Walter Weller

Austrian conductor and violinist.
Died on Sunday June 14th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Walter Weller:

@TimesObits: Walter Weller

@davidlmusic: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@angelemejota: RT @clasicafmradio: #NoMeGustaCFM Muere el aclamado violinista y director Walter Weller

@clasicafmradio: #NoMeGustaCFM Muere el aclamado violinista y director Walter Weller


@angelemejota: RT @clasicafmradio: #NoMeGustaCFM Muere el aclamado violinista y director Walter Weller

@clasicafmradio: #NoMeGustaCFM Muere el aclamado violinista y director Walter Weller

@rugamasolanoru: Vintage photo of Portrait of Walter Weller. -

@news4Glasgow: #Glasgow #ChitChat |

@snac_crispy: RIP / Conductor Walter Weller dies aged 75

@DomiToupin: Conductor and violinist Walter Weller has died |

@TOP_Art_news: Conductor Walter Weller Dead At 75 -

@Gustav1911: Conductor and violinist Walter Weller has died |

@BankOfScotNews: Austrian conductor Walter Weller, who was featured on BoS £50 notes, has passed away

@SevernsideArts: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@artsblog: Conductor Walter Weller Dead At 75: “He started his career as a violinist, joining the Vienna Philharmonic (in...

@ArtsJournalNews: Conductor Walter Weller Dead At 75 - Gramophone

@NicoFan: Walter Weller, conductor, 1939 - 2015

@michaelhanley3: Not mentioned, but his Beethoven cycle with @TheCBSO were a late 80s staple: Walter Weller obituary | via @Telegraph

@CSiimo: Conductor Walter Weller Dead At 75

@TvBelgium: Klassikzeit: Zum Tod des Dirigenten Walter Weller: Der Ehrendirigent des Belgischen Nationalorche...

@bruckneriano: RT @OCRTVE: Estamos devastados de comunicar el fallecimiento de Walter Weller, director con quien tuvimos una especial relación

@valeriedruon: RT @Culturebox: Le chef d'orchestre autrichien Walter Weller est décédé

@mteresagl59: RT @radioclasica: El director austriaco Walter Weller ha fallecido a los 75 años. Aquí podemos verle dirigiendo a la @OCRTVE


@mannenNETbe: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden ... gelezen via

@keepblessed: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden

@unews_be: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller op 75-jarige leeftijd overleden: #Oostenrijkse #dirigent #75-jarige #lee...

@world_latest: New: Walter Weller, conductor - obituary

@gva: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden

@TvBelgium: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden: De Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller is op 75-ja...

@dsomarketing: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden

@belgiumadvrtsng: De Standaard reports Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden: De Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller is ...

@TvBelgium: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden: De Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller is op 75-ja...

@dsomarketing: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden

@world_latest: New: Walter Weller, conductor - obituary

@techbelgium: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden

@dsocultuur: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden

@world_latest: New: Walter Weller, conductor - obituary

@dsoauto: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller overleden

@vrtderedactie: Oostenrijkse dirigent Walter Weller (75) overleden

@world_latest: New: Walter Weller, conductor - obituary #news

@RundumWien: Walter Weller: Ein Musiker aus Wien -

@world_latest: New: Walter Weller, conductor - obituary #news

@actu24_People: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d’orchestre autrichien -

@mezgravis: RT @ClassicalToday: SAD NEWS | Viennese Conductor and Concertmaster Walter Weller Has Died

@ClassicalToday: SAD NEWS | Viennese Conductor and Concertmaster Walter Weller Has Died

@telegraphobits: Walter Weller, conductor - obituary: Austrian conductor who brought his grand Germanic style to orchestras in…

@MusicalAmerica: Austrian Conductor, Violinist, Walter Weller Dies

@RadioRagots: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien

@004nino: RIP 2927) Mort de Walter Weller, 75 ans, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien : 17-06-2015

@AngeloGiuffrid: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien

@wien: Walter Weller: Ein Musiker aus Wien -

@people_actu: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien

@W38777Y: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien: Walter Weller, chef d'orchest...

@HAITICNN: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien

@PresseLocal: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien

@ActuPeopleNews: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien: Walter Weller, chef d'orchestre et ...

@TactualitePeopl: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d’orchestre autrichien

@starovernewz: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien


@HAITICNN: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien

@PeopleQc: VIDÉO — Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien

@Luxe_Tranquille: Mort de Walter Weller, grand chef d'orchestre autrichien

@mya_marta: RT @BenjaNM: Recordamos a Walter Weller cuando lo entrevistamos en @Programademano A la Carta

@GonzaloLahoz: Fallece el director de orquesta austriaco Walter Weller a los 75 años.

@theoperacritic: Conductor and violinist Walter Weller has died

@Programademano: RT @BenjaNM: Recordamos a Walter Weller cuando lo entrevistamos en @Programademano A la Carta

@BenjaNM: Recordamos a Walter Weller cuando lo entrevistamos en @Programademano A la Carta

@BenjaNM: RT @OCRTVE: Estamos devastados de comunicar el fallecimiento de Walter Weller, director con quien tuvimos una especial relación

@JanJaapKassies: Walter Weller stond minstens 9 keer voor het @radiofilhorkest

@de_noriega: Walter Weller, In Memoriam. Richard Strauss - Befreit {Christine Brewer}

@Diapasonmag: Walter Weller (1939-2015), Konzertmeister, quartettiste et chef

@Fiterstein: I was fortunate to play on Walter Weller's final concerts in Seoul. Old school and wonderful

@jschweitzerhome: Our former concertmaster (1960 - 1969) and conductor WALTER WELLER has died at the age of 75. May he rest in peace.

@OEOSM: RT @hispaopera: Ha fallecido el director de orquesta austriaco Walter Weller a la edad de 75 años.

@penyarrocha: DEP Walter Weller. Excelente músico, educado, culto. Su concepción de la 4ª de Brahms siempre perdurará en mi memoria

@SinfonicaTF: Ha muerto Walter Weller

@de_noriega: RT @leading_tone: Video: R. Strauss "Morgen," Op. 27 Nº 4 Christine Brewer BBC Symphony, Walter Weller And tomorrow the sun...

@cloughranuk: RT @AlpeshChauhan26: RIP Maestro WALTER WELLER. A true loss for the music world. His Brahms 1 with @TheCBSO last year will live with me for…

@Pastranec: Ha muerto Walter Weller

@adpersa: RT @SaxJasf13: DEP Walter Weller, un tipo fantástico y genial músico y director.

@RodrygoOK: Ha muerto Walter Weller: leer más(c) Scherzo, revista de música Toda la actualidad en la música clásica y óper...

@RodrygoOK: Ha muerto Walter Weller: leer más(c) Scherzo, revista de música Toda la actualidad en la música clásica y óper...

@hidekazuno: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@ICSOM: Ex-Royal Scottish National Orchestra principal Walter Weller dies aged 75

@TakeshiOoi: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@maoneko: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@bonsay19: RT @ottoklempeler: ワルター・ウェラーも亡くなってしまい・・ 《Walter Weller dies aged 75》

@soumanoritaka: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@adorinet: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@herbrandall: RT @kennethwoods: RIP Walter Weller- One of the greats. Vintage Vftp appreciation here

@kennethwoods: RIP Walter Weller- One of the greats. Vintage Vftp appreciation here

@aibahiro: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@salvadore291161: RT @asturmarian: Ha fallecido el maestro Walter Weller. Descanse en paz.

@GeorgeMathew: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@GeorgeMathew: RT @AlpeshChauhan26: RIP Maestro WALTER WELLER. A true loss for the music world. His Brahms 1 with @TheCBSO last year will live with me for…

@GeorgeMathew: RT @ClassicalSource: News: Walter Weller dies aged 75

@kennethwoods: RT @BradleyThachuk: RIP Maestro Weller. Praise from years ago... Thanks @kennethwoods for reposting your article

@Mab_Taliesin: RT @RSNOChorus: Very sorry to hear of the death of our Conductor Emeritus Walter Weller. The chorus has many wonderful memories of working …

@Mab_Taliesin: RT @HopeViolin: Very sad to hear the news of Walter Weller's passing. Fond memories on tour together. A true gent and a very fine musician.…

@Mab_Taliesin: RT @albancello: RIP Walter Weller, always the warmest and most wonderful partner on and off stage! I am shocked and saddened!

@SteveThachuk: RT @BradleyThachuk: RIP Maestro Weller. Praise from years ago... Thanks @kennethwoods for reposting your article

@Nekrologium: Walter Weller, österreichischer Violinist und Dirigent, am 14.06.2015 im Alter von 75 Jahren -

@albancello: RIP Walter Weller, always the warmest and most wonderful partner on and off stage! I am shocked and saddened!

@BradleyThachuk: RIP Maestro Weller. Praise from years ago... Thanks @kennethwoods for reposting your article

@ottoklempeler: ワルター・ウェラーも亡くなってしまい・・ 《Walter Weller dies aged 75》

@martyn1000: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@dahlhaus: 지휘자 발터 벨러 타계, 향년 75세 발터 벨러 디스코그래피:

@FelixRamirez74: RT @radioclasica: El director austriaco Walter Weller ha fallecido a los 75 años. Aquí podemos verle dirigiendo a la @OCRTVE

@akashoubin0565: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@paperclipracket: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@paperclipracket: Oh, Walter Weller.

@ludichs: RT @radioclasica: El director austriaco Walter Weller ha fallecido a los 75 años. Aquí podemos verle dirigiendo a la @OCRTVE

@MaizieBass: RT @RSNO: With much sadness we learn of the passing of RSNO Conductor Emeritus Walter Weller. A consummate musician, true gent, and bonefid…

@KenWalton4: RT @RSNO: With much sadness we learn of the passing of RSNO Conductor Emeritus Walter Weller. A consummate musician, true gent, and bonefid…

@LouiseM_BMT: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@mteresagl59: RT @asturmarian: Ha fallecido el maestro Walter Weller. Descanse en paz.

@wagner1883jp: Walter Weller dies aged 75

@janbahr: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@wagner1883jp: Walter Wellerが亡くなったらしい(享年75)。ウェラー四重奏団のハイドンやモーツァルトはいまでも愛聴盤。合掌。

@capyrepublic: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@kazuya_ozawa: RT @TheCBSO: We have just received the very sad news of the death of our great friend, the conductor Walter Weller, aged 75.

@medici7: RT @ClassicalSource: News: Walter Weller dies aged 75

@ClassicalSource: News: Walter Weller dies aged 75

@usugesan: Bohuslav Martinu - Symphony nº 4 (Spanish RTV Orchestra - Walter Weller) #RIP

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