Vladimir Nesterov

Russian general director of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Cente.
Died on Wednesday December 28th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Vladimir Nesterov:

@disinformate_ro: RT @Digi24_HD: Unul dintre mai buni ingineri spațiali ruși, Vladimir Nesterov, supranumit „Omul-rachetă”, a murit la sfârșitul anului trecu… - 2 years ago

@RobertG08457593: RT @RangePsychic: Putin’s former top space engineer Vladimir Nesterov dies after facing corruption charges - 2 years ago

@Digi24_HD: Unul dintre mai buni ingineri spațiali ruși, Vladimir Nesterov, supranumit „Omul-rachetă”, a murit la sfârșitul anu… - 2 years ago

@BernardREYNAU11: “Il était surnommé « l’homme fusée ». Ce vendredi 30 décembre, Vladimir Nesterov, l’un des meilleurs ingénieurs rus… - 2 years ago


@JakeSeattleX19: RT @AlexandruC4: Vladimir Nesterov, Putin's "Rocket Man", died on Friday December 30 at the age of 74 in suspicious circumstances - 2 years ago

@MaryMary0414: RT @11tulips: Life in Motherland not always so easy, da? Tsk, be careful! “Vladimir Nesterov passed away on December 30… the fourth senio… - 2 years ago

@caspington: @mfa_russia @KremlinRussia_E @RusEmbUSA @RSGovUK @RusBotschaft @AmbRusFrance @rusembitaly @mission_rf… - 2 years ago

@NeuromirTV2: RT @AlexandruC4: Vladimir Nesterov, Putin's "Rocket Man", died on Friday December 30 at the age of 74 in suspicious circumstances - 2 years ago

@Die_Primel: RT @AlexandruC4: Vladimir Nesterov, Putin's "Rocket Man", died on Friday December 30 at the age of 74 in suspicious circumstances - 2 years ago

@AdinOfCrimea: RT @AlexandruC4: Vladimir Nesterov, Putin's "Rocket Man", died on Friday December 30 at the age of 74 in suspicious circumstances - 2 years ago

@AlexandruC4: Vladimir Nesterov, Putin's "Rocket Man", died on Friday December 30 at the age of 74 in suspicious circumstances - 2 years ago

@melodyisdestiny: RT @11tulips: Life in Motherland not always so easy, da? Tsk, be careful! “Vladimir Nesterov passed away on December 30… the fourth senio… - 2 years ago

@11tulips: Life in Motherland not always so easy, da? Tsk, be careful! “Vladimir Nesterov passed away on December 30… the fo… - 2 years ago

@Jonatha99359751: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@msCrinkle: RT @Den_2042: Vladimir Nesterov, 73, former director of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, has suddenly died. The reaso… - 2 years ago

@JosianeDobler: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@cornic53: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@MandyTiffany1: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov has mysteriously died - 2 years ago

@Kat41414: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@MarcVegan: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@rajaynayaa: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@deTROIEHlne1: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@famesnews: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@musset51: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@RPanh: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@PiuttostoS: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@Eleutheria29: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@ceciranc: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@DamienMey: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@sanzoupet1: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@lavietoutplein: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@colinjocelyne1: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@RompiendoLaOla: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@badosa_cristina: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@SoChiccc: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@mimizaphiratos: RT @TulioWars: 🔵Vladimir Nesterov, who developed the country’s first rocket design since the Soviet era, the Angara, passed away aged 74. 🔵… - 2 years ago

@nathalieniel: RT @Limportant_fr: Quatrième décès suspect dans l'entourage de Poutine en une semaine: Vladimir Nesterov est décédé à l'âge de 74 ans https… - 2 years ago

@mimizaphiratos: RT @Gerashchenko_en: The mysterious deaths of high-ranking 🇷🇺 military officials and engineers continue Vladimir Nesterov, the general con… - 2 years ago

@marifris: RT @TampaTom69: The general designer of new launch vehicles "Angara" Vladimir Nesterov died in Russia. A few days ago, the developer of t… - 2 years ago

@AnastasiaSivach: RT @ADnl: De Russische Raketexpert Vladimir Nesterov is op 74-jarige leeftijd overleden. Het is de vierde persoon uit de entourage van de R… - 2 years ago

@JanHeuvelGouda: RT @ADnl: De Russische Raketexpert Vladimir Nesterov is op 74-jarige leeftijd overleden. Het is de vierde persoon uit de entourage van de R… - 2 years ago

@Ideetje9: RT @DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@PieterHagendoor: RT @NOELreports: Another window opened. In Russia, the general designer of the new Angara launch vehicles, Vladimir Nesterov, died. https:/… - 2 years ago

@_fl01: RT @DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@Torixas: RT @NOELreports: Another window opened. In Russia, the general designer of the new Angara launch vehicles, Vladimir Nesterov, died. https:/… - 2 years ago

@john_barrenger: RT @JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail Online htt… - 2 years ago

@Nouk68: RT @ADnl: De Russische Raketexpert Vladimir Nesterov is op 74-jarige leeftijd overleden. Het is de vierde persoon uit de entourage van de R… - 2 years ago

@Tetrisnet: RT @NASAWatch: Another mystery death in Russia as Russian Angara rocket designer Vladimir Nesterov becomes fourth senior official to die in… - 2 years ago

@Tetrisnet: RT @DailyMailAU: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' - 2 years ago

@Tetrisnet: RT @Gerashchenko_en: The mysterious deaths of high-ranking 🇷🇺 military officials and engineers continue Vladimir Nesterov, the general con… - 2 years ago

@ADnl: De Russische Raketexpert Vladimir Nesterov is op 74-jarige leeftijd overleden. Het is de vierde persoon uit de ento… - 2 years ago

@janiereves: RT @JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail Online htt… - 2 years ago

@ojessen: RT @DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@FotiAma: RT @DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@AliakLeila: - 2 years ago

@4_fella: RT @DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@ClGrivegnee: RT @DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@Fella_IA_X25: RT @DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@Applefilosofen: RT @Gerashchenko_en: The mysterious deaths of high-ranking 🇷🇺 military officials and engineers continue Vladimir Nesterov, the general con… - 2 years ago

@GibbonsMatthew: RT @family_martyn: Oh dear. Losing track, as so many oligarchs are dying accidently. @Edwardbloke @johnsweeneyroar @peterjukes @JohnWest_JA… - 2 years ago

@monasanford44: Putin Syndrome again Vladimir Nesterov, tasked with achieving Putin’s space race dreams, dies mysteriously - repor… - 2 years ago

@petequily: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@Iacynthe: RT @Gerashchenko_en: The mysterious deaths of high-ranking 🇷🇺 military officials and engineers continue Vladimir Nesterov, the general con… - 2 years ago

@pure_prairie: RT @DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@cirkwood: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@NoVisaForSale: - 2 years ago

@DebbieNester1: And another one bites the dust! - 2 years ago

@DomPachino101: - 2 years ago

@DStewart541: RT @JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail Online htt… - 2 years ago

@MvTagliarino: RT @JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail Online htt… - 2 years ago

@1feralkat: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@SammySettanni: RT @JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail Online htt… - 2 years ago

@JuneLeeEverett1: RT @JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail Online htt… - 2 years ago

@DustinHapli: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov has mysteriously died - 2 years ago

@traysay: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@nikkijwalters: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@scottiesn6: RT @JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail Online htt… - 2 years ago

@rockergrldz: RT @JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail Online htt… - 2 years ago

@JLily10303: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov dies: Fourth official in days to 'die mysteriously' | Daily Mail On… - 2 years ago

@KristinaCramer7: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@redlineduck: Putin’s former top space engineer Vladimir Nesterov dies after facing corruption charges - 2 years ago

@SpaceExplorati: Fifth high-profile Russian death in one week as Putin’s ‘rocket man’ Vladimir Nesterov passes away - Euro Weekly Ne… - 2 years ago

@SolTimesNews: RT @RTNNewspaper: #WorldNews Fifth high-profile Russian death in one week as Putin’s ‘rocket man’ Vladimir Nesterov passes away - 2 years ago

@RTNNewspaper: #WorldNews Fifth high-profile Russian death in one week as Putin’s ‘rocket man’ Vladimir Nesterov passes away - 2 years ago

@ShamsaBatool14: Fifth Russian death Putin's space engineer Vladimir Nesterov - 2 years ago

@bobittyboop: RT @dalriad60: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov has mysteriously died - 2 years ago

@chinwind1: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@unatelevizija: Bio je pionirski kreator "najbolje svjetske" rakete Angara #Una #UnaWorld #UnaTV - 2 years ago

@JekyllnnHide: RT @dalriad60: Vladimir Putin's 'rocket man' Vladimir Nesterov has mysteriously died - 2 years ago

@MorankicAmar: RT @Gerashchenko_en: The mysterious deaths of high-ranking 🇷🇺 military officials and engineers continue Vladimir Nesterov, the general con… - 2 years ago

@GhostofFanny: RT @TedAbram1: Vladimir Nesterov, 74, pioneered the “world’s best” Angara rocket for Russia. - 2 years ago

@Tony42600263: RT @TedAbram1: Vladimir Nesterov, 74, pioneered the “world’s best” Angara rocket for Russia. - 2 years ago

@TedAbram1: Vladimir Nesterov, 74, pioneered the “world’s best” Angara rocket for Russia. - 2 years ago

@mtlawmiami: RT @NOELreports: Another window opened. In Russia, the general designer of the new Angara launch vehicles, Vladimir Nesterov, died. https:/… - 2 years ago

@haaohaoo: RT @haaohaoo: Putin's ex-top space engineer #VladimirNesterov dies, the 4th person in Putin's orbit to pass away within a week. His cause a… - 2 years ago

@annejowrites: RT @MplsMe: Vladimir Nesterov, Vladimir Putin's 'Rocket Man', mysteriously dies less than seven days after the equally mysterious deaths o… - 2 years ago

@annejowrites: RT @NOELreports: Another window opened. In Russia, the general designer of the new Angara launch vehicles, Vladimir Nesterov, died. https:/… - 2 years ago

@chaleeboh3131: Another one bites the dust: VLADIMIR PUTIN's former Chief Space Engineer, an accused embezzler, has died at age 74… - 2 years ago

@annejowrites: RT @Gerashchenko_en: The mysterious deaths of high-ranking 🇷🇺 military officials and engineers continue Vladimir Nesterov, the general con… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Vladimir Nesterov, you will be missed - #VladimirNesterov #Vladimir #Nesterov #rip - 2 years ago

@RusslandsD: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@JerryLStirewalt: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@mog7546: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@hansent669: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@bevmac321: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@kampfhex: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@AssmusDaniela: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@FellaJS: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@LamplWenda: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@Kundera87: RT @TimGravett: 🤔Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial complex - Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved i… - 2 years ago

@LaChika2022: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@ALEHDoG: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@RobotArchie: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@tarmo1978: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@dczd23: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@Atle3000: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@dipapip: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@BeterNRE: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@sura_michelle: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

@blagomit: RT @NOELreports: Russian media report another death of a prominent figure in the industrial world, Vladimir Nesterov, who was involved in t… - 2 years ago

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