Wah Wah Watson

American guitarist.
Died on Thursday October 25th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Wah Wah Watson:

@PaulWillistein: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@DashDeCosta: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@sixdegreesrcrds: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@mcguffindavid: RT @jacob77: That guitar right before Marvin sings I’ve been really trying baby Trying to hold back this feeling for so long - 6 years ago


@ibeahussy: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@jacob77: That guitar right before Marvin sings I’ve been really trying baby Trying to hold back this feeling for so long - 6 years ago

@michimichi21: RT @r24blues: Wah Wah WatsonはSMAPの曲でいえばアルバム版の 「俺たちに明日はある」 「どんないいこと」 「胸さわぎを頼むよ」 「KANSHAして (wah wah version)」に参加してたね。 SMAPファンとしても哀悼の意を。 - 6 years ago

@AndreaDMorgan: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@PhillyFreezer_: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@AliNAskin: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@esepalo: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@later_tatter: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@songsherpa: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@smallbits: RT @NYTObits: The guitarist Wah Wah Watson, who has died at 67, was widely admired, and imitated, by guitarists seeking the essence of funk… - 6 years ago

@PatriceSnow: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@robmickey: RT @nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour and per… - 6 years ago

@nytimesmusic: He backed Michael Jackson on “Off the Wall,” collaborated with Herbie Hancock, played on Marvin Gaye's final tour a… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: The guitarist Wah Wah Watson, who has died at 67, was widely admired, and imitated, by guitarists seeking the essen… - 6 years ago

@ConcertClubs: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@PeterLandau: Wan Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound was Everywhere #obitpix #wahwahwatson #melvinragin #guitarist #temptations… - 6 years ago

@Katsinioros: RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere. He Died at 67. - 6 years ago

@ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere. He Died at 67. - 6 years ago

@KenMcCarthy: RIP Wah Wah Watson - 6 years ago

@FolkYouAll: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@manibus1881: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@modalbailey: 2 hour special today 👊 Rest in Jazz for Melvin Ragin aka Wah Wah Watson 🙏♥️ A member of the Funk Brothers who were… - 6 years ago

@digableplanets: RT @33kickitout: Flyin' High In The Brooklyn Sky / Digable Planets w/Lester Bowie, Joe Sample and Wah Wah Watson - 6 years ago

@bx_music: RIP Wah Wah Watson - 6 years ago

@thekingdjay1: RT @JANETbrsite: Guitarist Wah Wah Watson has died at 67. He was the man behind the iconic 'All Nite (Don't Stop)' introduction riffs. The… - 6 years ago

@theslimdude: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@lauracasanovasr: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@kyhttsa: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@ChrisConnolly10: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@AnothaJmoore: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@RobertY44: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@Bruno_Heleno: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@The_MagicWan96: RT @nytimesmusic: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptatio… - 6 years ago

@jorgegarciagon3: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@GeniusLR: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@naomiroslyn: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@PaulCalahorra: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Tem… - 6 years ago

@yopotnawhiz: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@bencurrie: RT @nytimesarts: Melvin Ragin, the guitarist who performed as Wah Wah Watson through decades of recording and touring — with the Temptation… - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @premierguitar: With his rhythmic skill and creative daring, the inventive guitarist proved that the wah pedal was much more than a gimm… - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @wesgoose: Rip wah wah watson, thank u for the funk - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @AdrianYounge: RIP to the legend Wah Wah Watson. So damn sad. If you don’t know who he is, please do some research...I don’t want to exp… - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @MrFrankMcComb: We’ve lost one of the BADDEST brothas to EVER touch a guitar. Rest in peace Melvin Ragin, affectionately known as “Wah W… - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @sevenstringbass: Rest in peace wah wah Watson - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @City__Nights: Today we lost my good friend, producer & Brother from another mother. Mr. Motown legend Wah Wah Watson he & I produced my… - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @jamespoyser: Rest In Peace, the legend Wah Wah Watson.... one of the best to ever pick up a guitar...🙏🏾🙏🏾 - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @Chrisdaddydave: R.I.P. Wah Wah Watson... damn..this is a ruff one.... guitar legend.. if u don't know about him and his influence plea… - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @discosoulgold: R.I.P Wah Wah Watson -In every album sleeve in the credits through the 70's & 80's you'll find his name listed. Wah Wah… - 6 years ago

@rahmediadigital: RT @Vinnie_Crocker_: ⚫️ The Legendary Guitarist Melvin "Wah Wah Watson" Ragin just passed away 😔 He blessed classics like Marvin Gaye's "I… - 6 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @premierguitar: With his rhythmic skill and creative daring, the inventive guitarist proved that the wah pedal was much more than a gimm… - 6 years ago

@zirigozacom: 🎷 Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 👌 by - 6 years ago

@rmojomojito1: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@Musiq_Lover2: RT @_MAXWELL_: feeling no SHAME 🌔 s/o to the 🗳 artist #hankwillisthomas #midterms #vote #diversity @for_freedoms ✊🏾• vote 🗳 #feelnoshame •… - 6 years ago

@OtisThick: WAH WAH Watson - 6 years ago

@timenglishbooks: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@gregtutunjian: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@The_Soul_House: RT @SheilaStansbury: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist for Marvin Gaye and Michael Jackson, Dead at 67 - 6 years ago

@pJxCYlErB9w9Vdw: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@SheilaStansbury: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist for Marvin Gaye and Michael Jackson, Dead at 67 - 6 years ago

@rpLEtpFsJygaDfW: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@9Faa69nDsjyqQ0u: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@christiabi: "Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67" by JON PARELES via NYT - 6 years ago

@WuFourqurean: "Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67" by JON PARELES via NYT - 6 years ago

@wXUIPGVQKF2dWQJ: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@ChopinNotes: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67 - 6 years ago

@StonesFactsFun: #RollingStonesMention: "Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67" by JON PARELES via NYT - 6 years ago

@NyzzaLee: #STONES "Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67" by JON PARELES via NYT - 6 years ago

@FloydBustillos: "Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67" by JON PARELES via NYT - 6 years ago

@TheBellTolling: "Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist Whose Sound Was Everywhere, Dies at 67" by JON PARELES via NYT - 6 years ago

@rodry_cervecero: RT @sexypipolradio: Llegó la hora de reivindicar a Wah Wah Watson de la mano de @elalesi Escuchá 👉🏽 - 6 years ago

@JafoAraba: RT @the1res: In memory of my friend, mentor and legend, Wah Wah Watson... Full song here #wahwahwatson #melvinragi… - 6 years ago

@DrPostALot: RT @the1res: In memory of my friend, mentor and legend, Wah Wah Watson... Full song here #wahwahwatson #melvinra… - 6 years ago

@the1res: RT @the1res: In memory of my friend, mentor and legend, Wah Wah Watson... Full song here #wahwahwatson #melvinra… - 6 years ago

@Ale_Lopez81: RT @clementedeviaje: Acá está la clase de música dedicada a Wah Wah Watson que nos dio @elalesi en @sexypipolradio. Hermoso momento radial.… - 6 years ago

@MMguit: RIP - 6 years ago

@franco_d_cba: RT @clementedeviaje: Acá está la clase de música dedicada a Wah Wah Watson que nos dio @elalesi en @sexypipolradio. Hermoso momento radial.… - 6 years ago

@ManyaGuay: RT @clementedeviaje: Acá está la clase de música dedicada a Wah Wah Watson que nos dio @elalesi en @sexypipolradio. Hermoso momento radial.… - 6 years ago

@lunachick7: RT @clementedeviaje: Acá está la clase de música dedicada a Wah Wah Watson que nos dio @elalesi en @sexypipolradio. Hermoso momento radial.… - 6 years ago

@MartinRobles38: RT @clementedeviaje: Acá está la clase de música dedicada a Wah Wah Watson que nos dio @elalesi en @sexypipolradio. Hermoso momento radial.… - 6 years ago

@clementedeviaje: Acá está la clase de música dedicada a Wah Wah Watson que nos dio @elalesi en @sexypipolradio. Hermoso momento radi… - 6 years ago

@gocoo: RT @sixstringtheory: "We lost a great friend & superstar guitarist, Wah Wah Watson, one of the most original guitarists I have ever had the… - 6 years ago

@gocoo_59: RT @sixstringtheory: "We lost a great friend & superstar guitarist, Wah Wah Watson, one of the most original guitarists I have ever had the… - 6 years ago

@sixstringtheory: "We lost a great friend & superstar guitarist, Wah Wah Watson, one of the most original guitarists I have ever had… - 6 years ago

@forlitke: Melvin “Wah Wah Watson” Ragin: 1950-2018 - 6 years ago

@StaedlerEsther: RT @GAAlbright: We lost a dear friend and musical icon of our industry recently, Wah Wah Watson. His approach to the guitar simply could no… - 6 years ago

@Scott15558056: RT @discosoulgold: R.I.P Wah Wah Watson -In every album sleeve in the credits through the 70's & 80's you'll find his name listed. Wah Wah… - 6 years ago

@super8hotels: R.I.P. Wah Wah Watson and Freddie Hart - 6 years ago

@NaMuGC: Wah What a consolidation Oracle buys open source MySQL (DB) IBM buys open source RedHat (OS) IBM also has OS/2 wit… - 6 years ago

@debseptiorini: Wah, seminggu bisa 3x kali nih mampir ke watson 😵 - 6 years ago

@RitchPalmBeach: Melvin Ragin (December 8, 1950 – October 24, 2018), better known by the nickname "Wah Wah Watson", was an American… - 6 years ago

@pigmeocosmico: RT @premierguitar: With his rhythmic skill and creative daring, the inventive guitarist proved that the wah pedal was much more than a gimm… - 6 years ago

@emSnj5j6yhoJGaY: RT @supershack1: Wah Wah Watson - Goo Goo Wah Wah - 1976 - 6 years ago

@supershack1: Wah Wah Watson - Goo Goo Wah Wah - 1976 - 6 years ago

@premierguitar: With his rhythmic skill and creative daring, the inventive guitarist proved that the wah pedal was much more than a… - 6 years ago

@control51653190: RT @GAAlbright: We lost a dear friend and musical icon of our industry recently, Wah Wah Watson. His approach to the guitar simply could no… - 6 years ago

@LenapeCreative: RT @Motown_Museum: Motown Museum remembers #FunkBrothers guitarist Melvin “Wah Wah Watson” Ragin–who passed away October 24, 2018. Condolen… - 6 years ago

@BrownBrian333: RT @the1res: In memory of my friend, mentor and legend, Wah Wah Watson... Full song here #wahwahwatson #melvinragi… - 6 years ago

@AlphaDigger: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@_MAXWELLl_: RT @_MAXWELL_: feeling no SHAME 🌔 s/o to the 🗳 artist #hankwillisthomas #midterms #vote #diversity @for_freedoms ✊🏾• vote 🗳 #feelnoshame •… - 6 years ago

@_MAXWELLl_: RT @_MAXWELL_: RIH • WAH WAH WATSON 🎸 🌕 - 6 years ago

@booah69: RT @_MAXWELL_: feeling no SHAME 🌔 s/o to the 🗳 artist #hankwillisthomas #midterms #vote #diversity @for_freedoms ✊🏾• vote 🗳 #feelnoshame •… - 6 years ago

@DonaldBrascoe: RT @GAAlbright: We lost a dear friend and musical icon of our industry recently, Wah Wah Watson. His approach to the guitar simply could no… - 6 years ago

@carlacrudup: RT @GAAlbright: We lost a dear friend and musical icon of our industry recently, Wah Wah Watson. His approach to the guitar simply could no… - 6 years ago

@SaragemelasSara: RT @DiegoAManrique: Muere WAH WAH WATSON, 67 años. Guitarrista que, como indica su nombre, dominaba el pedal de gua-gua y que tocó con infi… - 6 years ago

@shigeHAPPYDAYoz: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報1 ワウ・ワウ・ワトソン Wah Wah Watson 本名 Melvin Ragin 2018年10月24日カリフォルニア州で死去。67歳。ソウル、ファンクのギタリスト、モータウンのファンク・ブラザーズの一員。1950年12月8日… - 6 years ago

@astroenside: RT @DiegoAManrique: Muere WAH WAH WATSON, 67 años. Guitarrista que, como indica su nombre, dominaba el pedal de gua-gua y que tocó con infi… - 6 years ago

@AsianBluesPrdns: RT @KazGabay: This is a true music maestro. Remember seeing Wah Wah Watson play with @_MAXWELL_ at the Boardwalk in Manchester - 6 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @TotalGuitar: Motown guitar icon Wah Wah Watson dies aged 67 - 6 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @MusicRadar: Motown guitar icon Wah Wah Watson dies aged 67 - 6 years ago

@DrPostALot: RT @the1res: In memory of my friend, mentor and legend, Wah Wah Watson... Full song here #wahwahwatson #melvinra… - 6 years ago

@DrPostALot: RT @the1res: In memory of my friend, mentor and legend, Wah Wah Watson... Full song here #wahwahwatson #melvinragi… - 6 years ago

@zasito: RT @DiegoAManrique: Muere WAH WAH WATSON, 67 años. Guitarrista que, como indica su nombre, dominaba el pedal de gua-gua y que tocó con infi… - 6 years ago

@kumamott: RT @Bells1info: さようなら…愛すべき人 Melvin”Wah Wah” Watson - 6 years ago

@deus_japan: RT @billboard: Longtime Motown guitarist Wah Wah Watson has died at 67 - 6 years ago

@recordgris: そっか~Wah Wah Watson も亡くなってたのね(沈) - 6 years ago

@Bells1info: さようなら…愛すべき人 Melvin”Wah Wah” Watson - 6 years ago

@unclecrizzle: In honor of the great Wah-Wah Watson, here’s a playlist I assembled. #RIP - 6 years ago

@neosouldude: RT @premierguitar: With his rhythmic skill and creative daring, the inventive guitarist proved that the wah pedal was much more than a gimm… - 6 years ago

@TomokiSanders: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報1 ワウ・ワウ・ワトソン Wah Wah Watson 本名 Melvin Ragin 2018年10月24日カリフォルニア州で死去。67歳。ソウル、ファンクのギタリスト、モータウンのファンク・ブラザーズの一員。1950年12月8日… - 6 years ago

@BronxFilm: Wah Wah Watson, Guitarist for Marvin Gaye and Michael Jackson, Dead at 67 : R I P Former Funk Brother Melvin Ragin… - 6 years ago

@TiteCalvo: RT @DiegoAManrique: Muere WAH WAH WATSON, 67 años. Guitarrista que, como indica su nombre, dominaba el pedal de gua-gua y que tocó con infi… - 6 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @SoulBounce: #RWND: RIP @WAHWAHWATSONMUS (1950-2018) 🙏🏾 - 6 years ago

@africano79: RT @GuitarPlayerNow: Born Melvin Ragin, he lent his signature licks to the Temptations, Marvin Gaye and many others - 6 years ago

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