W. S. Merwin

American poet
Died on Friday March 15th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to W. S. Merwin:

@FWWinterberg: Frankfurter Anthologie: W.S. Merwin: „Für den Jahrestag meines Todes“ - 6 years ago

@KathleenLevey: His poems were a “covenant with the natural world,” W.S. Merwin remembered by Rita Dove @CopperCanyonPrs… - 6 years ago

@shilpany18: RT @ranjithoskote: Every year without knowing it I have passed the day When the last fires will wave to me And the silence will set out… - 6 years ago

@FredrikStHagen: RT @omiamifestival: “Tell me what you see vanishing and I’ll tell you who you are” - W.S. Merwin, R.I.P. - 6 years ago


@keenonwords: BERRYMAN by W.S. Merwin “I asked how can you ever be sure that what you write is really any good at all and he said… - 6 years ago

@Zahra_K_Afridi: "Your absence has gone through me Like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color." —W. S Merwin, Separation - 6 years ago

@603golfdrive: RT @CopperCanyonPrs: "[MERWIN's] poems utilize great precision to illuminate the dimensions of existence that forever remain indistinct and… - 6 years ago

@sebadp: RT @yellow_wood_rd: “We are asleep with compasses in our hands.” W.S. Merwin - 6 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @yellow_wood_rd: “We are asleep with compasses in our hands.” W.S. Merwin - 6 years ago

@summerpierre: I'm putting this up above my desk: "if you have to be sure don’t write" W.S. Merwin on his mentor, John Berryman… - 6 years ago

@mikevanderosen: This week's Brain Pickings... How is an artist to live with that sacred, terrifying uncertainty with which all crea… - 6 years ago

@Afaa_Weaver: Remembering you fondly and with gratitude for all your support over the years. We met with Lucille Clifton years ag… - 6 years ago

@lisalisathom: Astrophysicist and Author Janna Levin Reads "Berryman" by W.S. Merwin: Some of the Finest and Most Soul-Salving Adv… - 6 years ago

@HelmutGabel: Auch dies. Ein Hörgenuss zum Sonntags Ausklang: W.S. Merwin: „Für den Jahrestag meines Todes“ / „For the Anniversar… - 6 years ago

@missb62: RT @jesterholm: "...I asked how can you ever be sure that what you write is really any good at all and he said you can’t you can’t you can… - 6 years ago

@t_orpidman: RT @SUBPRESS_UP: oley w.s. merwin rene ricard essex hemphill zeynep alpaslan ej koch mary oliver sandra beasley jon… - 6 years ago

@EdHeadington: RT @NewYorker: The poems of W. S. Merwin’s mature career were often Delphic, haunted, and bleak. They seemed to have been delivered unto hi… - 6 years ago

@Ulusbar2: RT @SUBPRESS_UP: oley w.s. merwin rene ricard essex hemphill zeynep alpaslan ej koch mary oliver sandra beasley jon… - 6 years ago

@TonyaFo87572233: RT @CopperCanyonPrs: "Rita, don’t you pay tribute to the moon when she comes out?” Rita Dove remembers W.S. MERWIN (via @TIME): - 6 years ago

@61Mudu: RT @brainpicker: Weekly highlights: Remembering W.S. Merwin with the greatest advice on creative work ever committed to words, Nobel-winnin… - 6 years ago

@jdyf333: The poet W.S. Merwin died recently. He was put in a "psycho ward" in a hospital around 1946 because he was a pacifi… - 6 years ago

@petrbohy: RT @brainpicker: "you can never be sure you die without knowing whether anything you wrote was any good if you have to be sure don’t write"… - 6 years ago

@Matt_Stefon: RT @anntownsendpoet: ⁦@davidbakerpoet⁩ paying tribute to W.S. Merwin — his poems, his capacity for durable friendship —in the ⁦@kenyonrevie… - 6 years ago

@NathanSuhrSy: RT @TheAtlantic: W.S. Merwin's poems express a longing for less impact on the world, rather than dominance over it. @gestalthunter reflects… - 6 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @lithub: "Read what you want to. If you like to read Hallmark greetings cards, then read lots of Hallmark greeting cards." From a beaut… - 6 years ago

@pontiuslabar: The W.S.B.I.G. mixtape will drop in Portland. Merwin poems in conversation with Biggie Smalls tracks. - 6 years ago

@thatgirlneenz: RT @DinnerPartiers: Very into those poems that never leave you, #grief related or otherwise. You might even say we're stitched with their c… - 6 years ago

@TexasObserver: Remembering W.S. Merwin, Honorary Texan - 6 years ago

@CliffBrooks3: RT @CopperCanyonPrs: Naomi Shihab Nye remembers W.S. MERWIN, who "liked pausing by roadsides everywhere in Texas to examine plants, pocket… - 6 years ago

@Alexandria_SZ: Astrophysicist and Author Janna Levin Reads “Berryman” by W.S. Merwin: Some of the Finest and Most Soul-Salving Adv… - 6 years ago

@shadowsforlight: RT @holdengraber: “For some time I thought there was time” ~ W. S. Merwin, R. I. P. - 6 years ago

@rams830: RT @CopperCanyonPrs: Naomi Shihab Nye remembers W.S. MERWIN, who "liked pausing by roadsides everywhere in Texas to examine plants, pocket… - 6 years ago

@Rebeccablitz1: RT @CopperCanyonPrs: Naomi Shihab Nye remembers W.S. MERWIN, who "liked pausing by roadsides everywhere in Texas to examine plants, pocket… - 6 years ago

@pinuppoet: RT @CopperCanyonPrs: Naomi Shihab Nye remembers W.S. MERWIN, who "liked pausing by roadsides everywhere in Texas to examine plants, pocket… - 6 years ago

@LandLibrary: RT @CopperCanyonPrs: Naomi Shihab Nye remembers W.S. MERWIN, who "liked pausing by roadsides everywhere in Texas to examine plants, pocket… - 6 years ago

@witavorr: RT @CopperCanyonPrs: Naomi Shihab Nye remembers W.S. MERWIN, who "liked pausing by roadsides everywhere in Texas to examine plants, pocket… - 6 years ago

@CopperCanyonPrs: Naomi Shihab Nye remembers W.S. MERWIN, who "liked pausing by roadsides everywhere in Texas to examine plants, pock… - 6 years ago

@Rogue_Press_: RT @CutterStreeby: W. S. Merwin “was more than a mere observer; he was an activist, too, and fought throughout his life to oppose war and d… - 6 years ago

@tundra1042: RT @ranjithoskote: Every year without knowing it I have passed the day When the last fires will wave to me And the silence will set out… - 6 years ago

@quijotesancho78: RT @TomMir7: Homenaje a Merwin. "Pregunté cómo puede uno estar seguro / de que lo que escribe es bueno / y dijo: No se puede. / Nunca pod… - 6 years ago

@hotsauceboxed: RT @CloseTalking: NEW EP! W. S. Merwin's recent passing got @hotsauceboxed & @JackRossiterMun thinking about the elegantly structured "For… - 6 years ago

@AnnCrewsMelton: RT @yellow_wood_rd: “We are asleep with compasses in our hands.” W.S. Merwin - 6 years ago

@varungowda: RT @hikeswithbooks: “On the last day of the world I would want to plant a tree” - W. S. Merwin #inspiration #WSMerwin - 6 years ago

@JrGothDetective: RT @yellow_wood_rd: “We are asleep with compasses in our hands.” W.S. Merwin - 6 years ago

@Dr_Hyde_: RT @yellow_wood_rd: “We are asleep with compasses in our hands.” W.S. Merwin - 6 years ago

@nejsnave: RT @yellow_wood_rd: “We are asleep with compasses in our hands.” W.S. Merwin - 6 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @yellow_wood_rd: “We are asleep with compasses in our hands.” W.S. Merwin - 6 years ago

@chaplinscourage: RT @hikeswithbooks: “On the last day of the world I would want to plant a tree” - W. S. Merwin #inspiration #WSMerwin - 6 years ago

@drronstrand: Astrophysicist and Author Janna Levin Reads “Berryman” by W.S. Merwin: Some of the Finest and Most Soul-Salving Adv… - 6 years ago

@chaplinscourage: RT @brainpicker: "you can never be sure you die without knowing whether anything you wrote was any good if you have to be sure don’t write"… - 6 years ago

@GaussJylle: RT @TheAmScho: "we have forgotten what it is like to be you who do not remember us" - 6 years ago

@AHHEresearch: RT @parisreview: W. S. Merwin “was more than a mere observer; he was an activist, too, and fought throughout his life to oppose war and dir… - 6 years ago

@LouMichels: RT @ajholda: ‘In a tiny cafe, William entered into an animated conversation with a local rancher about land & weather & time ... the cashie… - 6 years ago

@sebastiane_h: '... and our ears are formed of the sea as we listen' W.S. Merwin - 6 years ago

@TheAmScho: "we have forgotten what it is like to be you who do not remember us" - 6 years ago

@feetonthemap: RT @rajatub: you can never be sure you die without knowing whether anything you wrote was any good if you have to be sure don’t write -… - 6 years ago

@Wsterrell: RT @CloseTalking: NEW EP! W. S. Merwin's recent passing got @hotsauceboxed & @JackRossiterMun thinking about the elegantly structured "For… - 6 years ago

@JamesPMorrison: Astrophysicist and Author Janna Levin Reads "Berryman" by W.S. Merwin: Some of the Finest and Most Soul-Salving Adv… - 6 years ago

@tcboyle: W. S. Merwin, RIP. I love his work and chose one of his poems as the epigraph for Water Music. - 6 years ago

@SusanMoorePDX: RT @literaryarts: After over a half-century of literary & civic contributions, W.S. Merwin passed away March 15, 2019. Tonight's #LitArchiv… - 6 years ago

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