Wal Fife

Died on Thursday November 16th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Wal Fife:

@826Maureen: - 7 years ago

@NSWConSupPage: #Auspol FORMER Wagga MP Joe Schipp has been found dead on the same day he was due to deliver the eulogy at the... - 7 years ago

@swrightwestoz: Two big forces of Riverina politics have died - Wal Fife (a minister in the Fraser govt) and Joe Schipp . - 7 years ago

@bordermail: Wal Fife remembered as a ‘statesman’ - 7 years ago


@JuneeSthnCross: Wal Fife remembered as a ‘statesman’ who served his community - 7 years ago

@CharlesSturtUni: Vice-Chancellor Vann mourns the death of the late Wal Fife. "Mr Fife was a champion of CSU and we are forever indeb… - 7 years ago

@MoyraShields: Tributes continue to flow for two former long serving Liberal ministers in the Riverina, Joe Schipp and Wal Fife, w… - 7 years ago

@RodS108443078: RT @workmanalice: This is so sad: Former Wagga MP Joe Schipp was found dead on the same day he was due to deliver the eulogy at the funeral… - 7 years ago

@MoyraShields: RT @LindbeckJody: First Wal Fife, then Joe Schipp. Wagga has lost two of its finest. - 7 years ago

@LindbeckJody: First Wal Fife, then Joe Schipp. Wagga has lost two of its finest. - 7 years ago

@maztrev18: RT @workmanalice: This is so sad: Former Wagga MP Joe Schipp was found dead on the same day he was due to deliver the eulogy at the funeral… - 7 years ago

@smithmeyerjen: RT @workmanalice: This is so sad: Former Wagga MP Joe Schipp was found dead on the same day he was due to deliver the eulogy at the funeral… - 7 years ago

@workmanalice: This is so sad: Former Wagga MP Joe Schipp was found dead on the same day he was due to deliver the eulogy at the f… - 7 years ago

@flyonthewall182: RT @tafischerexmp: Death of Joe Schipp today along with passing of Wal Fife a double blow and very sad news, both were dedicated stalwarts… - 7 years ago

@tafischerexmp: Death of Joe Schipp today along with passing of Wal Fife a double blow and very sad news, both were dedicated stalw… - 7 years ago

@ntwsmith: RT @DailyAdvertiser: Wal Fife remembered as a ‘statesman’ who served his community - 7 years ago

@DailyAdvertiser: Wal Fife remembered as a ‘statesman’ who served his community - 7 years ago

@SarahNavin: RT @samanthacostin: Former Member for Wagga Joseph 'Joe' Schipp has died. The 85-year-old was due to give the eulogy at predecessor Wal Fif… - 7 years ago

@samanthacostin: Former Member for Wagga Joseph 'Joe' Schipp has died. The 85-year-old was due to give the eulogy at predecessor Wal… - 7 years ago

@WINNews_Riv: JUST IN: Former Wagga MP Joe Schipp, has died unexpectedly at home. Mr. Schipp was to deliver the eulogy at his f… - 7 years ago

@826Maureen: RT @WINNews_Riv: Friends, family and distinguished politicians bid their final farewell to former #Wagga MP Wal Fife. Full details on WIN… - 7 years ago

@WINNews_Riv: Friends, family and distinguished politicians bid their final farewell to former #Wagga MP Wal Fife. Full details… - 7 years ago

@RiverinaLeader: Wal Fife remembered as ‘a much-loved gentleman’ - 7 years ago

@CharlesSturtUni: Vale Wal Fife, who represented the Wagga area of southern NSW in both state and federal parliaments. He said his gr… - 7 years ago

@drpievann: Vale Wal Fife, instrumental in the creation of @CharlesSturtUni, will be sadly missed. - 7 years ago

@RehabRobyn: A politician who was much respected throughout a great career serving the Wagga and district residents for many dec… - 7 years ago

@wagga_history: Wal Fife remembered as ‘a much-loved gentleman’ - Photo Gallery - 7 years ago

@bordermail: RT @adbunn: Self-described capable administrator Wal Fife, who went from Wagga schoolboy to govt minister, praised by his successors in the… - 7 years ago

@adbunn: Self-described capable administrator Wal Fife, who went from Wagga schoolboy to govt minister, praised by his succe… - 7 years ago

@RayJone42674175: @sussanley Mr Fife Officially opened our new Belmont Public School NSW In the 60s, A true gentleman, whose presence… - 7 years ago

@LyndsayFarlow: Wal Fife served the Wagga region in both state & federal parliaments and as a minister at both levels of govt in a… - 7 years ago

@TheAreaNews: Wal Fife remembered as ‘a much-loved gentleman’ - 7 years ago

@flyingoz: RT @sussanley: Sad indeed to hear that we have lost a previous Member for Farrer, Wal Fife; in office 13 December 1975 – 1 December 1984.… - 7 years ago

@bordermail: MP Wal Fife was true blue servant to voters - 7 years ago

@DailyAdvertiser: Wal Fife remembered as ‘a much-loved gentleman’ - 7 years ago

@GavinCoote: RT @veritygorman: Liberal Party stalwart Wal Fife has died in hospital in Canberra. He was 88. He served as the Member for Wagga from 1957-… - 7 years ago

@mens_shed: Rest in piece Wal Fife - a true champion for rural people - you did so much for Wagga Wagga & the Riverina MIA… - 7 years ago

@MoyraShields: Liberal Party stalwart Wal Fife has been honoured with a life membership to the party just hours before his death. - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 17 247) #Former #minister #Australian #Wal #Fife 88 has #died #November 16, 2017… - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Wal Fife (88) Australian politician - 7 years ago

@gths: RT @bordermail: Sad news with death of former minister Wal Fife - 7 years ago

@bordermail: Sad news with death of former minister Wal Fife - 7 years ago

@ianrsmith65: So sad to hear Wagga’s Wal Fife is gone. A truly wonderful man serving a great community. Thoughts with his family… - 7 years ago

@PeggyHHenson: RT @veritygorman: Liberal Party stalwart Wal Fife has died in hospital in Canberra. He was 88. He served as the Member for Wagga from 1957-… - 7 years ago

@davidmatheson27: RT @sussanley: Sad indeed to hear that we have lost a previous Member for Farrer, Wal Fife; in office 13 December 1975 – 1 December 1984.… - 7 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Wal Fife, 88, Australian politician and businessman. - 7 years ago

@sussanley: Sad indeed to hear that we have lost a previous Member for Farrer, Wal Fife; in office 13 December 1975 – 1 Decembe… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Wal Fife, you will be missed - #WalFife #Wal #Fife #rip - 7 years ago

@ScotMacDonald1: RT @M_McCormackMP: Deeply saddened to learn The Hon. Wal Fife has passed away, aged 88. Wagga Wagga's State & Federal Member from 1957-93.… - 7 years ago

@M_McCormackMP: Deeply saddened to learn The Hon. Wal Fife has passed away, aged 88. Wagga Wagga's State & Federal Member from 1957… - 7 years ago

@wikireaper: Wal Fife, Australian politician, has joined the choir invisible. - 7 years ago

@SW_NSW_news: Former minister Wal Fife has died - 7 years ago

@ErikaHeffer: RT @veritygorman: Liberal Party stalwart Wal Fife has died in hospital in Canberra. He was 88. He served as the Member for Wagga from 1957-… - 7 years ago

@DailyAdvertiser: Former minister Wal Fife has died - 7 years ago

@veritygorman: Liberal Party stalwart Wal Fife has died in hospital in Canberra. He was 88. He served as the Member for Wagga from… - 7 years ago

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