Wang Fuchun

Chinese photographer.
Died on Tuesday March 23rd 2021

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Wang Fuchun:

@Virt_Arch: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@GoddammitMan: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@hulylypon: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@INTcitizen: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago


@ounanatesteak: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@superbanjolasse: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@tjerrian: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@carlocasas: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@john_errwin: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@jtoresson: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@CosmicFunkonaut: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@mayjay92: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@self_shading: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@rikyrice: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@Triang3l: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@DJ_Link: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@patrickjcarlson: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@rolling_is_life: RT @gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@gnomeslair: Wang Fuchun shot over 200,000 photographs documenting China's trains. | - 4 years ago

@pscrosby: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous period in Ch… - 4 years ago

@breningstall: RT @MadeStuchbery: I loved this piece showcasing the work of the late Wang Fuchun, the award-winning photographer best known for his candid… - 4 years ago

@546ting: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous period in Ch… - 4 years ago

@MadeStuchbery: I loved this piece showcasing the work of the late Wang Fuchun, the award-winning photographer best known for his c… - 4 years ago

@jxi2010: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous period in Ch… - 4 years ago

@Zarushin: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous period in Ch… - 4 years ago

@patrickeng: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous period in Ch… - 4 years ago

@hollappa: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous period in Ch… - 4 years ago

@GBessarab: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous period in Ch… - 4 years ago

@george_chen: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous period in Ch… - 4 years ago

@SixthTone: Wang Fuchun spent over 40 years capturing life on China’s railways. His photos offer a window into a momentous per… - 4 years ago

@afit: On Wang Fuchun - 4 years ago

@ericmigi: Another great econ Obit - 4 years ago

@RousseauAgnes: RT @Philrochot: CHINE: décès de Wang Fuchun qui fit le portrait des voyageurs des trains de Chine... en classe dure. Il avait 79 ans. https… - 4 years ago

@Inubes_: RT @tongbingxue: Wang Fuchun, a Chinese photographer who filmed the famous series “Chinese on traditional green trains”, died this morning… - 4 years ago

@hilmarschmundt: Street photography is OK, but train photography can get so much closer, in the hands of the great Chinese photograp… - 4 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Wang Fuchun - 4 years ago

@techjunkiejh: China’s famous train documentary photographer Wang Fuchun dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@danielgiaco: - 4 years ago

@aoqui2002: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@JamieTgamebooks: RT @MirabilisDave: Great photo by Wang Fuchun (RIP). - 4 years ago

@R0YMEND0ZA: Closely observed trains Wang Fuchun died on March 13th The photographer of China’s railways and their passengers w… - 4 years ago

@Hallibee1: Lovely lovely obituary from the Economist of Wang Fuchun who dedicated his life to photographing the Chinese on tra… - 4 years ago

@JoshuaNoonan: @RamyInocencio description of a train boarding but analogous to your pics on the airplane deplaning. - 4 years ago

@FernandoRJ: The Economist | Closely observed trains via @TheEconomist - 4 years ago

@MirabilisDave: Great photo by Wang Fuchun (RIP). - 4 years ago

@PriedeUri: “How sad, he also thought, that on that dashing locomotive there was no mess, no lives colliding and no good subjec… - 4 years ago

@hyphenatedprof: RT @alanigolanski: About 1977 the Railway Bureau in Harbin hired Wang Fuchun to photograph exemplary employees. Transcending his job descri… - 4 years ago

@alanigolanski: About 1977 the Railway Bureau in Harbin hired Wang Fuchun to photograph exemplary employees. Transcending his job d… - 4 years ago

@fchaumac_chau: RT @SeanUM_China: #Obituary: #Photographer Wang Fuchun, who took iconic #photos of life on #Chinese #railways, is dead at 79 - 4 years ago

@maximduncan: Lovely obituary of #wangfuchun in @TheEconomist - 4 years ago

@malemi: Economist della settimana: Wang Fuchun: I Viaggi di un fotografo Cinese - 4 years ago

@BittersweetHis2: RT @SixthTone: Wang Fuchun, the award-winning photographer best known for capturing life on China’s railways, has died at the age of 79. “… - 4 years ago

@CaptainAV: I remember as a 10 year-old having difficulty reconciling why a supposedly communist state should have five differe… - 4 years ago

@SeanUM_China: #Obituary: #Photographer Wang Fuchun, who took iconic #photos of life on #Chinese #railways, is dead at 79… - 4 years ago

@marcmynome: - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Wang Fuchun, you will be missed - #WangFuchun #Wang #Fuchun #rip - 4 years ago

@techjunkiejh: China’s famous train documentary photographer Wang Fuchun dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@tonyonthephone: Sometimes the obituary is the cheeriest bit of @TheEconomist and I very much enjoyed this one about Chinese photogr… - 4 years ago

@SharmilaChavaly: - 4 years ago

@mfascinari: Closely observed trains – Wang Fuchun died on March 13th - 4 years ago

@vtmicah: ❤️ - 4 years ago

@debcrutz: „The aisles were clear, the windows sealed. In the reclining seats, everyone reclined. In the ordinary seats, every… - 4 years ago

@ac9: Over 40 years he reckoned he had ridden on 1,000 trains and covered more than 100,000 km, on every line in China. (… - 4 years ago

@Priority0_: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@PanthertypeF: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@moku_kin: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@syamagada: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@ttxp_fctn7007: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@wave892: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@Hong2020Yalan: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@Maruyeyi: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@level_7g: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@syo_goon: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@AchillesMk2c: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@ketta_gg: RT @satokeiichi: 中国の列車に乗る人民の姿をフィルムに収め続けた写真家で鉄道職員のWang Fuchun氏が死去。格調高い追悼記事。 - 4 years ago

@rjwilliams44: - 4 years ago

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