W. H. Pugmire

American writer.
Died on Thursday March 28th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to W. H. Pugmire:

@ProjectEntNet: W. H. PUGMIRE REMEMBRANCE = The Horror Show With Brian Keene - Ep 214 - 6 years ago

@ProjectEntNet: W. H. PUGMIRE REMEMBRANCE = The Horror Show With Brian Keene - Ep 214 - 6 years ago

@RomanSanzMouta: RT @DeLovecraft: El pasado 26 de marzo se apagó una estrella; una especial y única, variopinta en sus cuantiosas excepciones, un prefecto d… - 6 years ago

@Peter_Germany: RT @ArmandAuthor: W. H. PUGMIRE REMEMBRANCE = The Horror Show With Brian Keene - Ep 214 - 6 years ago


@Meteornotes: RT @ArmandAuthor: W. H. PUGMIRE REMEMBRANCE = The Horror Show With Brian Keene - Ep 214 - 6 years ago

@HPL_JDeLaughter: RT @El_Tolkienista: El pasado 26 de marzo se apagó una estrella; una especial y única, variopinta en sus cuantiosas excepciones, un prefect… - 6 years ago

@ArmandAuthor: W. H. PUGMIRE REMEMBRANCE = The Horror Show With Brian Keene - Ep 214 - 6 years ago

@AuroraDoradaEd: RT @AmparoMontejano: El pasado 26 de marzo se apagó una estrella; una especial y única, variopinta en sus cuantiosas excepciones, un prefec… - 6 years ago

@DraJ2003: RT @DeLovecraft: El pasado 26 de marzo se apagó una estrella; una especial y única, variopinta en sus cuantiosas excepciones, un prefecto d… - 6 years ago

@El_Tolkienista: El pasado 26 de marzo se apagó una estrella; una especial y única, variopinta en sus cuantiosas excepciones, un pre… - 6 years ago

@DeLovecraft: El pasado 26 de marzo se apagó una estrella; una especial y única, variopinta en sus cuantiosas excepciones, un pre… - 6 years ago

@Ancient0History: RT @AmparoMontejano: El pasado 26 de marzo se apagó una estrella; una especial y única, variopinta en sus cuantiosas excepciones, un prefec… - 6 years ago

@AmparoMontejano: El pasado 26 de marzo se apagó una estrella; una especial y única, variopinta en sus cuantiosas excepciones, un pre… - 6 years ago

@AskLovecraft: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@Punktowner: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@OccultDetective: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@LordFroggy: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@MrGaunt: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@drskyskull: Oh, wow. I didn’t realize that W.H. Pugmire had passed on. He once wrote a nice comment on my blog after I reviewed… - 6 years ago

@thesecasey: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@BrianKeene: RT @ProjectEntNet: W. H. PUGMIRE REMEMBRANCE = The Horror Show With Brian Keene - Ep 214 - 6 years ago

@clockswatch: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@Bky0421: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@BCHvids: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@MauriceBroaddus: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@TheNuminous1: RT @BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@thehorrorshowBK: W.H. PUGMIRE REMEMBRANCE - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 214 - 6 years ago

@BrianKeene: On tonight's episode S.T. Joshi, @TheNuminous1, John Pelan, @LeemanKessler, @cookingwithHPL, @MrGaunt and more pay… - 6 years ago

@ProjectEntNet: W. H. PUGMIRE REMEMBRANCE = The Horror Show With Brian Keene - Ep 214 - 6 years ago

@WeirdLit: April discussion group: Gathered Dust, by W.H. Pugmire - 6 years ago

@AqueductPress: We're very sorry to hear of the passing of Seattle author and #Weird fiction master, W.H. Pugmire. - 6 years ago

@DeborahKuhn: RT @NicoleCushing: In this week's episode of Cushing's Bookshelf, I take a look at W.H. Pugmire's 2012 collection UNCOMMON PLACES. - 6 years ago

@WeirdLit: April discussion group: W.H. Pugmire - 6 years ago

@BLFeed: AVAILABLE: Gathered Dust and Others by W. H. Pugmire - - 6 years ago

@GrulichRyan: Goodbye Wilum. The world is a little less colorful now. - 6 years ago

@joelansdale: RT @bargain_horror: Your Free and Bargain Horror Books for Sunday! Great deals on books by W.H. Pugmire, @joelansdale @Punktowner and more!… - 6 years ago

@bargain_horror: Your Free and Bargain Horror Books for Sunday! Great deals on books by W.H. Pugmire, @joelansdale @Punktowner and m… - 6 years ago

@BLFeed: AVAILABLE: Gathered Dust and Others by W. H. Pugmire - - 6 years ago

@Punktowner: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@raskolnik2: RT @OuiSuzette: live Our Friend, W.H. Pugmire - 6 years ago

@willtij01: By the late W.H. Pugmire on Kindle is free. How long I don't know. Gathered Dust and Others - 6 years ago

@HPL_JDeLaughter: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@El_Tolkienista: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@willtij01: Happening now. Our Friend, W.H. Pugmire - 6 years ago

@OuiSuzette: live Our Friend, W.H. Pugmire - 6 years ago

@StefanDz11: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@Jon__Padgett: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@SPMiskowski: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@TheNuminous1: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you c… - 6 years ago

@ascannerburkely: RT @onazorb: gathered dust by W H Pugmire is currently free for kindle - 6 years ago

@onazorb: gathered dust by W H Pugmire is currently free for kindle - 6 years ago

@pibgame: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@Punktowner: I'll be one of the guests today on the Lovecraft eZine webcast, discussing W. H. Pugmire. "...if you watch the show… - 6 years ago

@kresby2: RT @Punktowner: I have learned that the late W. H. Pugmire's superb weird fiction collection, GATHERED DUST AND OTHERS, is currently free f… - 6 years ago

@Jason_White74: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@pigserpent: R.I.P. - 6 years ago

@DreadSinister: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@siqintbruce: @WeirdWebzine Thanks. Good to hear that he will be translated to Swedish. I only met W.H. Pugmire once briefly (and… - 6 years ago

@BlueTyson: RT @Punktowner: I have learned that the late W. H. Pugmire's superb weird fiction collection, GATHERED DUST AND OTHERS, is currently free f… - 6 years ago

@SarahEGlenn: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@RobSmith3: RT @Punktowner: I have learned that the late W. H. Pugmire's superb weird fiction collection, GATHERED DUST AND OTHERS, is currently free f… - 6 years ago

@Punktowner: I have learned that the late W. H. Pugmire's superb weird fiction collection, GATHERED DUST AND OTHERS, is currentl… - 6 years ago

@Punktowner: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@lovecraftezine: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@SentinelHillPrs: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@GreatCthulhu420: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@Earth_Woman1: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@willtij01: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@HPLHS: RT @misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you can… - 6 years ago

@misanthropemike: In which we remember our friend W.H. Pugmire: If you watch the show live on Youtube, you c… - 6 years ago

@redolfi_tony: hey @GRRMspeaking this is the janitor from the catcher in the rye book, you can call me ORANGETORO now, did you rea… - 6 years ago

@_paulroberts: @acephalemagic RIP W. H. Pugmire - 6 years ago

@wafaabbas2005: W. H. Pugmire Bio, Wiki, Age, Married, Net Worth, Twitter, Instagram, Known Facts - 6 years ago

@Frimp13: RT @mrchristianread: I would have very much liked to have met the gay cross dressing Mormon punk W.H Pugmire. He was perhaps the finest neo… - 6 years ago

@Velvetica: RT @arkhamlibrarian: I am very sad to hear of the passing of W.H. (Wilum Hopfrog) Pugmire, one of the great modern-day Lovecraftian writers… - 6 years ago

@vidarrbjorn: I’m so sad to hear about the passing of W.H. Pugmire. He was of the writers that opened Lovecraft up to the LGBTQ c… - 6 years ago

@Den_Chu: RT @zealotofBW: RT> The Children of Cthulhuなどの著作で知られるクトゥルフ神話作家W. H. Pugmire氏が亡くなった。 - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: W. H. Pugmire (67) American horror writer - 6 years ago

@siemers: RT @arkhamlibrarian: I am very sad to hear of the passing of W.H. (Wilum Hopfrog) Pugmire, one of the great modern-day Lovecraftian writers… - 6 years ago

@jevbeckford: RT @WilliamBitner: RIP W.H. Pugmire, literary legend of the weird and wonderful. - 6 years ago

@jevbeckford: RT @CityLightsLondn: RIP "W.H.Pugmire; queer punk transvestite mormon lovecraftian author..." - 6 years ago

@ArkhamInsiders: RT @arkhamlibrarian: I am very sad to hear of the passing of W.H. (Wilum Hopfrog) Pugmire, one of the great modern-day Lovecraftian writers… - 6 years ago

@latterdayhaunts: RT @motleyvision: RIP W.H. Pugmire: - 6 years ago

@MikeCookAuthor: RT @HorrorPaperback: The Strange Dark One by W.H. Pugmire (May 3, 1951 – March 26, 2019). #horror #Cthulhu - 6 years ago

@WillGrabowski: Thank you for your cosmic vision and the work born from it. - 6 years ago

@kvolle: I'm sad that I only found cosmic horror author Wilum Pugmire after his death. His prose has a frenzied and dream-li… - 6 years ago

@roller_jon: RT @WeirdLit: Editor Spotlight: W. H. Pugmire – Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein - 6 years ago

@WeirdLit: Editor Spotlight: W. H. Pugmire – Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein - 6 years ago

@mrchristianread: I would have very much liked to have met the gay cross dressing Mormon punk W.H Pugmire. He was perhaps the finest… - 6 years ago

@CPANJGamble: RT @arkhamlibrarian: I am very sad to hear of the passing of W.H. (Wilum Hopfrog) Pugmire, one of the great modern-day Lovecraftian writers… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for W. H. Pugmire - #WHPugmire #W. #H.Pugmire #rip - 6 years ago

@miguelfen: W.H. Pugmire (1951-2019) - 6 years ago

@willtij01: Wandering-dreaming as I often did Through Sesqua of both beauty and horror Suddenly struck to my knees Laughter of… - 6 years ago

@Ashbless: RT @Punktowner: The Locus web site reports on the passing of my dear friend, writer W. H. Pugmire: #whpugmire #locu… - 6 years ago

@Punktowner: The Locus web site reports on the passing of my dear friend, writer W. H. Pugmire: #whpugmire #locusonline - 6 years ago

@HaikuFictionDJU: RT @Ancient0History: This month, our spotlight on Lovecraftian editors is cast on the late W. H. Pugmire - who adored Lovecraft, but encour… - 6 years ago

@ManiTheUncanny: RT @Ancient0History: This month, our spotlight on Lovecraftian editors is cast on the late W. H. Pugmire - who adored Lovecraft, but encour… - 6 years ago

@GreatCthulhu420: RT @Ancient0History: This month, our spotlight on Lovecraftian editors is cast on the late W. H. Pugmire - who adored Lovecraft, but encour… - 6 years ago

@David_JWest: RT @Ancient0History: This month, our spotlight on Lovecraftian editors is cast on the late W. H. Pugmire - who adored Lovecraft, but encour… - 6 years ago

@renfestklingon: W.H. Pugmire (1951-2019) - 6 years ago

@L3Fundacion: RT @locusmag: W.H. Pugmire (1951-2019) - 6 years ago

@wikireaper: W. H. Pugmire, American horror writer, has shuffled off this mortal coil. - 6 years ago

@HPL_JDeLaughter: RT @Ancient0History: This month, our spotlight on Lovecraftian editors is cast on the late W. H. Pugmire - who adored Lovecraft, but encour… - 6 years ago

@Ancient0History: This month, our spotlight on Lovecraftian editors is cast on the late W. H. Pugmire - who adored Lovecraft, but enc… - 6 years ago

@WilliamBitner: RIP W.H. Pugmire, literary legend of the weird and wonderful. - 6 years ago

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