Walter Mears

American journalist (Associated Press)
Died on Friday March 4th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Walter Mears:

@ellenlebowitz: Walter R. Mears, ‘Boys on the Bus’ Campaign Reporter, Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@HumQadamTV: Pulitzer Winner Walter Mears Dies, AP’s ‘Boy On The Bus’ - 3 years ago

@alqamaronline: Pulitzer Winner Walter Mears Dies, AP’s ‘Boy On The Bus’ - 3 years ago

@sjgiardini: RT @PhilipTerzian: JUST THE FACTS, MA'AM In truth, #WalterMears was considerably more than the Sgt Joe Friday of Washington political repor… - 3 years ago


@rjrusak: If you love politics, read Mears’ entire entry. The ability to sum up and place the campaign within the national mo… - 3 years ago

@rjrusak: What a lede from Walter Mears’ Pulitzer-winning coverage of the 1976 campaign (and on my birthdate no less!) RIP. - 3 years ago

@LukeGofannon: RT @PhilipTerzian: JUST THE FACTS, MA'AM In truth, #WalterMears was considerably more than the Sgt Joe Friday of Washington political repor… - 3 years ago

@sherianbird: RT @JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and asked abou… - 3 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: RT @PhilipTerzian: JUST THE FACTS, MA'AM In truth, #WalterMears was considerably more than the Sgt Joe Friday of Washington political repor… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Walter R. Mears won a Pulitzer while reporting on politics for The Associated Press, and in an enduring 1973 book h… - 3 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: JUST THE FACTS, MA'AM In truth, #WalterMears was considerably more than the Sgt Joe Friday of Washington political… - 3 years ago

@DakotaStandard: “I could produce a story as fast as I could type,” Mears once acknowledged — and he was a fast typist. He became th… - 3 years ago

@KailanMendez: RT @JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and asked abou… - 3 years ago

@JOELARNEY9: RT @JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and asked abou… - 3 years ago

@MichaelPMulhall: RT @JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and asked abou… - 3 years ago

@thetoyman1: RT @JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and asked abou… - 3 years ago

@RobertKYarbro: RT @JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and asked abou… - 3 years ago

@BucMon21: RT @JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and asked abou… - 3 years ago

@Sizemore5Ralph: RT @JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and asked abou… - 3 years ago

@JamesRosenTV: I once sat next to the late Walter Mears of @AssociatedPress on Air Force One, during the Bush-Cheney era, and aske… - 3 years ago

@pensjim66: RT @NYTObits: He was the dean of presidential campaign reporters, and one of the featured figures in the 1973 book “The Boys on the Bus.” W… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: He was the dean of presidential campaign reporters, and one of the featured figures in the 1973 book “The Boys on t… - 3 years ago

@lacook427: Walter R. Mears, ‘Boys on the Bus’ Campaign Reporter, Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@lightandlies: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@SammySettanni: RT @dabeard: "While following Nixon’s campaign, Mr. Mears later wrote in his memoir: 'I never met so many people who later wound up in pris… - 3 years ago

@SammySettanni: RT @dabeard: Once, immediately after a political debate, a reporter from The Boston Globe called out to the man from AP: “Walter, what’s ou… - 3 years ago

@jjj5819: RT @dabeard: "While following Nixon’s campaign, Mr. Mears later wrote in his memoir: 'I never met so many people who later wound up in pris… - 3 years ago

@jjj5819: RT @dabeard: Once, immediately after a political debate, a reporter from The Boston Globe called out to the man from AP: “Walter, what’s ou… - 3 years ago

@SusanKHeflin: RT @dabeard: "While following Nixon’s campaign, Mr. Mears later wrote in his memoir: 'I never met so many people who later wound up in pris… - 3 years ago

@morfaleji: RT @dabeard: "While following Nixon’s campaign, Mr. Mears later wrote in his memoir: 'I never met so many people who later wound up in pris… - 3 years ago

@JoeTrippi: RT @dabeard: "While following Nixon’s campaign, Mr. Mears later wrote in his memoir: 'I never met so many people who later wound up in pris… - 3 years ago

@cLovis_buford: RT @dabeard: "While following Nixon’s campaign, Mr. Mears later wrote in his memoir: 'I never met so many people who later wound up in pris… - 3 years ago

@sandal2: RT @dabeard: "While following Nixon’s campaign, Mr. Mears later wrote in his memoir: 'I never met so many people who later wound up in pris… - 3 years ago

@dabeard: "While following Nixon’s campaign, Mr. Mears later wrote in his memoir: 'I never met so many people who later wound… - 3 years ago

@VTConfidential: “I made my reputation as a man who could write and deliver copy almost instantly.” - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: He was the dean of presidential campaign reporters, and one of the featured figures in the 1973 book “The Boys on t… - 3 years ago

@CharlesDrape: - 3 years ago

@llemj: RT @sahagunfelipe: - 3 years ago

@patrickjdo: Mr. Mears typed “like a madman,” writing for as long as an hour without pause.... Then the debate ended, and Mr. Me… - 3 years ago

@menno_tamminga: Boys on the Bus was kennis maken met de Amerikaanse verkiezingsstrijd (1972) en journalistiek. Deze man, Walter R.… - 3 years ago

@BookWorld: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @NYTObits: The afternoon before he died, as he went in and out of slumber, Walter Mears did something that reminded his daughters of the… - 3 years ago

@sahagunfelipe: - 3 years ago

@the_60s_at_60: RT @NYTObits: The afternoon before he died, as he went in and out of slumber, Walter Mears did something that reminded his daughters of the… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: The afternoon before he died, as he went in and out of slumber, Walter Mears did something that reminded his daught… - 3 years ago

@ErAndr: - 3 years ago

@ErAndr: - 3 years ago

@rcwhalen: RT @hamrickisms: A great journalist has passed away. Rest In Peace. - 3 years ago

@dn_nation_world: AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former News bureau chief Walter Mears dies - 3 years ago

@loisromano: Walter was the star of Timothy Crouse's iconic "The Boys on the Bus" A must read for anyone who aspires to cover a… - 3 years ago

@mstepczyk: RT @JillDLawrence: Great journalist and champion of journalists, including a young woman determined to cover national politics when hardly… - 3 years ago

@MatteristBooks: Walter R. Mears, ‘Boys on the Bus’ Campaign Reporter, Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@MatteristBooks: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@FloLake: Walter R. Mears, ‘Boys on the Bus’ Campaign Reporter, Dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@lmeixler: RT @wjlester: Another quality obit on the AP's Walter Mears. (stay for the ending! - 3 years ago

@obituarywriters: Walter R. Mears, who for 45 years fluidly and speedily wrote the news about presidential campaigns for The Associat… - 3 years ago

@blogofdeath: Walter R. Mears, who for 45 years fluidly and speedily wrote the news about presidential campaigns for The Associat… - 3 years ago

@WybleKitso: RT @ByronYork: 'It was fun covering a citizen legislature with a representative from every hamlet in the state' — 276 of them, he recalled… - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@retireedesigner: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@cece_wi: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@postnews_fr: Walter R. Mears, journaliste lauréat du Pulitzer et auteur d'un ouvrage classique sur les journalistes de campagne,… - 3 years ago

@danielday: Here’s a compelling obituary worthy of Walter Mears. - 3 years ago

@WeSayUSA: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Walter Mears dead at 87 #news - 3 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 3 years ago

@CIoJournalist: Pulitzer prize winner Walter R. Mears, who wrote news about 11 US presidential campaigns for the Associated Press,… - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@QuibellPaul: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @twitbituaries: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - - 3 years ago

@MediaBot: Walter Mears: One of the Country’s Most Influential and Widely Read Political Reporters - 3 years ago

@MediaBot: Walter, Walter, What’s Our Lead? - 3 years ago

@AlanEyre1: It sounds like he had a good run. Rest in Peace, Walter R. Mears. - 3 years ago

@TheSteveHensley: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@michaelcollins: Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer-winning reporter featured in classic book on campaign journalists, dies at 87 - 3 years ago

@BGrueskin: RT @BGrueskin: AP reporter Walter Mears on handling presidential candidates: “You’re not covering a friend.” - 3 years ago

@DouglasJRowe: @ron_fournier Yes. Compared to him, I could feel like a bat boy. RIP, Walter Mears. - 3 years ago

@KCMikeMahoney: RT @ron_fournier: In this favorite photo of my (professional) life, Babe Ruth is pictured watching Mario Mendoza take his cuts. RIP Walte… - 3 years ago

@metrbocker: RT @HowardMortman: From AP's Walter Mears obit: “I could produce a story as fast as I could type,' Mears once acknowledged — and he was a… - 3 years ago

@JeremyReesnz: One for fellow reporters…..scroll through this Obit of a famed @AP White House reporter and get to the collection o… - 3 years ago

@Evelyn30736129: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@jmb_1985: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@JakeWil42711974: RT @ThriceSavage: "Although he got to know the candidates he covered, sometimes shared after-hour drinks and played golf with them, he alwa… - 3 years ago

@JohnDowning2: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@mpoag: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@MatthewDalyWDC: RT @dansewell: A true giant of political journalism. If you fancy yourself a politics reporter, read all the Walter Mears you can. ⁦@AP⁩… - 3 years ago

@Lewgo2: @TomWFerguson2 Read this - 3 years ago

@robjgifford: - 3 years ago

@jeffash26: Walter Mears, legend. One of "The Boys on the Bus." If you know, you know. He briefly left the AP to run a newspape… - 3 years ago

@rolf_boone: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@MediagazerChat: RT @BGrueskin: AP reporter Walter Mears on handling presidential candidates: “You’re not covering a friend.” - 3 years ago

@MediagazerChat: RT @howardfineman: #AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former Pulitzer winner #WalterMears dies— I was a rookie in the national political press corps w… - 3 years ago

@lexarwabnob: RT @HowardMortman: From AP's Walter Mears obit: “I could produce a story as fast as I could type,' Mears once acknowledged — and he was a… - 3 years ago

@willthewordguy: RT @Jeff_Gauger: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@WIBC_EricBerman: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede When a gunman slew John Kennedy’s brother: “Robert F. Kennedy died of gunshot wounds early today, prey li… - 3 years ago

@WIBC_EricBerman: RT @jmartNYT: In his lead paragraphs, Mears captured the essence of events, not just the words but the music… “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle… - 3 years ago

@WIBC_EricBerman: RT @JillDLawrence: Great journalist and champion of journalists, including a young woman determined to cover national politics when hardly… - 3 years ago

@WIBC_EricBerman: RT @HowardMortman: #RIP AP's Walter Mears (thank you @GlennKesslerWP for the alert). 11/16/ 2000 David Broder said "About 20 years ago, I… - 3 years ago

@ThriceSavage: "Although he got to know the candidates he covered, sometimes shared after-hour drinks and played golf with them, h… - 3 years ago

@Anna__Johnson: “You can’t talk about Walter without using the word legendary. He was a brilliant writer, astonishingly fast, color… - 3 years ago

@rickberke: A revered legend in political journalism: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' | AP News - 3 years ago

@JohnQBarrett: His 1976 Pulitzer-winning stories: - 3 years ago

@JohnQBarrett: RIP to Walter Mears, who contributed a lot of information & smart writing to the educations of very many of us. No… - 3 years ago

@Bothered_Blonde: RT @JamesRosenTV: Walter Mears RIP - 3 years ago

@jlareauan: RT @dansewell: A true giant of political journalism. If you fancy yourself a politics reporter, read all the Walter Mears you can. ⁦@AP⁩… - 3 years ago

@KarenMahabir: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@JoeTrippi: RT @ron_fournier: In this favorite photo of my (professional) life, Babe Ruth is pictured watching Mario Mendoza take his cuts. RIP Walte… - 3 years ago

@gintautasd: RT @billkole: This man was a giant in American journalism, and a treasure at @AP. RIP, Walter. - 3 years ago

@danvock: RT @dansewell: A true giant of political journalism. If you fancy yourself a politics reporter, read all the Walter Mears you can. ⁦@AP⁩… - 3 years ago

@eDougBanks: RT @billkole: This man was a giant in American journalism, and a treasure at @AP. RIP, Walter. - 3 years ago

@MomMomHolt: RT @jmartNYT: In his lead paragraphs, Mears captured the essence of events, not just the words but the music… “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle… - 3 years ago

@thejohnmeroney: RT @ByronYork: 'It was fun covering a citizen legislature with a representative from every hamlet in the state' — 276 of them, he recalled… - 3 years ago

@thejohnmeroney: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@johnrobinson: Inspired by Walter Mears, I’m sending @MaeveSheehey a slew of books about newspaper journalists’ golden age. (Yes,… - 3 years ago

@KCBSRadio: Walter R. Mears, who for 45 years fluidly and speedily wrote the news about presidential campaigns for The Associat… - 3 years ago

@ScottZPinkRose: RT @howardfineman: #AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former Pulitzer winner #WalterMears dies— I was a rookie in the national political press corps w… - 3 years ago

@MerelyRight: RT @ByronYork: 'It was fun covering a citizen legislature with a representative from every hamlet in the state' — 276 of them, he recalled… - 3 years ago

@MrRural: Crouse recounted how, immediately after a political debate, a reporter from The Boston Globe called out to the man… - 3 years ago

@Lynn_Henning: RT @howardfineman: #AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former Pulitzer winner #WalterMears dies— I was a rookie in the national political press corps w… - 3 years ago

@jdau1: RT @howardfineman: #AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former Pulitzer winner #WalterMears dies— I was a rookie in the national political press corps w… - 3 years ago

@1964laura1: RT @ByronYork: 'It was fun covering a citizen legislature with a representative from every hamlet in the state' — 276 of them, he recalled… - 3 years ago

@HunterMw: RT @StarTribune: Walter R. Mears, who for 45 years fluidly and speedily wrote the news about presidential campaigns for The Associated Pres… - 3 years ago

@peterprengaman: - 3 years ago

@CarolAnnLemon1: RT @ByronYork: 'It was fun covering a citizen legislature with a representative from every hamlet in the state' — 276 of them, he recalled… - 3 years ago

@ByronYork: 'It was fun covering a citizen legislature with a representative from every hamlet in the state' — 276 of them, he… - 3 years ago

@cowboyjoe24: RT @robertburnsAP: Walter Mears was not just a great reporter and writer. He was a role model for generations of AP journalists who could a… - 3 years ago

@howardfineman: #AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former Pulitzer winner #WalterMears dies— I was a rookie in the national political press co… - 3 years ago

@FarragherTom: RT @edcafasso: I had sports heroes as a kid, but I also idolized reporters like Walter Mears whose ability to find the essence of a story w… - 3 years ago

@detroitnews: AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former News bureau chief Walter Mears dies - 3 years ago

@edcafasso: I had sports heroes as a kid, but I also idolized reporters like Walter Mears whose ability to find the essence of… - 3 years ago

@ron_fournier: Detroit #journalism tweeps: Did you know this legend briefly worked for the ⁦@detroitnews⁩ before returning to the… - 3 years ago

@dn_nation_world: AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former News bureau chief Walter Mears dies - 3 years ago

@sammymagdy: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @rgilliescanada: WASHINGTON (AP) Walter R. Mears, who for 45 years fluidly and speedily wrote the news about presidential campaigns for… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede In 1976, when former peanut farmer Carter took the presidency from its accidental occupant: “In the end,… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @hildyjohns: A colleague was asked to size up how Mears worked under pressure and report back. “Mears writes faster than most people thi… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @ByGlenJohnson: The Standard, in so many ways. During the 2000 campaign, I got sick in NH. Walter flew up, took me to dinner (and drinks… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @JillDLawrence: Great journalist and champion of journalists, including a young woman determined to cover national politics when hardly… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @dansewell: R.I.P. Walter Mears, the legendary Pulitzer Prize-winning ⁦@AP⁩ politics reporter. As a top editor later, he was very approa… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 3 years ago

@MrsPsp: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' (from @AP) - 3 years ago

@metzsam: RT @dansewell: A true giant of political journalism. If you fancy yourself a politics reporter, read all the Walter Mears you can. ⁦@AP⁩… - 3 years ago

@GeorgeMentz: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' - 3 years ago

@ByJakeKurtz: RT @BGrueskin: AP reporter Walter Mears on handling presidential candidates: “You’re not covering a friend.” - 3 years ago

@CarnageMovie: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years… - 3 years ago

@PolyPoliLive: RT @APBrianWitte: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' (from @AP) - 3 years ago

@jonahowenlamb: RT @BGrueskin: AP reporter Walter Mears on handling presidential candidates: “You’re not covering a friend.” - 3 years ago

@BGrueskin: AP reporter Walter Mears on handling presidential candidates: “You’re not covering a friend.” - 3 years ago

@JournoWes: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@APBrianWitte: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' (from @AP) - 3 years ago

@ezekiel_folahan: @AP Rest on Mr. Walter Mears... - 3 years ago

@madorairene: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@madorairene: RT @ByGlenJohnson: The Standard, in so many ways. During the 2000 campaign, I got sick in NH. Walter flew up, took me to dinner (and drinks… - 3 years ago

@WHLT22: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears, AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' dies - 3 years ago

@kausmickey: RT @EllisItems: One of the greats. - 3 years ago

@GrammarPurist: RT @robertburnsAP: Walter Mears was not just a great reporter and writer. He was a role model for generations of AP journalists who could a… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: @jmartNYT Walter R. Mears, who covered Carter’s emergence, began an inauguration story: “Jimmy Carter, a stranger no more...” RIP - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @jmartNYT: In his lead paragraphs, Mears captured the essence of events, not just the words but the music… “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @tbridis: RIP, Walter. One of the greatest political writers across several generations - 3 years ago

@EINChemicalNews: AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' former News bureau chief Walter Mears dies - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @robertburnsAP: Walter Mears was not just a great reporter and writer. He was a role model for generations of AP journalists who could a… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle of the politics of joy, won the Democ… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @georgecondon: Walter Mears was a man among boys on the bus, an always fair reporter who could be very tough, and, away from the typewri… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @dansewell: R.I.P. Walter Mears, the legendary Pulitzer Prize-winning ⁦@AP⁩ politics reporter. As a top editor later, he was very approa… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @ron_fournier: David Espo, former special correspondent and assistant Washington bureau chief, said: “He took care to mentor those less… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @nbenac: Walter was a wonderful friend and mentor and so much fun! So privileged to have intersected with him over the years and to have… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @DonnaCassata: RIP Walter Mears, who taught so many reporters how to cover the news. - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @markknoller: Was my privilege as a young AP Radio reporter to have worked with Walter Mears during the ‘76 pres campsign. No better exa… - 3 years ago

@henrytatkinson: RT @dansewell: A true giant of political journalism. If you fancy yourself a politics reporter, read all the Walter Mears you can. ⁦@AP⁩… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @ron_fournier: In this favorite photo of my (professional) life, Babe Ruth is pictured watching Mario Mendoza take his cuts. RIP Walte… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @ron_fournier: “He was visited on his last night by a minister, with whom he discussed Alf Landon, the losing Republican presidential ca… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @dansewell: A true giant of political journalism. If you fancy yourself a politics reporter, read all the Walter Mears you can. ⁦@AP⁩… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @JillDLawrence: Great journalist and champion of journalists, including a young woman determined to cover national politics when hardly… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @ron_fournier: Two great ⁦@AP⁩ bylines eulogizing The Greatest, Walter Mears. Hero. Mentor. Friend. God must have a deadline to keep… - 3 years ago

@ScottCharton: RT @JuliePace: It's hard to overstate Walter Mears' influence on the @AP and all of political journalism. A true legend. - 3 years ago

@giacomonyt: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@tvsteve: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@AngelRe96386095: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - POLITICO 👠 - 3 years ago

@The3Buckleys: RT @JillDLawrence: Great journalist and champion of journalists, including a young woman determined to cover national politics when hardly… - 3 years ago

@StarTribune: Walter R. Mears, who for 45 years fluidly and speedily wrote the news about presidential campaigns for The Associat… - 3 years ago

@wjxt4: Mears died Thursday at his apartment in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, eight days after being diagnosed with multiple… - 3 years ago

@rhreid: RT @dansewell: A true giant of political journalism. If you fancy yourself a politics reporter, read all the Walter Mears you can. ⁦@AP⁩… - 3 years ago

@suddafchaudry: RT @JuliePace: It's hard to overstate Walter Mears' influence on the @AP and all of political journalism. A true legend. - 3 years ago

@TALK1370: UPDATE: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' - 3 years ago

@aMaize92: RT @jmartNYT: In his lead paragraphs, Mears captured the essence of events, not just the words but the music… “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle… - 3 years ago

@AamerISmad: RT @dansewell: A true giant of political journalism. If you fancy yourself a politics reporter, read all the Walter Mears you can. ⁦@AP⁩… - 3 years ago

@CJsucitymvp: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@twebber02: - 3 years ago

@SerendipitySays: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@scottwongDC: “Walter, what’s our lead? What’s the lead, Walter?” Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' - 3 years ago

@timmcguire: @AP Most people have never ever had drinks with someone as smart, knowledgeable or funny as Walter Mears. I conside… - 3 years ago

@geekspeeker: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 3 years ago

@jjcooper: RT @kronayne: Come for the obituary of a legendary @AP newsman, stay for the lessons in lede writing embedded within: - 3 years ago

@ron_fournier: In this favorite photo of my (professional) life, Babe Ruth is pictured watching Mario Mendoza take his cuts. RIP… - 3 years ago

@64Roos: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@phil_rosenthal: Walter Mears has died at 87. #RIP He and John Chancellor wrote 1983’s “The News Business,” which for many years I… - 3 years ago

@MediagazerChat: RT @kampeas: Working for AP, I covered SLA chief Antoine Lahad’s crazed incoherent farewell speech at the Israel-Lebanon border in 2000. Wa… - 3 years ago

@MediagazerChat: RT @kronayne: Come for the obituary of a legendary @AP newsman, stay for the lessons in lede writing embedded within: - 3 years ago

@MediagazerChat: RT @ron_fournier: Two great ⁦@AP⁩ bylines eulogizing The Greatest, Walter Mears. Hero. Mentor. Friend. God must have a deadline to keep… - 3 years ago

@MediagazerChat: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede In 1976, when former peanut farmer Carter took the presidency from its accidental occupant: “In the end,… - 3 years ago

@mediagazer: Pulitzer Prize winner Walter R. Mears, who covered presidential campaigns for The Associated Press for 45 years, di… - 3 years ago

@MyTransitBoston: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' - Boston 25 News #MBTA #MassDOT #Transit #Boston… - 3 years ago

@SylviaWingfield: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@nbenac: Walter was a wonderful friend and mentor and so much fun! So privileged to have intersected with him over the years… - 3 years ago

@BDBgoldens3: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@robertburnsAP: Walter Mears was not just a great reporter and writer. He was a role model for generations of AP journalists who co… - 3 years ago

@jenapradio: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@BarryHanson2: RT @ZekeJMiller: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus,’ dies - 3 years ago

@lbaldor: An inspiration to us all in the news business. He and Fran got me through my nervous early years at AP. ❤️❤️ Pulitz… - 3 years ago

@DCCajun: RT @ron_fournier: Two great ⁦@AP⁩ bylines eulogizing The Greatest, Walter Mears. Hero. Mentor. Friend. God must have a deadline to keep… - 3 years ago

@Carlanun: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@ERANewsStuff: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@sandymaxey: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@LA_LaVilla: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@CatDadSean: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@BonnieNeidhardt: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@Aroguden: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@j_lou_edwards: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@Terry53502902: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@WhatsYourACAga1: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@HolderJeannehom: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@DrummerWrites: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@CourtneyBlair18: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@PBarnestax: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@jongambrellAP: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@natuphillies: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@GeneAPseattle: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@Melissacaton4: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@cheekeemonkee74: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@stephenatap: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@rainey_jim: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@MPAnewspapers: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@Tina69757672: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@ctlong1: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' | AP News - 3 years ago

@MichaelRBloodAP: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@kkennedyeditor: RT @wjlester: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' (from @AP) about one of the AP’s best by two more of the AP’s best… - 3 years ago

@Shutzy59: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@RobRe62: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@shirleychcn: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@poly_cyborg: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@alexheard: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @GlennKesslerWP: Walter Mears, RIP, such a legendary political reporter. This question yielded one of the best debate exchanges ever. - 3 years ago

@ChrisOttoLNP: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@Vreelander: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@EssexKIRO7: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@JeffreyPNesker: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@jose_cruzLP: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@jimbourg: Walter Mears - a true wire service writing legend at the AP - dies at 87. - 3 years ago

@BellaDonaModels: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@BizWriterKristi: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@cymaronet: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@garydrobertson: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@JosephCacchioli: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@MichaelMcGough3: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@JustADCohen: Walter Mears was the gold standard, back in the day. - 3 years ago

@IllinoisGolfer: RT @AP: A longtime @AP writer has died. Walter R. Mears died Thursday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at 87. For 45 years Mears fluidly an… - 3 years ago

@NickRiccardi: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede In 1976, when former peanut farmer Carter took the presidency from its accidental occupant: “In the end,… - 3 years ago

@dogstar7tweets: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede In 1976, when former peanut farmer Carter took the presidency from its accidental occupant: “In the end,… - 3 years ago

@michellelprice: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede When a gunman slew John Kennedy’s brother: “Robert F. Kennedy died of gunshot wounds early today, prey li… - 3 years ago

@michellelprice: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle of the politics of joy, won the Democ… - 3 years ago

@rgilliescanada: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede When a gunman slew John Kennedy’s brother: “Robert F. Kennedy died of gunshot wounds early today, prey li… - 3 years ago

@rimaanabtawi: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede In 1976, when former peanut farmer Carter took the presidency from its accidental occupant: “In the end,… - 3 years ago

@rgilliescanada: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede In 1976, when former peanut farmer Carter took the presidency from its accidental occupant: “In the end,… - 3 years ago

@Pervaizistan: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle of the politics of joy, won the Democ… - 3 years ago

@michellelprice: RT @tackettdc: Walter Mears lede In 1976, when former peanut farmer Carter took the presidency from its accidental occupant: “In the end,… - 3 years ago

@tackettdc: Walter Mears lede In 1976, when former peanut farmer Carter took the presidency from its accidental occupant: “In… - 3 years ago

@tackettdc: Walter Mears lede When a gunman slew John Kennedy’s brother: “Robert F. Kennedy died of gunshot wounds early today… - 3 years ago

@JimVertuno: RT @wjlester: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' (from @AP) about one of the AP’s best by two more of the AP’s best… - 3 years ago

@kirkmurphy: RT @ByGlenJohnson: The Standard, in so many ways. During the 2000 campaign, I got sick in NH. Walter flew up, took me to dinner (and drinks… - 3 years ago

@coylejim20: @ByGlenJohnson @margarettalev Read Timothy Crouse. Went to j-school. Got hired at CP (The Canadian Press) in ‘79 in… - 3 years ago

@tackettdc: Walter Mears lede 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle of the politics of joy, won… - 3 years ago

@curtwoodward: RT @ByGlenJohnson: The Standard, in so many ways. During the 2000 campaign, I got sick in NH. Walter flew up, took me to dinner (and drinks… - 3 years ago

@ScotMackRI: - 3 years ago

@seth_hettena: RIP to one of the greats. - 3 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @anthonyted: Great journalist, good colleague to learn from: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears, AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' dies - 3 years ago

@john_biemer: Legendary AP newsman. Covered national politics for 40+ years. Covered 11 presidential elections. If you read "The… - 3 years ago

@gina_goldberg: RT @tackettdc: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Walter Mears, you will be missed - #WalterMears #Walter #Mears #rip - 3 years ago

@Bencjacobs: RT @tackettdc: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@dn1164: RT @anthonyted: Great journalist, good colleague to learn from: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears, AP's 'Boy on the Bus,' dies - 3 years ago

@DonnaCassata: One of Walter Mears's brilliant leads: From the 1968 convention in Chicago: “Hubert H. Humphrey, apostle of the pol… - 3 years ago

@suntimesobits: RT @tackettdc: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@Justin_Hyde: RT @KThomasDC: RIP the great Walter Mears. So sorry to hear this news. @AP. - 3 years ago

@techmarketer: RT @ron_fournier: Two great ⁦@AP⁩ bylines eulogizing The Greatest, Walter Mears. Hero. Mentor. Friend. God must have a deadline to keep… - 3 years ago

@RachelAPOly: RT @michellelprice: Walter R. Mears, who covered presidential campaigns for AP, won a Pulitzer Prize and was one of “The Boys on the Bus,”… - 3 years ago

@charlieborst: RT @tackettdc: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@llacigart: RT @tackettdc: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@Meghatron24: RT @tackettdc: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@vtuss: RT @rgilliescanada: WASHINGTON (AP) Walter R. Mears, who for 45 years fluidly and speedily wrote the news about presidential campaigns for… - 3 years ago

@tackettdc: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus’ - 3 years ago

@rgilliescanada: WASHINGTON (AP) Walter R. Mears, who for 45 years fluidly and speedily wrote the news about presidential campaigns… - 3 years ago

@craasch: RT @HowardMortman: #RIP AP's Walter Mears (thank you @GlennKesslerWP for the alert). 11/16/ 2000 David Broder said "About 20 years ago, I… - 3 years ago

@craasch: RT @ZekeJMiller: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears, AP’s ‘Boy on the Bus,’ dies - 3 years ago

@joliclown: In 1972, Timothy Crouse featured @AP’s Walter Mears in “The Boys on the Bus,” a book chronicling reporters covering… - 3 years ago

@KThomasDC: RT @ron_fournier: Two great ⁦@AP⁩ bylines eulogizing The Greatest, Walter Mears. Hero. Mentor. Friend. God must have a deadline to keep… - 3 years ago

@michellelprice: Walter R. Mears, who covered presidential campaigns for AP, won a Pulitzer Prize and was one of “The Boys on the Bu… - 3 years ago

@JimClarkeAP: Walter was a wonderful guy and a born wire service reporter. We were richer for having worked with him. He'll be mi… - 3 years ago

@catherine_lucey: RT @wjlester: Pulitzer winner Walter Mears dies, AP's 'Boy on the Bus' (from @AP) about one of the AP’s best by two more of the AP’s best… - 3 years ago

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