Walter "Wolfman" Washington

American blues singer and guitarist
Died on Friday December 23rd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Walter "Wolfman" Washington:

@RepJoeMarino: R.I.P. Walter "Wolfman" Washington. Artwork by Becky Fos. #WalterWolfmanWashington - 2 years ago

@Budda_Fly: Rest in Heaven to #WalterWashington aka #Wolfman 🕊🙏🏽 - 2 years ago

@cawilliamson: RT @DadaMixtape: I'm sitting in on tonight's (Tuesday) 'Kitchen Sink', 10pm - Midnight. I'll be spending much of that time playing long st… - 2 years ago

@kfaiplaylist: "I Don't Want to Be a Lone Ranger" by Walter "Wolfman" Washington Songs of the Soul at 4:48pm - 2 years ago


@PJSFLA: RT @SueMel29: We are heartbroken tonight to find we’ve lost another NOLA musical legend 💔 RIP Walter Wolfman Washington 🕊️Thank you sir for… - 2 years ago

@coitalwombat: RT @DadaMixtape: I'm sitting in on tonight's (Tuesday) 'Kitchen Sink', 10pm - Midnight. I'll be spending much of that time playing long st… - 2 years ago

@AlisonF_NOLA: RT @DadaMixtape: I'm sitting in on tonight's (Tuesday) 'Kitchen Sink', 10pm - Midnight. I'll be spending much of that time playing long st… - 2 years ago

@wtul_playlist: Just played: Walter 'Wolfman' Washington - You Got Me Worried (Leader of the Pack) - 2 years ago

@raoulbhaneja: RT @theperlichpost: Very sad news that steel guitar ace Freddie Roulette and Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson both passed away in the past fe… - 2 years ago

@jclymens: RT @alexwoodward: a heartbreaking loss wolfman lived a wild, beautiful life forever grateful to have spent many hours talking with him ov… - 2 years ago

@jclymens: RT @The_Gambit: Legendary New Orleans musician Walter 'Wolfman' Washington has passed - 2 years ago

@IAM75136956: RT @wwoz_neworleans: We're very sad about the passing last week of Walter "Wolfman" Washington. We're paying tribute today from 4-7p CT, wi… - 2 years ago

@Jazznheritage: RT @wwoz_neworleans: We're very sad about the passing last week of Walter "Wolfman" Washington. We're paying tribute today from 4-7p CT, wi… - 2 years ago

@johndoylejr: RT @djsoulsister: Heartbreaker. Another of our New Orleans soulful pioneers has passed. I’m honored to have personally thanked him for his… - 2 years ago

@johndoylejr: RT @OffBeatMagazine: We are devastated to hear of the passing of beloved New Orleans legend and dear friend Walter "Wolfman" Washington. A… - 2 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere el bluesman Walter “Wolfman” Washington - 2 years ago

@Knievel1: RT @wwoz_neworleans: We're very sad about the passing last week of Walter "Wolfman" Washington. We're paying tribute today from 4-7p CT, wi… - 2 years ago

@RWatkins66: RT @wwoz_neworleans: We're very sad about the passing last week of Walter "Wolfman" Washington. We're paying tribute today from 4-7p CT, wi… - 2 years ago

@DadaMixtape: I'm sitting in on tonight's (Tuesday) 'Kitchen Sink', 10pm - Midnight. I'll be spending much of that time playing… - 2 years ago

@colewilliamsIAM: It’s almost time for the New Orleans Music on @wwoz_neworleans and my tribute to the king, Walter Wolfman Washingto… - 2 years ago

@SugarCamp2: RT @theperlichpost: Very sad news that steel guitar ace Freddie Roulette and Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson both passed away in the past fe… - 2 years ago

@theperlichpost: Very sad news that steel guitar ace Freddie Roulette and Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson both passed away in the pas… - 2 years ago

@noirse: Walter "Wolfman" Washington - 2 years ago

@senomin: 夜の作業のお供は Walter Wolfman WashingtonのBlue Moon Risin' 彼の世界の豊かさを感じるナンバーです。 今夜は冷たい暮れの空に月が浮かんでたな - 2 years ago

@TomWilemon: RT @OffBeatMagazine: We are devastated to hear of the passing of beloved New Orleans legend and dear friend Walter "Wolfman" Washington. A… - 2 years ago

@m_b_m_m: 今日の京都で本年は仕事納め。年末28日から休みって数十年ぶりだよ。ありがたいね。大事に過ごします。 Walter "Wolfman" Washington「Wolf Tracks」でR.I.P。 リアルタイムで聴いたのはこれだな。 おやすみなさい。 - 2 years ago

@johndrossjr: Good morning! An insightful piece focusing on a true #NewOrleans guitar legend. We’ll miss you Walter. - 2 years ago

@Djolo_net: RT @RFI_EPOPEE: Le chanteur et guitariste néo-orléanais Walter Wolfman Washington nous a quittés dans l’indifférence générale le 22 décembr… - 2 years ago

@RealMaks07001: RT @RFI_EPOPEE: Le chanteur et guitariste néo-orléanais Walter Wolfman Washington nous a quittés dans l’indifférence générale le 22 décembr… - 2 years ago

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