Vladimir Voevodsky

American mathematician
Died on Sunday October 1st 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Vladimir Voevodsky:

@jalmonacidr: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - - 7 years ago

@blancaprr: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@NotiReporta: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@kevinhurlt: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual . - 7 years ago


@ScienceNgc: RT @centerofmath: Vladimir Voevodsky, "one of the giants of our time" dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@gdcurt: RT @johncarlosbaez: Read my obituary of the famous mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky, and the long conversation that follows: - 7 years ago

@shumando: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@romance931fm: #muchaquimica Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@ToddBergin: A math legend just died. He literally reinvented aspects of modern math. - 7 years ago

@kmels: Michael Cohen 1992-2017 and Vladimir Voevodsky 1966–2017 - 7 years ago

@_Hada11_: BBC Mundo - Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@BreismamR: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@SilviaHerant: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@axelexic: Vladimir Voevodsky obit. in NYT says he “changed the meaning of the equals sign.” No mention of Homotopy Type Theory - 7 years ago

@hansen_renate: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@knayeri: Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism: 2722. Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematic... - 7 years ago

@juanmorenogl: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@pierregb: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@GloveLXT: RT @the_IAS: The Institute is deeply saddened by the passing of Vladimir Voevodsky, Professor in the School of Mathematics. - 7 years ago

@PHCNetworks: A math legend just died. He literally reinvented aspects of modern math. - #math - 7 years ago

@DrAmanyAlazraq: RT @ScottPValentine: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@GustavoElAlien: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@fermin771009: BBC Mundo - Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@Alexis_dalcame: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual | Ingeniería Biomédica - 7 years ago

@Alexis_dalcame: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual | @scoopit - 7 years ago

@myriamboutet: BBC Mundo - Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@Telecolor: #TelecolorNoticias Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@RAUL111143: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@Newsoffersbook: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@jaslinfernando: BBC Mundo - Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@expii: Very sad to hear of Vladimir Voevodsky's passing. Rebellious Fields Medallist who reinvented aspects of modern math - 7 years ago

@SecNewsBot: Hacker News - Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@ryf_feed: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@peruenlanoticia: #BreakingNews: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@VickygutiGuti: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@globalissuesweb: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo de igual - 7 years ago

@blaw0013: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@PatLamas: Vladimir Voevodsky, el matemático rebelde que redefinió el signo ... - BBC Mundo - 7 years ago

@AbbySandrs: RT @martyweilwapost: Anecdote not in this:Prof tells grad student: don't like it here?GO HOME. Guy DOES,returns 2 Russia! but comes back h… - 7 years ago

@jdbernalf: RT @RSEF_ESP: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@kc_sci_wri: Obituary: Rethinking the "equals sign" is a fundamental gift to mathematics - 7 years ago

@techreview_pk: Vladimir Voevodsky was a revolutionary #mathematician. Read about him & his research here: - 7 years ago

@MKucka: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@yongjunchun: RT @centerofmath: Vladimir Voevodsky, "one of the giants of our time" dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@LopezCalderon_J: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@zer0jack: RT @johncarlosbaez: Read my obituary of the famous mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky, and the long conversation that follows: - 7 years ago

@fravisc0: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@LaureeTilton: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@mactavish: RT @johncarlosbaez: Read my obituary of the famous mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky, and the long conversation that follows: - 7 years ago

@xregisx: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@AironAngel: RT @Gooroo_io: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51- - 7 years ago

@micheinnz: RT @johncarlosbaez: Read my obituary of the famous mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky, and the long conversation that follows: - 7 years ago

@cain_rob: RT @johncarlosbaez: Read my obituary of the famous mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky, and the long conversation that follows: - 7 years ago

@das_kube: RT @crunchytype: Vladimir Voevodsky, 1966 - 2017 - 7 years ago

@carlosecovay: RT @centerofmath: Vladimir Voevodsky, "one of the giants of our time" dies at 51 - 7 years ago

@VivaNOLA: RIP Vladimir Voevodsky. Can’t overstate his significance. His work will hold mathematicians’ feet to fire in perpet… - 7 years ago

@Gooroo_io: Vladimir Voevodsky, Revolutionary Mathematician, Dies at 51- - 7 years ago

@dann: RT @johncarlosbaez: Read my obituary of the famous mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky, and the long conversation that follows: - 7 years ago

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