Vivian Paley

American educator.
Died on Saturday August 3rd 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Vivian Paley:

@Storytellingart: Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling via @forbes - 6 years ago

@AMMorris123: RT @almoon_iteach: #cobbearlylearning If you are an early childhood educator and haven't read any of Vivian Paley books, I highly recommen… - 6 years ago

@S_Molyneaux: RT @alfiekohn: 1/3 The inspirational early-childhood educator & writer Vivian Gussin Paley (1929-2019) gave us all hope by admitting she wa… - 6 years ago

@SAI_NJ: We were very saddened to learn of the passing of Vivian Paley, who passed away last week. Her belief in the power o… - 6 years ago


@TefftNina: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@KristinGristina: RT @NYTNational: Vivian Paley, educator and "genius" grant winner who promoted storytelling, has died at 90. "Vivian gave us a blueprint fo… - 6 years ago

@lauraoleas: RT @alfiekohn: 1/3 The inspirational early-childhood educator & writer Vivian Gussin Paley (1929-2019) gave us all hope by admitting she wa… - 6 years ago

@thousandfabrics: RT @thesarahrose: My kindergarten teacher just died and the world got a little darker. - 6 years ago

@thesarahrose: My kindergarten teacher just died and the world got a little darker. - 6 years ago

@WaysidePublish: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@JenB116: RT @LittlForestFolk: “To her, teaching was not about meeting a bunch of core requirements that you can quantify; it was about being a human… - 6 years ago

@LittlForestFolk: “To her, teaching was not about meeting a bunch of core requirements that you can quantify; it was about being a hu… - 6 years ago

@MsSky21: RT @UCLS_ESH: We will miss our dear colleague, teacher and friend. #eshlab ⁦@uchicagolab⁩ - 6 years ago

@buckledrama: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@LeratokaYise: I took it a step further with a Helicopter Starter Certificate based on Storytelling & Story Acting curriculum of V… - 6 years ago

@jaymeee13: RT @macfound: #MacFellow Vivian Paley is remembered for her work as a teacher and advocate for early childhood storytelling. 📖 - 6 years ago

@itimestraining: Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling via @forbes #storytelling - 6 years ago

@credgray: RT @macfound: #MacFellow Vivian Paley is remembered for her work as a teacher and advocate for early childhood storytelling. 📖 - 6 years ago

@First5LA: @macfound 'Genuis Grant' recipient, teacher and #ECE pioneer Vivian Paley was an early promoter of #storytelling as… - 6 years ago

@diane_will: RT @garystager: This is truly sad news. Anyone concerned with children should read several books by Ms. Paley. Skip the mindfulness and em… - 6 years ago

@akagalmonday: Telling the world where no one hears me... Her appoach is the bible to me, about working with kids. - 6 years ago

@wasmitkindern: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@mfahumadam: 😔😔😔 - 6 years ago

@EliseCrouse1: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@trudyology: Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling - - 6 years ago

@BabyBoatDiaries: RT @NatureNurtures_: ‘Ms. Paley’s teaching approach involved asking children to describe an event, sometimes with only a few words, and the… - 6 years ago

@EpicTalesST: The @nytimes obituary of Vivian Paley, a US educator who promoted storytelling, is an inspiring read for anyone inv… - 6 years ago

@meg_thomas: RT @louisa_penfold: A beautiful read about the life of kindergarten teacher Vivian Paley - a pioneering American educator and author whose… - 6 years ago

@TinkeringStudio: RT @louisa_penfold: A beautiful read about the life of kindergarten teacher Vivian Paley - a pioneering American educator and author whose… - 6 years ago

@CherylRippy: Who doesn't like a great story? - 6 years ago

@petra_vackova: RT @louisa_penfold: A beautiful read about the life of kindergarten teacher Vivian Paley - a pioneering American educator and author whose… - 6 years ago

@FanpagesFB: Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling - 6 years ago

@PhilipCullen: Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling - 6 years ago

@tcomer4418: Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling - 6 years ago

@cgarton32: Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling - 6 years ago

@elmelegey: Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling: Listen to your heart. Ms. Paley f… - 6 years ago

@Nads_1102: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@_carriell: Spending time on natal charts of Toni Morrison (born 1931) and Vivian Paley (born 1929). Each had Sun & Mercury in… - 6 years ago

@EpicTalesST: "She helped children use the tools they have – imagination, sympathy and make-believe – to understand themselves an… - 6 years ago

@alisonmoore52: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@tedfido: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@BrimbleGaynor: RT @NatureNurtures_: ‘Ms. Paley’s teaching approach involved asking children to describe an event, sometimes with only a few words, and the… - 6 years ago

@_carriell: RT @NYTObits: Vivian Paley, innovative educator at U of Chicago Laboratory Schools, dies at 90. She asked children to tell stories, then ha… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Vivian Paley, innovative educator at U of Chicago Laboratory Schools, dies at 90. She asked children to tell storie… - 6 years ago

@ValdesArdelio: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@DrSue22: I have just finished writing my latest monthly news update for Early Years Educator – EYE. This one will be in the… - 6 years ago

@BarryDonaldson7: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@ShernaKhambatta: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@Keep_EYs_Unique: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@hechternacht: RT @Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the corresponding… - 6 years ago

@drnickimath: RT @Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the corresponding… - 6 years ago

@pearldot22: RT @Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the corresponding… - 6 years ago

@hlthiskrieger: RT @Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the corresponding… - 6 years ago

@ShawnnaSweet: Vivian Paley’s groundbreaking book, White Teacher, was eye opening for me in my initial teaching preparation progra… - 6 years ago

@Worldnut: RT @Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the corresponding… - 6 years ago

@UnitedEarth2150: RT @Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the corresponding… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Vivian Paley (90) American child psychologist - 6 years ago

@juliangrenier: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@mrkubicedu: Her work was a big influence on me, especially “White Teacher.” Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling,… - 6 years ago

@CharlotteHerx: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@TchKrieger: RT @Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the corresponding… - 6 years ago

@drdwells: RT @Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the corresponding… - 6 years ago

@Tolerance_org: Last week, we lost Vivian Paley, a friend of TT who contributed to our 1997 book, 'Starting Small' and the correspo… - 6 years ago

@HelenKnauf: RT @SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@SirajIram: A very special kind of teacher. Sad 😔 to hear about death of the wonderful Vivian Gussin Paley RIP - 6 years ago

@DianaRCabral: RT @NYTObits: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@LebronErika: RT @UFT: “To her, teaching was not about meeting a bunch of core requirements that you can quantify; it was about being a human being.” htt… - 6 years ago

@UFT: “To her, teaching was not about meeting a bunch of core requirements that you can quantify; it was about being a hu… - 6 years ago

@AFL1818: RT @alfiekohn: 1/3 The inspirational early-childhood educator & writer Vivian Gussin Paley (1929-2019) gave us all hope by admitting she wa… - 6 years ago

@RemiGK: RT @EpicTalesST: "The methods of Ms Paley were influential, and were adopted by the Boston school system. But they were at odds with the in… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@compellingtalks: - 6 years ago

@EpicTalesST: "The methods of Ms Paley were influential, and were adopted by the Boston school system. But they were at odds with… - 6 years ago

@Alam007H: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@Anne_O: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@JMascarenhasED: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@LittlForestFolk: RT @ece_nerd: “She wasn’t mainstream, and she wasn’t a curriculum person,” Mr. Hornstein said. “To her, teaching was not about meeting a bu… - 6 years ago

@wuhannibal: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@KirstenEaton3: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@nursery_teacher: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@MaylaBear: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@specialsally57: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@juliet_marsham: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@Juliet_Revell: RT @beebryhte: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 (via @Pocket) - 6 years ago

@JRussBriley: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 - 6 years ago

@RLAS19: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@KestrelClass: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

@beebryhte: Vivian Paley, Educator Who Promoted Storytelling, Dies at 90 (via @Pocket) - 6 years ago

@sba1211: RT @pamallyn: “Storytelling is still the only activity I know of, outside of play, that is universally understood and desired by every chil… - 6 years ago

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