Viviane Gauthier

Haitian dancer.
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Viviane Gauthier:

@managementcultu: Viva Dance for Viviane Gauthier RIP ... - 8 years ago

@DeeJay_actu: RT @nouvelliste: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@PatriciaAllien: RT @TwitJAKO: #Haiti: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@TICKETmaghaiti: Retweeted Le Nouvelliste (@nouvelliste): Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago


@TICKETmaghaiti: RT @nouvelliste: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@TwitJAKO: #Haiti: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@nouvelliste: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@Frantzduval: RT @nouvelliste: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@DorlusHerby: RT @nouvelliste: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@TwitJAKO: #Haiti: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@nouvelliste: Hommage à notre mère spirituelle Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@amadeusjacmel: Jacmel danse pour Viviane Gauthier - 8 years ago

@just_david17: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Viviane Gauthier, you will be missed - #VivianeGauthier #Viviane #Gauthier #rip - 8 years ago

@NieceyBoBC: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@feelmyvibeee: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@IRoss001: RT @ILuvHaiti: #Haiti most famous folklore dancers Viviane Gauthier died on 6/1/17. She was 99 years old. May her soul rest in peace https:… - 8 years ago

@Vismotch: RT @TheNancyRoc: #Haiti La doyenne de la danse traditionnelle, Viviane Gauthier, vient de rendre l'âme à 99 ans. Paix à son âme et hommage… - 8 years ago

@tradisyonnou: In Memoriam Qui était Viviane Gauthier ? - 8 years ago

@chekrony: Viviane Gauthier, notre icône de la danse. - 8 years ago

@haitianhaiti: Lwa koulèv monte moun yo nan Antèman dansèz Viviane Gauthier a (R.I.P.) - 8 years ago

@josee_louisme: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@Sungoddess379: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@rachmag_2: In Memoriam Viviane Gauthier, extrait de l'émission VWA FANM YO - 8 years ago

@AlexaHaiti: RT @Frantzduval: Il y a 35 ans Télé Haïti m'a fait découvrir Viviane Gauthier Ticket m'a permis de l'approcher Elle dansera toujours https:… - 8 years ago

@lauretteb: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@shawpaulag2: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@leaderqueen: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@ShaiiNoMore: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@leahgordonuk: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@Indica_n_I: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@Jolibwa_Nemo: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

@LunionSuite: RT @BuddhistLawyer: Dancers approaching funeral for legendary Haitian dancer Viviane Gauthier. - 8 years ago

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