Vsevolod Chaplin

Russian Orthodox clergyman
Died on Sunday January 26th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Vsevolod Chaplin:

@mstepczyk: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@makaka_dotcom: Протоиерей Всеволод Чаплин: Настоящая элита – это люди, готовые в любой момент к войне с Западом - 5 years ago

@KARATAYZafer: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@adrianadastra: RT @XSovietNews: Hardline Orthodox cleric Vsevolod Chaplin has been added to the list of suspicious Russia-related deaths. - 5 years ago


@lepshinp: RT @lepshinp: Как Всеволод Чаплин стал ультранационалистическим лицом РПЦ и почему в конце жизни лишился всего, кроме прихода: - 5 years ago

@tadrow: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@BradieMcguire: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@ALLinONEboat: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@uffedreesen: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@appliedsoft: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@agolubowitsch: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@nehoez: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@JanetETennessee: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@altdogcatcher: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@Pathfinder1001: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@MrsH_Jackson: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@777hjr: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@OneTreeOneWorld: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@wizardofogg2: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@LydisDeckers: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@sistercrow: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@Anne_not_a_bot: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@razhuyarevatel: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@lovemychris: RT @XSovietNews: Putin's thugs are harassing people who are picketing in front of the FSB building in Moscow in support of political prison… - 5 years ago

@MaydayRRRocks: Всеволод Чаплин написал книгу с педофилией, садо-мазо и некрофилией - 5 years ago

@NekropoleRIP: Всеволод Чаплин Священник, пастор, - 5 years ago

@DonetskayaUkra: RT @dneprlena: для "саюзнава гасударства" оркостана і бл@руССіі чаплін, виявляється, "однин из ярких, символичных ф… - 5 years ago

@maria09121953: RT @dneprlena: для "саюзнава гасударства" оркостана і бл@руССіі чаплін, виявляється, "однин из ярких, символичных ф… - 5 years ago

@retribution77: RT @dneprlena: для "саюзнава гасударства" оркостана і бл@руССіі чаплін, виявляється, "однин из ярких, символичных ф… - 5 years ago

@podilskyi: RT @dneprlena: для "саюзнава гасударства" оркостана і бл@руССіі чаплін, виявляється, "однин из ярких, символичных ф… - 5 years ago

@tatyana17112009: RT @dneprlena: для "саюзнава гасударства" оркостана і бл@руССіі чаплін, виявляється, "однин из ярких, символичных ф… - 5 years ago

@konoto_p: RT @dneprlena: для "саюзнава гасударства" оркостана і бл@руССіі чаплін, виявляється, "однин из ярких, символичных ф… - 5 years ago

@dneprlena: для "саюзнава гасударства" оркостана і бл@руССіі чаплін, виявляється, "однин из ярких, симв… - 5 years ago

@opd_voshod: Человек Кирилла. Что сделал для Русской церкви Всеволод Чаплин - - 5 years ago

@lavickayavi: Всеволод Чаплин похоронен на Троекуровском кладбище - 5 years ago

@Vik8888Viktop: RT @prankotura: Все кто попадают в Чистилище Миротворца - умирают. - 5 years ago

@Barthsnotes: RT @RFERL: Russian Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, a high-ranking clergyman known for speaking out on social and political issues, has died un… - 5 years ago

@s3oTI3cQzwub4dn: RT @SalutimLubov: год нервного Кота - 5 years ago

@belela_g: RT @AnnaSophieGross: This is a chilling video about domestic abuse in Russia. It also contains one of the last interviews by the sinister O… - 5 years ago

@dneprcity: "Во едином часе...". Всеволод Чаплин в своей противоречивой фигуре отобразил всю трагедию РПЦ МП -… - 5 years ago

@obozrevatel_ua: - 5 years ago

@dron1947: «Неудобный батюшка»: протоиерей Всеволод Чаплин закончил свой крестный путь на земле - 5 years ago

@lara_lazar: RT @AlexKokcharov: In #Russia, a prominent Russian Orthodox priest Vsevolod Chaplin died today aged 51. He openly called for dismantling U… - 5 years ago

@uainforg: "Во едином часе...". Всеволод Чаплин в своей противоречивой фигуре отобразил всю трагедию РПЦ МП… - 5 years ago

@lara_lazar: RT @maxseddon: A chilling video on a crucial topic – the Russian domestic violence epidemic and the groundswell of efforts to stop it. Als… - 5 years ago

@AmericnXX: said “women with their defiant appearance and manners can provoke men to rape.” Said that commandment not to kill… - 5 years ago

@foodiesaurus: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@LLLwry: RT @RFERL: Russian Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, a high-ranking clergyman known for speaking out on social and political issues, has died un… - 5 years ago

@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia ☞ At 51, ultraconservative #Russian #Orthodox figurehead #VsevolodChaplin has died. Here’s… - 5 years ago

@tvoi54_ru: От чего умер Всеволод Чаплин. Тихая смерть и яркая жизнь — Новосибирский сайт - 5 years ago

@19skazka20: RT @tjournal: Чаплин был одним из самых известных и неоднозначных лиц РПЦ. Он критиковал патриархию, делал политические заявления и считал,… - 5 years ago

@drujokrichi: RT @tjournal: Чаплин был одним из самых известных и неоднозначных лиц РПЦ. Он критиковал патриархию, делал политические заявления и считал,… - 5 years ago

@Gialynn7: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@StarchyArchie: RT @schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia ☞ At 51, ultraconservative #Russian #Orthodox figurehead #VsevolodChaplin has died. Here’s how hi… - 5 years ago

@JulianHayda: RT @RussRLGNWatch: At 51, ultraconservative #RussianOrthodox figurehead #VsevolodChaplin has died. Here’s how his critics will remember him… - 5 years ago

@Polimath_10: RT @rusencenter: Rusya'da Ortodoks din adamı Vsevolod Chaplin'in ani ölümü konuşuluyor. Chaplin, Kilise sözcüsü iken görevden alınmış ve… - 5 years ago

@Snickeres: Накануне Армагеддона. Свобода. Жизнь. Будущее [Протоиерей Всеволод Чаплин] - 5 years ago

@AngryHag: RT @tjournal: Чаплин был одним из самых известных и неоднозначных лиц РПЦ. Он критиковал патриархию, делал политические заявления и считал,… - 5 years ago

@korneevjr: RT @tjournal: Чаплин был одним из самых известных и неоднозначных лиц РПЦ. Он критиковал патриархию, делал политические заявления и считал,… - 5 years ago

@lynnmark6: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1133) Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin died at the 52nd year of his life. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@TeresaCulhane: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@tjournal: Чаплин был одним из самых известных и неоднозначных лиц РПЦ. Он критиковал патриархию, делал политические заявления… - 5 years ago

@readingrenee: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@SureReality: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@tut_free_ru: Всеволод Чаплин — эпитафия русскому священнику - 5 years ago

@TheAdamUre: RT @RussRLGNWatch: At 51, ultraconservative #RussianOrthodox figurehead #VsevolodChaplin has died. Here’s how his critics will remember him… - 5 years ago

@RussRLGNWatch: At 51, ultraconservative #RussianOrthodox figurehead #VsevolodChaplin has died. Here’s how his critics will remembe… - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 1133) Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin died at the 52nd year of his life. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@brook_jaymes: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@FondPredanie: Книга новопреставленного протоиерея Всеволода Чаплина, христианские мыслители о социальных проблемах, христианство… - 5 years ago

@MomoSaysSo: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@Youngren01: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@PiccolaDonnina: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@genetic_warrior: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@sharonvt75: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@blmohr: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@JP7916: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@mommavandam: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@Magpies1314: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@TammyinMT406: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@EvilMattmos: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@zipillinois: RT @blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the government h… - 5 years ago

@blmohr: “A high-ranking Russian clergyman known for his outspoken social & political commentary & wavering support for the… - 5 years ago

@nehoez: RT @meduza_en: Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin died yesterday at 51. As a young cleric, he held liberal views, but by his 40s, he was decrying… - 5 years ago

@DrKevorkO: RT @meduza_en: Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin died yesterday at 51. As a young cleric, he held liberal views, but by his 40s, he was decrying… - 5 years ago

@Istina313: - 5 years ago

@nikolassad: RT @prankotura: Все кто попадают в Чистилище Миротворца - умирают. - 5 years ago

@JB2RU: Всеволод Чаплин — эпитафия русскому священнику - 5 years ago

@DrygaAS: RT @rednutlets: Протоиерей Всеволод Чаплин умер в воскресенье у храма Феодора Студита у Никитских ворот. Ему был 51 год. - 5 years ago

@alexandre_sgroi: RT @Orthodoxy2019: Former Russian Church spokesman Fr. Vsevolod Chaplin, 51, reposes in the Lord Archpriest Vsevol… - 5 years ago

@iamvorovtsev: Чем мне запомнился протопоп Всеволод Чаплин - 5 years ago

@Kjanos: RT @leonidragozin: The former head of public relations at the Russian Orthodox Church, Vsevolod Chaplin, once said that it is “possible and… - 5 years ago

@jari_jussila: RT @leonidragozin: The former head of public relations at the Russian Orthodox Church, Vsevolod Chaplin, once said that it is “possible and… - 5 years ago

@anna_b_v: Как отец отцу: рецензия Всеволода Чаплина на сериал Соррентино «Молодой папа» - 5 years ago

@80Krop: RT @prankotura: Все кто попадают в Чистилище Миротворца - умирают. - 5 years ago

@HAPE3AK: RT @myrotvorets_: МОЛЬФАРИ СВОЮ СПРАВУ ЗНАЮТЬ. Кондратій і до цього покидька прийшов. Стояв і раптом замертво впав. - 5 years ago

@igumnova_olga: RT @Orthodoxy2019: Former Russian Church spokesman Fr. Vsevolod Chaplin, 51, reposes in the Lord Archpriest Vsevol… - 5 years ago

@Himantero: RT @JNiemelainen: Venäjän yksi tunnetuimmista papeista, Vsevolod Tšaplin on kuollut. Oli ortodoksisen kirkon tiedottaja, mutta joutui epäsu… - 5 years ago

@legorova2611: Всеволод Чаплин. Золотой фонд цитат - 5 years ago

@ahilla_ru: Символы и эпохи: протопресвитер Матфей Стаднюк и протоиерей Всеволод Чаплин - 5 years ago

@RussianInsight: At 51, ultraconservative Russian Orthodox figurehead Vsevolod Chaplin has died. Here's how his critics will remembe… - 5 years ago

@OrthodoxRussian: Former Russian Church spokesman Fr. Vsevolod Chaplin, 51, reposes in the Lord / - 5 years ago

@lepshinp: RT @lepshinp: The writer Aaron Schmeier, who has written on the topic of sexual perversions, has been published many times, and has also re… - 5 years ago

@lepshinp: The writer Aaron Schmeier, who has written on the topic of sexual perversions, has been published many times, and h… - 5 years ago

@__R0nin__: RT @myrotvorets_: МОЛЬФАРИ СВОЮ СПРАВУ ЗНАЮТЬ. Кондратій і до цього покидька прийшов. Стояв і раптом замертво впав. - 5 years ago

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