Vojtěch Jasný

Czech film director (September Nights
Died on Saturday November 16th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Vojtěch Jasný:

@Baletka7: Pan režiser Vojtěch Jasný byl veliký umělec!! Bohužel žil v době, která mu nepřála. ❣️ - 5 years ago

@hunynka2001: Ve Zlíně se rozloučili s režisérem Jasným, režisérem trezorového filmu Všichni dobří rodáci - 5 years ago

@iROZHLAScz: Poslední rozloučení s režisérem Vojtěchem Jasným, který se proslavil nejen filmem Všichni dobří rodáci.🎥 - 5 years ago

@davidhrbac: Vojtěch Jasný #VšichniDobříRodáci - 5 years ago


@891filmhouse: Vojtěch Jasný RIP. Another great from the Czech New Wave has left us. #AllMyGoodCountrymen #CzechNewWave - 5 years ago

@Yonnescaut: République tchèque : Vojtěch Jasný est mort | Eurojournalist(e) - 5 years ago

@IntrPaul: Loved this man. Was maybe a little bitter not taking classes w/Milos Forman at the time, but his #PassionForLife &… - 5 years ago

@eurojournaliste: République tchèque : Vojtěch Jasný est mort - 5 years ago

@JoanBleicher: Vojtech Jasny ist am Freitag gestorben. Warum erschien in den deutschen Medien bislang kein Nachruf? - 5 years ago

@JoanBleicher: Vojtěch Jasný – der letzte Nestor unter den großen Regisseuren verstarb | Radio Prague International - 5 years ago

@davidhrbac: Vojtěch Jasný - poslední rozloučení je 23. listopadu ve Zlíně v 15.00 v Městském divadle. #VšichniDobříRodáci - 5 years ago

@monisbukhari: #moniseum : "We were lucky to have known him and benefited greatly from his contribution to our school." - Claude K… - 5 years ago

@monisbukhari: #moniseum : “Vojtech Jasny was a highly intelligent & caring gentleman, who was quick to share his knowledge and ex… - 5 years ago

@NYFA: "We were lucky to have known him and benefited greatly from his contribution to our school." - Claude Kerven, #NYFA… - 5 years ago

@NYFA: “Vojtech Jasny was a highly intelligent & caring gentleman, who was quick to share his knowledge and experience in… - 5 years ago

@tencosediva: Jako jeden z těch, co byli u toho , mohu zodpovědně prohlásit , že to co dělá ten zásadní rozdil mezi Návratem ztra… - 5 years ago

@NedyNadija: Čt 2 Vojtěch Jasný Volné pokračování osudů Všech dobrých rodáků.. - 5 years ago

@hireliveband: RT @rarefilmm: ⭐️ TRIBUTE TO VOJTECH JASNY ON RAREFILMM ⭐️ The Czech director winner of the Jury Special Prize in Cannes for "The Cassandra… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Musician Patrick Campbell; actor Steve Marlo; actress Yildiz Kenter; director Vojtech Jasny; ge… - 5 years ago

@julianhlora: RT @rarefilmm: ⭐️ TRIBUTE TO VOJTECH JASNY ON RAREFILMM ⭐️ The Czech director winner of the Jury Special Prize in Cannes for "The Cassandra… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeAddison87: RT @Ian_Willoughby: RIP great Czech film director Vojtěch Jasný, who has died at the age of 93. I once spent a wonderful hour or two record… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeAddison87: RT @rarefilmm: ⭐️ TRIBUTE TO VOJTECH JASNY ON RAREFILMM ⭐️ The Czech director winner of the Jury Special Prize in Cannes for "The Cassandra… - 5 years ago

@rarefilmm: ⭐️ TRIBUTE TO VOJTECH JASNY ON RAREFILMM ⭐️ The Czech director winner of the Jury Special Prize in Cannes for "The… - 5 years ago

@Ian_Willoughby: RT @KVIFF: “Thank you to all intelligent and sensitive viewers, without whom filmmakers would be up a creek without a paddle,” said directo… - 5 years ago

@sinemafilmnet: RT @KVIFF: “Thank you to all intelligent and sensitive viewers, without whom filmmakers would be up a creek without a paddle,” said directo… - 5 years ago

@MissTrade: Czech filmmaker Vojtech Jasny dies at age 93 - 5 years ago

@Zpravyzmesta: Čt2 - Vojtěch Jasný - dokument Proč Havel? Viděli jste? Úžasná atmosféra ... - 5 years ago

@cineporelmundo: #obituario Fallece el realizador de la #RepublicaCheca Vojtech Jasny - 5 years ago

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