Walter Kohn

Austrian-born American theoretical physicist
Died on Tuesday April 19th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Walter Kohn:

@VamshiChennuri: In Memory of Walter Kohn: Scientist, Nobel Laureate, Humanitarian - 9 years ago

@Abby_Retweet: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@MikePLockhart: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@holocronweaver: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago


@molecularD: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@AfricanPhysics: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@ucsdphysci: Former Chair of UC San Diego Physics Department and Nobel-Prize-Winner Walter Kohn Dies - 9 years ago

@prof_morgese: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@iteachphysics: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@uc_alumni: Nobel Prize-winning physicist and UC grad Walter Kohn (BA 1945 UC) has passed away. - 9 years ago

@PeptidesIntl: An important contributor to our understanding of chemistry. Walter Kohn, Won #NobelPrize in #Chemistry, Dies at 93 - 9 years ago

@BlackPhysicists: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@STEMontheHill: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@FordSymposium: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@SETCVD_WG: RT @mi_sci: RIP Nobel Laureate #WalterKohn. His work was vital for electronics + medicine.🔌💊 - 9 years ago

@NSBE: "Walter Kohn, Nobel-Winning Scientist, Dies at 93" @NYTimes - 9 years ago

@TipHippie: In Memoriam: Walter Kohn - 9 years ago

@OudeMediaNieuwe: In Memoriam: Walter Kohn - 9 years ago

@Nima__Rahbar: RT @bebursten: Sad news--he was a giant and transformed electronic structure theory with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. - 9 years ago

@jscover00: RT @VergaraLautaro: SCIENCE RIP Prof. Walter Kohn - 9 years ago

@sheffi34: RT @NYTScience: The NYT obituary for Walter Kohn, who won the Nobel for work on Density-Functional Theory - 9 years ago

@bob_kasamat: RT @aki_kuwa: 今朝、密度汎関数理論の生みの親とも言えるKohn先生が亡くなった知らせのメールが来てたので「Walter Kohnが死んだ…」と言ったら妻が「どこの格闘家?」と聞いてきた まぁ確かに家で外国人のフルネーム喋るのってヴァンダレイ・シウバとかホイス・グレ… - 9 years ago

@madeitmeself: Former refugee and Nobel laureate Walter Kohn dies - 9 years ago

@aki_kuwa: RT @postobits: @AmerChemSociety Walter Kohn, refugee who became Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 93 - 9 years ago

@aki_kuwa: RT @NYTScience: The NYT obituary for Walter Kohn, who won the Nobel for work on Density-Functional Theory - 9 years ago

@skinnergj: Former refugee and Nobel laureate Walter Kohn dies - 9 years ago

@oriens_t: Walter Kohnって、Kohn–Sham方程式のKohn先生か…。 - 9 years ago

@oriens_t: RT @aki_kuwa: 今朝、密度汎関数理論の生みの親とも言えるKohn先生が亡くなった知らせのメールが来てたので「Walter Kohnが死んだ…」と言ったら妻が「どこの格闘家?」と聞いてきた まぁ確かに家で外国人のフルネーム喋るのってヴァンダレイ・シウバとかホイス・グレ… - 9 years ago

@aki_kuwa: 今朝、密度汎関数理論の生みの親とも言えるKohn先生が亡くなった知らせのメールが来てたので「Walter Kohnが死んだ…」と言ったら妻が「どこの格闘家?」と聞いてきた まぁ確かに家で外国人のフルネーム喋るのってヴァンダレイ・シウバとかホイス・グレイシーとかばっかりだけども… - 9 years ago

@hphratchian: RT @bebursten: Sad news--he was a giant and transformed electronic structure theory with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. - 9 years ago

@bizlunchbox: Former refugee and Nobel laureate Walter Kohn dies - 9 years ago

@judithburstyn: RT @bebursten: Sad news--he was a giant and transformed electronic structure theory with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. - 9 years ago

@ms_j_churchill: RT @NYTScience: The NYT obituary for Walter Kohn, who won the Nobel for work on Density-Functional Theory - 9 years ago

@VergaraLautaro: SCIENCE RIP Prof. Walter Kohn - 9 years ago

@SciSmidge: RT @bebursten: Sad news--he was a giant and transformed electronic structure theory with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. - 9 years ago

@betsythedevine: RT @bebursten: Sad news--he was a giant and transformed electronic structure theory with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. - 9 years ago

@Chemjobber: RT @bebursten: Sad news--he was a giant and transformed electronic structure theory with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. - 9 years ago

@bebursten: Sad news--he was a giant and transformed electronic structure theory with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. - 9 years ago

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