Walter Fitzgerald

Canadian politician
Died on Saturday October 11th 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Walter Fitzgerald:

@HarrySKeeler: RT @levistahl: Attn @hodgman! "Walter de la Mare once argued for 2 days over whether marmalade could properly be called a kind of jam."-Pen…

@boerneaj: RT @levistahl: Attn @hodgman! "Walter de la Mare once argued for 2 days over whether marmalade could properly be called a kind of jam."-Pen…

@levistahl: Attn @hodgman! "Walter de la Mare once argued for 2 days over whether marmalade could properly be called a kind of jam."-Penelope Fitzgerald

@levistahl: Walter de la Mare was spoiled for eighty-three years, as poets probably should be.--Penelope Fitzgerald, The Afterlife


@MissioTheology: RT @BrianPFlanagan: Card. Walter Kasper, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, and Archbishop Felix Machado presiding at #EIDC2015…

@BishopSherborne: RT @BrianPFlanagan: Card. Walter Kasper, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, and Archbishop Felix Machado presiding at #EIDC2015…

@VictorCarmonaG: RT @BrianPFlanagan: Card. Walter Kasper, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, and Archbishop Felix Machado presiding at #EIDC2015…

@MassimoFaggioli: RT @BrianPFlanagan: Card. Walter Kasper, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, and Archbishop Felix Machado presiding at #EIDC2015…

@BrianPFlanagan: Card. Walter Kasper, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, and Archbishop Felix Machado presiding at #EIDC2015

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