Walid Muallem

Syrian diplomat
Died on Monday November 16th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Walid Muallem:

@QolibegliH: RT @The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem: 'The legacy of #Assad's #Goebbelsian foreign minister' - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem: 'The legacy of #Assad's #Goebbelsian foreign minister' - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem: "The legacy of #Assad's #Goebbelsian foreign minister" - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: "The legacy of #Assad's Goebbelsian foreign minister" - 4 years ago


@lonesquirrel: RT @The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem - "The legacy of #Assad's #Goebbelsian foreign minister" - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem - "The legacy of #Assad's #Goebbelsian foreign minister" - 4 years ago

@polit2k: RT @The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem - 'Sam Hamad reflects on the legacy of Walid al-Muallem, #Assad's foreign minister who died… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem - 'Sam Hamad reflects on the legacy of Walid al-Muallem, #Assad's foreign minister wh… - 4 years ago

@Lawrenc80054063: RT @The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem: 'The legacy of Assad's #Goebbelsian foreign minister' - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem: 'The legacy of Assad's #Goebbelsian foreign minister' - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: The death of Walid al-Muallem: 'Sam Hamad reflects on the legacy of Walid al-Muallem, #Assad's foreign minister who… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Comment: "The legacy of Assad's Goebbelsian foreign minister" - 4 years ago

@axbIumenthal: @KareemRifai Horrible. They're supposed to die in office, like Walid Muallem. 😭 - 4 years ago

@miriwood: @SANAEnOfficial @SanaAjel - 4 years ago

@ArabWeekly: Syrian President Bashar Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria’s new foreign minister, replacing Walid Mu… - 4 years ago

@EiseSaborit: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@itv_sa: SYRIA NAMES FAISAL MEKDAD AS NEW FOREIGN MINISTER President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Sy… - 4 years ago

@AmericanSyrians: Syria's veteran foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79 - FRANCE 24 English - 4 years ago

@IRANinPORTUGAL: RT @Iran_GOV: @JZarif in a phone call with his Syrian counterpart Faisal Mekdad congratulated him over appointment. He once again offered c… - 4 years ago

@AasaRaiko: The death of Walid al-Muallem: The legacy of Assad's Goebbelsian foreign minister [@The_NewArab] - 4 years ago

@dickgregory2011: 'There's little doubt Muallem knew the uprising was popular and its pioneers a diverse array of Syrians. Didn't st… - 4 years ago

@offstream_news: Faisal Mekdad is appointed as Foreign Minister of Syria, succeeding Walid Muallem, who died last Monday. - 4 years ago

@anewscomtr: The Syrian #SANA news agency reported that the #Assad #regime handed over the seat of Foreign Minister Walid… - 4 years ago

@republikaonline: Mekdad menggantikan Walid Muallem (79 tahun) yang meninggal pada 16 November - 4 years ago

@madiganjosh1: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@Henry26914672: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@LotusLotfy: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's President Bashar al-Assad appointed Faisal Mekdad as new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who died alm… - 4 years ago

@SaidChaya: El presidente de #Siria 🇸🇾 Bashar Al-Assad nombró hoy ministro de Relaciones Exteriores a Faisal Mekdad (66), vicem… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Opinion: Reflections on the legacy of Walid al-Muallem, Syria's foreign minister, who spent the past decade justify… - 4 years ago

@ArunThomas9847: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@jazmasigan_2: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@nero_kara: RT @NPA_English: #BREAKING: #North_Press Syrian President Bashar al-Assad appoints Faisal Mekdad as foreign minister to succeed Walid al Mu… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Opinion: Reflections on the legacy of Walid al-Muallem, Syria's foreign minister, who spent the past decade justify… - 4 years ago

@Carefree19991: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's President Bashar al-Assad appointed Faisal Mekdad as new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who died alm… - 4 years ago

@matcranz: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@levent_k_elpen: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's President Bashar al-Assad appointed Faisal Mekdad as new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who died alm… - 4 years ago

@AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's President Bashar al-Assad appointed Faisal Mekdad as new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who die… - 4 years ago

@SuzanneinLGB: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@LeslieAnnGiese: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@muzahara2: RT @M_Alneser: Walid Muallem was fighting 'lymph node cancer' for the last 5 yrs & #Assad refused all tries of the family to dismiss Mualle… - 4 years ago

@Iran_GOV: @JZarif in a phone call with his Syrian counterpart Faisal Mekdad congratulated him over appointment. He once again… - 4 years ago

@TarcisoRibeiro5: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@s_total_s2: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@jobahout: #Faysal_Miqdad, left of #Walid_Al_Muallem, to which he succeeds as #Syria’s Foreign Minister. - 4 years ago

@GeromanAT: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@WhiteLotus3_9: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@Vishalsingh7639: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@srubenfeld: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@basselsafi: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@gemin_steven98: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@CharlotteDhery: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@EvolutionaryG12: RT @AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Walid Muallem who d… - 4 years ago

@3terweltkrieg: EIL: Präsident Baschar al-Assad ernannte am Sonntag Faisal Mekdad zum neuen syrischen Außenminister und ersetzte da… - 4 years ago

@AFP: #UPDATE President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday appointed Faisal Mekdad as Syria's new foreign minister, replacing Wali… - 4 years ago

@M_Alneser: Walid Muallem was fighting 'lymph node cancer' for the last 5 yrs & #Assad refused all tries of the family to dismi… - 4 years ago

@aelhattach: RT @GlobalImpactIn2: 🔴 Faisal #Mekdad nommé ministre des Affaires étrangères de #Syrie. Il succède à Walid Muallem mort le 16 novembre. Par… - 4 years ago

@GlobalImpactIn2: 🔴 Faisal #Mekdad nommé ministre des Affaires étrangères de #Syrie. Il succède à Walid Muallem mort le 16 novembre.… - 4 years ago

@TurpinMal: الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد يعين فيصل المقداد وزيرا للخارجية خلفا لوليد المعلم وبشار الجعفري نائبا لوزير الخارجية.… - 4 years ago

@NPA_English: #BREAKING: #North_Press Syrian President Bashar al-Assad appoints Faisal Mekdad as foreign minister to succeed Wali… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Opinion: Reflections on the legacy of Walid al-Muallem, Syria's foreign minister, who spent the past decade justify… - 4 years ago

@ollimo1: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Mr Walid Muallem's speech directed to John Kerry in January 2014: "No one in the world ... Mr Kerry ... has the right… - 4 years ago

@Comrad_McCarthy: RT @telesurenglish: #Syria | Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid al-Muallem died early Monday morning at the age 79. In his la… - 4 years ago

@MauroBellBrown1: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@Maram199017: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@EmilyPerezG: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@MontesinoOtto: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@AngelCubaXCuba: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@CamilaGzlez34: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@anyelostg1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital En la sede diplomática árabe destacó los lazos de solidaridad entre la Isla y Siria. Ca… - 4 years ago

@SyriaUntold: What we're reading this week: Walid Muallem's death, the story of a secret library, and COVID-19 on the rise in Idl… - 4 years ago

@AnibalDuranC: RT @MariEle2020: Sentidas condolencias muestra el pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del ex-presidente de #Ghana, Jerry Rawlings, y… - 4 years ago

@MichelFR7: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Nuestro país envía sus más sinceras condolencias el fallecimiento del expresidente de G… - 4 years ago

@EspeRF20: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@CastellanoJerez: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@MariEle2020: RT @MariEle2020: Sentidas condolencias muestra el pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del ex-presidente de #Ghana, Jerry Rawlings, y… - 4 years ago

@GarrielSoler: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@MariEle2020: Sentidas condolencias muestra el pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del ex-presidente de #Ghana, Jerry Rawli… - 4 years ago

@MariEle2020: RT @HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos del e… - 4 years ago

@HctorFernndezJ1: @DiazCanelB @Granma_Digital Sentidas condolencias y consternación del pueblo de #Cuba🇨🇺, por los fallecimientos de… - 4 years ago

@MaykollTwin: RT @BencomoRusia: El Vice Primer Ministro,Estimado Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, en nombre del Gobierno y pueblo cubano traslada sentidas condol… - 4 years ago

@ManzanoYaneisy: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@RobertoGB59: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@JulioFdeCossio: RT @AnayansiRCamejo: Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas,on behalf of Cuban gov. & people,conveys heartfelt condolences on the passing o… - 4 years ago

@Enrique24875105: RT @AnayansiRCamejo: Vice Primer Ministro Ricardo Cabrisas, en nombre gobierno y pueblo cubanos, traslada sentidas condolencias por falleci… - 4 years ago

@JMcgregoring: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@jorgebayamo: RT @DPRCubaOnu: Vice PM Ricardo Cabrisas, on behalf of the Cuban government and people, conveys heartfelt condolences on the passing of the… - 4 years ago

@jorgebayamo: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@luisgarciat2010: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@almaguer_elio: RT @AnayansiRCamejo: Vice Primer Ministro Ricardo Cabrisas, en nombre gobierno y pueblo cubanos, traslada sentidas condolencias por falleci… - 4 years ago

@HectorPerezRod8: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@KarlaKM10: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@LeandroEchevar5: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@Alejand42324393: RT @Alejand42324393: #Somoscuba Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolenci… - 4 years ago

@1957_Tintin_: RT @TDA_SY: Walid Muallem who said in response to the west's condemnation of the war crimes committed by the #Assad regime "we will remove… - 4 years ago

@modestobanos: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@Alejand42324393: #Somoscuba Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condole… - 4 years ago

@Alejand42324393: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@pepepg3: RT @CubaMINREX: Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, viceprimer ministro de #Cuba, asistió este jueves a la firma del libro de condolencias abierto por l… - 4 years ago

@Humbert27580594: RT @AnayansiRCamejo: Vice Primer Ministro Ricardo Cabrisas, en nombre gobierno y pueblo cubanos, traslada sentidas condolencias por falleci… - 4 years ago

@Adrinrguezsatn1: RT @AnayansiRCamejo: Vice Primer Ministro Ricardo Cabrisas, en nombre gobierno y pueblo cubanos, traslada sentidas condolencias por falleci… - 4 years ago

@AbdelnourSaimah: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has expressed condolences on the death of Syrian Deputy Prime… - 4 years ago

@AbuelaTuna: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@CarLongart: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@JdMinks: RT @telesurenglish: #Syria | Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid al-Muallem died early Monday morning at the age 79. In his la… - 4 years ago

@Anderso_Cuba: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@HumanityEqual: RT @snarwani: Syrian media reports that Walid Muallem, #Syria's foreign minister since 2006, has passed away at age 79. #RIP - 4 years ago

@VidalAnastacia: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria Desde #Cuba envío un sentido pésame a los familia… - 4 years ago

@VidalAnastacia: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria From #Cuba I send my condolences to family friend… - 4 years ago

@VidalAnastacia: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@EdnewmanNewman: RT @RadioHabanaCub1: 🇨🇺||En #Cuba abren libro de condolencias por muerte de canciller sirio, Walid Al Muallem. - 4 years ago

@MichaelGCastro: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@LaBayamesa4: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@almarshahi1: RT @HodhodYemenNews: Yemen sends condolences on the death of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Muallem - 4 years ago

@RadioHabanaCub1: 🇨🇺||En #Cuba abren libro de condolencias por muerte de canciller sirio, Walid Al Muallem. - 4 years ago

@IdalmisVeranes: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@EmbacubaCol: Abre #Cuba libro de condolencias por la muerte del vicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros y titular de Relaciones… - 4 years ago

@YanetRo50139443: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria Desde #Cuba envío un sentido pésame a los familia… - 4 years ago

@YanetRo50139443: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria From #Cuba I send my condolences to family friend… - 4 years ago

@RadioItaliaIRIB: (FOTO) Damasco i funerali di Walid Muallem - 4 years ago

@EminCengiz92: Velid Muallim sonrası rejimin muhtemel Dışişleri Bakanı adayları: -Faysal Mikdad -Beşar Caferi -Eymen Susan -Buseyn… - 4 years ago

@MouaiadMourhej: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@newsperplexed: Russia, Iran Await Appointment of Walid Muallem’s Successor - 4 years ago

@SyriaConflict: Syria's veteran foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79 - FRANCE 24 English - 4 years ago

@BrusselsMorning: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies at 79 Paris (Brussels Morning) A veteran diplomat and staunch defende… - 4 years ago

@Michael_Amn19: Le vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Affaires étrangères et des Expatriés de Syrie, Walid al-Muallem, est décéd… - 4 years ago

@IRANinCZECH: RT @iraninmalaysia: Our deepest condolences to demise of H.E . Walid Muallem Foreign Minister of Syrian Arab Republic. - 4 years ago

@Lz1983: RT @KevorkAlmassian: It's worth mentioning that Qatar tried to bribe Mr Walid Muallem with tens of millions of dollars in a bid to urge him… - 4 years ago

@Lz1983: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Mr Walid Muallem's speech directed to John Kerry in January 2014: "No one in the world ... Mr Kerry ... has the right… - 4 years ago

@FitchOtto: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@KohNagao: RT @observesyria: Who will replace Muallem? - 4 years ago

@KohNagao: RT @observesyria: Who will be Syria's next top diplomat? - 4 years ago

@observesyria: Who will replace Muallem? - 4 years ago

@ishibaganba: RT @embacubajapon: Heartfelt condolences from #Cuba to the Syrian people and government for the loss of Walid Al Muallem, Deputy Prime Mini… - 4 years ago

@maryasumbo: Rakyat Suriah berduka pada hari Senin (16/11/2020) dan mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada Ekspatriat Walid al-Muallem… - 4 years ago

@LLobaina1: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@shianews313: Syria mourns top diplomat & seasoned politician Walid Muallem, , - 4 years ago

@thebeirutbanyan: Ep.224: Coat Check Full video: I reflect on several encounters with Walid Muallem - Syria… - 4 years ago

@JuliocThunder: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@juliocesarh17: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@alfaro_lilian: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@AmelieHabana86: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@mysureguy: RT @MojiDelanoBlog: Syria’s Foreign Minister, Walid Muallem Dies At 79 - 4 years ago

@AhmedAyadi95: #وليد_المعلم دبلوماسي مقاتل دافع عن سوريا حتى أنفاسه الأخيرة Walid al-Muallem, un diplomático combativo que defendi… - 4 years ago

@en_smanews: - 4 years ago

@mariolopez72: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@OianeB: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@duncanmacmartin: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago

@CemEkiz8: RT @telesurenglish: #Syria | Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid al-Muallem died early Monday morning at the age 79. In his la… - 4 years ago

@ahmor: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@bulletin_s: Syria’s foreign minister Walid Muallem dies - 4 years ago

@ubdlalala: RT @telesurenglish: #Syria | Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid al-Muallem died early Monday morning at the age 79. In his la… - 4 years ago

@npc_id: Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah, Walid Muallem, Tutup Usia - 4 years ago

@FenixJoha: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@BrianMaceo: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@soldultraleft: RT @telesurenglish: #Syria | Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid al-Muallem died early Monday morning at the age 79. In his la… - 4 years ago

@EiseSaborit: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@IvanBishop8: RT @telesurenglish: #Syria | Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid al-Muallem died early Monday morning at the age 79. In his la… - 4 years ago

@telesurenglish: #Syria | Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid al-Muallem died early Monday morning at the age 79. In hi… - 4 years ago

@MarinaAdrianza4: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@MicheleScott12: RT @BBCWorld: Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@minamaya13: RT @BBCWorld: Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@NewAgeBDcom: #Syria’s #FMWalidMuallem #Dies - 4 years ago

@HiblerDana: BBC News - Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@YioelGuajiro: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@lasdelnilopress: RT @ahmadalissa: A great loss for #Syria: The lion of diplomacy, Foreign Minister Walid al #Muallem, loved and respected by all, passed aw… - 4 years ago

@minosyahmadi: RT @detikcom: Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah Walid Muallem meninggal dunia. Muallem menghembuskan napas terakhirnya di usia 79 tahun. Selamat j… - 4 years ago

@Jeyaeelam: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago

@JoshieMoree: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago

@Jeyaeelam: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@koueled: RT @aabnour: While the ministers are in Mezze bury Walid Muallem, Bashar Assad was preparing to launch his election campaign today by rece… - 4 years ago

@ernestonives201: RT @WalterDossier: Lavrov expresa condolencias por fallecimiento del veterano Canciller de Siria Walid Muallem "Será recordado como un sab… - 4 years ago

@ChavezIliac: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@JoselmMora: RT @WalterDossier: Lavrov expresa condolencias por fallecimiento del veterano Canciller de Siria Walid Muallem "Será recordado como un sab… - 4 years ago

@CamiCuba8: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria Desde #Cuba envío un sentido pésame a los familia… - 4 years ago

@NewsArrahmah: Walid Al-Muallem, Diplomat Pembela Suriah Hingga Nafas Terakhir - 4 years ago

@all4syria: RT @all4syria: While the ministers are in Mezze bury Walid Muallem, Bashar Assad was preparing to launch his election campaign today by re… - 4 years ago

@aabnour: RT @aabnour: While the ministers are in Mezze bury Walid Muallem, Bashar Assad was preparing to launch his election campaign today by rece… - 4 years ago

@IvanMilitante: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@PrincesaHelen3: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Jeyaeelam: RT @ahmadalissa: A great loss for #Syria: The lion of diplomacy, Foreign Minister Walid al #Muallem, loved and respected by all, passed aw… - 4 years ago

@GMorenoCuba1: RT @WalterDossier: Lavrov expresa condolencias por fallecimiento del veterano Canciller de Siria Walid Muallem "Será recordado como un sab… - 4 years ago

@ManuelF55582627: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@MICHAELINLA333: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@tutai70: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@SeijasLesbia: RT @WalterDossier: Lavrov expresa condolencias por fallecimiento del veterano Canciller de Siria Walid Muallem "Será recordado como un sab… - 4 years ago

@Davidpa802: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@supereder: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@mariateresagonc: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@Pulgamar: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@Albanah: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@iangulochacon: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@EnLopeZal: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@TiteufStreet: RT @Ibra_Joudeh: Funeral ceremony for #Syria FM Walid Muallem has started in #Damascus. - 4 years ago

@Marxistkandang2: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@aponwaog: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@samir_bana: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Mr Walid Muallem's speech directed to John Kerry in January 2014: "No one in the world ... Mr Kerry ... has the right… - 4 years ago

@mireyaloyo: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@ArgeliaRA21: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@krasnaya_dusha: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@TvrCarol: RT @latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional". La med… - 4 years ago

@latablablog: EEUU había sancionado al canciller de Siria fallecido hoy por "repetir el refrán de la conspiración internacional".… - 4 years ago

@Estigiaed: RT @TheArabSource: #Syria's long-time Foreign Minister Walid #Muallem passes away at 79 - 4 years ago

@Lama66690719: @KevorkAlmassian These words spoken by Mr. Walid Al Muallem will be remembered by history.🇸🇾 - 4 years ago

@canetti17: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@axelhangel1972: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@PAlfredo_RGuama: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@ornekali: RT @miriwood: @HasanDaoui @ShehabiFares - 4 years ago

@TheArabSource: #Syria's long-time Foreign Minister Walid #Muallem passes away at 79 - 4 years ago

@mortazavi: RT @snarwani: Syrian media reports that Walid Muallem, #Syria's foreign minister since 2006, has passed away at age 79. #RIP - 4 years ago

@Syriasonline: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Mr Walid Muallem's speech directed to John Kerry in January 2014: "No one in the world ... Mr Kerry ... has the right… - 4 years ago

@Syriasonline: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@JesusMedinaDua1: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Syriasonline: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@AnaLaur15192668: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@TuiteraActiva23: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Jumadi97709906: RT @detikcom: Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah Walid Muallem meninggal dunia. Ia meninggal di usia 79 tahun. - 4 years ago

@M_Alneser: RT @M_Alneser: Walid Muallem passed away! I remember one if Abdulhalim Khadam's interviews in exile, he assured many times he hadn't any d… - 4 years ago

@M_Alneser: RT @M_Alneser: The funeral's pray of Walid Muallem and the pray of #Assad at the #COVID19 time. #Syria #SyriaHighlights #CoronavirusSY http… - 4 years ago

@akahnnyc: Rest in Peace! Syria mourns top diplomat & seasoned politician Walid Muallem - 4 years ago

@detikcom: Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah Walid Muallem meninggal dunia. Ia meninggal di usia 79 tahun. - 4 years ago

@PedroOl65743693: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Abode_at70: RT @all4syria: While the ministers are in Mezze bury Walid Muallem, Bashar Assad was preparing to launch his election campaign today by re… - 4 years ago

@Abdulla_Alzoabi: RT @aabnour: While the ministers are in Mezze bury Walid Muallem, Bashar Assad was preparing to launch his election campaign today by rece… - 4 years ago

@AquiRebelde: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@KEL_CAS: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@ConsulCubaLaPaz: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@drfereydoun: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago

@aabnour: While the ministers are in Mezze bury Walid Muallem, Bashar Assad was preparing to launch his election campaign to… - 4 years ago

@LesterCapote: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@PeterLa45502689: RT @BBCWorld: Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@TransturG: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Planet_101FM: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, a stalwart of Bashar al-Assad’s regime who held his job through a decade of… - 4 years ago

@24livenewspaper: আলোচিত সিরীয় উপ প্রধানমন্ত্রী-পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রীর মৃত্যু - 4 years ago

@NuNurlanax: RT @CombatChris1: #Assad regime media announce the death of foreign minister Walid al Muallem. The portly minister kept to the Regime's nar… - 4 years ago

@FrankASomoza: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@AnayansiRCamejo: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@ahameedrahman: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@EdilbertoLabra1: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@annurtv: Fallece el canciller sirio Walid al Moallem. En agosto de 2012, en apoyo de la posición del Gobierno de Bashar al… - 4 years ago

@CarlosH30355912: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Hamed57030573: RT @snarwani: Syrian media reports that Walid Muallem, #Syria's foreign minister since 2006, has passed away at age 79. #RIP - 4 years ago

@AlBawabaEnglish: Syrian official SANA news agency reported early Monday without disclosing the cause of his death. #Syria… - 4 years ago

@DFBbear: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@wafelkoek: RT @m_suchkov: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, 79, Dies: - 4 years ago

@gomez_noslen: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@reenie_jayne: RT @BBCWorld: Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@JavierTorrezCr7: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@AlvaNegrin: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@peaceagreement1: RT @MiddleEastEye: Muallem was Syria's envoy in Washington throughout the 1990s and also led Damascus' unsuccessful peace talks with Israel… - 4 years ago

@duney07081636: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@josepbastardas: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@irfarzan: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago

@JuanGar37619223: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@husslesimmons23: RT @MojiDelanoBlog: Syria’s Foreign Minister, Walid Muallem Dies At 79 - 4 years ago

@ArtolaCampos: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@SorayaAlvarez19: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@SergioNestorRE: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@alejand54468833: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@lgs5G5VJ8XGeuTY: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@cnnsuxx: RT @realsyriaa: The Syrian Arab Republic lost today an amazing soul Walid Al Muallem He served for his country for years with dignity his w… - 4 years ago

@I_Love_Truth: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: Muallem was Syria's envoy in Washington throughout the 1990s and also led Damascus' unsuccessful peace talks with I… - 4 years ago

@Mogambo91775367: RT @Ibra_Joudeh: Funeral ceremony for #Syria FM Walid Muallem has started in #Damascus. - 4 years ago

@cuc_rodolfo: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@NandaRo96804123: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@leslygonzalesla: RT @BBCWorld: Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@MarcosA93787341: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@MousseSalmon: @DSCDPAdmin @DSCDP Wake up to see the 2nd place team in Killer Termites picked up a Walid Muallem. Look him up to s… - 4 years ago

@ZeebashKahn: RT @The_Nation: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies at 79 #Syria #WalidMuallem - 4 years ago

@youshouldddie: RT @DplmtcObserver: SYRIAN FOREIGN MINISTER WALID MUALLEM DIES - 4 years ago

@JorgeRo12561222: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@youshouldddie: RT @TodaysWorId: It was announced that Walid Muallem, who had been Syria's foreign minister since 2006 and later served as deputy prime min… - 4 years ago

@MaryFitzger: I met Walid Muallem in 2009 when his Irish counterpart visited Damascus. It was shortly after Obama’s inauguration.… - 4 years ago

@BertoJongman100: #niet_in_journaal #nieuwsuur #1V #Op1 #bbvpro #NPORadio1 #Syria #Walid_Muallem - 4 years ago

@MonicaCruzSala1: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@DPricing: RT @mission_russian: 🕯🙏 Deepest condolences to the leadership and people of Syria 🇸🇾, words of support to the near ones over the passing aw… - 4 years ago

@eljuan32: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@Habbash: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@GovSherazKhan: RT @BBCWorld: Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@Pega4C: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@NipsyBode: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Gianni27vl: RT @Ibra_Joudeh: Funeral ceremony for #Syria FM Walid Muallem has started in #Damascus. - 4 years ago

@MaNavar25316520: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@_alexitimiko: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@Gianni27vl: RT @Haidar_Ahmad_: Farewell ceremony for Deputy Prime Minister of #Syria Walid Muallem. - 4 years ago

@Gianni27vl: RT @Haidar_Ahmad_: Walid Muallem, Deputy Prime Minister of #Syria and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, has passed away today at… - 4 years ago

@CharlotteDhery: RT @TDA_SY: Walid Muallem who said in response to the west's condemnation of the war crimes committed by the #Assad regime "we will remove… - 4 years ago

@canthama1: RIP hero. Walid Al Muallem: Syria’s Great Patriot Passes at Dawn @miriwood - 4 years ago

@zeeshan_shah_dc: RT @BBCWorld: Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@Manuel61699956: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@DreampHotel: RT @Ibra_Joudeh: Funeral ceremony for #Syria FM Walid Muallem has started in #Damascus. - 4 years ago

@acmaldini88: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@tomy2875: RT @BBCWorld: Syria's veteran Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@peterpobjecky: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@RamceloM: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@rfp23: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@LeandroEchevar5: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@columlynch: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@MilenaDaniels5: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@RamceloM: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria Desde #Cuba envío un sentido pésame a los familia… - 4 years ago

@3arabiSouri: Walid Al Muallem: Syria’s Great Patriot Passes at Dawn: #Syria #News #WalidMuallem… - 4 years ago

@almaguer_elio: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@syria_updates: Walid Al Muallem: Syria’s Great Patriot Passes at Dawn: #Syria #News #WalidMuallem… - 4 years ago

@EstefanyPrezHe1: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@rafaeldausa2016: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Esanche81857182: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@nero_kara: RT @HoshangHasan1: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies at age of 79. - 4 years ago

@McKGraKucPauNad: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@sellrsr: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@gitoutavet: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@mehmetemin2112: RT @IlkhaAgency: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies at 79: State media #WalidMuallem #Muallim #Syria - 4 years ago

@AasaRaiko: RT @Cigouave: Apparently Walid Muallem just croaked. - 4 years ago

@1shanecampbell: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago

@AlexPrezSnchez1: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@JEK_Psych: The death of a 79 year old obese chain-smoking male with an established heart condition is not suspicious, whether… - 4 years ago

@mas_glez: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@SrTz7Yo3O6SqGpq: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@giannitruvianni: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@mirzamazhar619: RT @HeadlineKwt: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, who served as the Arab Republic’s top diplomat for the last 15 years, has passed aw… - 4 years ago

@Obieden: RT @Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for Syria t… - 4 years ago

@Partisangirl: RIP #Syria's Walid Muallem, our calm, dignity, and strength standing against an unimaginable storm. He fought for S… - 4 years ago

@PATIECITOS: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@LayalAFP: #Muallem held his job through a decade of #conflict and several reshuffles, died at 79.The veteran diplomat was hit… - 4 years ago

@DermotFoley6: RT @Christian_Syria: Rest In Peace! Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, who served as the Arab Republic’s top diplomat for the last 15… - 4 years ago

@Rob_Zarate: Walid #Muallem, Foreign Minister of #Syria since 2006 and Deputy Prime Minister since 2012, dies, age 79 - 4 years ago

@24matins_uk: Syria’s foreign minister Walid Muallem dies - 4 years ago

@eha_news: Syrian regime's foreign minister Muallem dies at the age of 79 Walid Muallem has died at the age of 79 but the ca… - 4 years ago

@cselchau: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@laboescapes: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@EmbaCubaSuecia: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@e1af38f6dbad458: Walid Muallem Dies - 4 years ago

@CubaONURoma: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@PatriciaSalomn: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Abbasal29920539: RT @24NewsHD: Syria's foreign minister Walid Muallem dies - 4 years ago

@TodaysWorId: It was announced that Walid Muallem, who had been Syria's foreign minister since 2006 and later served as deputy pr… - 4 years ago

@PsvSyria: RT @KevorkAlmassian: "No one in the world ... Mr. Kerry ... has the right to withdraw legitimacy from the President, the government, the co… - 4 years ago

@ConsulcubaUK: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Raymond71618412: RT @Haidar_Ahmad_: Walid Muallem, Deputy Prime Minister of #Syria and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, has passed away today at… - 4 years ago

@World00News: Syrian FM Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 – state media - 4 years ago

@Plagiste4you: RT @les_politiques: Walid el Muallem had the toughest job on the planet for the last ten years as #Syria's foreign minister. #RIP - 4 years ago

@OnwardNG: Syria’s Foreign Minister, Walid Muallem, Dies At 79 - 4 years ago

@24NewsHD: Syria's foreign minister Walid Muallem dies - 4 years ago

@Haidar_Ahmad_: Walid Muallem, Deputy Prime Minister of #Syria and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, has passed away tod… - 4 years ago

@RamonRipolldiaz: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: Syria's foreign minister Walid al-Muallem dies at 79 - 4 years ago

@aa_french: #Syrie : #Walid_Muallem, ministre des Affaires étrangères du #Régime, est décédé - 4 years ago

@HananShamounNL: RT @MichaelNo2War: It's been confirmed Syrian diplomat and Deputy Prime Minister to Syria, Walid Mohi Edine al Muallem has passed away due… - 4 years ago

@Eye_on_Syria: Syria's foreign minister Walid al-Muallem dies at 79 - 4 years ago

@egeoelliniko: - 4 years ago

@SMCArgelia: RT @EmbacubaFiji: Foreign Minister @BrunoRguezP extends condelences on the death of Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister… - 4 years ago

@JessRodrguezJi4: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@embaCubaEspana: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@EmbacubaFiji: Foreign Minister @BrunoRguezP extends condelences on the death of Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Min… - 4 years ago

@Aliha_101: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@aa_balkans: - 4 years ago

@embacubahungria: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@AgenciaAJN: Falleció el canciller sirio #WalidalMuallem -#Siria - 4 years ago

@Atanba_Fatih: @AysenurArslantv Son Dakika - Abhazya'nın, Suriye tarafından bağımsızlığının tanınmasında önemli katkısı olan değer… - 4 years ago

@DutchSyrians: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@Jamal1aljassmi: RT @alain_4u: وسط اضطرابات كبيرة تشهدها بلاده منذ 2011 إلا أنه استطاع بخبرة العقود الثمانية أن يقود دفتها دبلوماسيا ويمنع محاولات عديدة لعز… - 4 years ago

@jaffar_ibrahem: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@LosCharruas: RT @les_politiques: Walid el Muallem had the toughest job on the planet for the last ten years as #Syria's foreign minister. #RIP - 4 years ago

@kompascom: Diplomat veteran yang menjabat sebagai menteri luar negeri sejak 2006 itu telah memulai kariernya di bidang diploma… - 4 years ago

@derStandardde: Syrischer Außenminister Walid al-Muallem gestorben: - 4 years ago

@TerryBurkeMN: RT @NuNurlanax: The death of the criminal Walid_al-Muallem. He stood with Assad and the criminals and participated in the killing of innoc… - 4 years ago

@words90: RT @alain_4u: وسط اضطرابات كبيرة تشهدها بلاده منذ 2011 إلا أنه استطاع بخبرة العقود الثمانية أن يقود دفتها دبلوماسيا ويمنع محاولات عديدة لعز… - 4 years ago

@guvenbogaa: RT @HabereGuven: Suriye Dışişleri Bakanı Walid al-Muallem yaşamını kaybetti - 4 years ago

@knowyourbrain20: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@HamdounMoe: RT @sewella: Syrian state media reports that Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died. (Doesn't mention cause of death, but he had pr… - 4 years ago

@jwram24: RT @NuNurlanax: The death of the criminal Walid_al-Muallem. He stood with Assad and the criminals and participated in the killing of innoc… - 4 years ago

@Karthik_krish5: RT @Forbes_MENA_: #Syria's top diplomat and veteran foreign minister, Walid al-Moalem, has passed away on Monday. He was 79 years old. htt… - 4 years ago

@Forbes_MENA_: #Syria's top diplomat and veteran foreign minister, Walid al-Moalem, has passed away on Monday. He was 79 years old… - 4 years ago

@KhatibHanane: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@AlbinSzakola: RT @sewella: Syrian state media reports that Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died. (Doesn't mention cause of death, but he had pr… - 4 years ago

@Tweetychitchat: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago

@alain_4u: وسط اضطرابات كبيرة تشهدها بلاده منذ 2011 إلا أنه استطاع بخبرة العقود الثمانية أن يقود دفتها دبلوماسيا ويمنع محاولات… - 4 years ago

@TheManofYahweh: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago


@Muallimsays: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem has died, Syrian state media reports. - 4 years ago

@KimManley7: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@Sora13518304: RT @Tasnimnews_EN: #Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, who served as Arab Republic’s top diplomat for last 15 years, passed away at age… - 4 years ago

@embacubajapon: Heartfelt condolences from #Cuba to the Syrian people and government for the loss of Walid Al Muallem, Deputy Prime… - 4 years ago

@redallover99: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@tradougcions: RT @timand2037: Tribute to the late Walid al Muallem, foreign minister of #Syria, a tireless patriot to the end - "all countries under ille… - 4 years ago

@IlkhaAgency: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies at 79: State media #WalidMuallem #Muallim #Syria… - 4 years ago

@Bernd__Neuner: RT @snarwani: Syrian media reports that Walid Muallem, #Syria's foreign minister since 2006, has passed away at age 79. #RIP - 4 years ago

@AhMeD_9k7583u33: RT @Ruptly: BREAKING: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 - state media - 4 years ago

@ProthomAlo: - 4 years ago

@stevenamoney: RT @Ruptly: BREAKING: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 - state media - 4 years ago

@Ruptly: BREAKING: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 - state media - 4 years ago

@ReyGonzlez15: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@prestoneli2: RT @m_suchkov: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, 79, Dies: - 4 years ago

@ZealouslyQuoted: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem has died, Syrian state media reports. - 4 years ago

@DanielaZini1: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem Dies, State Media Report: - 4 years ago

@alain_4u: منطقة الكركرات، جنوبي #المغرب تستعيد هدوءها المعتاد، بعد يومين من تدخل القوات الملكية لطرد مليشيات "البوليساريو"… - 4 years ago

@JonathanLanday: RT @m_suchkov: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, 79, Dies: - 4 years ago

@MolotovFlicker: RT @m_suchkov: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, 79, Dies: - 4 years ago

@m_suchkov: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, 79, Dies: - 4 years ago

@YleKankkonen: RT @mojobeirut: #BREAKING Syrian's foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79: official @AFP - 4 years ago

@PabloGinarte: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@EmbaCubaSiria: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@catapluma: RT @mojobeirut: #BREAKING Syrian's foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79: official @AFP - 4 years ago

@LuisFer78681866: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@EPevida: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@NAMEAGroup: RT @lorienttoday: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at the age of 79, Syrian state media reports. Muallem, a former ambassador… - 4 years ago

@EggExodus: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@ruraldogs: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@sewella: Syrian state media reports that Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died. (Doesn't mention cause of death, bu… - 4 years ago

@lamoros2017: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@sucresabanero: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@lorienttoday: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at the age of 79, Syrian state media reports. Muallem, a former amba… - 4 years ago

@BuzzEdition: RT @ezzsaid: #Syria Foreign minister and longtime #Assad servant Walid Muallem has died - 4 years ago

@AndrewBeatty: RT @ezzsaid: #Syria Foreign minister and longtime #Assad servant Walid Muallem has died - 4 years ago

@M_AbuShaheen: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@NissePlattfot: Syriens utrikesminister Walid Muallem har dött (via @omni_red) // en mindre 👍 - 4 years ago

@ezzsaid: #Syria Foreign minister and longtime #Assad servant Walid Muallem has died - 4 years ago

@ResisTyger: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@phal1: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria Desde #Cuba envío un sentido pésame a los familia… - 4 years ago

@RileyBven: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@fengzibwcx: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem has died, Syrian state media reports. - 4 years ago

@carpinenmm: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@BanzoDamian: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@abdidiriyeha: RT @HarunMaruf: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies: ⁦@AlArabiya_Eng⁩ - 4 years ago

@urraca61: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@confusedeagledc: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies: State media - 4 years ago

@Ibrahim48195824: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@bellesapepper37: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@VviewSsonicMair: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@mestrate: 🇸🇾 Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has passed away at the age of 79, the SANA news agency reported on Monday.… - 4 years ago

@EmbaCuba_Angola: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@M_Alieddin: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died according to the Syrian official news agency - 4 years ago

@srubenfeld: RT @Levitt_Matt: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies: State media - 4 years ago

@jimenez_daliana: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@JaniceAPerry1: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@JnthnMorse: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@realDDApfirter: RT @les_politiques: Walid el Muallem had the toughest job on the planet for the last ten years as #Syria's foreign minister. #RIP - 4 years ago

@Rhinocerization: RT @NotWoofers: Walid Muallem died. Anyways.... - 4 years ago

@CcreaMiladys: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@HabereGuven: Suriye Dışişleri Bakanı Walid al-Muallem yaşamını kaybetti - 4 years ago

@AyalaAlexder: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria From #Cuba I send my condolences to family friend… - 4 years ago

@salmansomali: RT @HarunMaruf: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies: ⁦@AlArabiya_Eng⁩ - 4 years ago

@AyalaAlexder: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria Desde #Cuba envío un sentido pésame a los familia… - 4 years ago

@Kat_Missouri: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@ReynaldoCuba2: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@Jodzio: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria From #Cuba I send my condolences to family fri… - 4 years ago

@RamnFer80548812: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@EmbaCubaKenia: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@textifyer59: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@fiercefreckled: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@Diego99902702: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria Desde #Cuba envío un sentido pésame a los familia… - 4 years ago

@RobCinos: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@KarlaKM10: RT @BrunoRguezP: Sinceras y sentidas condolencias al pueblo y gobierno sirios por el fallecimiento del amigo Walid Al Muallem, Viceprimer M… - 4 years ago

@KarlaKM10: RT @Alexand64216517: @BrunoRguezP @DiazCanelB @PresidenciaCuba @CubaMINREX @EmbaCubaSiria Desde #Cuba envío un sentido pésame a los familia… - 4 years ago

@ThrowbackLib: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@piyuanker12: RT @SinarOnline: Kementerian Luar Syria mengumumkan kematian Menteri Luar, Walid Muallem. #sinarharian - 4 years ago

@JamesIsaak2: RT @OlgaNYC1211: According to Syrian news citing government sources Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has died at age 79. One less criminal co… - 4 years ago

@ddearce: Muere el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores sirio, Walid Muallem, informe de medios estatales que cita al ministerio - 4 years ago

@aniltrigunayat: RIP Foreign Minister Walid Al Muallem -a respected leader in Syria during a difficult period . - 4 years ago

@grannyofmax: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@wa6nighayour: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@TvInternet2: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies: State media - 4 years ago

@TLX_Corporate: RT @RT_com: Syrian FM Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 – state media - 4 years ago

@co_ingar: Syrias utenriksminister Walid Muallem er død. - 4 years ago

@Michael51525354: Suriyeli FM Walid Muallem 79 yaşında öldü - Devlet medyası - RT World News - 4 years ago

@politicalHEDGE: Syrian FM Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 – state media - 4 years ago

@oddlots: RT @MichaelNo2War: It's been confirmed Syrian diplomat and Deputy Prime Minister to Syria, Walid Mohi Edine al Muallem has passed away due… - 4 years ago

@adxtrjuseniorit: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@kp_ryn: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@Simolkaw: RT @RT_com: Syrian FM Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 – state media - 4 years ago

@elizabethmurra: RT @RT_com: Syrian FM Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 – state media - 4 years ago

@RT_com: Syrian FM Walid Muallem dies at the age of 79 – state media - 4 years ago

@kim9973: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@jhaboush: Walid al-Muallem was #Syria's ambassador to the #US for almost 10 years from 1990-1999. - 4 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@kim9973: RT @MichaelNo2War: It's been confirmed Syrian diplomat and Deputy Prime Minister to Syria, Walid Mohi Edine al Muallem has passed away due… - 4 years ago

@fcn_84: RT @ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great politician… - 4 years ago

@MichaelNo2War: It's been confirmed Syrian diplomat and Deputy Prime Minister to Syria, Walid Mohi Edine al Muallem has passed away… - 4 years ago

@NewsArrahmah: Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah Walid Muallem Meninggal Dunia - 4 years ago

@LoraAConnor: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem Dies, State Media Report Citing Ministry - 4 years ago

@Delegatesy: #Walid_Muallem 1941-2020 - 4 years ago

@MidnightOil: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem Dies, State Media Report Citing Ministry: - 4 years ago

@ghoshworld: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@mvnnyzpaex: Walid Muallem repeatedly lied about the atrocities and war crimes on behalf of the fascist Assad regime who committ… - 4 years ago

@OsSulaiman: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies: State media - 4 years ago

@CharlotteDhery: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@LonepineRjr: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@ahmadalissa: #SYRIA:The popular and legendary foreign minister Walid #Muallem passed away at the age of 79. R.I.P. Our great pol… - 4 years ago

@DanWilliams: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@VivaRevolt: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@ibnhargeisa: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@velvetart: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al Muallem has died - state media وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين تنعي نائب رئيس مجلس الوز… - 4 years ago

@YamBair: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem has died, Syrian state media reports. - 4 years ago

@FlanahNews: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem has died, Syrian state media reports. - 4 years ago

@Trovolavorobiz: RT @SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry #SputnikU… - 4 years ago

@LindaMottram: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem has died, Syrian state media reports. - 4 years ago

@AlArabiya_Eng: #Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem has died, Syrian state media reports. - 4 years ago

@Eye_on_Syria: Syria Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem dies: State media - 4 years ago

@Fatih_S_Mehmed: Dert etmeyin, cehenneme döndü, geberdi Walid al Muallem, ataşı bol ola... - 4 years ago

@LunaChavista: RT @SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry #SputnikU… - 4 years ago

@breakingnewsbo1: RT @JasonMBrodsky: Reports coming in that #Syria's foreign minister Walid Muallem has died. - 4 years ago

@kurdisk_: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@ezequielnt_: RT @IntelDoge: Syria's news agency is reporting the death of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem. - 4 years ago

@shanfoshi: Finally this guy is dead 😂😂 Walid al Muallem Foreign Minister of Syria - 4 years ago

@LaurenDownSouth: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@SorayaDaliBalta: #Syria announces the death of its foreign minister Walid Al Muallem. - 4 years ago

@Omi_082: RT @SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry #SputnikU… - 4 years ago

@TehranDC: RT @JasonMBrodsky: Reports coming in that #Syria's foreign minister Walid Muallem has died. - 4 years ago

@railfannick786: RT @IntelDoge: Syria's news agency is reporting the death of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem. - 4 years ago

@issameldebs: @teddyboylocsin Syrian foreign minister Walid Al Muallem died at age of 79 - 4 years ago

@KhushbuOShea: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@A_MuslimMan: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@rashadzali1: RT @KreaseChan: More reports that Assad’s Foreign Minister, Walid al Muallem has died. - 4 years ago

@tailgunnerjoe: RT @IntelDoge: Syria's news agency is reporting the death of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem. - 4 years ago

@4DARBDA: RT @SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry #SputnikU… - 4 years ago

@D3ANAgency: RT @SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry #SputnikU… - 4 years ago

@MJ4DARBDAgency: RT @SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry #SputnikU… - 4 years ago

@Myke4D3ANAgency: RT @SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry #SputnikU… - 4 years ago

@maitelsadany: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@KreaseChan: More reports that Assad’s Foreign Minister, Walid al Muallem has died. - 4 years ago

@fromadic92: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@Poog73839441: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@GreyWol08482159: RT @JasonMBrodsky: Reports coming in that #Syria's foreign minister Walid Muallem has died. - 4 years ago

@Arkhorse: RT @IntelDoge: Syria's news agency is reporting the death of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem. - 4 years ago

@JasonMBrodsky: Reports coming in that #Syria's foreign minister Walid Muallem has died. - 4 years ago

@We_Love_Trading: RT @SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry #SputnikU… - 4 years ago

@rashadzali1: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Walid Muallem, you will be missed - #WalidMuallem #Walid #Muallem #rip - 4 years ago

@SputnikInt: #URGENT | Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem dies, state media report citing ministry - 4 years ago

@samueloakford: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@PacAnalytica: RT @IntelDoge: Syria's news agency is reporting the death of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem. - 4 years ago

@ummawwi: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@IntelDoge: Syria's news agency is reporting the death of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem. - 4 years ago

@michaeldweiss: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@DalilBoubakeur: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@Manikmg13: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@zcjbrooker: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@mgcanmore: RT @hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@hxhassan: #breaking Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem dies at 79, according to official media. - 4 years ago

@axbIumenthal: Was Walid Muallem poisoned by notorious White Helmet @KareemRifai? @TheCrayzoneNews is investigating and will have… - 4 years ago

@WASBAPPIN: RT @Cigouave: Apparently Walid Muallem just croaked. - 4 years ago

@JettGoldsmith: RT @JettGoldsmith: Dissatisfied with simply looting aid trucks, the insatiable Walid Muallem now demands rebels lay down their arms. Why? S… - 4 years ago

@Ayhammarjeh: 🔴#Breaking🔴 #Syrian FM Mr. Walid Al- Muallem has passed away Syrian media - 4 years ago

@MarioLeb79: Some reports of That Walid Muallem, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of #syria had died for the 7th time… - 4 years ago

@Cigouave: Apparently Walid Muallem just croaked. - 4 years ago

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