎉💙☁️ Liu Hai Kuan birthday is August 3rd. Wang Yi… - 5 years ago

@BlogDefence: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@Maxyu17: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@defencehawk: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@JaredComrade: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@ikua_peter: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@s_hblossom: -this set before 沙海 ( Sand Sea / Sha Hai ) where Wu Xie decided to deal with the Wang Family. During this time , Wu… - 5 years ago

@alenzhoucn: General Wang Hai, former commander of the air force, died. He shot down and wounded nine enemy planes while fightin… - 5 years ago

@pietro_nurra: RT @alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@Mardtu: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@HippoTher: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@ML853: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@bobbymcbobface5: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@_fongjorge: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@GardaAramis: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@GardaAramis: RT @alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@Anasmuhammad_: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@h_pucky: @cashyy48782784 @CGTNOfficial Ask Gabriel, the pilot who was shot down by Wang Hai, who later greeted him personall… - 5 years ago

@ocomar: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@elchamocandanga: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@ShabirMahar13: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@Asamoh_: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@Ary02160459: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@kabaseleDRC: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@MaraviZavaleta: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@archbshproberts: RIP, Wang hai - 5 years ago

@MarlanySiek: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@NeoBolshevik: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@LeRenouveauBdi: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@BagalueSunab: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of #nine enemy planes during the… - 5 years ago

@Kamwenubusa6: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@Muhamma56542958: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@comradekelley: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@OwaiisHanzara: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@Leandro23870790: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@abhee_agrawal: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@BelgradeWhite: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@Cipio3: RT @CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the war to… - 5 years ago

@CGTNOfficial: Wang Hai, the fifth Commander of #China's Air Force who shot down and hit a total of nine enemy planes during the w… - 5 years ago

@GutterWith: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@FanqiJiang: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@hasanahmed720: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@TajoTakoya: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@RobotikaAutomat: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@ali_zarwan: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@DefconZiv: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@AGhiselliChina: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@Bandukhann: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@flankermeco: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@SuryaBorneo: RT @RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he earn… - 5 years ago

@RupprechtDeino: Wang Hai passed away yesterday Wang Hai was a famous Chinese fighter pilot and general. During the Korean War, he… - 5 years ago

@joshuamills044: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@jackshn: RT @krystcj: @jackshn hai wang jackson - 5 years ago

@chahar_kalgan: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@michetravi: RT @alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@krystcj: @jackshn hai wang jackson - 5 years ago

@waterfall8888: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@malikumair047: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@KarkuShiki: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@Md47493925: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@Roboredo_Rash: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeR63458345: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@MONKHE: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Wang Hai has passed away - #WangHai #Wang #Hai #rip - 5 years ago

@Anarchified: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@ger6991989: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@gareththomasnz: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@f_lodhi: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@xiehong13: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@luvmjmay: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@Kapilchampion: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@riyazulkhaliq: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@tiger3kai: RT @alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@anwer_afzaal: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@VRtarak: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@JaHid_K96: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@kadar_k: RT @globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media re… - 5 years ago

@globaltimesnews: Former #PLA Air Force commander, General Wang Hai, passed away on Sunday morning in Beijing, aged 94, Chinese media… - 5 years ago

@DzirhanDefence: RT @alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@Jtnwv93EWkmrGMh: R.I.P Wang Hai - 5 years ago

@jpg2t785: RT @alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@alert5: Former PLAAF commander and Korean War ace Wang Hai has passed away - - 5 years ago

@pokhrelking: @ranjeet_dad2 We dont need racist/expansonist friends we need Humble friends. "Nepal comes under Akhand Bharat." Bh… - 5 years ago

@marioh_carey: tattsun: omae wa~ ore no~ inu~ zakki: hai! wang! V( ◜ᴥ◝ )V - 5 years ago

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