Vivienne Westwood

British fashion designer.
Died on Thursday December 29th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Vivienne Westwood:

@juYSLiette: RT @wolfiefendi: Bella Hadid for Vivienne Westwood fall/winter 2019 - 2 years ago

@kijie_1310: RT @ladorokii: The hair, the choker, the Vivienne westwood…my point has been made - 2 years ago

@evaclarksonn_: RT @reenarai_: Fashion lost a true visionary and rebel. There will never be another like Vivienne Westwood - 2 years ago

@charmhyune: RT @ladorokii: The hair, the choker, the Vivienne westwood…my point has been made - 2 years ago


@chloe4711: RT @ElphinstoneJack: Wise words from the iconic & revolutionary figure Vivienne Westwood pre Scottish Independence Referendum 2014. She ha… - 2 years ago

@harrywachopiola: RT @virgoessence: RIP Vivienne Westwood, you brought us punk and femininity at the same time 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@thecheapaxe: End of 2022 was like a genuine season finale: Messi finally winning the World Cup to cement his GOAT status Tory… - 2 years ago

@rains_kurage: @0li_3hon (´ー`*)ウンウン 私Vivienne Westwoodしか勝たん人間なんですけど、マリクワはほんとに今日から化粧品部門の推しです笑笑 - 2 years ago

@Eazyozy1: RT @ElphinstoneJack: Wise words from the iconic & revolutionary figure Vivienne Westwood pre Scottish Independence Referendum 2014. She ha… - 2 years ago

@Carolin18651545: RT @spinozait: Pelé è morto, Vivienne Westwood è morta, Ratzinger è morto. E voi cosa fate a capodanno? [@eio] - 2 years ago

@katieann212: RT @RihannaData: rihanna in my favorite vivienne westwood look. - 2 years ago

@Morgan_0209: RT @rang_or_ran: Vivienne Westwood red wool and gold PAGAN KISS beret 비비안 웨스트우드 PAGAN KISS 베레모 - 2 years ago

@8ImtaNuEQ2BQemF: 2日の生存確認画像🐰 コート:Vivienne Westwood パーカー•SK•ON:Angelic Pretty 鞄:MILK 靴:Candy Stripper ヘアゴム:nb ローソン行くのに干支の うさぎさんになって行って… - 2 years ago

@leeknowicecrea: RT @ladorokii: The hair, the choker, the Vivienne westwood…my point has been made - 2 years ago

@Morgan_0209: RT @rang_or_ran: Vivienne Westwood Knit hat with earmuffs 비비안웨스트우드 이어플랩 비니 - 2 years ago

@raquelpgx: Miércoles 28 de diciembre: fallece en Londres la diseñadora, activista y madre del 'punk' Vivienne Westwood. Rest… - 2 years ago

@hyungwoniemoney: RT @MonstaX_Outfits: Minhyuk 230103 VSS S2 #보그싶쇼 EP.86 Louis Vuitton - Blossom Star Ear Stud Earring Bvlgari - S… - 2 years ago

@HumzyTumzy: RT @HumzyTumzy: omg if vivienne westwood was ever my primary school teacher i would literally always be happy - 2 years ago

@qhfzpdlshdprth: RT @rang_or_ran: Vivienne Westwood Heart Pearl Earring 비비안 웨스트우드 하트 펄 귀걸이 - 2 years ago

@qhfzpdlshdprth: RT @rang_or_ran: Vivienne Westwood Lynette Necklace 비비안 웨스트우드 르넷 라지 목걸이 - 2 years ago

@Mima111111111: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@fonkybananas: RT @NPGLondon: Dame Vivienne Westwood 🧡 1941-2022 📸 Vivienne In Her Garden, London 2014 (Dame Vivienne Westwood) by Juergen Teller, 2014 ©… - 2 years ago

@istartedajoke: RT @camilarrregis: rindo muito com a definição famosa que a vivienne westwood mencionou sobre o puritanismo (the haunting fear that somebod… - 2 years ago

@sahelerom: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@dometec: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@Rosamar87077542: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@Kindacalm: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@xagalaga: RT @camilarrregis: rindo muito com a definição famosa que a vivienne westwood mencionou sobre o puritanismo (the haunting fear that somebod… - 2 years ago

@labse85: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@LValsanc: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@WadaniLulua: RT @osamachabbi: The ‘Faux-cul’ (fake bum) bag by Vivienne Westwood for Louis Vuitton (1996) referencing the iconic underwear piece that ap… - 2 years ago

@MaryMor42826059: RT @FITfashionstory: To honor Vivienne Westwood in light of her passing, we’re highlighting her 1990 “Portrait Collection” corset which fea… - 2 years ago

@thebatzy: RT @jacquemusx: Vivienne Westwood doing a twirl to show off she was not wearing panties to receive her Order of the British Empire medal (1… - 2 years ago

@claxngss: RT @amorversace: Vivienne Westwood will always be remembered for her bridal gowns - 2 years ago

@themisandristt: RT @pyschodior: Forever going to be in love with Vivienne Westwood necklaces - 2 years ago

@eldiariony: La leyenda de la moda Vivienne Westwood muere a los 81 años - 2 years ago

@andyl_h: RT @archivedlooks: Vivienne Westwood platform heels - 2 years ago

@b_acamposc1i267: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@BaMunch8: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@WadaniLulua: RT @osamachabbi: “If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim” Vivienne Westwood. - 2 years ago

@BastidaJaquina: RT @BBCNews: Julian Assange to ask for prison leave to attend funeral of Vivienne Westwood, says wife - 2 years ago

@planetamore: RT @BriMalandro: Vivienne Westwood predicting the future of fashion about 25 years ago - 2 years ago

@roryblossoms: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@serenebluer: RT @saintdemie: my fave bella hadid outfit of the year ☆ and ofc it’d be her vintage vivienne westwood fw92 set! - 2 years ago

@codependence22: RT @thegaultier: corsets by vivienne westwood - 2 years ago

@Woodwinecoolers: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@kikieemou: RT @pYSLrada: some of my favorite looks by Vivienne Westwood through the years: a thread <3 1. Vivienne Westwood SS97 - 2 years ago

@IamAlexaOcean: I lost him and Elizabeth in the same year. How devastating is that. Vivienne Westwood just passed as well. Life is very short. - 2 years ago

@AlpacaKaraoke: Vivienne Westwood names their jewelry likes IKEA names their furniture. All stores and website sales suspended out… - 2 years ago

@OhhThatsZee: RT @diorangxl: Vivienne Westwood embossed heart orb bags - 2 years ago

@AsiyaMiya: RT @InadeBree: ‘Culture is necessary for human beings to evolve in better creatures.’ Get A Life: The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood Gian P… - 2 years ago

@JosDom16: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@makinobaracanon: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@paraskip: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@juball15: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@albertrafols: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@zeldaofhyruIe: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@larinasawayama: RT @brownandmossy: The impact Vivienne Westwood had is unmatched. She not only influenced fashion in the west but her work has been referen… - 2 years ago

@pd_thursday: RT @archivedlooks: Vivienne Westwood platform heels - 2 years ago

@Eyestamo: RT @kirkpate: vivienne westwood made me realize that fashion is political. getting to interview her was one of the greatest honors of my li… - 2 years ago

@_Jovontereed: RT @jacquemusx: Vivienne Westwood doing a twirl to show off she was not wearing panties to receive her Order of the British Empire medal (1… - 2 years ago

@oddfuckinglaura: RT @jacquemusx: Vivienne Westwood doing a twirl to show off she was not wearing panties to receive her Order of the British Empire medal (1… - 2 years ago

@NationalistIgbo: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@v_Un_: Vivienne Westwoodしんだの、、、、、しらんかった、、、、、 - 2 years ago

@hobibibi24: RT @brownandmossy: The impact Vivienne Westwood had is unmatched. She not only influenced fashion in the west but her work has been referen… - 2 years ago

@KAP4699: RT @pYSLrada: some of my favorite looks by Vivienne Westwood through the years: a thread <3 1. Vivienne Westwood SS97 - 2 years ago

@LondonWorldCom: Jailed Wikileaks founder Julian Assange intends to apply for leave from prison to attend the funeral of late fashi… - 2 years ago

@sofiasandovc: RT @YouAreMyBezoar: Revolucionaria, disruptiva, subversiva, icónica, única e irrepetible. Vivienne Westwood fue mucho más que una diseñado… - 2 years ago

@NZZaS: Auf die Frage, was einer Frau am besten stehe, antwortete Vivienne Westwood gerne: «Bildung». Und so ist das grösst… - 2 years ago

@roobycon: RT @diorangxl: Vivienne Westwood embossed heart orb bags - 2 years ago

@alexababieee: RT @muglare: faye wong wearing this vivienne westwood fw92 corset - 2 years ago

@dosedangel: Pele, Vivienne Westwood and the Pope - 2 years ago

@theeitgirl_: RT @brownandmossy: The impact Vivienne Westwood had is unmatched. She not only influenced fashion in the west but her work has been referen… - 2 years ago

@rclsistemas: RT @Stella_Assange: It is 2023 but celebrations are meaningless without Julian home. This picture is of New Year 2015, at the stroke of mi… - 2 years ago

@rayaleksandr: RT @calimerowhite2: Vivienne Westwood Here she is on stage with The #SexPistols at Notre Dame Hall in Leicester Sq… - 2 years ago

@Tweetyp50939577: RT @flemingjude: I hope @RishiSunak is able to convince @hmpbelmarsh to allow Julian Assange to attend his close friend's funeral. RIP Vivi… - 2 years ago

@shuzo_cos: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

@Efrenverdugo1: RT @Yeeezyrih: Kanye West and Vivienne Westwood 2007 & 2009 🤍 - 2 years ago

@mvppetlvr: RT @brownandmossy: The impact Vivienne Westwood had is unmatched. She not only influenced fashion in the west but her work has been referen… - 2 years ago

@biggwoodz: RT @PRADAXBBY: carrie bradshaw’s vivienne westwood wedding dress - 2 years ago

@brubarra: RT @camilarrregis: rindo muito com a definição famosa que a vivienne westwood mencionou sobre o puritanismo (the haunting fear that somebod… - 2 years ago

@PLANETATERROR: RT @brownandmossy: The impact Vivienne Westwood had is unmatched. She not only influenced fashion in the west but her work has been referen… - 2 years ago

@lewdladie: RT @jacquemusx: Vivienne Westwood doing a twirl to show off she was not wearing panties to receive her Order of the British Empire medal (1… - 2 years ago

@satanteriyaki: RT @amorversace: Vivienne Westwood will always be remembered for her bridal gowns - 2 years ago

@lecacarla2003: RT @itgirlenergy: I am so fucking devastated. What a loss for the fashion world. RIP Vivienne Westwood </3 I can't believe it. - 2 years ago

@_Elba: RT @spectatorindex: Notable deaths, 2022 Ash Carter Barbara Walters Bill Russell Bob Saget Elizabeth II Franco Harris Gorbachev James Caan… - 2 years ago

@iseecream: RT @Dalest13PT: os héteros em luto pelo pelé os gays pela vivienne westwood - 2 years ago

@stevehoecampo: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@B1MB0Y_: RT @diorangxl: Vivienne Westwood embossed heart orb bags - 2 years ago

@nyxdyes: RT @pYSLrada: 10. Vivienne Westwood SS22 bridal collections - 2 years ago

@bxnmi: RT @guyfierisuprfan: Vivienne Westwood DID something and changed a marginalized subculture into an eccentric mainstream movement. That’s mo… - 2 years ago

@brightplums: RT @archivedlooks: Vivienne Westwood platform heels - 2 years ago

@JenniferBolt11: RT @BBCNews: Julian Assange to ask for prison leave to attend funeral of Vivienne Westwood, says wife - 2 years ago

@edoubz: RT @osamachabbi: “If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim” Vivienne Westwood. - 2 years ago

@BaddieKate: RT @VersaceVenus_: Just a couple of my absolute favourite red carpet Vivienne Westwood moments. Like you can spot it’s Vivienne Westwood fr… - 2 years ago

@pyrettablazw: RT @CanaldoRock: Vivienne Westwood, a provocativa dama da moda britânica, morre aos 81 anos. 'A estilista do punk e da new wave'. #Rock💔🤘#R… - 2 years ago

@smarklepotion: RT @BriMalandro: Vivienne Westwood predicting the future of fashion about 25 years ago - 2 years ago

@MISAKOADACHI: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

@MexicanOprah: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@ashs3xual: RT @jacquemusx: Vivienne Westwood doing a twirl to show off she was not wearing panties to receive her Order of the British Empire medal (1… - 2 years ago

@qualitecamera: Photos of Vivienne Westwood over the years by her good friend Juergen Teller - 2 years ago

@tonychiefin: vivienne westwood seeing y’all rn not wear your necklaces - 2 years ago

@a44141414: RT @dailybjork: björk and vivienne westwood, 2000 - 2 years ago

@redd_otsutuki: RT @JeeceHo: Les mecs story Pelé vs les meufs story Vivienne Westwood - 2 years ago

@Emmytation: RT @MadameGilflurt: A #frockingfabulous bit of Vivienne Westwood! #Shoetiful of 1996, via the Bowes Museum. - 2 years ago

@milkfead: RT @muglare: faye wong wearing this vivienne westwood fw92 corset - 2 years ago

@_thesenozes: RT @gonzavpl: la mina q esta triste xque se murio vivienne westwood y pelé - 2 years ago

@jamejuha1: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@Emma07251763: RT @pYSLrada: corsets by Vivienne Westwood - 2 years ago

@arielonparade: RT @ax888l: les story insta rip pelé vs celles rip vivienne westwood - 2 years ago

@_Deesse21_: RT @jeunetbelle: “Buy less, choose well” - Vivienne Westwood - 2 years ago

@albasfree: RT @ElphinstoneJack: Wise words from the iconic & revolutionary figure Vivienne Westwood pre Scottish Independence Referendum 2014. She ha… - 2 years ago

@CrIsshD: RT @gonzavpl: la mina q esta triste xque se murio vivienne westwood y pelé - 2 years ago

@sra_millenial: RT @StreetFashion01: Vivienne Westwood Product Showcase in Kera Magazine (2003) - 2 years ago

@eslilnigga: RT @StreetFashion01: Vivienne Westwood Product Showcase in Kera Magazine (2003) - 2 years ago

@Soraxxus: RT @jacqueoupei: loved this vivienne westwood fw 2020 moment - 2 years ago

@__Kakarotto: RT @ax888l: les story insta rip pelé vs celles rip vivienne westwood - 2 years ago

@aaamiinaaah: RT @cheyenenorah: Girls every time they remember Vivienne Westwood died (me) - 2 years ago

@Ronald3: RT @SkyNews: In 2020, Dame Vivienne Westwood told Sky News why she supported Julian Assange. The Cheshire-born designer was also well know… - 2 years ago

@Sushiixide: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

@u_xxk: RT @VersaceVenus_: Just a couple of my absolute favourite red carpet Vivienne Westwood moments. Like you can spot it’s Vivienne Westwood fr… - 2 years ago

@GiorgioBaldari: RT @PasDeConneries: Julian Assange to ask for prison release to attend Vivienne Westwood’s funeral #FreeAssangeNOW - 2 years ago

@PrSadia: RT @girldemie: bella hadid wearing a vivienne westwood corset in crochet adorned with floral embellishments from the "on liberty" fall 1994… - 2 years ago

@thirdbike: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@BENITOGHERSI: RT @sickboycoolboy: la muerte de vivienne westwood y de pele me hizo pensar en como las cosas murieron entre nosotros, espero que a tu herm… - 2 years ago

@SmithKavianna: RT @diorangxl: Vivienne Westwood embossed heart orb bags - 2 years ago

@freaktaIking: RT @pYSLrada: some of my favorite looks by Vivienne Westwood through the years: a thread <3 1. Vivienne Westwood SS97 - 2 years ago

@itgirImafe: RT @pyschodior: Forever going to be in love with Vivienne Westwood necklaces - 2 years ago

@LuceroCesp: RT @gonzavpl: la mina q esta triste xque se murio vivienne westwood y pelé - 2 years ago

@_Baronne_: RT @al3yke: Vivienne westwood est morte jvous en supplie allez vous renseigner sur cette bonne femme en dehors des bijoux et voyez à quel p… - 2 years ago

@diana_gatica21: RT @jacquemusx: Vivienne Westwood doing a twirl to show off she was not wearing panties to receive her Order of the British Empire medal (1… - 2 years ago

@thaliarchang: RT @archivedlooks: Vivienne Westwood platform heels - 2 years ago

@ManOfTheHour_: RT @spectatorindex: Notable deaths, 2022 Ash Carter Barbara Walters Bill Russell Bob Saget Elizabeth II Franco Harris Gorbachev James Caan… - 2 years ago

@toky0vivi: RT @muglare: faye wong wearing this vivienne westwood fw92 corset - 2 years ago

@yellowpxz: RT @diorangxl: Vivienne Westwood embossed heart orb bags - 2 years ago

@A_Guilson_K: Esto, no sólo para escucharlo, hay que verlo y quien lo originó se acaba de ir: RIP Vivienne Westwood (Canta Juani… - 2 years ago

@litchibellini: RT @lingerie_addict: One of my favorite Vivienne Westwood garments and image, taken by Herb Ritts in 1992. - 2 years ago

@colinwells2: RT @momofsaul: Op de dag dat Vivienne Westwood sterft, belandt Andrew Tate door toedoen van Greta Thunberg in de bak voor mensenhandel. Go… - 2 years ago

@MusashiG59: RT @USURPATEUR93: Je sors du silence, Nana à donné une carrière à Vivienne Westwood - 2 years ago

@playwityamother: RT @jacquemusx: Vivienne Westwood doing a twirl to show off she was not wearing panties to receive her Order of the British Empire medal (1… - 2 years ago

@hapamusubi: RT @archivedlooks: Vivienne Westwood platform heels - 2 years ago

@svz76: @SignorErnesto Ci ha pensato Vivienne Westwood ad organizzare il party come si deve - 2 years ago

@ItzJustSami: RT @archivedlooks: Vivienne Westwood platform heels - 2 years ago

@riddhipatel1025: RT @korysstorm: Beyonce in custom Vivienne Westwood for the OTR II Tour - 2 years ago

@finstab: RT @johnpilger: My neighbour and friend Vivienne Westwood, who has died, embodied the best of creative, optimistic, generous and eccentric… - 2 years ago

@milfhunter2115: RT @VersaceVenus_: Just a couple of my absolute favourite red carpet Vivienne Westwood moments. Like you can spot it’s Vivienne Westwood fr… - 2 years ago

@lexywexy23: RT @diorangxl: Vivienne Westwood embossed heart orb bags - 2 years ago

@Chenile11: RT @pYSLrada: some of my favorite looks by Vivienne Westwood through the years: a thread <3 1. Vivienne Westwood SS97 - 2 years ago

@yasmina0420: RT @FlLLEFATALE: carrie bradshaw’s iconic vivienne westwood wedding dress ☆ - 2 years ago

@BadMandark: RT @deepa_driver: Did you know that Vivienne #Westwood rented the inner courtyard of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office & trolled the state… - 2 years ago

@thenamessiren: RT @jacquemusx: Vivienne Westwood doing a twirl to show off she was not wearing panties to receive her Order of the British Empire medal (1… - 2 years ago

@pan4hyunjin: RT @brownandmossy: The impact Vivienne Westwood had is unmatched. She not only influenced fashion in the west but her work has been referen… - 2 years ago

@gabizzx__: RT @lowbimbo: ativos choram a morte do pelé passivas da vivienne westwood - 2 years ago

@PRAYFORGOLD: RT @spectatorindex: Notable deaths, 2022 Ash Carter Barbara Walters Bill Russell Bob Saget Elizabeth II Franco Harris Gorbachev James Caan… - 2 years ago

@BackbeatPerth: RIP Vivienne Westwood - 2 years ago

@k0haruu_chan: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@angeIicne: RT @VENUSCHIVE: pendants by vivienne westwood - 2 years ago

@Wheresviktor: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@alisonmacfarla2: RT @PhantomPower14: I think it’s wonderful Scotland wants to separate. It gives me hope. They’re scared and stupid the ones who vote no. -… - 2 years ago

@GaLeRiAnKi: RT @IcyGrlUpdates: Saweetie in Vivienne Westwood 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@JacquesBriet: RT @BBCNews: Julian Assange to ask for prison leave to attend funeral of Vivienne Westwood, says wife - 2 years ago

@adutart: Vivienne Westwood Spring 1994. - 2 years ago

@whiteh0tf0revah: RT @VANITYxVAULT: Dame Vivienne Westwood - 2 years ago

@mieshelley: RT @deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Vivienne Westwood - #VivienneWestwood #Vivienne #Westwood #rip - 2 years ago

@COMMEDELOONA: RT @dailybjork: björk and vivienne westwood, 2000 - 2 years ago

@cynthiarampp: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@depressedoreos: RT @muglare: faye wong wearing this vivienne westwood fw92 corset - 2 years ago

@WnNw_23: RT @archivedlooks: Vivienne Westwood platform heels - 2 years ago

@areyougonnabe: RT @archivedlooks: Vivienne Westwood platform heels - 2 years ago

@huygrs18: RT @NANAsect: Vivienne Westwood’s designs in NANA - 2 years ago

@trulyravingmad: RT @MailOnline: From the Queen to Dame Vivienne Westwood and Robbie Coltrane - the people we said goodbye to in 2022 - 2 years ago

@evesnightmusic: RT @GRIMESBRAZIL: Grimes wearing 'Elizabeth Bolero Dress' by Vivienne Westwood. In memoriam of Vivienne Westwood, The Queen of Punk ⚔️🤍 ht… - 2 years ago

@cherry_sour_: RT @pYSLrada: 3. Vivienne Westwood FW94 - 2 years ago

@charameru: RT @westwood_japan: デイム ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッドの逝去に追悼の意を表し、一部店舗を臨時休業いたします。 12月30日〜1月3日 Vivienne Westwood 青山店、心斎橋店、名古屋店 Vivienne Westwood MAN 表参道店、広… - 2 years ago

@_Constancebille: RT @MaxKilworth: Vivienne Westwood, 1941-2022. RIP 💔 - 2 years ago

@kerryinh: RT @Fool_of_Beauty: some favorite vivienne westwood pieces from her iconic 90s runways 🥀 - 2 years ago

@Neoadolfo: RT @spectatorindex: Notable deaths, 2022 Ash Carter Barbara Walters Bill Russell Bob Saget Elizabeth II Franco Harris Gorbachev James Caan… - 2 years ago

@ntyrkndfprsn: RT @garbage: Vivienne Westwood. A hero of mine. 💔 - 2 years ago

@LTMOON13: RT @GagaAGoGo_: ¡Descansa en paz ángel! 🕊 Vivienne Westwood diseñadora inglesa ha fallecido a los 81 años de edad. Esta diseñadora fue re… - 2 years ago

@marktan9982: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

@dTuJVr46JlMP2H4: えっ(;゚Д゚)! Vivienne Westwood氏が亡くなった! - 2 years ago

@Ekaterimburgo_: RT @ocesa_rock: Vivienne Westwood (DEP) vistió al punk siendo la responsable de la estética de una de las bandas más emblemáticas: Los Sex… - 2 years ago

@ramblegee: RT @missh8ter: the definition of a fashion icon 💔 rip vivienne westwood an absolute trailblazer - 2 years ago

@paulinaog: RT @BoyGeorge: R.I.P to the great and inspiring Vivienne Westwood who lead us through punk and beyond. Laughed at by the fashion industry… - 2 years ago

@atianna58: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

@hanieeehae: sad for my bononie he really looked up to vivienne westwood and wore a bunch of her pieces this past year - 2 years ago

@slicethrushit: RT @ewanmcintosh: Pele and just now Vivienne Westwood. Rest in peace. Can you imagine the mischief this pair will create in whatever might… - 2 years ago

@monilooera: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

@kananann_a: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

@ECSTASYLEE: as a person who works in the fashion industry Vivienne Westwood has always been an inspiration for me, thank you so… - 2 years ago

@mahounoma: RT @1__gezan__3: スペシャルズのTerry HallやVIVIENNE WESTWOODが亡くなって、影響受けてたと語り出す人は多いけど、どうやったら精神性を無視できるのか。 自前の戦車でキャメロン首相の自宅に乗り込つけたり、レイシストフレンズの存在だったり、上… - 2 years ago

@twinkle919stars: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

@Canterbury__C04: つい先日初めてのVivienne Westwoodでの購入品ಠ_ಠ 大切に使おうಠ_ಠ R.I.P - 2 years ago

@PORT1NAR1: meu deus a vivienne westwood morreu ??! - 2 years ago

@sblobit: Vivienne Westwood, la signora del punk che rivoluzionò il costume... (ildenaro) #VivienneWestwood… - 2 years ago

@vvlntina: inconsolavelmente triste com a morte da vivienne westwood - 2 years ago

@renoauto: RT @FollowWestwood: 29th December 2022.  Vivienne Westwood died today, peacefully and surrounded by her family, in Clapham, South London.… - 2 years ago

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